Publications and communications of François Léonard

Durieux, N., Léonard, F., & Tirelli, E. (25 April 2024). Méta-recherche, intégrité scientifique et science de synthèse [Paper presentation]. Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie : Regards transdisciplinaires au service de la qualité de vie, Liège, Belgium.

Léonard, F., Léonard, B., & Durieux, N. (2023). Les thérapies cognitivo-comportementales sont- elles plus efficaces que les autres traitements de la dépression ? Minerva.

Léonard, F., & Tirelli, E. (27 October 2023). Comparing Methodological Quality: Open Access vs. Traditional Journals [Paper presentation]. Open Science Day 2023, Liège, Belgium.

Léonard, F. (2023). Les Coulisses de la Recherche Scientifique : une Introduction à la Méta-Recherche [Paper presentation]. Skeptics in the Pub - Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Blause, S., Léonard, F., & Durieux, N. (September 2023). Les exercices physiques réguliers ont-ils un effet bénéfique dans le TDAH chez l’enfant et l’adolescent ? Minerva, 22 (7), 161-164.

Léonard, F., & Tirelli, E. (26 May 2023). The Prospective Statistical Power and Positive Predictive Value of Psychotherapies for Treating Depression in adults [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Mons, Belgium.

Durieux, N., Léonard, F., & Grosdent, S. (2022). Les professionnels de la santé de la première ligne de soins ont-ils un impact sur l’activité physique de la population générale ? Minerva, 1-4.

Léonard, F., & Tirelli, E. (03 June 2022). Studies (tests) assessing the efficacy of the treatments of the alcohol deprivation effect are underpowered [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Leuven, Belgium.

Léonard, F., & Tirelli, E. (02 June 2022). Mozart Effect, Effect Size and Small-Study Effect [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Leuven, Belgium.

Léonard, F., Monseur, C., & Tirelli, E. (28 May 2021). Reporting quality of the literature on the pharmacological and psychological treatments of the alcohol-deprivation effect [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Léonard, F., & Tirelli, E. (28 May 2021). Power and True Report Probability in the Literature on Mice Nicotine Conditioned Place Preference [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Léonard, F., & Tirelli, E. (28 May 2021). Are the studies (tests) assessing the efficacy of the treatments of the alcoholdeprivation effect underpowered? [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.