Publications and communications of Stefan Marinkovic

Nulens, L.* , Lejeune, N.* , Caeyers, J., Marinkovic, S., Cools, I., Dausy, H., Basov, S., Raes, B., Van Bael, M. J., Geresdi, A., Silhanek, A., & Van de Vondel, J. (2023). Catastrophic magnetic flux avalanches in NbTiN superconducting resonators. Communications Physics. doi:10.1038/s42005-023-01386-8
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Jiang, L., Xue, C., Marinkovic, S., Fourneau, E., Xu, T.-Q., Cai, X.-W., Nguyen, N. D., Silhanek, A., & Zhou, Y.-H. (01 August 2022). Tunable domino effect of thermomagnetic instabilities in superconducting films with multiply-connected topological structures. New Journal of Physics, 24 (8), 083017. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ac83e3