Publications and communications of Amaury Van Goethem

Licoppe, A., De Waele, V., Malengreaux, C., Paternostre, J., Van Goethem, A., Desmecht, D., Herman, M., & Linden, A. (17 January 2023). Management of a Focal Introduction of ASF Virus in Wild Boar: The Belgian Experience. Pathogens, 12 (2), 152. doi:10.3390/pathogens12020152

Licoppe, A., Lievens, J., Della Libera, F., Herrin, T., Malengreaux, C., Boudart, J. L., De Waele, V., Fichefet, V., Linden, A., Lesenfants, C., Van Goethem, A., Villers, M., Scohy, J. P., & Herman, M. (2020). Use of boar trapping in the context of the management of arfican swine fever in Wallonia : practical aspects, preliminary results and recommendations. Belgium: SPW-ARNE-DEMNA.