Sterly, H., Borderon, M., Sakdapolrak, P., Adger, N., Ayanlade, A., Bah, A., Blocher, J., Blondin, S., Boly, S., Brochier, T., Brüning, L., Bunchuay-Peth, S., O'Byrne, D., Safra De Campos, R., Nii Ardey Codjoe, S., Debeve, F., Detges, A., Franco-Gavonel, M., Hathaway, C., ... Zickgraf, C. (March 2025). Habitability for a connected, unequal and changing world. Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions, 90, 102953. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102953 |
Castillo Betancourt, T., & Zickgraf, C. (2024). It’s not just about women: broadening perspectives in gendered environmental mobilities research. Climate and Development, 1-22. doi:10.1080/17565529.2024.2393305 |
Jolivet, D., Fransen, S., Adger, W. N., Fábos, A., Abu, M., Allen, C., Boyd, E., Carr, E. R., Codjoe, S. N. A., Gavonel, M. F., Gemenne, F., Rocky, M. H., Lantz, J., Maculule, D., de Campos, R. S., Siddiqui, T., & Zickgraf, C. (18 May 2023). COVID-19 responses restricted abilities and aspirations for mobility and migration: insights from diverse cities in four continents. Humanities & social sciences communications, 10 (1). doi:10.1057/s41599-023-01721-y |
Zickgraf, C. (2022). Relational (im)mobilities: A case study of Senegalese coastal fishing populations. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2022.2066263 |
Gemenne, F., Zickgraf, C., Hut, E., & Castillo Betancourt, T. (2022). Forced displacement related to the impacts of climate change and disasters. In United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, People Forced to Flee: History, Change and Challenge. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. |
Zickgraf, C. (June 2021). Climate change, slow onset events and human mobility: reviewing the evidence. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 50, 21-30. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2020.11.007 |
Nicola, S.-E., Zickgraf, C., & Schmitz, S. (April 2021). The Romanian white-collar immigrants in Brussels: a transnational community under construction. Belgeo, 2021 (1). doi:10.4000/belgeo.46679 |
Gavonel, M. F., Adger, W. N., Safra de Campos, R., Boyd, E., Carr, E., Fabos, A., Fransen, S., Jolivet, D., & Zickgraf, C. (2021). The migration-sustainability paradox: Transformations in mobile worlds. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2021.03.013 |
Van Praag, L., Ou-Salah, L., Hut, E., & Zickgraf, C. (2021). Migration and Environmental Change in Morocco: In search for Linkages Between Migration Aspirations and (Perceived) Environmental Changes. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-61390-7 |
Zickgraf, C. (2021). Stifling silos: The need for a more holistic approach to mixed migration in a warming world. Mixed Migration Review 2021. |
Zickgraf, C. (2020). The Habitable Project: Linking Climate Change, Habitability and Social Tipping Points [Paper presentation]. Assessing the state of data and research on human mobility in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation: Where are we and what comes next?Data Knowledge Working Group Virtual Marketplace. |
Zickgraf, C. (2020). Climate Change and Migration: Myths and Realities. Green European Journal. |
Boas, I., Farbotko, C., Adams, H., Sterly, H., Bush, S., van der Geest, K., Wiegel, H., Ashraf, H., Baldwin, A., Bettini, G., Blondin, S., de Bruijn, M., Durand-Delacre, D., Fröhlich, C., Gioli, G., Guaita, L., Hut, E., Jarawura, F. X., Lamers, M., ... Hulme, M. (December 2019). Climate migration myths. Nature Climate Change, 9, 901-903. doi:10.1038/s41558-019-0633-3 |
McMullen, C., McLain, S., Abiodun, B. J., Armiento, G., Bailey, R., Balasubramanian, R., Bowen, K., Crump, J., & Zickgraf, C. (2019). Chapter 4: Cross-Cutting Issues. In J. Gupta, P. Boileau, ... P. Ekins (Eds.), UN ENvironment Global Environment Outlook: GEO-6. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. |
Zickgraf, C. (2019). Keeping people in place: Political factors of (im)mobility and climate change. Social Sciences, 8 (8), 28. doi:10.3390/socsci8080228 |
Zickgraf, C. (2018). The Fish Migrate and so Must We’: the Relationship between International and Internal Environmental Mobility in a Senegalese Fishing Community. Journal of International Relations, 16, 5-21. |
Gemenne, F., De Longueville, F., De Bruyckere, L., Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Pearson, N., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (11 December 2017). People moved and will move again [Paper presentation]. Multidisciplinary Workshop Disasters and resilience in the 21st Century, Brussels, Belgium. |
Gemenne, F., De Longueville, F., De Bruyckere, L., Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Pearson, N., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (17 November 2017). People moved and will move again [Paper presentation]. 7th Belgium geography day, Liège, Belgium. |
Richardson, K., Bradshaw, C., Lewis, K., Pope, E., Gemenne, F., Zickgraf, C., Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., & Pearson, N. (2017). Global assessment of impacts on migration and security issues. (D.5.7). Exeter, United Kingdom: University of Exeter. |
Bernes, L.-A., Bousetta, H., & Zickgraf, C. (2017). Introduction: Migration, mobility and borders in the Western Mediterranean - old spatial divisions, new agenda. In L.-A. Bernes, H. Bousetta, ... C. Zickgraf (Eds.), Migration in the Western Mediterranean: Space, Mobility and Borders (pp. 1-10). Taylor and Francis. doi:10.4324/9781315656724-1 |
Gemenne, F., Blocher, J. M. D., De Longueville, F., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Zickgraf, C., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (2017). Changement climatique, catastrophes naturelles et déplacements de populations en Afrique de l’Ouest. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 41 (3). |
De Bruyckere, L., Gemenne, F., Ozer, P., & Zickgraf, C. (Eds.). (2016). The Hugo Conference: Environment, Migration, Politics - Compendium of abstracts. Liège, Belgium: University of Liège. |
Gemenne, F., De Longueville, F., De Bruyckere, L., Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., Pearson, N., Gharbaoui, D., & Ozer, P. (04 November 2016). People moved and will move again [Poster presentation]. The Hugo Conference: Environment, Migration, Politics, Liège, Belgium. |
Gemenne, F., Blocher, J., De Longueville, F., Gharbaoui, D., Ozer, P., Pearson, N., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., & Zickgraf, C. (12 October 2016). Migration in Extreme Climate Change Scenarios [Paper presentation]. HELIX 3rd Annual Meeting: High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes, Potsdam, Germany. |
Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., De Longueville, F., Ozer, P., & Gemenne, F. (2016). Impact de la vulnérabilité et de la résilience aux changements environnementaux sur la mobilité en Afrique de l'Ouest. In S. Ginesu, A. Ozer, ... P. Ozer (Eds.), La géographie physique et les risques de pertes et préjudices liés aux changements climatiques (pp. 70). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège. |
Zickgraf, C., Vigil Diaz Telenti, S., De Longueville, F., Ozer, P., & Gemenne, F. (2016). The Impact of Vulnerability and Resilience to Environmental Changes on Mobility Patterns in West Africa. (Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD)). ORBi-University of Liège. |
Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Zickgraf, C., & Gemenne, F. (03 February 2015). Impacts des changements environnementaux et climatiques : quand les populations ne peuvent plus bouger… [Paper presentation]. Mardis du Développement Durable: Défi climatique et santé, Arlon, Belgium. |
Ozer, P., De Longueville, F., Zickgraf, C., & Gemenne, F. (2014). Environmental changes in developing countries: from moving to trapped populations. In Young Researchers Overseas' Day - Book of Abstracts (pp. 10). Brussels, Belgium: KAOW-ARSOM. |
Zickgraf, C., & Bernes, L.-A. (2013). Book Review: Fortress Europe: Dispatches from a Gated Continent. CritCom (Reviews and Critical Commentary). |