Publications and communications of Martina Barcelloni Corte


Articles and book chapters

Articles in journals with peer reviewing

Vigano, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Vialle, A. (2020). Le Sol de la ville-territoire. Projet et production de connaissances. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 14 (4).

Cogato Lanza, E., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Grazer Bideau, F. (2019). COMPARING HABITATS Reframing comparison in the “post-disciplinary” era. Contour Journal, (4), 1-16.

Bahrami, F., & Barcelloni Corte, M. (2017). Horizontal Walking. Shifting practices and emerging landscapes. Urbanistica Informazioni, (272), 498-591.

McGrath, B., Sangawongse, S., Thaikatoo, D., & Barcelloni Corte, M. (2017). The Architecture of the Metacity: Land Use Change, Patch Dynamics and Urban Form in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Urban Planning, 2 (1). doi:10.17645/up.v2i1.869

Vigano, P., Arnsperger, C., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Cavalieri, C. (2017). Rethinking Urban Form: Switzerland as a “Horizontal Metropolis”. Urban Planning, 2 (1). doi:10.17645/up.v2i1.871

Vigano, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Cavalieri, C. (February 2016). The Horizontal Metropolis: a radical project. Anthos Magazine, 2.

Articles in journals without peer reviewing

Barcelloni Corte, M., Bianchet, B., Privot, J., Schelings, C., & Teller, J. (2022). Après qui, le déluge ? Ruimte en Planning, 55, 74-77.

Peleman, D., Ronner Elsbeth, Barcelloni Corte, M., & Vigano, P. (2021). Exploring the soil: Not a sentimental journey. OASE: Tijdschrift voor Architectuur, (110), 223.

Book chapters

Barcelloni Corte, M. (2019). In the course of recognition. Notes on a new urban imaginary. In C. Cavalieri & P. Viganò, The Horizontal Metropolis, a radical project (pp. 25-35). Zurich, Switzerland: Park Books.

Published reports


Vigano, P., Teller, J., Archambeau, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., Bianchet, B., Cifende, C., Contor, J., Courard, L., Deenmahomed, K., Delrez, L., Denis, A., Dodion, H., Douinot, A., Eme, A., Fallon, C., Gariglio, S., Hubert, J., Jacquemin, J., Lamberts, M., ... Thiry, A. (2023). Schéma stratégique multidisciplinaire du bassin versant de la Vesdre.

Barcelloni Corte, M., Bianchet, B., Privot, J., Schelings, C., & Teller, J. (2022). Schéma stratégique multidisciplinaire du bassin versant de la Vesdre. Diagnostic approfondi et multithématique. Contributions de la TEAM Vesdre – ULiège.

Unpublished conferences and communications

Communications to congresses and symposiums

Benettin, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., Chris Soulsby, & Wehrle, C. (2022). Re-designing the urban water cycle: Towards Water-Age-Neutral Habitats [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-11203

Vigano, P., Barcelloni Corte, M., & Vialle, A. (26 August 2021). Our Common Soil : towards a new project [Paper presentation]. Eurosoil 2021.