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Colman, D., Demoulin, C., Vanderthommen, M., Saive, O., Durieux, N., Cagnie, B., Kaux, J.-F., & Grosdent, S. (December 2023). Exercise therapy including the cervical extensor muscles in individuals with neck pain: A systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation, 37 (12), 1579-1610. doi:10.1177/02692155231184973 |
Grosdent, S., Colman, D., Demoulin, C., Kaux, J.-F., Roussel, N., & Vanderthommen, M. (December 2023). Lumbopelvic motor control in elite tennis players with and without a history of low back pain. Science & Sports, 38 (8), 836-844. doi:10.1016/j.scispo.2022.12.007 |
Colman, D., Demoulin, C., Grosdent, S., Icre, J.-B., Laurent, P., Bellier, P., & Vanderthommen, M. (March 2023). Évaluer l’endurance des muscles extenseurs cervicaux chez les cervicalgiques chroniques : quels critères cliniques discriminants ? Kinesitherapie, La Revue, 23 (255), 41. doi:10.1016/j.kine.2022.12.071 |
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Colman, D., Demoulin, C., Perrier, C., Durieux, N., Grosdent, S., & Vanderthommen, M. (2021). CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE CERVICAL EXTENSOR MUSCLES DYSFUNCTIONS: A SCOPING REVIEW. In Abstract Book of the 10th Biennial Congress of the Belgian Back Society. Belgian Back Society (BBS). |
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Colman, D., Demoulin, C., Saive, O., Kaux, J.-F., Durieux, N., & Vanderthommen, M. (2019). Effectiveness of active rehabilitation of the cervical extensor muscles in patients with neck pain: A systematic review. In Abstract book of 9th European Congress of Manual Therapy (ECMT). |
Demoulin, C., Matheve, T., MICHEL, L., GROSDENT, S., Van Oosterwijck, J., Timmermans, A., Danneels, L., Colman, D., Kaux, J.-F., & Vanderthommen, M. (February 2019). Test de dissociation thoraco-lombaire pour les patients lombalgiques chroniques : une évaluation par analyse vidéo est-elle envisageable ? Kinesitherapie, La Revue, 19 (206), 44-45. |
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