Publications and communications of Marie Demonceau

Demonceau, M., Bossenec, C., Mottart, P., Dols, P., Parmentier, I., & Gerlache, N. (24 February 2022). Care continuity for patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease during COVID-19 and its impact on quality of life [Poster presentation]. Journée des chercheurs en Haute Ecole.

Demonceau, M., Bossenec, C., MOttart Patricia, Dols Pascale, Parmentier, I., & Gerlach, N. (24 February 2022). Physical activity of patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease during COVID-19 and its impact on quality of life [Poster presentation]. Journée des chercheurs en Haute Ecole.

Poleur, M., Ulinici, A., DARON, A., Schneider, O., Farra, F. D., Demonceau, M., Annoussamy, M., Vissière, D., Eggenspieler, D., & Servais, L. (October 2021). Actimyo®: Normative data in a non-controlled environment. Neuromuscular Disorders, 31, 86-S87. doi:10.1016/j.nmd.2021.07.149

Demonceau, M. (2018). réentrainement à l'effort et relations entre aptitude physique et préservation neuronale dans la maladie de Parkinson [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

GILLAIN, S., Boutaayamou, M., Dardenne, N., Schwartz, C., Demonceau, M., Gerontitis, C., DEPIERREUX, F., Salmon, E., GARRAUX, G., Bruyère, O., Bruls, O., Croisier, J.-L., & PETERMANS, J. (2017). Data set of healthy old people assessed for three walking conditions using accelerometric and opto-electronic methods. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 29 (6), 1201-1209. doi:10.1007/s40520-017-0730-y

GILLAIN, S., Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., DEMONCEAU, M., Gerontitis, C., Croisier, J.-L., Bruls, O., GARRAUX, G., & PETERMANS, J. (2016). Gait pattern of healthy old people for fast walking condition. Gerontechnology.

Boutaayamou, M., Demonceau, M., Bruls, O., Verly, J., & Garraux, G. (21 June 2016). Analysis of temporal gait features extracted from accelerometer-based signals during ambulatory walking in Parkinson’s disease [Poster presentation]. The MDS 20th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin., Germany.

GILLAIN, S., WOJTASIK, V., DEPIERREUX, F., Schwartz, C., Boutaayamou, M., Demonceau, M., SCHMITZ, X., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., Garraux, G., & PETERMANS, J. (September 2015). PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DETERMINANTS OF FALLS IN HEALTHY OLD PEOPLE: BASELINE DATE OF THE GABI STUDY [Poster presentation]. 11E Congrès de l'EUGMS.

GILLAIN, S., WOJTASIK, V., DEPIERREUX, F., Schwartz, C., Boutaayamou, M., DEMONCEAU, M., SCHMITZ, X., Dardenne, N., Bruyère, O., GARRAUX, G., & PETERMANS, J. (September 2015). Baseline characteristics of a two-year prospective study aiming to link clinical components, cognitive and gait performances in healthy old people : the GABY Study [Poster presentation]. 11th International Congress of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, Oslo, Norway.

GILLAIN, S., Petermans, J., Dardenne, N., Beaudart, C., Buckinx, F., GARRAUX, G., REGINSTER, J.-Y., Bruyère, O., DEMONCEAU, M., WOJTASIK, V., & Schwartz, C. (April 2015). Comparison of body composition, muscle force and physical performances between faller and non-faller people included in a cohort of 100 community dwelling volunteers : the Gaby Study. Journal of Frailty and Aging, 4 (S1), 106.

GILLAIN, S., Schwartz, C., Boutaayamou, M., Demonceau, M., CROISIER, J.-L., Bruls, O., GARRAUX, G., REGINSTER, J.-Y., & PETERMANS, J. (October 2014). Validation des paramètres de marche par un système accélérométrique (Locométrix*) à l'aide d'un système opto-électronique 3D (Coda Motion ). Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 12 (supplément 3).

Buckinx, F., Beaudart, C., Maquet, D., Demonceau, M., CRIELAARD, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (28 November 2013). Etude de l'impact d'un entraînement de 6 mois par vibrothérapie sur le risque de chute, observé pendant une durée d'un an, chez les patients résidant en maison de repos. Etude randomisée contrôlée menée en simple aveugle [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale "SPSS", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Beaudart, C., Maquet, D., Mannarino, M., Buckinx, F., Demonceau, M., Crielaard, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (2013). Effects of 3 months of short sessions of controlled whole body vibrations on the risk of falls among nursing home residents. BMC Geriatrics, 13 (42). doi:10.1186/1471-2318-13-42

Beaudart, C., Maquet, D., Mannarino, M., Buckinx, F., Demonceau, M., CRIELAARD, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Bruyère, O. (20 November 2012). Evaluation de l'impact d'un entraînement de trois mois par vibrotonie sur le risque de chute chez des patients résidant en maison de repos [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale "SPSS", Liège, Belgium.

Boutaayamou, M., Schwartz, C., Bruls, O., Denoël, V., Demonceau, M., Maquet, D., Forthomme, B., Croisier, J.-L., Garraux, G., & Verly, J. (2012). 3D Analysis of Normal and Pathological Gait Based on Low-Cost Wireless Accelerometers. In URSI Benelux Forum 2012 “Antennas: multiple designs, multiple applications”.