Publications and communications of Michiel Van Oudheusden

Glesner, C., Fallon, C., Turcanu, C., & Van Oudheusden, M. (December 2020). Bringing symmetry between and within safety and security cultures in high-risk organizations. Safety Science, 132. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104950

Van Oudheusden, M., & Abelshauben, B. (02 July 2019). What’s next for Engage? What makes the project meaningful? [Paper presentation]. RICOMET 2019 - Social Science and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research, Barcelone, Spain.

Van Oudheusden, M., Kenens, J., Mizushima, N., & Boeykens, H. (01 July 2019). Ways of not forgetting: Japanese citizen scientists’ artistic responses to the 2011 Fukushima disaster [Poster presentation]. RICOMET 2019 - Social Science and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research, Barcelone, Spain.

Van Oudheusden, M., Maëkivi, D., Telve, K., Metsar, K. M., Tkaczyk, A., Dierckx, C., Lopez-Asensio, S., Sala, R., & Fisher, E. (2019). Social and ethical aspects linked to monitoring and modelling: A Socio-technical integration research approach. (D 9.64 – Social and ethical aspects). SCK-CEN.

Schröder, J., Geysmans, R., Perko, T., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2019). The impact of the inclusion of microbiology on expert conceptualization and public perception of geological disposal. (DELIVERABLE 3.6 - TASK 3.2). SCK-CEN.

Nagy, A., Van Oudheusden, M., & Tomic, C. (2019). Final Report: Mitigating the Insider Threat at Chemical Facilities with Precursors to Explosives. (ENCO-FR-(19)-12 / MAY 2019). ENCO.

Van Oudheusden, M., Kenens, J., Yoshizawa, G., & Mizushima, N. (2019). Learning from Citizen Science after Fukushima: Probing the Role and Potential of Citizen Science in Nuclear Science and Technology Governance in Japan and Belgium.

Perko, T., Van Oudheusden, M., Turcanu, C., Pölzl-Viol, C., Oughton, D., Schieber, C., Schneider, T., Zölzer, F., Mays, C., Martell, M., Baudé, S., de Witte, I.-C., Prlic, I., Cantone, M. C., Salomaa, S., Duranova, T., Economides, S., & Molyneux-Hodgson, S. (2019). Towards a strategic research agenda for social sciences and humanities in radiological protection. Journal of Radiological Protection. doi:10.1088/1361-6498/ab0f89

Lucivero, F., Delvenne, P., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2019). Making the invisible visible: Normativities in and of Technology Assessment. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 28 (1), 21-26.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., & Delvenne, P. (2019). Flanders Ahead, Wallonia Behind (But Catching up): Reconstructing Communities Through Science, Technology and Innovation Policymaking. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. doi:10.1177/0270467619854327

Van Oudheusden, M., Abelshausen, B., Turcanu, C., & Pölzl-Viol, C. (01 October 2018). Imagining "engagement": A hands-on experiment [Paper presentation]. ERPW 2018 - 3d European Radiation Protection Week, Rovinj, Croatia.

Van Oudheusden, M., Turcanu, C., & Molyneux-Hodgson, S. (11 September 2018). From the Sidelines to Center Stage? Implementing 'Responsible Research and Innovation' in Radiation Protection Researchc [Paper presentation]. Nuclear Futures: Re-­making sociotechnical research agendas Seminar 6, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Perko, T., Turcanu, C., Van Oudheusden, M., Pölzl-Viol, C., Schieber, C., Schneider, T., de Witte, I.-C., Baumont, G., Baudé, S., Prlic, I., Mihic, S., Duranova, T., Oughton, D., Tomkiv, Y., Cantone, M. C., Salminen, E., Economides, S., Meskens, G., Zölzer, F., & Skuterud, L. (2018). Revised Strategic Research Agenda for Social Sciences and Humanities in Radiation Protection. (Ref. Ares(2018)3573560 - 05/07/2018). EJP-CONCERT.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Fisher, E. (14 June 2018). “Stirring up” TERRITORIES: Integrating social and ethical considerations into radioecology [Paper presentation]. Ricomet 2018 Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research, Antwerp, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., Kenens, J., & Turcanu, C. (14 June 2018). Managing uncertainties through citizen science: the case of Fukushima [Paper presentation]. Ricomet 2018 Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionising Radiation, Antwerp, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M. (26 April 2018). Science by, with, or for citizens? Reframing “citizen science” through radiation monitoring in post-Fukushima Japan [Paper presentation]. 4th NERIS workshop "Adapting nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness, response and recovery to a changing world", Dublin, Ireland.

Van Oudheusden, M., Van Hoyweghen, I., & Verschraegen, G. (2018). Het enorme potentieel van burgerwetenschap. Standaard (De), p. 30-31.

Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Chefneux, L., Claisse, F., Contor, J., Duysens, F., Erpicum, M., Fallon, C., Fanouillere, J.-B., Glesner, C., Lobet-Maris, C., Macq, H., Parotte, C., Petit Jean, M., Piron, D., Poullet, Y., Rentier, B., Reuchamps, M., Rivière, M., ... Van Oudheusden, M. (2018). Anticiper les changements technologiques pour ne plus les subir. Le Vif. L'Express.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (04 December 2017). (Un)taming Citizen Science – Policies, Practices, People [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on (Un)taming Citizen Science, Leuven, Belgium.

Van Bouwel, J., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2017). Beyond Consensus? A Reply to Alan Irwin. Social Epistemology Review & Reply Collective.

Van Oudheusden, M. (28 June 2017). Absent, yet present? Tracing "Responsible Research and Innovation" in Radiation Protection Research [Paper presentation]. 2017 RICOMET Conference on Social and ethical aspects of decision-making in radiological risk situations, Vienne, Austria.

Hens, N., Huyse, T., Samaey, G., Soen, V., Poels, K., Van Hoyweghen, I., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2016). Citizen Science in Vlaanderen: U telt mee?! Standpunten van de Jonge Academie 2.

Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Van Oudheusden, M. (February 2015). De- and Re-Institutionalizing Technology Assessment in Contemporary Knowledge-Based Economies. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis (TATuP), 24 (1), 25-32.

Charlier, N., & Van Oudheusden, M. (June 2014). Flanders Ahead… Wallonia Behind (But Catching Up). Reconstructing Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovation Policymaking [Paper presentation]. 2014 Eu-SPRI Conference. Science & Innovation Policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Van Oudheusden, M. (January 2014). Where are the politics in responsible innovation? European governance, technology assessments, and beyond. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 1 (1), 67-86. doi:10.1080/23299460.2014.882097

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (18 October 2013). Flanders Ahead... Wallonia Behind (But Catching Up). The Identity Politics of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Conference "Belgium: The State of the Federation", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Charlier, N., Van Oudheusden, M., & Claisse, F. (2013). Identité et nation : un tabou francophone ? Le Soir.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Yoshizawa, G. (15 July 2013). Governance in Japan and Belgium: Building on Experiments with Technology Assessment and TA-like Activities [Poster presentation]. Knowing, Making, Governing: Asia-Pacific Science, Technology & Society Network – Biennial Conference 2013, Singapour, Singapore.

Van Oudheusden, M. (June 2013). Broadening the Knowledge Base in Policymaking: Notes on a Symposium on Technology Assessment in the Walloon Parliament. EASST Review, 32 (2).

Van Oudheusden, M., & Laurent, B. (2013). Shifting and Deepening Engagements: Experimental Normativity in Public Participation in Science and Technology. Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, 9 (1), 3-22.

Van Oudheusden, M. (2009). Plausibility as an issue in participatory Technology Assessment: A reflection on the question “From your perspective, what is intriguing about plausibility?”. In Joint CNS/ASU-Oxford (InSIS) Plausibility Project (pp. 56-58).

Van Oudheusden, M. (November 2007). Nanonu, maar hoe? EOS / Scientific American, 11, p. 113.

Van Oudheusden, M. (2004). Het einde van de Geschiedenis? Francis Fukuyama's these opnieuw ter discussie gesteld naar aanleiding van 11 september en de globalisering [Master’s dissertation, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]. ORBi-University of Liège.