Publications and communications of Anne Mertens

Bryndza, G., Tchuindjang, J. T., Chen, F., Habraken, A., Sepulveda, H., Tuninetti, V., Mertens, A., & Duchene, L. (09 January 2025). Review of the Microstructural Impact on Creep Mechanisms and Performance for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Inconel 718. Materials, 18 (2), 276. doi:10.3390/ma18020276

Fomekong Louta, E., Tchuindjang, J. T., Mertens, A., & Dienedort NDAPEU. (31 October 2024). EXPLOITATION OF CANARIUM SCHWEINFURTHII CORE SHELLS AS CARBON SOURCE FOR CASE HARDENING OF STEELS [Paper presentation]. EDT MAIN / Nanowal Scientific day, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Seidou, A. H., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (31 October 2024). Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of 316L stainless steel with or without SiC additions produced via Directed Energy Deposition [Poster presentation]. EDT-MAIN PhD Scientific Day / NanoWal annual meeting, Louvain, Belgium.

Dedry, O., Tomé Jardin, R. A., Hashemi, S. N., Sinnaeve, M., Carrus, R., Habraken, A., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (10 September 2024). Understanding the microstructure evolution during Laser Metal Deposition of HSS M4 obtained from various building strategies, through thermal modelling, and both microstructural and mechanical characterizations [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference On Abrasion Wear Resistant Cast Iron And Forged Steel For Rolling And Pulverizing Mills - Abrasion 2024, Salzbourg, Austria.

Mertens, A. (2024). L'impression 3D des matériaux métalliques [Paper presentation]. Université du troisième âge.

RÍOS, I., MARTÍNEZ, A., Saggionetto, E., Mertens, A., Duchene, L., Habraken, A., & Tuninetti, V. (15 May 2024). Numerical modeling of the compressive behavior of 316L body-centered cubic lattice structures. Materials Research Proceedings, 41 (2024), 224-233. doi:10.21741/9781644903131-25

Saggionetto, E., Roger Vila, G., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (15 May 2024). Effect of SiC addition on processability of AISI S2 tool steel for laser powder bed fusion. Materials Research Proceedings, 41, 216-223. doi:10.21741/9781644903131-24

Rojas Ulloa, C. E., Morch, H., Tuninetti, V., Tchuindjang, J. T., Pensis, O., Di Giovanni, A., Mertens, A., Duchene, L., & Habraken, A. (2024). Microstructure evolution of Incoloy 800H in industrial environment and correlation with creep mechanisms from literature. Materials at High Temperatures, 1-11. doi:10.1080/09603409.2024.2342602

Habraken, A., Bryndza, G., Chen, F., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., Rojas Ulloa, C. E., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (18 April 2024). A creep survey: from creep mechanisms to macroscopic and microscopic models [Paper presentation]. Webinar de la série MMELO.

Oñate, A., Sanhueza, J. P., Dueña, G., Wackerling, D., Sauceda, S., Salvo, C., Valenzuela, M., Medina, C., Seidou, A. H., Tchuindjang, J. T., Meléndrez, M., Rojas, D., Mertens, A., & Tuninetti, V. (January 2024). Sigma Phase Stabilization by Nb Doping in a New High-Entropy Alloy in the FeCrMnNiCu System: A Study of Phase Prediction and Nanomechanical Response. Metals, 14 (1), 74. doi:10.3390/met14010074

Seidou, A. H., Blondiau, C., Dedry, O., Oñate Angelo, Tuninetti Victor, Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2024). Differential Thermal Analysis to Assist the Design of Corrosion-resistant High Entropy Alloys for Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Materials Research Proceedings, 41, 2956. doi:10.21741/9781644903131-40

Habraken, A., Jardin Tome, R., Pham Quy Duc, T., Tchuindjang, J. T., Carrus, R., Tuninetti, Duchene, L., Mertens, A., Hoang, T. V., & Tran Xuan Van. (05 October 2023). Simulations of Directed Energy Deposition process, High Speed Steel [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Workshop on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials, 4-6 October 2023, İstanbul, Türkiye (Hybrid), Istanbul, Turkey.

Jardin, R. T., Tuninetti, V., Tchuindjang, J. T., Duchene, L., Hashemi, S. N., Tran, H. S., Carrus, R., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (August 2023). Optimizing laser power of directed energy deposition process for homogeneous AISI M4 steel microstructure. Optics and Laser Technology, 163, 109426. doi:10.1016/j.optlastec.2023.109426

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Mario, D., Dedry, O., Castagne, S., Mertens, A., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (2023). Unveiling the complex wear sequence of a directed energy deposited 316L+WC hierarchical composite against alumina. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. doi:10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.07.172

Rojas Ulloa, C. E., Morch, H., Tchuindjang, J. T., Pensis, O., Di Giovanni, A., Mertens, A., Duchene, L., Tuninetti, V., & Habraken, A. (03 July 2023). Creep mechanisms of Incoloy 800H at high temperature [Paper presentation]. Thermec 2023 The International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications, Vienne, Austria.

Saggionetto, E., Seidou, A. H., Roger Vila, G., Boschini, F., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (July 2023). Preparation of powders mixture of AISI S2 Tool Steel and Silicon Carbide for use in Laser Powder Bed Fusion [Poster presentation]. Thermec 2023, Vienna, Austria.

Habraken, A., Bouffioux, C., Dedry, O., Fetni Seif, Sepulveda, H., Duchene, L., & Mertens, A. (25 May 2023). Fatigue crack prediction in Multiphasic-Phasic Material [Paper presentation]. 3rd Benelux Network Meeting and Workshop on Damage and Fracture Mechanics (BDFM-2023).

Rojas Ulloa, C., Morch, H., Tuninetti Vásquez, V., Tchuindjang, J. T., Mertens, A., Duchene, L., Habraken, A., Pensis, O., & Di Giovanni, A. (23 May 2023). Accurate very-high temperature creep-life prediction of Incoloy 800H addressing effects of creep mechanism transition and nitridation [Paper presentation]. ECCC23, Edimburgh, United Kingdom.

Delahaye, J., Habraken, A., & Mertens, A. (2023). 2D FE Modeling of the Thermal History of the Heat Affected Zone in AlSi10Mg LPBF. In L. Madej, M. Sitko, ... K. Perzynski (Eds.), Material Forming - The 26th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming , Esaform 2023 (pp. 189-198). Millersville, United States - Pennsylvania: Materials Research Forum. doi:10.21741/9781644902479-21

Saggionetto, E., Filippi Elena, Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2023). Development and processability of AISI S2 tool steel by laser powder bed fusion [Paper presentation]. ESAFORM Conference 2023.

Saggionetto, E., Filippi Elena, Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2023). Development and processability of AISI S2 tool steel by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. In Lukasz Madej, Mateusz Sitko, ... Konrad Perzynski, Material Forming – ESAFORM 2023 (Vol. 28, pp. 41-48). Millersville, United States - Pennsylvania: Materials research forum. doi:10.21741/9781644902479-5

Krishnamurthy, S. C., Arseenko, M., Kashiwar, A., Dufour, P., Marchal, Y., Delahaye, J., Idrissi, H., Pardoen, T., Mertens, A., & Simar, A. (03 April 2023). Controlled precipitation in a new Al-Mg-Sc alloy for enhanced corrosion behavior while maintaining the mechanical performance. Materials Characterization, 200, 112886. doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2023.112886

Seidou, A. H., Saggionetto, E., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2023). Evaluation under near-equilibrium conditions of the powders mixture AISI S2 Tool Steel and Silicon Carbide for Laser Powder Bed Fusion applications [Poster presentation]. International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications, Wien, Austria.

Tran, H. S., Bouffioux, C., Dedry, O., Rojas Ulloa, C. E., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (2022). Identification of a soft matrix-hard inclusion material by indentation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 107723. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2022.107723

Tran Hoang, S., Bouffioux, C., Dedry, O., Delahaye, J., El Fetni, S., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (04 April 2022). Prediction of static properties of LPBFAlSi10Mg samples post-treated by Friction Stir Processing or thermal treatments [Paper presentation]. EMMC18 – 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference.

El Fetni, S., Delahaye, J., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (28 February 2022). Adaptive time stepping approach for Phase-Field modeling of phase separation and precipitates coarsening in additive manufacturing alloys [Paper presentation]. COMPLAS 2021 - XVI International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Barcelone, Spain. doi:10.23967/complas.2021.009

Fetni, S., Delahaye, J., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (13 December 2021). About the use of Phase Field and FE to predict micostructures, Application on AlSi10Mg samples produced by Additive Manufacturing [Paper presentation]. Premier séminaire de la GE@2M (Fédération Grand Est Mécanique des Matériaux France), Virtuel (Région du Grand Est), France.

El Fetni, S., Delahaye, J., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (07 September 2021). Presentation: Adaptive time stepping approach for Phase-F1ield modeling of phase separation and precipitates coarsening in additive manufacturing alloys [Paper presentation]. COMPLAS 2021, Barcelona, Spain.

Delahaye, J., El Fetni, S., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (03 June 2021). How finite element simulations and phase field method interact to predict material properties of additive manufacturing samples [Paper presentation]. Sixth International Conference on Research in Intelligent Computing in Engineering (RICE-2021), Online, Vietnam.

Tchuindjang, J. T., Paydas, H., Tran, H. S., Carrus, R., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (31 May 2021). A New Concept for Modeling Phase Transformations in Ti6Al4V Alloy Manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition. Materials, 14 (11), 2985. doi:10.3390/ma14112985

Saggionetto, E., Maurizi-Enrici, T., Dedry, O., Mario, D., Serrano Martin, I., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (April 2021). The role of the Counterbody Material on Tribological Properties of 316L+WC Composite Coatings processed by Laser Cladding [Poster presentation]. 23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials (WOM 2021).

El Fetni, S., Maurizi-Enrici, T., Niccolini, T., Tran, H. S., Dedry, O., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (17 March 2021). Thermal model for the directed energy deposition of composite coatings of 316L stainless steel enriched with tungsten carbides. Materials and Design, 204 (109661). doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109661

Dedry, O., Bouffioux, C., Tran, H. S., Santos Macías, J. G., Habraken, A., & Mertens, A. (2021). Identification of AlSi10Mg matrix behavior by nanoindentation. In 24th International Conference on Material Forming. Liège, Belgium: PoPuPs. doi:10.25518/esaform21.2464

Jardin Tome, R., Tuninetti, V., Tchuindjang, J. T., Hashemi, S. N., Carrus, R., Mertens, A., Duchene, L., Tran, H. S., & Habraken, A. (22 November 2020). Sensitivity Analysis in the Modelling of a High Speed Steel Thin-Wall Produced by Directed Energy Deposition. Metals, 10 (2020), 1554. doi:10.3390/met10111554

El Fetni, S., Maurizi-Enrici, T., Niccolini, T., Tran, H. S., Dedry, O., Jardin, R., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (September 2020). 2D thermal finite element analysis of laser cladding of 316L+WC Composite coatings. Procedia Manufacturing, 50 (86-92). doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2020.08.016

Mertens, A., Delahaye, J., Dedry, O., Vertruyen, B., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Habraken, A. (26 April 2020). Microstructure and properties of SLM AlSi10Mg: Understanding the influence of the local thermal history. Procedia Manufacturing, 47, 1089-1095. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2020.04.121

Zorzetto, L., Andena, L., Briatico-Vangosa, F., De Noni, L., Thomassin, J.-M., Jérôme, C., Grossman, Q., Mertens, A., Weinkamer, R., Rink, M., & Ruffoni, D. (2020). Properties and role of interfaces in multimaterial 3D printed composites. Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 22285. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-79230-0

Habraken, A., Mertens, A., Duchene, L., Tchuindjang, J. T., Tran, H. S., Tomé Jardin, R. A., Delahaye, J., Dedry, O., Paydas, H., & Carrus, R. (06 December 2019). Microstructure prediction in additive manufacturing(TA6V, AlSi10Mg, AISI M4 materials) [Paper presentation]. Séminaire mensuel Integrative Systems+Design Division, Ann Arbor, United States - Michigan.

Tomé Jardin, R. A., Tchuindjang, J. T., Duchene, L., Carrus, R., Mertens, A., Habraken, A., & Tran, H. S. (2019). Numerical analysis of thermal stress in laser cladding technology of M4 High Speed Steel. In Y. Korkolis, B. Kinsey, M. Knezevic, ... Padhye, Proceedings of NUMIFORM 2019: The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes.

Tomé Jardin, R. A., Tchuindjang, J. T., Duchene, L., Carrus, R., Pesci, R., Mertens, A., Habraken, A., & Tran, H. S. (27 May 2019). Thermo-Mechanical laser cladding simulations of M4 High Speed Steel [Paper presentation]. 4th workshop of Metal Additive Manufacturing, Leuven, Belgium.

Tomé Jardin, R. A., Tchuindjang, J. T., Duchene, L., Tran, H. S., Hashemi, S. N., Carrus, R., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (01 February 2019). Thermal histories and microstructures in Direct Energy Deposition of a High Speed Steel thick deposit. Materials Letters, 236, 42-45. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2018.09.157

Delahaye, J., Tchuindjang, J. T., Habraken, A., & Mertens, A. (September 2018). Dominant strengthening mechanism of AlSi10Mg processed by Selective Laser Melting [Poster presentation]. Colloque Indentation 2018, Liège, Belgium.

Tomé Jardin, R. A., Hashemi, S. N., Tran, H. S., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (28 May 2018). Sensitivity analysis of melt pool - Finite Element prediction in laser cladding process of HSS material [Paper presentation]. 3rd Workshop on Metal AM, Liège, Belgium.

Tomé Jardin, R. A., Tran, H. S., Hashemi, S. N., Tchuindjang, J. T., Carrus, R., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (25 April 2018). 2D FE Simulations of High Speed Steel Laser Cladding Process [Paper presentation]. ESAFORM, Palermo, Italy.

Tran, H. S., Tchuindjang, J. T., Paydas, H., Tomé Jardin, R. A., Carrus, R., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (28 March 2018). Predicted microstructure in repair technology of Ti-6Al-4V [Paper presentation]. 16th edition of the European Mechanics of Material Conference, Nantes, France.

Tomé Jardin, R. A., Tchuindjang, J. T., Paydas, H., Carrus, R., Mertens, A., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Habraken, A., & Tran, H. S. (28 June 2017). Thermal history modelling to understand microstructures observed in repair technology of Ti-6Al-4V [Paper presentation]. Workshop on metal additive manufacturing, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Mertens, A. (2016). Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Materials: An Introduction.

Mertens, A. (2016). Laser Additive Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composites. (Université catholique de Louvain - Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain, LMECA2453 - Advanced manufacturing technologies (Prof. A. Simar)).

Mertens, A. (2015). Current issues in the processing of Ti alloy Ti6Al4V by laser additive manufacturing techniques. (Université catholique de Louvain - Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain, LMECA2453 - Advanced manufacturing technologies (Prof. A. Simar)).

Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Reuter, D., Rigo, O., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (2015). Thermal Treatments of AlSi10Mg Processed by Laser Beam Melting. In D. Bourell (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (pp. 1007-1016).

Mertens, A. (2014). Modification de la microstructure des métaux après déformation plastique : Restauration et recristallisation. (ULiège - Université de Liège, MECA0473-1 Ingénierie des matériaux métalliques (Prof. J. Lecomte-Beckers)).

Mertens, A. (2014). An Introduction to the Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Materials - Two Case Studies on the Processing of Stainless Steel 316L and of Ti Alloy Ti-6Al-4V. (ULiège - Université de Liège, MECA0473-1 Ingénierie des matériaux métalliques (Prof. J. Lecomte-Beckers)).

Mertens, A. (2014). Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Materials: Case Studies in the Processing of Stainless Steel 316L and of Alloy Ti-6Al-4V by Laser Beam Melting. (Université catholique de Louvain - Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain, LMECA2453 Compléments de fabrication mécanique et FAO (Prof. A. Simar)).

Montrieux, H.-M., Lecomte-Beckers, J., & Mertens, A. (October 2013). Les matrices métalliques et céramiques : de nouveaux matériaux composites. Plus Composites, article n°3.

Montrieux, H.-M., Demy, P., Ibarra-Castanedo, C., Mertens, A., Gerlach, N., Lecomte-Beckers, J., & Maldague, X. (2013). Comparison between optical pulsed thermography and vibrothermography for the assessment of carbon fibers composite materials. In X. Maldague (Ed.), Advances in Signal Processing for Non Destructive Evaluation of Materials Proceedings of the VIIth International Workshop and selected papers from 16th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM 2013) (978-2-9809199-4-7). Canada: É. Du CAO.

Mertens, A., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Montrieux, H.-M., Halleux, J., & Delannay, F. (September 2011). Processing of carbon fibers reinforced Mg matrix composites via pre-infiltration with Al [Paper presentation]. Euromat 2011, European congress and exhibition on advanced materials and processes, Montpellier, France.

Montrieux, H.-M., Mertens, A., Halleux, J., Delannay, F., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (September 2011). Interfacial phenomena in carbon fibre reinforced magnesium alloys processed by squeeze casting and thixomolding [Paper presentation]. Euromat 2011: European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Montpellier, France.