Publications and communications of Luc Cornet

Cornet, L., Lupo, V., Declerck, S., & Baurain, D. (10 January 2024). Evaluation of Genomic Contamination Detection Tools and Influence of Horizontal Gene Transfer on Their Efficiency through Contamination Simulations at Various Taxonomic Ranks. Applied Microbiology, 4 (1), 124-132. doi:10.3390/applmicrobiol4010009

Cornet, L., Durieu, B., Baert, F., D'hooge Elisabeth, Collignon, D., Meunier, L., Lupo, V., Cleenwerck, I., Daniel, H.-M., Rigouts, L., Sirjacobs, D., Declerck, S., Vandamme, P., Wilmotte, A., Baurain, D., & Becker, P. (September 2023). The GEN-ERA toolbox: unified and reproducible workflows for research in microbial genomics [Paper presentation]. ECCO XLI – 2023, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Picone Dorian, Luchena, M., Cornet, L., Becker, P., Wilmotte, A., & Vaz, M. (September 2023). Evaluation of the bioactive potential of polar cyanobacterial strains from BCCM/ULC [Poster presentation]. ECCO XLI – 2023, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Pardo-De la Hoz, C. J., Magain, N., Piatkowski, B., Cornet, L., Dal Forno, M., Carbone, I., Miadlikowska, J., & Lutzoni, F. (2023). Ancient Rapid Radiation Explains Most Conflicts Among Gene Trees and Well-supported Phylogenomic Trees of Nostocalean Cyanobacteria. Systematic Biology. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syad008

Meunier, L., Baurain, D., & Cornet, L. (2023). AMAW: automated gene annotation for non-model eukaryotic genomes. F1000Research, 12, 186. doi:10.12688/f1000research.129161.1

Cornet, L., Durieu, B., Baert, F., D'hooge, E., Colignon, D., Meunier, L., Lupo, V., Cleenwerck, I., Daniel, H.-M., Rigouts, L., Sirjacobs, D., Declerck, S., Vandamme, P., Wilmotte, A., Baurain, D., & Becker, P. (28 December 2022). The GEN-ERA toolbox: unified and reproducible workflows for research in microbial genomics. GigaScience, 12. doi:10.1093/gigascience/giad022

Cornet, L., & Baurain, D. (September 2022). A guided tour into genomic contamination detection [Poster presentation]. Reconstructing the human past: using ancient and modern genomics, Heidelberg, Germany.

Cornet, L., Cleenwerck, I., Praet, J., Léonard, R., Vereecken, N. J., Michez, D., Smagghe, G., Baurain, D., & Vandamme, P. (28 June 2022). Phylogenomic Analyses of Snodgrassella Isolates from Honeybees and Bumblebees Reveal Taxonomic and Functional Diversity. mSystems, 7 (3), 0150021. doi:10.1128/msystems.01500-21

Cornet, L., & Baurain, D. (21 February 2022). Contamination detection in genomic data: more is not enough. Genome Biology, 23 (1), 60. doi:10.1186/s13059-022-02619-9

Cornet, L., D'Hooge, E., Magain, N., Stubbe, D., Packeu, A., Baurain, D.* , & Becker, P.*. (2021). The taxonomy of the Trichophyton rubrum complex: a phylogenomic approach. Microbial Genomics. doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000707
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Léonard, R., Leleu, M., Van Vlierberghe, M., Cornet, L., Kerff, F., & Baurain, D. (05 May 2021). ToRQuEMaDA: tool for retrieving queried Eubacteria, metadata and dereplicating assemblies. PeerJ, 9, 11348. doi:10.7717/peerj.11348

Cornet, L., Ahn, A.-C., Wilmotte, A., & Baurain, D. (2021). ORPER: A Workflow for Constrained SSU rRNA Phylogenies. Genes, 12 (11). doi:10.3390/genes12111741

Lupo, V., Van Vlierberghe, M., Vanderschuren, H., Kerff, F., Baurain, D., & Cornet, L. (2021). Contamination in Reference Sequence Databases: Time for Divide-and-Rule Tactics. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 755101. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.755101

Ahn, A.-C., Cornet, L., Beets, K., Lara, Y., Durieu, B., Javaux, E., Baurain, D., & Wilmotte, A. (18 October 2019). Biodiversity of Cyanobacteria and associated microbiome in the BCCM/ULC Culture Collection [Poster presentation]. 2019 Symposium of the Belgian Society for Microbiology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Wilmotte, A., Beets, K., Simons, V., Lara, Y., Durieu, B., Cornet, L., & Baurain, D. (27 August 2019). BCCM/ULC : genomic research on Polar cyanobacteria. European Journal of Phycology, 54 (sup1), 31-117. doi:10.1080/09670262.2019.1626627

Ahn, A.-C., Beets, K., Lara, Y., Durieu, B., Simons, V., Cornet, L., Baurain, D., & Wilmotte, A. (13 June 2019). Cyanobacteria of Polar Regions: Focus of the BCCM/ULC Culture Collection [Poster presentation]. ECCO 2019 XXXVIII Annual Meeting of the European Culture Collections' Organisation, Turin, Italy.

Demoulin, C.* , Lara, Y.* , Cornet, L., François, C., Baurain, D., Wilmotte, A., & Javaux, E. (2019). Cyanobacteria evolution: Insight from the fossil record. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 140, 206-223. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2019.05.007
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Wilmotte, A., Santoro, M., Beets, K., Lara, Y., Durieu, B., Simons, V., Silva-Stenico, E., De Fiore, M., Cornet, L., & Baurain, D. (October 2018). Ex-situ conservation and exploration of polar cyanobacteria in the BCCM/ULC Collection [Poster presentation]. BSM 2018 Annual Symposium "Microbes in the spotlight", Brussels, Belgium.

Wilmotte, A., Beets, K., Simons, V., Lara, Y., Durieu, B., Cornet, L., Baurain, D., & Laughinghouse IV, H. (June 2018). Ex-situ Conservation of Polar Cyanobacteria in the BCCM/ULC Collection [Poster presentation]. POLAR 2018 'Where the Poles come together', Davos, Switzerland.

Lara, Y., Beets, K., Simons, V., Durieu, B., Cornet, L., Santoro, M., Laughinghouse IV, H., Javaux, E., Baurain, D., & Wilmotte, A. (March 2018). Polar cyanobacteria in the BCCM/ULC collection : diversity and characterization [Poster presentation]. COST Life Origin Final Workshop, Bertinoro, Italy.

Lara, Y., Durieu, B., Pessi, I., Cornet, L., Baurain, D., Javaux, E., & Wilmotte, A. (March 2018). The survival toolkit of the Antarctic cyanobacterium Phormidesmis priestleyi ULC007 [Paper presentation]. COST Life Origin Final Workshop, Bertinoro, Italy.

Cornet, L., Bertrand, A., Hanikenne, M., Javaux, E., Wilmotte, A., & Baurain, D. (2018). Metagenomic assembly of new (sub)polar Cyanobacteria and their associated microbiome from non-axenic cultures. Microbial Genomics, 4. doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000212

Cornet, L., Meunier, L., Van Vlierberghe, M., Léonard, R., Durieu, B., Lara, Y., Misztak, A., Sirjacobs, D., Javaux, E., Philippe, H., Wilmotte, A., & Baurain, D. (2018). Consensus assessment of the contamination level of publicly available cyanobacterial genomes. PLoS ONE, 13 (7), 0200323. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0200323

Cornet, L., Wilmotte, A., Javaux, E., & Baurain, D. (2018). A constrained SSU-rRNA phylogeny reveals the unsequenced diversity of photosynthetic Cyanobacteria (Oxyphotobacteria). BMC Research Notes, 11 (1), 435. doi:10.1186/s13104-018-3543-y

Maciejewska, M., Całusińska, M., Cornet, L., Adam, D., Pessi, I. S., Malchair, S., Delfosse, P., Baurain, D., Barton, H., Carnol, M., & Rigali, S. (2018). High-throughput Sequencing Analysis of the Actinobacterial Spatial Diversity in Moonmilk Deposits. Antibiotics, 7(2) (28). doi:10.3390/antibiotics7020027

Lara, Y., Durieu, B., Cornet, L., Verlaine, O., Rippka, R., Stelmach Pessi, I., Misztak, A., Joris, B., Javaux, E., Baurain, D., & Wilmotte, A. (2017). Draft genome sequence of the axenic strain Phormidesmis priestleyi ULC007, a cyanobacterium isolated from Lake Bruehwiler (Larsemann Hills, Antarctica). Genome Announcements, 01546-16. doi:10.1128/genomeA.01546-16

Lara, Y., Verlaine, O., Kleinteich, J., Stelmach Pessi, I., Rippka, R., Renard, M., Cornet, L., Baurain, D., & Wilmotte, A. (03 August 2015). Genome sequencing of an endemic filamentous Antarctic cyanobacterium [Poster presentation]. 15th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes, Tubingen, Germany.

Wilmotte, A., Renard, M., Lara, Y., Cornet, L., Baurain, D., Waleron, M., & Waleron, K. (03 August 2015). The BCCM/ULC collection : a Biological Ressource Center for polar cyanobacteria [Poster presentation]. 15th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes, Tubingen, Germany.

Cornet, L., Javaux, E., Wilmotte, A., Hervé, P., & Baurain, D. (03 November 2014). A Phylogenomic analysis of the origin of plastids [Paper presentation]. IUAP Planet TOPERS meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Demoulin, V., Cornet, L., Delbruyère, E., & Baurain, D. (2013). The unusual Gasteromycetes Lycogalopsis solmsii belongs to the gomphoid-phalloid group. Acta Mycologica, 48 (1), 13-20. doi:10.5586/am.2013.002

Cornet, L., Gerrienne, P., Meyer-Berthaud, B., & Prestianni, C. (01 September 2012). A Middle Devonian Callixylon (Archaeopteridales) from Ronquières, Belgium. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 183, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.07.004

Cornet, L., Gerrienne, P., Meyer-Berthaud, B., & Prestianni, C. (21 June 2012). Un Callixylon (Archaeopteridales) du Dèvonien moyen de Belgique [Paper presentation]. Agora paleobotanica, Lyon, France.

Cornet, L., Gerrienne, P., & Meyer-Berthaud, B. (2010). Etude de spécimens de progymnospermes «type Callixylon » de Ronquières (Dévonien moyen, Belgique). In Miscellanea palaeontologica 2010.