Publications and communications of Michiel Van Oudheusden

Glesner, C., Fallon, C., Turcanu, C., & Van Oudheusden, M. (December 2020). Bringing symmetry between and within safety and security cultures in high-risk organizations. Safety Science, 132. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104950

Van Oudheusden, M., & Abelshauben, B. (02 July 2019). What’s next for Engage? What makes the project meaningful? [Paper presentation]. RICOMET 2019 - Social Science and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research, Barcelone, Spain.

Van Oudheusden, M., Kenens, J., Mizushima, N., & Boeykens, H. (01 July 2019). Ways of not forgetting: Japanese citizen scientists’ artistic responses to the 2011 Fukushima disaster [Poster presentation]. RICOMET 2019 - Social Science and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research, Barcelone, Spain.

Van Oudheusden, M., Kenens, J., Yoshizawa, G., & Mizushima, N. (2019). Report on the Workshop “Learning from Citizen Science after Fukushima", February 27th 2019 in Brussels. DRMKC Newsletter XVII.

Van Oudheusden, M., Maëkivi, D., Telve, K., Metsar, K. M., Tkaczyk, A., Dierckx, C., Lopez-Asensio, S., Sala, R., & Fisher, E. (2019). Social and ethical aspects linked to monitoring and modelling: A Socio-technical integration research approach. (D 9.64 – Social and ethical aspects). SCK-CEN.

Schröder, J., Geysmans, R., Perko, T., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2019). The impact of the inclusion of microbiology on expert conceptualization and public perception of geological disposal. (DELIVERABLE 3.6 - TASK 3.2). SCK-CEN.

Van Oudheusden, M. (09 May 2019). Citizen Science as Contested Practice in Environmental Governance: Lessons from Post-Fukushima Japan [Paper presentation]. ECIS seminar, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Nagy, A., Van Oudheusden, M., & Tomic, C. (2019). Final Report: Mitigating the Insider Threat at Chemical Facilities with Precursors to Explosives. (ENCO-FR-(19)-12 / MAY 2019). ENCO.

Van Oudheusden, M., Kenens, J., Yoshizawa, G., & Mizushima, N. (2019). Learning from Citizen Science after Fukushima: Probing the Role and Potential of Citizen Science in Nuclear Science and Technology Governance in Japan and Belgium.

Perko, T., Van Oudheusden, M., Turcanu, C., Pölzl-Viol, C., Oughton, D., Schieber, C., Schneider, T., Zölzer, F., Mays, C., Martell, M., Baudé, S., de Witte, I.-C., Prlic, I., Cantone, M. C., Salomaa, S., Duranova, T., Economides, S., & Molyneux-Hodgson, S. (2019). Towards a strategic research agenda for social sciences and humanities in radiological protection. Journal of Radiological Protection. doi:10.1088/1361-6498/ab0f89

Van Oudheusden, M. (10 January 2019). Where are the politics in responsible innovation? – Five years later [Paper presentation]. Exploring the Role of Values in RRI for Energy Systems, Leiden, Netherlands.

Lucivero, F., Delvenne, P., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2019). Making the invisible visible: Normativities in and of Technology Assessment. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 28 (1), 21-26.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., & Delvenne, P. (2019). Flanders Ahead, Wallonia Behind (But Catching up): Reconstructing Communities Through Science, Technology and Innovation Policymaking. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. doi:10.1177/0270467619854327

Van Oudheusden, M. (25 October 2018). Middaggesprek over burgerwetenschap [Paper presentation]. Middaggesprek Hollands College - Burgerwetenschap, Leuven, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., Abelshausen, B., Turcanu, C., & Pölzl-Viol, C. (01 October 2018). Imagining "engagement": A hands-on experiment [Paper presentation]. ERPW 2018 - 3d European Radiation Protection Week, Rovinj, Croatia.

Van Oudheusden, M. (28 September 2018). What are the data for? Citizen science and science governance in an age of digital innovation [Paper presentation]. SCK-CEN Lunchtalk, Mol, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., Turcanu, C., & Molyneux-Hodgson, S. (11 September 2018). From the Sidelines to Center Stage? Implementing 'Responsible Research and Innovation' in Radiation Protection Researchc [Paper presentation]. Nuclear Futures: Re-­making sociotechnical research agendas Seminar 6, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Medvecky, F., & Van Oudheusden, M. (01 September 2018). Putting Responsibility Centre-Stage: The Case Of Responsible Stagnation [Paper presentation]. TRANSnational STS, Sydney, Australia.

Perko, T., Turcanu, C., Van Oudheusden, M., Pölzl-Viol, C., Schieber, C., Schneider, T., de Witte, I.-C., Baumont, G., Baudé, S., Prlic, I., Mihic, S., Duranova, T., Oughton, D., Tomkiv, Y., Cantone, M. C., Salminen, E., Economides, S., Meskens, G., Zölzer, F., & Skuterud, L. (2018). Revised Strategic Research Agenda for Social Sciences and Humanities in Radiation Protection. (Ref. Ares(2018)3573560 - 05/07/2018). EJP-CONCERT.

Kenens, J., Van Oudheusden, M., Verschraegen, G., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (July 2018). Citizen engagement in science: Impressions from an international workshop on citizen science. EASST Review, 37 (3).

Van Oudheusden, M. (29 June 2018). De waarheid voorbij? Wetenschap en emotie in een tijd van post-truth [Paper presentation]. Nationale Milieudag 2018, Bilthoven, Netherlands.

Van Oudheusden, M. (26 June 2018). Ten years later: Flemish Technology Assessment is Dead. Long Live Responsible Research and Innovation [Paper presentation]. Anticipatory Technologies Data and Disorientation - 2018 Annual S.NET Meeting, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Kenens, J., Van Hoyweghen, I., & Van Oudheusden, M. (15 June 2018). Living apart together: a case study of the interaction between citizen science and institutions in the field of radiation monitoring in Japan [Paper presentation]. Technoscience from Below – 7th STS Italia Conference, Padova, Italy.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Fisher, E. (14 June 2018). “Stirring up” TERRITORIES: Integrating social and ethical considerations into radioecology [Paper presentation]. Ricomet 2018 Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research, Antwerp, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., Kenens, J., & Turcanu, C. (14 June 2018). Managing uncertainties through citizen science: the case of Fukushima [Paper presentation]. Ricomet 2018 Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionising Radiation, Antwerp, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Yoshizawa, G. (07 June 2018). After and Beyond Fukushima: Probing the Role and Potential of Citizen Science in Nuclear Science and Technology Governance in Japan and Belgium – Part 4 [Paper presentation]. Citizen Science and Democracy in Japan, Leuven, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M. (June 2018). De waarheid voorbij? Tijdschrift Milieu, 5 (24), p. 11-13.

Van Oudheusden, M. (26 April 2018). Science by, with, or for citizens? Reframing “citizen science” through radiation monitoring in post-Fukushima Japan [Paper presentation]. 4th NERIS workshop "Adapting nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness, response and recovery to a changing world", Dublin, Ireland.

Van Oudheusden, M., Turcanu, C., & Molyneux-Hodgson, S. (2018). Absent, yet present? Moving with ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’ in radiation protection research. Journal of Responsible Innovation.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Claisse, F. (26 March 2018). Truth at Risk? Risking Science in a Post-Truth Age [Paper presentation]. SRA-Benelux Conference "Change in Risk - Risk in Change", Mol, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., Van Hoyweghen, I., & Verschraegen, G. (2018). Het enorme potentieel van burgerwetenschap. Standaard (De), p. 30-31.

Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Chefneux, L., Claisse, F., Contor, J., Duysens, F., Erpicum, M., Fallon, C., Fanouillere, J.-B., Glesner, C., Lobet-Maris, C., Macq, H., Parotte, C., Petit Jean, M., Piron, D., Poullet, Y., Rentier, B., Reuchamps, M., Rivière, M., ... Van Oudheusden, M. (2018). Anticiper les changements technologiques pour ne plus les subir. Le Vif. L'Express.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Yoshizawa, G. (2018). Radiation Monitoring after Fukushima: Rearticulating “Citizen Science” as Active Citizenship [Paper presentation]. 2018 EASST Conference - Making Science, Technology and Society together, Lancaster, United Kingdom.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (04 December 2017). (Un)taming Citizen Science – Policies, Practices, People [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on (Un)taming Citizen Science, Leuven, Belgium.

Van Bouwel, J., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2017). Beyond Consensus? A Reply to Alan Irwin. Social Epistemology Review & Reply Collective.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Yoshizawa, G. (18 August 2017). After and Beyond Fukushima: Probing the Role and Potential of Citizen Science in Nuclear Science and Technology Governance in Japan and Belgium [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Citizen Science after Fukushima, Osaka, Japan.

Van Oudheusden, M. (28 June 2017). Absent, yet present? Tracing "Responsible Research and Innovation" in Radiation Protection Research [Paper presentation]. 2017 RICOMET Conference on Social and ethical aspects of decision-making in radiological risk situations, Vienne, Austria.

Van Oudheusden, M., Schröder, J., & Turcanu, C. (05 May 2017). How microbes network (and are networked) in geological disposal research: a sociological perspective [Paper presentation]. Project Annual Meeting of the European project MIND (Microbiology in nuclear waste disposal), Prague, Czechia.

Van Oudheusden, M. (18 April 2017). Governing radioactive waste in the interim: A cross-national comparison [Paper presentation]. NIRAS/ONDRAF-PISA workshop, Mol, Belgium.

Rossignol, N., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2017). Learning from Incidents and Incident Reporting: Safety Governance at a Belgian Nuclear Research Center. Science, Technology and Human Values, 42. doi:10.1177/0162243916686168

Van Bouwel, J., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2017). Participation Beyond Consensus? Technology Assessments, Consensus Conferences and Democratic Modulation. Social Epistemology. doi:10.1080/02691728.2017.1352624

Van Oudheusden, M. (19 December 2016). Multiple roadmapping, scenario planning and technology assessment: The case of nanotechnologies [Paper presentation]. Radiation Protection Research: An Interdisciplinary exercise on Research Agendas, Roadmaps and Societal Scenarios, Mol, Belgium.

Claisse, F., & Van Oudheusden, M. (28 November 2016). Des variétés de bêtise savante et de leur dénonciation: un plaidoyer pour le bullshit [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Littérature (XIX-XXIe s.) : Histoire, société, institutions, discours, Liège, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M. (14 November 2016). Burgerwetenschap na Fukushima [Paper presentation]. Kom naar buiten - doedag over wetenschapscommunicatie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M. (04 November 2016). Of microbes, incidents and citizens: A look inside the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN [Paper presentation]. Materials Science Seminars, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Van Oudheusden, M. (13 September 2016). What’s with the hyphens? A social studies perspective on science-technology-society [Paper presentation]. Environment Health Safety Meeting, Mol, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (01 September 2016). Integrating Science and Technology into Sports: A Case Study of Sports Innovations in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Joint 4S/EASST Conference "Science and technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures", Barcelona, Spain.

Van Oudheusden, M., Turcanu, C., Van Hoyweghen, I., & Yoshizawa. (28 June 2016). Citizen science in the nuclear field: An exploration of its potential in governing nuclear incidents, accidents, and post-disaster situations [Paper presentation]. 4th CPERI Workshop - Producing and experimenting with publics in new political economies, Liège, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., Turcanu, C., Yoshizawa, G., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (20 April 2016). Volunteering Citizens in Nuclear Risk Governance: Citizen Science after Fukushima [Paper presentation]. Technologies of Prediction: An international workshop on risk, uncertainty and the management of future health, Lecce, Italy.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., & Claisse, F. (17 March 2016). The Bullshit Abstract: From Critique to Reflexive Practice [Paper presentation]. DiscourseNet 17 - Reflexivity and Critique in Discourse, Pamplona, Spain.

Van Oudheusden, M., Rossignol, N., Perko, T., Meskens, G., & Turcanu, C. (14 March 2016). Getting on Board but How? Conflicting Perspectives on the Role of the Social Sciences and Humanities in Radiation Protection [Paper presentation]. Society for Risk Analysis BENELUX Inaugural Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Turcanu, C., Meskens, G., Perko, T., Van Oudheusden, M., Schröder, J., & Rossignol, N. (11 February 2016). Science, technology and society: opening pathways for integrating social sciences and humanities into nuclear research [Poster presentation]. University of Antwerp / SCK-CEN Exchange Day, Antwerp, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., Rossignol, N., & Turcanu, C. (11 February 2016). New ventures in nuclear emergency planning and response: a governance perspective [Poster presentation]. University of Antwerp / SCK-CEN Exchange Day, Antwerp, Belgium.

Hens, N., Huyse, T., Samaey, G., Soen, V., Poels, K., Van Hoyweghen, I., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2016). Citizen Science in Vlaanderen: U telt mee?! Standpunten van de Jonge Academie 2.

Schröder, J., Rossignol, N., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2016). Safety in Long Term Radioactive Waste Management: Insight and Oversight. Safety Science, 85, 258-265. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2016.02.003

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (December 2015). Broadening, Deepening, and Governing Innovation: Flemish Technology Assessment in Historical and Socio-Political Perspective. Research Policy, 44 (10), 1877-1886. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2015.06.010

Van Oudheusden, M., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (December 2015). Van botscan tot bodysuit. Naar een maatschappelijk debat over sportinnovatie. Karakter. Tijdschrift van Wetenschap, 52, 5-7.

Schröder, J., Van Oudheusden, M., Rossignol, N., Perko, T., Meskens, G., & Turcanu, C. (16 October 2015). Mediating science, technology, and society at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK/CEN through hybrid management: The case of PISA [Paper presentation]. International Conference Trading Zones in Technological Societies, Liège, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Rossignol, N. (16 October 2015). Reporting Incidents: Incidental Politics and the Power of Incidents [Paper presentation]. Trading Zones in Technological Societies Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Charlier, N. (25 September 2015). Repositioning Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium) in the Knowledge-Based Economy: A Discourse-Analytic and Policy Studies Perspective [Paper presentation]. International Congress #1 Discourse: Language, Society, Critique, Bremen, Germany.

Van Oudheusden, M. (20 August 2015). Dissensus, Unclosure, and Agonistic Appraisal: Reconceiving of Technology Assessment and Consensus Conferences as Forms of Social Experimentation [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Experimenting with New Technologies, Delft, Netherlands.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Meyer, M. (08 July 2015). Citizen Science and Democratic Citizenship [Paper presentation]. 10th Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference, Lille, France.

Moniz, A., Yoshizawa, G., & Van Oudheusden, M. (25 February 2015). Technology Assessment in East Asia: Experiences and New Approaches [Paper presentation]. 2nd European Technology Assessment Conference: The Next Horizon of TA, Berlin, Germany.

Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Van Oudheusden, M. (February 2015). De- and Re-Institutionalizing Technology Assessment in Contemporary Knowledge-Based Economies. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis (TATuP), 24 (1), 25-32.

Moniz, A., Yoshizawa, G., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2015). Technology Assessment in East Asia: Experiences and New Approaches. In C. Scherz (Ed.), Proceedings from the PACITA 2015 Conference - The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment (pp. 287-293).

Van Oudheusden, M. (20 November 2014). A Debate on Responsible Research and Innovation [Paper presentation]. WTMC Annual Meeting 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Van Oudheusden, M. (2014). Citizen Science: algemeen kader, modellen en mogelijkheden [Paper presentation]. Wetenschap: jij telt mee! Citizen Science in Vlaanderen, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M. (19 September 2014). Science and Technology into Sports: The Flemish Sports Compass [Paper presentation]. 2014 EASST Conference Situating Solidarties: Social Challenges for Science and Technology Studies, Torun, Poland.

Meyers, G., Van Oudheusden, M., Thoreau, F., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (September 2014). Introducing the Belgian Science and Technology Studies Network (BSTS) [Poster presentation]. 2014 EASST Conference Situating Solidarties: Social Challenges for Science and Technology Studies, Torun, Poland.

Van Oudheusden, M. (August 2014). Learning in, through, and about participatory technology assessment: The case of nanotechnologies for tomorrow's society (NanoSoc). Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 26 (7), 825-836. doi:10.1080/09537325.2014.902436

Van Oudheusden, M. (04 July 2014). Let's Talk Ambiguity: Citizen science in new and emerging technologies [Paper presentation]. Let's talk science: Summer school for science communication and communicative competences, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Charlier, N., & Van Oudheusden, M. (June 2014). Flanders Ahead… Wallonia Behind (But Catching Up). Reconstructing Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovation Policymaking [Paper presentation]. 2014 Eu-SPRI Conference. Science & Innovation Policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Van Oudheusden, M. (January 2014). Where are the politics in responsible innovation? European governance, technology assessments, and beyond. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 1 (1), 67-86. doi:10.1080/23299460.2014.882097

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (18 October 2013). Flanders Ahead... Wallonia Behind (But Catching Up). The Identity Politics of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Conference "Belgium: The State of the Federation", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Charlier, N. (13 September 2013). Where are the politics in responsible innovation? European governance, technology assessments, and beyond [Paper presentation]. Devices of responsibility: Shaping political spaces for research, innovation and markets - Dispositifs de résponsabilité: La fabrication des espaces politiques de la recherche, de l'innovation et des marchés, Paris, France.

Charlier, N., Van Oudheusden, M., & Claisse, F. (2013). Identité et nation : un tabou francophone ? Le Soir.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Yoshizawa, G. (15 July 2013). Governance in Japan and Belgium: Building on Experiments with Technology Assessment and TA-like Activities [Poster presentation]. Knowing, Making, Governing: Asia-Pacific Science, Technology & Society Network – Biennial Conference 2013, Singapour, Singapore.

Van Oudheusden, M. (04 July 2013). The Politics of Independence and Neutrality: The Dismantling of the Flemish Institute for Society and Technology, IST [Paper presentation]. 2013 Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference, Vienne, Austria.

Charlier, N., & Van Oudheusden, M. (June 2013). taSTI : régimes régionaux de science, technologie, innovation et pratiques de technology assessment [Paper presentation]. Midi du CRIDS, Namur, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M. (June 2013). Broadening the Knowledge Base in Policymaking: Notes on a Symposium on Technology Assessment in the Walloon Parliament. EASST Review, 32 (2).

Van Oudheusden, M. (20 April 2013). Opening the politics in participatory technology assessment: On power and ethics [Paper presentation]. Beyond Ethics: Exploring the Politics of Emerging Technologies, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Lucivero, F., Delvenne, P., & Van Oudheusden, M. (13 March 2013). Bringing the normative content into participatory technology assessment [Paper presentation]. 2013 PACITA Conference Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions, Prague, Czechia.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (13 March 2013). Mapping the interplay of policy paradigms and technology assessment in Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 2013 PACITA Conference Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions, Prague, Czechia.

Laurent, B., & Van Oudheusden, M. (February 2013). Naar een ethisch verantwoorde nanotechnologie? Over de plaats van ethiek in het huidige wetenschapsbeleid. Ethiek und Maatschappij, 14 (4), 15-32.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Laurent, B. (2013). Shifting and Deepening Engagements: Experimental Normativity in Public Participation in Science and Technology. Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, 9 (1), 3-22.

Van Oudheusden, M. (2012). Participeren (z)onder spanning: Over conflicten, macht en impasses in participatieprocessen” [Paper presentation]. Inspiratiedagen wetenschapswinkel, Antwerpen, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M. (19 October 2012). Quo Vadis Parliamentary Technology Assessment? The Case of the Flemish Institute for Society and Technology (IST) [Paper presentation]. Joint 4S-EASST Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Hendrickx, K. (2012). Welke waarheid over eten? Standaard (De), p. 28-29.

Van Oudheusden, M. (2012). Opening Participation through Participatory Technology Assessment: The Case of Nanotechnologies for Tomorrow's Society [Doctoral thesis, UA - Universiteit Antwerpen]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Van Oudheusden, M. (21 February 2012). Technology Assessment [Paper presentation]. SCK/CEN Conference Exploring the Science, Politics and Ethics of Nuclear Technology Assessment, Brussels, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., & De Zutter, H. (2012). Contesting Co-inquiry: "Noncommunicative" Discourse in a Flemish Participatory Technology Assessment. Science Communication, 34 (1), 83-113. doi:10.1177/1075547011408926

Van Oudheusden, M. (2011). Questioning "Participation": A Critical Appraisal of its Conceptualization in a Flemish Participatory Technology Assessment. Science and Engineering Ethics, 17 (4), 673-690. doi:10.1007/s11948-011-9313-z

Van Oudheusden, M. (25 August 2010). Developing notions of responsible innovation in Flanders, Belgium: The case of nanotechnologies [Paper presentation]. 4S Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

Van Oudheusden, M. (2009). Plausibility as an issue in participatory Technology Assessment: A reflection on the question “From your perspective, what is intriguing about plausibility?”. In Joint CNS/ASU-Oxford (InSIS) Plausibility Project (pp. 56-58).

Van Oudheusden, M. (27 October 2009). Argumentative interaction in a Flemish participatory technology assessment [Paper presentation]. 4S Conference, Washington DC, United States.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Laurent, B. (25 May 2009). Doing research and engaging oneself: Modes of normative engagement in public participation in science and technology [Paper presentation]. ESF/ZiF Conference, Bielefeld, Germany.

Goorden, L., Van Tendeloo, G. (Other coll.), Lenaerts, S. (Other coll.), Deblonde, M. (Other coll.), & Van Oudheusden, M. (Other coll.). (2009). Nanotechnologie op de agenda. Universiteit Antwerpen.

Van Oudheusden, M. (20 August 2008). Public Engagement in Science and Technology: Negotiating the Meaning of Participation in a Flemish Participatory Technology Assessment [Paper presentation]. Joint 4S/EASST Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Evers, J. (05 April 2008). Assessing citizens' moral argumentations on nanotechnologies: An incentive to reconsider interactive technology assessment approaches [Paper presentation]. Science and Technology in Society - STGlobal, Washington DC, United States.

Deblonde, M., Van Oudheusden, M., Evers, J., & Goorden, L. (2008). Co-creating nano-imaginaries: A report of a Delphi-exercise. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 28 (5), 372-389. doi:10.1177/0270467608322591

Goorden, L., Van Oudheusden, M., Evers, J., & Deblonde, M. (2008). Nanotechnologies for Tomorrow's Society: A Case for Reflective Action Research in Flanders, Belgium. In E. Fisher, C. Selin, ... J. Wetmore (Eds.), Presenting Futures: The Yearbook of Nanotechnologies in Society (pp. 163-182). Springer.

Goorden, L., Van Oudheusden, M., Evers, J., & Deblonde, M. (2008). Lose one another ... and find one another in nanospace: Nanotechnologies for Tomorrow's Society: a case for reflective action research in Flanders (NanoSoc). NanoEthics, 213-230. doi:10.1007/s11569-008-0043-x

Van Oudheusden, M. (November 2007). Nanonu, maar hoe? EOS / Scientific American, 11, p. 113.

Van Oudheusden, M. (2007). A Glimpse from the Imaginaries of a Nanofuture Conference in Leuven, Belgium. Nano & Society.

Van Oudheusden, M., Evers, J., Deblonde, M., & Goorden, L. (2007). "Nano-imaginaries" in a Future Smart Environment: Breakdown of a Three Round Delphi Study. Antwerpen, Belgium: Universiteit Antwerpen.

Van Oudheusden, M., Evers, J., Deblonde, M., De Tavernier, J., & Goorden, L. (30 October 2006). Widening the Circle of Nanoresearch: A Case for Reflective Action Research in Flemish Society [Paper presentation]. International Congress of Nanotechnology, San Fransisco, United States.

Van Oudheusden, M. (2004). Het einde van de Geschiedenis? Francis Fukuyama's these opnieuw ter discussie gesteld naar aanleiding van 11 september en de globalisering [Master’s dissertation, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]. ORBi-University of Liège.