Publications and communications of Jacinthe Dancot

Dancot, J., & Hausman, M. (09 February 2023). Attention, ça pique ! [Paper presentation]. Colloque international multidisciplinaire "Par-dessus les épaules des stagiaires".

Baudewyns, V., Bruyneel, A., Smith, P., Servotte, J.-C., & Dancot, J. (2022). Prevalence and factors associated with academic burnout risk among nursing and midwifery students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Nursing Open. doi:10.1002/nop2.1575

Dancot, J., Pétré, B., Voz, B., Detroz, P., Gagnayre, R., Triffaux, J.-M., & Guillaume, M. (2022). Self-esteem and learning dynamics in nursing students: An existential‐phenomenological study. Nursing Open. doi:10.1002/nop2.1361

Hausman, M., Dancot, J., Pétré, B., Guillaume, M., & Detroz, P. (2022). “I don't know if people realize the impact of their words”: How does feedback during internship impact nursing student learning? Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. doi:10.1080/02602938.2022.2130168

Dancot, J., & Hausman, M. (2021). Le feedback : Comment en faire un outil d'apprentissage et de bien-être pour l'étudiant infirmier en stage ?

Dancot, J. (23 September 2021). ESTIME DE SOI DES ÉTUDIANTS INFIRMIERS ET LIEN AVEC LEUR APPRENTISSAGE [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de la Chaire de Recherche en Sciences infirmières, Paris, France.

Dancot, J. (10 October 2019). ESTIME DE SOI DES ÉTUDIANTS INFIRMIERS [Paper presentation]. Journée d’échanges scientifiques, Limal, Belgium.

Dancot, J. (2019). L’estime de soi des étudiants infirmiers : Pouvons-nous “bien faire” ? [Paper presentation]. Le bien-être des étudiants : Quelles vigilances éthiques dans la relation pédagogique ?, Sables d'Olonne, France.

Dancot, J. (30 December 2016). Is Competence a Holy Grail for Teaching? Reflections on Nursing Education. Nursing and Care Open Access Journal, 1 (4), 00021. doi:10.15406/ncoaj.2016.01.00021

Dancot, J. (21 March 2016). Postures in Therapeutic Education of Patient: A Paradigm Shift in Caregiver-Sick Person Relation? International Journal of Nursing and Clinical Practices, 3, 178. doi:10.15344/2394-4978/2016/178