Wathieu, C., Lavergne, A., Xu, X., Rolot, M., Nemazanyy, I., Shostak, K., El Hachem, N., Maurizy, C., Leemans, C., Close, P., Nguyen, L., Desmet, C., Tielens, S.* , Dewals, B. G.* , & Chariot, A.*. (2024). Loss of Elp3 blocks intestinal tuft cell differentiation via an mTORC1-Atf4 axis. EMBO Journal. doi:10.1038/s44318-024-00184-4 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Paul, C., Tang, R., Longobardi, C., Lattanzio, R., Eguether, T., Turali, H., Bremond, J., Maurizy, C., Gabola, M., Poupeau, S., Turtoi, A., Denicolai, E., Cufaro, M. C., Svrcek, M., Seksik, P., Castronovo, V., Delvenne, P., de Laurenzi, V., Da Costa, Q., ... Hahne, M. (06 December 2022). Loss of primary cilia promotes inflammation and carcinogenesis. EMBO Reports, 23 (12), 55687. doi:10.15252/embr.202255687 |
Tielens, S., Krusy, N., Stern, D., Van Hees, L., Turchetto, S., Maurizy, C., Stoufflet, J., Laguesse, S., Chariot, A., & Nguyen, L. (06 September 2022). Unveilling the embryonic basis of neurodegeneration linked to impaired nucleocytoplasmic transport [Poster presentation]. GIGA day, Liège, Belgium. |
Guo, Y., Gabola, M., Lattanzio, R., Paul, C., Pinet, V., Tang, R., Turali, H., Bremond, J., Longobardi, C., Maurizy, C., Da Costa, Q., Finetti, P., Boissière-Michot, F., Rivière, B., Lemmers, C., Garnier, S., Bertucci, F., Zlobec, I., Chebli, K., ... Hahne, M. (2021). Cyclin A2 maintains colon homeostasis and is a prognostic factor in colorectal cancer. The Journal of clinical investigation, 131 (4). doi:10.1172/JCI131517 |
Maurizy, C., Abeza, C., Lemmers, B., Gabola, M., Longobardi, C., Pinet, V., Ferrand, M., Paul, C., Bremond, J., Langa, F., Gerbe, F., Jay, P., Verheggen, C., Tinari, N., Helmlinger, D., Lattanzio, R., Bertrand, E., Hahne, M., & Pradet-Balade, B. (2021). The HSP90/R2TP assembly chaperone promotes cell proliferation in the intestinal epithelium. Nature Communications, 12 (1), 4810. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-24792-4 |
Henri, J., Chagot, M.-E., Bourguet, M., Abel, Y., Terral, G., Maurizy, C., Aigueperse, C., Georgescauld, F., Vandermoere, F., Saint-Fort, R., Behm-Ansmant, I., Charpentier, B., Pradet-Balade, B., Verheggen, C., Bertrand, E., Meyer, P., Cianférani, S., Manival, X., & Quinternet, M. (2018). Deep Structural Analysis of RPAP3 and PIH1D1, Two Components of the HSP90 Co-chaperone R2TP Complex. Structure (London, England : 1993), 26 (9), 1196-1209.e8. doi:10.1016/j.str.2018.06.002 |
Maurizy, C., Quinternet, M., Abel, Y., Verheggen, C., Santo, P. E., Bourguet, M., Paiva, A. C. F., Bragantini, B., Chagot, M.-E., Robert, M.-C., Abeza, C., Fabre, P., Fort, P., Vandermoere, F., Sousa, P. M. F., Rain, J.-C., Charpentier, B., Cianférani, S., Bandeiras, T. M., ... Bertrand, E. (2018). The RPAP3-Cterminal domain identifies R2TP-like quaternary chaperones. Nature Communications, 9 (1), 2093. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04431-1 |
Bouschet, T., Dubois, E., Reynès, C., Kota, S. K., Rialle, S., Maupetit-Méhouas, S., Pezet, M., Le Digarcher, A., Nidelet, S., Demolombe, V., Cavelier, P., Meusnier, C., Maurizy, C., Sabatier, R., Feil, R., Arnaud, P., Journot, L., & Varrault, A. (2017). In Vitro Corticogenesis from Embryonic Stem Cells Recapitulates the In Vivo Epigenetic Control of Imprinted Gene Expression. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 27 (3), 2418-2433. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhw102 |
Maurizy, C. (August 2016). Role of R2TP/HSP90 system in mouse intestine [Poster presentation]. EMBO Congress, « Ribosomes Synthesis », Brussels, Belgium. |
Maurizy, C. (September 2014). Role of RPAP3 in mouse intestine epithelium [Paper presentation]. Workshop « Pontin and Reptin », Lisbon, Portugal. |