Publications and communications of Martin Dogniez

Brusselman, A., Crabeck, O., Muller, S., Dogniez, M., Lepoint, G., Michel, L., Danis, B., Frippiat, & Delille, B. (30 April 2024). Impact of glacier meltwater on methane concentration in the West Antarctic Peninsula [Poster presentation]. Belgian Polar Community Day, Belgium.

Dogniez, M., Moreau, C., Katz, L., Danis, B., Brusselman, A., Delille, B., Michel, L., Isa, S., & Lepoint, G. (25 April 2024). Using stable isotopes ratios to decipher changes in benthic food webs characteristics along the rapidly warming West Antarctic Peninsula [Poster presentation]. Benelux Association of Basis Stable Isotope Scientists Symposium 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Dogniez, M., Schön, I., Lepoint, G. (Other coll.), & Michel, L. (Other coll.). (30 May 2023). High-resolution description of insular and fjordic benthic food webs in Antarctica [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Species Interactions in the Southern Ocean, Gand, Belgium.

Michel, L., Danis, B., De Ridder, C., Dogniez, M., Dubois, P., Eleaume, M., Gallut, C., Le Bourg, B., Saucède, T., Voisin, A., & Lepoint, G. (May 2023). Trophic plasticity in Antarctic echinoderms: an adaptive trait with implications at ecosystem wide scale? [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Species Interactions in the Southern Ocean, Gent, Belgium.

Dogniez, M. (22 September 2022). Sea cucumbers as bioindicators in N-W Mediterranean : focus on trace elements and microplastics [Poster presentation]. Benelux Congress of Zoology, Kortrijk, Belgium.