Publications and communications of Jérôme De Cooman

De Cooman, J. (25 January 2024). Droit de la concurrence et pratique (anti)concurrentielles algorithmiques : tempête dans un verre d'eau ? [Paper presentation]. Intelligence artificielle et droit : guide pour l'utilisation des applications de l'IA (générative) et des données à l'épreuve de la pratique juridique et des risques, Bruxelles, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (24 November 2023). When AI goes fishing: On the importance of complete and representative training of AI-driven competition law enforcement [Paper presentation]. Workshop @ Comète on Ethical AI, Palaiseau, Paris, France.

De Cooman, J. (2023). La réglementation de l'intelligence artificielle en Europe : entre (im)prévisibilité et (in)cohérence.

De Cooman, J. (20 June 2023). Promises and perils of algorithmic cartel detection [Paper presentation]. Research seminar, European University Institute, Florence (Fiesole), Italy.

De Cooman, J. (11 May 2023). Dangers et périls de la détection algorithmique des ententes anticoncurrentielles [Paper presentation]. Echos du passé, perspectives d'avenir : 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à Liège, Liège, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (27 April 2023). Public Procurement and the Artificial Intelligence Act: Addressing Bid-Rigging Through the Back Door [Paper presentation]. PhD Conference in Public Procurement & Competition Law, Copenhagen, Denmark.

De Cooman, J. (2023). The Digital Markets Act: A Bird’s- Eye View of a Competition Law Lost Child.

De Cooman, J. (30 March 2023). Artificial Intelligence & Detection of Anticompetitive Behaviours [Paper presentation]. Research Group on Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS) Workshop, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (24 March 2023). Whose Bias Is It, Anyway? The Need for a Four-Eyes Principle in AI-Driven Competition Law Proceedings [Paper presentation]. EULEN Conference onArtificial Intelligence Systems and EU Law Enforcement – Between Effectiveness and the Rule of Law, Toledo, Spain.

De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (09 February 2023). Asimov for Lawmakers. Journal of Business and Technology Law, 18 (1), 1-34.

De Cooman, J., Brassine, N., Doffiny, V., Gangi, O., Gérard, N., Geron, L., Jadot, C., Schmitz, C., & Silan, M.-S. (01 December 2022). Editorial - Actes du colloque "Dépasser les bornes ! Regards croisés des sciences juridique, politique et criminologique" organisé à l'Université de Liège les 6 et 7 octobre 2022. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2022 (3), 395-399.

De Cooman, J. (15 November 2022). Asimov for Lawyers... In the Metaverse [Paper presentation]. Constitutionalisation in the Digital Age, Florence, Italy.

De Cooman, J. (30 September 2022). In search of the silver bullet: The impact of algorithmic screening tools on competition law proceedings and the right to a fair trial [Paper presentation]. Lawtomation Days 2022, Madrid, Spain.

De Cooman, J. (30 June 2022). New Tool and Old Friend: Updating Cartel Screening with AI Systems [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual ASCOLA Conference, Porto, Portugal.

De Cooman, J. (13 June 2022). Without Any Prejudice? The Antitrust Implication of the AI Act [Paper presentation]. IAIL2022: Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI Act, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

De Cooman, J. (25 May 2022). Humpty Dumpty and High-Risk AI Systems: The Ratione Materiae Dimension of the Proposal for an EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Market and Competition Law Review, VI (1), 49-88. doi:10.34632/mclawreview.2022.11304

Grozdanovski, L.* , & De Cooman, J.*. (20 May 2022). Of Hypothesis and Facts: The Curious Origins of the EU's Regulation of High-Risk AI [Paper presentation]. Second Seminar of the EURA Center of Excellence, Pisa, Italy.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

De Cooman, J. (13 May 2022). Le droit de la concurrence à l'épreuve du filtrage algorithmique : une application détournée de la proposition de Règlement européen relatif à l'intelligence artificielle ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de l'Ecole Doctorale, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (03 December 2021). Something Old, Something New: Addressing Technological Innovation Through the Lens of Time [Poster presentation]. 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference: Pushing Boundaries, Trier, Germany.

De Cooman, J. (2019). Electrochoc Numérique - Compte-rendu de la journée. ORBi-University of Liège.

De Cooman, J. (2017). Electrochoc Numérique 2 - Réflexions sur le transformation de l'avocat. ORBi-University of Liège.

De Cooman, J. (2017). L'Electrochoc Numérique - Assurons notre avenir. ORBi-University of Liège.