Publications and communications of Mathias Sabbe

Sabbe, M., Petit Jean, M., & Parotte, C. (In press). Chapitre 8 – Approfondir une méthode : la méthode Delphi. In Méthodes de recherche qualitatives. Approches et pratiques réflexives en sciences politiques et sociales. Liège, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Liège.

Sabbe, M., & Parotte, C. (19 July 2024). Small Modular Reactors: Scaling Down to Better Scale-up? [Paper presentation]. EASST - 4S conference 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Sabbe, M. (March 2024). La guidance des justiciables: Entre bienveillance administrative et gestion des risques? [Paper presentation]. Justice et communauté, au cœur de la relation, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Sabbe, M., & Parotte, C. (2024). Small Modular Reactors: Scalling Down to Better Scale-up? [Paper presentation]. NESS 2024 Conference.

Sabbe, M. (2023). Internal Report T9.8 - First step of the research on the social aspects of ESFR.

Sabbe, M. (2023). ESFR-SIMPLE Workshop 2 - “Public perceptions”.

Tan, E., Petit Jean, M., Simonofski, A., Tombal, T., Kleizen, B., Sabbe, M., Bechoux, L., & Willem, P. (14 July 2023). Artificial intelligence and algorithmic decisions in fraud detection: An interpretive structural model. Data and Policy, 5. doi:10.1017/dap.2023.22

Sabbe, M., Bechoux, L., Fallon, C., Petit Jean, M., & Tan, E. (29 June 2023). The living lab – A strategic tool to support collaborative innovation on digital transformation processes in public administration [Paper presentation]. ICPP6 - 6th International Conference on Public Policy, Toronto, Canada.

Sabbe, M. (2023). Small Modular Reactors : Scaling down to better scale-up?

Sabbe, M. (2023). 1st monitoring meeting - The social aspects of ESFR-SIMPLE.

Sabbe, M. (2023). ESFR-SIMPLE Workshop 1 - Presentation & discussion about the results of Step 1.

Sabbe, M., & Fallon, C. (13 October 2022). La méthode Delphi comme outil d’évaluation d’un modèle de gouvernance pour l’introduction de nouvelles technologies dans les politiques publiques fédérales belges en matière de lutte contre la fraude [Paper presentation]. Colloque ARCh - Comprendre les processus de changement, Liège, Belgium.

Sabbe, M., & Fallon, C. (2022). Deliverable 1.4 - Activity report and results of the testing phase of the living lab process (Delphi survey).

Sabbe, M. (2022). Main results of the living lab process - A step-by-step identification of the main challenges and solutions to the integration of big data (BD), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain technology (BCT) in federal policies [Paper presentation]. DiGI4FED Closing ceremony, Leuven, Belgium.

Petit Jean, M., Bechoux, L., Fallon, C., & Sabbe, M. (2022). Chapter 7: Supporting public sector innovation through a living lab approach: the use of new technologies in administrations. In Evrim Tan & Joep Crompvoets (Eds.), The new digital era governance. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. doi:10.3920/978-90-8686-930-5_7

Tan, E., Sabbe, M., & Fallon, C. (2022). Deliverable 3.3 - Design artefact and evaluation criteria for testing.

Sabbe, M. (2022). Cours de Méthodes de recherche en sciences sociales (UCLouvain).

Tan, E., Kleizen, B., Simonofski, A., Willem, P., & Sabbe, M. (2022). DIGI4FED - Digital (R)evolution in Belgian Federal Government: An Open Governance Ecosystem for Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain.

Sabbe, M., & Fallon, C. (2021). Evaluation criteria & Delphi survey.

Sabbe, M., & Fallon, C. (2021). First results of the Living Lab process - Identifying the main challenges and solutions to the integration of big data (BD), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain technology (BCT) in federal policies.

Sabbe, M., Bechoux, L., Fallon, C., & Petit Jean, M. (2021). Deliverable 1.3 - Activity report from the exploration and cocreation phases of the living lab process.