Publications and communications of Lia Caponetti

Michel, Q., Vella, V., & Caponetti, L. (2021). Introduction to International Strategic Trade Control Regimes. In Introduction to International Strategic Trade Control Regimes (2021, pp. 130). Liège, Belgium: ESU ULG.

Michel, Q., Caponetti, L., Kolakowska-Falkowska, I., Sanchez, A., Paile, S., & Saginbekova, K. (2020). A decade of evolution of dual-use trade control concepts: strengthening or weakening non-proliferation of WMD. Liège, Belgium: European Studies Unit.

Caponetti, L. (2017). Looking for the correlation between EU international trade policy and its dual-use export controls outreach programme: the WMD clause coherence. In Q. Michel & W. Lehofer, Incentives of Europe for Non-Proliferation Outreach Activities (pp. 127-145). Liège, Belgium: European Studies Unit (University of Liège).

Caponetti, L. (2016). Mass Surveillance Technology: Trading Trojan Horses. Strategic Trade Review, (Spring 2016), 53-71.

Caponetti, L. (2014). European Union’s WMD Non-proliferation policy: the competence-sharing between EU institutions. ORBi-University of Liège.