Publications and communications of Julianna Kitti Paksi

Paksi, J. K. (10 November 2023). A case study on intertextuality and textual transmission from the mid-Eighteenth-Dynasty Theban necropolis: A prt-m-tȝ text in TT 95 and its later echo in TT 76 [Paper presentation]. International workshop on Textual Production and Textual Transmission in the Eighteenth-Dynasty Theban Necropolis, Liège, Belgium.

Paksi, J. K., & Laboury, D. (09 November 2023). International workshop: Textual Production and Textual Transmission in the Eighteenth-Dynasty Theban Necropolis [Paper presentation]. International workshop on Textual Production and Textual Transmission in the Eighteenth-Dynasty Theban Necropolis, Liège, Belgium.

Paksi, J. K. (08 August 2023). Intertextuality and textual transmission in the mid-18th dynasty Theban necropolis: Case studies from TT 84 and TT 95 [Paper presentation]. International Congress of Egyptologists (ICE XIII), Leiden, Netherlands.

Paksi, J. K. (2023). A new hypothesis on dating Ramesses IV’s Great Abydos Stela to Osiris and the Gods. In Susanna Moser, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska, Jadwiga Iwaszczuk, ... Carlo Ruo Redda, Ancient Egypt 2021: Perspectives of research (pp. 123-131 & 236). Warsaw; Wiesbaden, Unknown/unspecified: Harrassowitz Verlag.

Paksi, J. K. (2022). How many artists worked on the ceiling texts of a Theban tomb? A case study from TT 84 on the challenges of identifying painterly handwritings [Paper presentation]. “Egypt, Land of Writing(s)” online lecture series, Liège, Belgium.

Paksi, J. K. (09 July 2022). Änderungen an den Inschriften des thebanischen Grabes Nr. 84 im Auftrag des zweiten Grabbesitzers, Mery [Paper presentation]. Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz (SÄK) 2022: Ägyptologie an der Schwelle zum nächsten Jahrhundert, Würzburg, Germany.

Paksi, J. K. (04 December 2021). Textual composition of a tomb: The ceiling inscriptions of the transverse hall of TT 84 [Paper presentation]. Journée du groupe de contact Égyptologie.

Paksi, J. K. (19 November 2021). The ceiling inscriptions of the transverse hall of TT 84 in their spatial context [Paper presentation]. Journées d'études: Les textes d'un espace d'écriture à un autre.

Paksi, J. K. (June 2021). A new hypothesis on dating Ramesses IV’s Great Abydos Stela to Osiris and the Gods [Paper presentation]. Ninth European Conference of Egyptologists.

Loprieno-Gnirs, A., Paksi, J. K., Ziegler, M., & Peintner, E. (03 May 2021). Life Histories of Theban Tombs – Transdisziplinäre Forschung in einer altägyptischen Felsnekropole [Paper presentation]. Die Welt zu Gast in Zürich, Ringvorlesung in Kooperation mit dem «Zürcher Zirkel», Zürich, Switzerland. doi:10.2307/j.ctv2ks6x2n.16

Paksi, J. K., & Bickel, S. (2021). Epigraphic studies in TT84 and TT95. In A. Loprieno-Gnirs (Ed.), Life histories of Theban tombs. Transdisciplinary investigations of a cluster of rock-cut tombs at Sheikh ‘Abd el-Qurna (pp. 83-89). Cairo, Egypt: American University in Cairo Press.

Paksi, J. K. (2018). Die 900 jmtjw/j.m(w)tjw der großen Hammamat-Inschrift Ramses’ IV. In B. Backes, J. Aschmoneit, ... A. Verbovsek (Ed.), Funktion/en: Materielle Kultur – Sprache – Religion: Beiträge des siebten Berliner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie (BAJA 7) 2.12.–4.12.2016 (pp. 199–208). Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag.

Paksi, J. K. (2017). A new reading to Ramesses III’s Great Double Stela: The placement of Fragment C. Égypte Nilotique et Méditerranéenne, 10, 117–129.

Paksi, J. K. (2015). Linguistic inclusiveness in Seti I’s Kanais Inscription. Lingua Aegyptia, 23, 175–196.