Publications and communications of Yaprak Hamarat

Mertens, A., Yonder, C., Hamarat, Y., & Elsen, C. (2023). Origins of design choices: retrospective analysis of the resulting prototype of a Research through Design project [Paper presentation]. EKSIG 2023, Milan, Italy.

Mertens, A.* , Yonder, C.* , Elsen, C., & Hamarat, Y. (28 June 2022). My Architect and I: A role-playing workshop to improve housing design service [Paper presentation]. DRS2022, Bilbao, Spain.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Mertens, A., Hamarat, Y., & Elsen, C. (2022). Considering Architects and Clients’ Interactions Through the Design Thinking Framework. In Proceedings of the Design Thinking Research Symposium 13. Haïfa, Israel: DesignTech, Faculty of Architecture & Town Planning Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. doi:10.1201/b22630-21

Hamarat, Y. (November 2021). Le design social, est-ce un champignon ? Le concept d’agencement polyphonique d’Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing pour penser la transition écologique par le design. Sciences du Design, 14 (2), 29-39.

Mertens, A., Yonder, C., Hamarat, Y., & Elsen, C. (October 2021). Huit clés pour décoder les interactions entre architectes et clients-usagers. Archinews, 29, p. 14-15.

Hamarat, Y., Yonder, C., & Elsen, C. (2021). Revealing Words For A Design Debate: A Design Lexicon Case. In E. Brandt, T. Markussen, E. Berglund, G. Julier, ... P. Linde (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Design Research Conference 2021 Matters of Scale, 15-18 August 2021.

Hamarat, Y., & Elsen, C. (July 2021). Le design social entre les lignes: le cas d'une recherche en architecture par le design [Paper presentation]. XXXIXe Colloque Albi-Nîmes Médiations Sémiotiques, Nîmes, France.

Mertens, A., Hamarat, Y., & Elsen, C. (2021). Architects & End-users’ Interactions in Housing Projects: a systematic literature review. In Proceedings of Nordes 2021.

Mertens, A., Yonder, C., Hamarat, Y., & Elsen, C. (October 2020). La "co-conception" en architecture domiciliaire: analyse des pratiques et résistances praticiennes [Paper presentation]. "Co-concevoir en Architecture: formes de collaboration et hybridations de savoirs", Paris, France.