Publications and communications of Larry Fort

Mortaheb, S., Fort, L., Mason, N. L., Mallaroni, P., Ramaekers, J. G., & Demertzi, A. (In press). Dynamic Functional Hyperconnectivity after Psilocybin Intake is Primarily Associated with Oceanic Boundlessness. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. doi:10.1101/2023.09.18.558309

Fort, L., Boulakis, P., Mortaheb, S., & Demertzi, A. (2023). Embodied perceptual moderation: How interoceptive and proprioceptive engagement affect perceptual performance. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/8UNZC

Mortaheb, S., Fort, L., Mason, N. L., Signorelli, C. M., Ramaekers, J., & Demertzi, A. (July 2023). Psilocybin administration leads to a recurrent high integrated and low segregated brain pattern [Poster presentation]. Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM).

Fort, L., & Tulloch, I. (2016). Behaviors of a Captive Coenobita clypeatus in the Presence of Varying Light Stimuli. Modern Psychological Studies, 21 (2), 23-32.