Publications and communications of Guillaume Abran

Abran, G., Schwartz, C., Delvaux, F., & Croisier, J.-L. (10 February 2024). Lien entre impact au sol et blessures en course à pied : Mythe ou réalité ? [Paper presentation]. Congrès SFMSS 2024 – La course à pied.

Aguilaniu, A., Schwartz, C., Abran, G., Baudoux, L., & Croisier, J.-L. (2024). Ankle strength assessed by one repetition maximum: A new approach to detect weaknesses in chronic ankle lateral instability. Foot and Ankle Surgery. doi:10.1016/j.fas.2024.02.005

Braga, A., Abran, G., Boulard, C., Rambaud, A., & Aguilaniu, A. (2024). Fiche pratique de l’évaluation des muscles périphériques de la cheville par dynamomètre manuel en poussée. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 41 (1), 87-89. doi:10.1016/j.jts.2023.12.001

Abran, G., Schwartz, C., Delvaux, F., Aguilaniu, A., Bornheim, S., & Croisier, J.-L. (October 2023). Foot and Ankle Muscle Isometric Strength in Nonrearfoot Compared With Rearfoot Endurance Runners. Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics, 8 (4), 24730114231205305. doi:10.1177/24730114231205305

Aguilaniu, A., Schwartz, C., Abran, G., Baudoux Laura, & Croisier, J.-L. (2023). A reliable field method to quantify ankle strength deficit in a population with chronic ankle instability. Foot and Ankle Surgery.

Ferré, A., Abran, G., & Aguilaniu, A. (07 December 2022). Entorse de cheville et évaluation de la force du complexe pied-cheville [Paper presentation]. GLEK Entorse de cheville, Liège, Belgium.

Abran, G., Delvaux, F., Schwartz, C., Martens, G., Hody, S., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., BORNHEIM, S., & CROISIER, J.-L. (2022). Current perception and practice of athletics coaches about the modification of footstrike pattern in endurance runners: A survey. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 174795412211080. doi:10.1177/17479541221108089

Scataglini, S., & Abran, G. (September 2020). Smart Clothing for Monitoring Gait [Paper presentation]. 6th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, August 31 – September 2, 2020, Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering (ATDE) (ISSN 2352-7528), IOS Press. doi:10.3233/ATDE200025