Publications and communications of Narimane Chatar

Melchionna, M., Castiglione, S., Girardi, G., Profico, A., Mondanaro, A., Sansalone, G., Chatar, N., Pérez Ramos, A., Fernández-Monescillo, M., Serio, C., Pandolfi, L., Dembitzer, J., Di Febbraro, M., Caliendo, M. M., Di Costanzo, A., Morvillo, L., Esposito, A., & Raia, P. (18 January 2025). Cortical areas associated to higher cognition drove primate brain evolution. Communications Biology, 8 (1). doi:10.1038/s42003-025-07505-1

Pollock, T. I., Deakin, W. J., Chatar, N., Milla Carmona, P. S., Rovinsky, D. S., Panagiotopoulou, O., Parker, W. M. G., Adams, J. W., Hocking, D. P., Donoghue, P. C. J., Rayfield, E. J., & Evans, A. R. (2025). Functional optimality underpins the repeated evolution of the extreme “saber-tooth” morphology. Current Biology. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2024.11.059

Vankelst, M., Fischer, V., Michaud, M., Tseng, Z. J., Tamagnini, D., Pollock, T., Pérez Ramos, A., & Chatar, N. (11 September 2024). Carnassial Chronicles: A jawesome journey through the evolution of carnivorous placentals [Paper presentation]. 8th International Geologica Belgica Meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Vankelst, M., Fischer, V., Michaud, M., Tseng, Z. J., Tamagnini, D., Pollock, T. I., Pérez Ramos, A., & Chatar, N. (30 August 2024). What big teeth you have: disparity and convergence in the carnassial tooth shape in carnivoramorphans and ‘creodonts’ [Poster presentation]. 21st EAVP meeting, Svalbard, Norway.

Boisville, M., Chatar, N., & Kohno, N. (13 August 2024). New species of Ontocetus (Pinnipedia: Odobenidae) from the Lower Pleistocene of the North Atlantic shows similar feeding adaptation independent to the extant walrus (Odobenus rosmarus). PeerJ, 12 (e17666). doi:10.7717/peerj.17666

Palmer, S., Chatar, N., Rule, J., Vankelst, M., & Cooke, S. (26 June 2024). Homodonty evolved after the aquatic transition in Pinnipedia [Paper presentation]. 10th SECAD meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Chatar, N., Boman, R., Fischer, V., Segura, V., Julémont, C., & Tseng, J. (2024). Growing sabers: Mandibular shape and biomechanical performance trajectories during the ontogeny of Smilodon fatalis. Anatomical Record. doi:10.1002/ar.25504

Chatar, N., Michaud, M., Tamagnini, D., & Fischer, V. (2024). Evolutionary patterns of cat-like carnivorans unveils drivers of the sabertoothed morphology. Current Biology, 34. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.055

Chatar, N., Michaud, M., Tamagnini, D., & Fischer, V. (January 2024). Craniomandibular integration patterns and evolutionary rates in cat-like carnivorans [Poster presentation]. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2024 Annual meeting, Seattle, United States.

Boisville, M., Chatar, N., & Kohno, N. (30 October 2023). New specimens of Plio-pleistocene odobenines from the north sea give new insight on the past diversity of the genus ontocetus [Paper presentation]. 83rd annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Cincinnati, United States.

Chatar, N. (2023). Disparity, evolution, and convergence among felid and felid-like carnivorans [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Studer, S., Le Verger, K., Solé, F., Chatar, N., Louppe, V., & Fabre, A.-C. (26 August 2023). Are bear-dogs morphologically similar to bears and/or dogs? A preliminary morphological analysis of their cranial system during the Cenozoic [Paper presentation]. 96th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology, Zurich, Switzerland.

Boisville, M., Chatar, N., & Kohono, N. (August 2023). Geometric morphometrics sheds new light on the past and present diversity of the genus Odobenus (Carnivora: Pinnipedia) [Paper presentation]. 2nd Asian Palaeontological Congress, Tokyo, Japan.

Chatar, N., Fischer, V., Julémont, C., & Tseng, Z. J. (29 July 2023). Mandibular shape and mechanical performance of Smilodon fatalis through ontogeny [Paper presentation]. 13rd International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Cairns, Australia.

Pollock, T. I., Deakin, W. J., Parker, W. M., Chatar, N., Panagiotopoulou, O., Rovinsky, D., Adams, J., Hocking, D. P., Donoghue, P., Rayfield, E., & Evans, A. R. (29 July 2023). Assessing the biomechanics of sabre teeth through the trade-off between puncture performance and breakage resistance [Paper presentation]. 13rd International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Cairns, Australia.

Chatar, N., Boman, R., Fallon Gaudichon, V., MacLaren, J. A., & Fischer, V. (2023). ‘Fossils’: A new, fast and open-source protocol to simulate muscle-driven biomechanical loading of bone. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14051

Chatar, N., Michaud, M., Tamagnini, D., & Fischer, V. (2023). The cat odyssey: adaptive landscapes and disparity of cat-like carnivorans through time and space [Poster presentation]. 20th annual meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Sabadell, Spain.

Chatar, N., Fischer, V., & Tseng, Z. J. (07 December 2022). Many-to-one function of cat-like mandibles highlights a continuum of sabre tooth adaptions. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 289 (1988). doi:10.1098/rspb.2022.1627

Chatar, N., Fischer, V., & Z. Jack Tseng. (03 November 2022). Multi-gape angle 3D biomechanical modelling of the cat-like mandible reveals nuances of sabertooth functional morphological evolution [Paper presentation]. 82th meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Toronto, Canada.

Pollock, T., Panagiotopoulou, O., Chatar, N., Rovinsky, D., Adams, J. W., Hocking, D., & Evans, A. R. (02 November 2022). Taking a stab at modelling the biomechanics of saber-teeth [Poster presentation]. 82nd annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Toronto, Canada.

Boisville, M., Chatar, N., Lambert, O., & Dewaele, L. (20 September 2022). Sexual dimorphism in the walrus mandible: comparative description and geometric morphometrics. PeerJ, 10, 13940. doi:10.7717/peerj.13940

Chatar, N., Boman, R., Fallon Gaudichon, V., Maclaren, J., Goyens, J., & Fischer, V. (2022). A new, high-speed protocol to run muscle-driven biomechanical simulations trough finite element analyses [Poster presentation]. XIX Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Benevento, Italy. doi:10.18563/pv.eavp2022

Chatar, N., Michaud, M., & Fischer, V. (2022). Not a jaguar after all? Phylogenetic affinities and morphology of the Pleistocene felid Panthera gombaszoegensis. Papers in Palaeontology, 8 (5), 1464. doi:10.1002/spp2.1464

Chatar, N., Michaud, M., & Fischer, V. (18 December 2021). Not a jaguar after all: affinities and morphology of Panthera gombaszoegensis [Poster presentation]. 65th Palaeontological association annual Meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Chatar, N., & Fischer, V. (15 September 2021). Craniomandibular anatomy of Panthera gombaszoegensis from la Belle-Roche (Liège, Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 7TH INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICA BELGICA MEETING 2021, Tervuren, Belgium.

Fallon Gaudichon, V., Boman, R., Chatar, N., Maclaren, J., & Fischer, V. (07 September 2021). Uncovering the biomechanical disparity of Cretaceous marine reptile feeding via finite element analysis [Paper presentation]. 69th Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Chatar, N., Fischer, V., Siliceo, G., Mauricio, A., Morales, J., & Salesa, M. J. (2021). Morphometric Analysis of the Mandible of Primitive Sabertoothed Felids from the late Miocene of Spain. Journal of Mammalian Evolution. doi:10.1007/s10914-021-09541-0

Chatar, N., Fischer, V., Siliceo, G., Antón, M., Morales, J., & Salesa, M. J. (06 October 2020). Morphometric analysis of the mandible of primitive sabre‐toothed felids from the late Miocene of Spain [Paper presentation]. Fossil Coffee, Berkeley, United States.

Chatar, N., Fischer, V., Siliceo, G., Antón, M., Morales, J., & Salesa, M. J. (October 2020). Mandibular disparity of early sabertoothed felids from the Late Miocene of Spain [Poster presentation]. 80th meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.