Publications and communications of Chloé Brassart

Brassart, C., & Pichault, F. (2022). Between Utopia and Pragmatism: Relational vs Algorithmic Management A critical assessment of an atypical platform [Paper presentation]. Academy Of Management.

Brassart, C. (21 July 2021). Les régulations de travail dans le secteur taxis – étude comparative entre Yaoundé (Cameroun) et Bruxelles (Belgique) [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Gestion Hec-ULiège La gestion en Afrique Subsaharienne Pour une gestion enracinée et contextualisée, Liège, Belgium.

Brassart, C. (08 July 2021). THE REGULATION OF THE TAXI SECTOR IN BRUSSELS, UNDERSTANDING OF A AN INSTITUTIONAL CHANGING FROM A CONVENTIONALIST PERSPECTIVE [Paper presentation]. EGOS – European Group for Organizational Studies (Sub-theme 02: New Actors, Responsibilities, and Forms of Organizing in the Age of Digital Transformations).