Publications and communications of Alice Sarcinelli

Sarcinelli, A. (21 November 2020). Uno sguardo antropologico sull'omogenitorialità: l'esperienza di genitori e figli [Paper presentation]. Genitori come gli altri, Milan (en ligne), Italy.

Sarcinelli, A., Duysens, F., & Razy, E. (Eds.). (2020). Espaces pluriels de la parenté. Approches qualitatives de (re)configurations intimes et publiques dans le monde contemporain. Louvain, Belgium: Academia-L'Harmattan.

PASTORI, G., PAGANI, V., & Sarcinelli, A. (October 2019). inclusione e benessere a scuola: un’esperienza internazionale di ricerca partecipativa e democratica con i bambini dell’infanzia e primaria [Paper presentation]. Conférence de la Société Italienne de Pédagogie : Trent’anni dopo la Convenzione ONU sui diritti dell’Infanzia. Quale pedagogia per i minori ?, Palerme, Italy.

Sarcinelli, A., & Guerzoni, C. (October 2019). What is kinning all about? Antropologia, 6 (2), 7-12. doi:10.14672/ada201915757-12

Sarcinelli, A., & Simon, C. (October 2019). “WITH YOUR HEAD HELD HIGH”: ITALIAN AND BELGIAN LESBIAN-PARENTED FAMILIES’ CLAIMS AND STRATEGIES TO OBTAIN KINNING RIGHTS. Antropologia, 6 (2), 63-82. doi:10.14672/ada2019157963-82

Guerzoni, C. S., & Sarcinelli, A. (Eds.). (2019). Kinning and De-Kinning: Rethinking Kinship Relatedness from its Edges. Antropologia, 6 (2).

Mangiatordi, A., Pastori, G., Pagani, V., Sarcinelli, A., & Menegola, L. (2019). Design for inclusion in a linguistically and culturally diverse Europe : challenges in the development of a virtual learning environment. EDULEARN Proceedings, 7472-7481. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2019.1788

Pagani, V., Pastori, G., & Sarcinelli, A. (2019). « Italy » dans Pastori G., Pagani V., Sarcinelli A., D.2.5: Technical report on the Child Interview study. Children’s views on inclusion at school. (d.2.5). Isotis website.

Pastori, G., Pagani, V., & Sarcinelli, A. (2019). « Participants and sampling » in Pastori G., Pagani V., Sarcinelli A., D.2.5: Technical report on the Child Interview study. Children’s views on inclusion at school, pp. 23-26. (d.2.5). Isotis website.

Pastori, G., Pagani, V., & Sarcinelli, A. (2019). « Framework, aims and research questions », in Pastori G., Pagani V., Sarcinelli A. (ed.), D.2.5: Technical report on the Child Interview study. Children’s views on inclusion at school, pp. 14-22. (d2.5). Isotis website.

Pastori, G., Pagani, V., & Sarcinelli, A. (2019). « Ethical considerations » in Pastori G., Pagani V., Sarcinelli A., D.2.5: Technical report on the Child Interview study. Children’s views on inclusion at school. (d.2.5). Isotis website.

Pastori, G., Pagani, V., & Sarcinelli, A. (2019). D.2.5: Technical report on the Child Interview study. Children’s views on inclusion at school. Isotis UE project.

Pastori, G., Pagani, V., & Sarcinelli, A. (2019). Children’s views on inclusion. The ISOTIS international participatory research with and for children [Paper presentation]. arly Years: Making it count, Greece.

Pastori, G., Pagani, V., Sarcinelli, A., Falcone, C., & Ripamonti, D. (2019). « Chapter 3 Country report Italy » in G. Pastori, V. Pagani, A. S Sarcinelli, D4.4 Section B. Multilingualism and global competence in Ecec & primary school settings. Report on the ISOTIS Virtual Learning Environment development and implementation in four countries to innovate inclusive and effective curricula and pedagogies. (d4.4). Isotis website.

Pastori, G., Sarcinelli, A., & Pagani, V. (2019). « The international study “Feel good. Children views on inclusion at school » in BROEKHUIZEN., WOLF K., FRANCOT R., MOSER T., PASTORI G., NURSE L., MELHUISH E., LESEMAN P., Resources, experiences, and support needs of families in disadvantaged communities. (Integrative report d2.5). Isotis website.

Pastori, G., Sarcinelli, A., & Pagani, V. (2019). « The international study. A cross national data analysis » in BROEKHUIZEN., WOLF K., FRANCOT R., MOSER T., PASTORI G., NURSE L., MELHUISH E., LESEMAN P., Resources, experiences, and support needs of families in disadvantaged communities. (Integrative report d2.5). Isotis website.

Pastori, G., Sarcinelli, A., & Pagani, V. (2019). « Selected research strategies and tools », in Pastori G., Pagani V., Sarcinelli A., D.2.5: Technical report on the Child Interview study. Children’s views on inclusion at school. Isotis website.

Pastori, G., Sarcinelli, A., & Pagani, V. (2019). Ouve-me, eu participo! Uma análise antropológica da participação das crianças: o caso do estudo internacional de investigação participativa 'Feel good: A visão das crianças sobre a inclusão. VI ENADIR - Encontro Nacional de Antropologia do Direito 26 a 29 de agosto de 2019.

Pastori, Pastori, & Sarcinelli, A. (2019). « Data codying and analysis », dans Pastori G., Pagani V., Sarcinelli A., D.2.5: Technical report on the Child Interview study. Children’s views on inclusion at school. (d.2.5). Isotis website.

Sarcinelli, A., Pagani, V., & Pastori, G. (2019). « Italy » in BROEKHUIZEN., WOLF K., FRANCOT R., MOSER T., PASTORI G., NURSE L., MELHUISH E., LESEMAN P., Resources, experiences, and support needs of families in disadvantaged communities. (Integrative report d2.5). Isotis website.

Sarcinelli, A., & Pastori, G. (2019). « Country report Italy » in Ereky Stevens K., Interventions to support families with young children in linguistically diverse contexts. Design and implementation, using the Isotis virtual learning environment. Isotis website.

Sarcinelli, A., Pastori, G. (Ed.), & Pagani, V. (Ed.). (2019). D4.4 Section B. Multilingualism and global competence in Ecec & primary school settings. Report on the ISOTIS Virtual Learning Environment development and implementation in four countries to innovate inclusive and effective curricula and pedagogies. (d4.4). Isotis website.

Sarcinelli, A., Pastori, G., & Pagani, V. (2019). Children’s views on inclusion. The ISOTIS international participatory research with and for children [Paper presentation]. Education and Post-Democracy.

Sarcinelli, A., Sidiropulu Janků, Ereky Stevens, K. (Ed.), Trauernicht, M. (Ed.), & Schünke, J. (Ed.). (2019). Interventions to support families with young children in linguistically diverse contexts. Design and implementation, using the Isotis virtual learning environment. Isotis website.

Lombardi, L., & Sarcinelli, A. (Eds.). (2018). The art of ART. Assited Reproductive Technology challenging gender, biomedicine and inequalities. Salute e Società, XVI (2).

Pastori, G., Pagani, V., Sarcinelli, A., & Elisabetta, B. (2018). Epistemological challenges on participatory methods with children. The ISOTIS pilot study on ECEC and primary children’s views on inclusion [Paper presentation]. ECER 2018 - European Conference on Educational Research.

Bolotta, G., Boone, D., Chicharro, G., Collomb, N., & Sarcinelli, A. (Eds.). (2017). À quelle discipline appartiennent les enfants ? Croisements, échanges et reconfigurations de la recherche autour de l'enfance. La discussion.

Bolotta, G., Boone, D., Collomb, N., Dussy, D., Sarcinelli, A., & Chicharro, G. (2017). Introduction. In A. Sarcinelli, G. Bolotta (Ed.), D. Boone (Ed.), N. Collomb (Ed.), G. Chicharro (Ed.), ... D. Dussy (Ed.), À quelle discipline appartiennent les enfants ? Croisements, échanges et reconfiguration de la recherche autour de l’enfance (pp. 13-27). La discussion.

Sarcinelli, A. (2017). La place d’une ethnographie dans un campo rom en Italie. De l’autorité ethnographique à l’autorité des émotions. Emulations: Revue des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Sociales, 22. doi:10.14428/emulations.022.002

Razy, E., Sarcinelli, A., & Duysens, F. (20 October 2016). Introduction to the conference "Entangled Kinship Spaces: Ethnographic approaches of contemporary public and intimate (re)configurations" [Paper presentation]. Entangled Kinship Spaces: Ethnographic approaches of contemporary public and intimate (re)configurations, Liège, Belgium.

Sarcinelli, A. (2016). Les lois de l’habitat précaire dans les campi rom non autorisés en Italie. Action publique et militantisme entre reconnaissance et méconnaissance. In M. Lièvre, G. Cousin (Ed.), G. Loiseau (Ed.), L. Viala (Ed.), ... D. Crozat (Ed.), Actualité de l’habitat précaire. De l’habitat précaire à l’habitat contrainte. Terra HN.

Sarcinelli, A. (2015). L’anthropologie de l’enfance au prisme des rapports d’âge. Réflexions épistémologiques, approches ethnographique. AnthropoChildren: Perspectives Ethnographiques sur les Enfants et l'Enfance.

Sarcinelli, A. (2014). RAYNA Sylvie & BROUGÈRE Gilles (dir.). Petites enfances, migrations et diversités. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 188, 121-122.

Sarcinelli, A. (2014). Enseigner l’art de la différenciation et de la conformité aux enfants roms. Quart Monde, 231, 18-21.

Sarcinelli, A. (2012). Maestre al campo rom. In A. Granata (Ed.), in Intercultura. Report sul futurO (pp. 39-50). Città Nuova.

Sarcinelli, A. (2012). La santé des jeunes Roms migrants en Italie : une enquête anthropologique. Humanitaire. Enjeux, pratiques, débats, 4-9.

Sarcinelli, A. (2012). “Des gamins en colère, perdus, sans espoir”. L’enfance rom en Italie entre condamnation et compassion. In D. Fassin & J.-S. Eideliman (Eds.), Économies morales contemporaines (pp. 193-211). La découverte.