Publications and communications of Judicaël Poumay

Poumay, J. (2023). NLP Methods for Weak Signals Detection from Unstructured Text [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Poumay, J. (09 September 2023). Word Embeddings in Coreference Resolution [Paper presentation]. NLP Seminar, Groningen, Netherlands.

Poumay, J. (26 May 2023). Tree Based Gibbs Sampling for Hierarchical Topic Model [Paper presentation]. The 37th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL 37), Liege, Belgium.

Poumay, J. (2023). Word embeddings et la topologie du language [Paper presentation]. Lunch talk : UER Operations, Liège, Belgium.

Poumay, J., & Ittoo, A. (2022). Using meaning instead of words to track topics. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems.

Poumay, J., & Ittoo, A. (2021). A Comprehensive Comparison of Word Embeddings in Event & Entity Coréférence Resolution. In Findings of ACL: EMNLP 2021. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic: Association for Computational Linguistics. doi:10.18653/v1/2021.findings-emnlp.235

Poumay, J., & Ittoo, A. (2021). HTMOT : Hierarchical Topic Modelling Over Time (Submitted to Information Systems Research, April 2022). ORBi-University of Liège.