Andreetta, S. (2024). Writing for Different Audiences: Social Workers, Irregular Migrants and Fragmented Statehood in Belgian Welfare Bureaucracies. In S. Andreetta & Borrelli Lisa Marie, Governing Migration through Paperwork. Legitimation Practices, Exclusive Inclusion and Differentiation. Berghahn. |
Andreetta, S. (2024). Litigation as a governance strategy. Courts, Bureaucracies, and the Welfare rights of Irregular Migrants. Social Policy and Administration. doi:10.1111/spol.13107 |
Andreetta, S., & Borrelli, L. M. (Eds.). (2024). Governing Migration through Paperwork. Legitimation Practices, Exclusive Inclusion and Differentiation. Oxford, United Kingdom: Berghahn. doi:10.3167/9781805396116 |
Bianchini, K., Andreetta, S., & Larissa Vetters. (2024). Witchcraft beliefs and practices in asylum adjudication. Impressions from a legal- anthropological collaboration in the framework of a judicial training. In Marie-Claire Foblets, Maria Sapignoli, ... Brian Donahoe (Eds.), Anthropological Expertise in Legal Practice: Collaboration, Consequences, and ‘Para-Ethnography’. London, United Kingdom: Routeledge. doi:10.4324/9781003087496-11 |
Vetters, L., Jacobs, C., & Andreetta, S. (2024). Legal pluralism and the production of (un)certainty in lived migration orders. Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis, 1-26. doi:10.1080/27706869.2024.2366070 |
Andreetta, S., & Nakueira, S. (16 November 2022). The governance of vulnerable migrants: procedure, resources and affect in asylum reception. Citizenship Studies, 26 (7), 961-977. doi:10.1080/13621025.2022.2137942 Dataset: 10.1080/13621025.2022.2137942 |
Andreetta, S., Vetters, L., & Yanaşmayan, Z. (07 November 2022). The making of procedural justice: enacting the state and (non)citizenship. Citizenship Studies, 26 (7), 1-17. doi:10.1080/13621025.2022.2138178 Dataset: 10.1080/13621025.2022.2138178 |
Andreetta, S. (October 2022). Granting “human dignity”. How emotions and professional ethos make public services. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 40 (2), 36-53. doi:10.3167/cja.2022.400204 |
Andreetta, S., & BORRELLI, L. M. (2022). Digital Practices of Negotiation: Social Workers at the Intersection of Migration and Social Policies in Switzerland and Belgium. Journal of Social Policy, 1-19. doi:10.1017/s0047279422000265 |
Andreetta, S. (21 March 2022). Engaging with the State. Illegalized migrants, welfare institutions and the law in French-Speaking Belgium. Migration Politics, 1 (1), 1-20. doi:10.21468/migpol.1.1.001 |
Andreetta, S. (2022). The making of procedural justice: enacting the state and (non)citizenship. Citizenship Studies. |
Andreetta, S. (2022). Granting Social Assistance to the “unwanted” Dependency and Deportability in Belgian Welfare Trials [Paper presentation]. LSA Annual Meeting, Lisbonne, Portugal. |
Andreetta, S. (2022). For and Against the State. How Welfare Bureaucracies Break Administrative Guidelines to Follow the Law [Paper presentation]. SIEF Annual Conference, Finland. |
Andreetta, S. (2022). Failing, writing, litigating: daily practices of resistance in Belgian welfare bureaucracies. International Journal of Law in Context, 18 (3), 317-314. doi:10.1017/S174455232200026X |
Andreetta, S., & Annalena Kolloch. (2022). Introduction to Politicised bureaucrats in and beyond Europe: conflicting loyalties, professionalism and the law in the making of public services. International Journal of Law in Context, 18 (3), 279-287. doi:10.1017/S1744552322000246 |
Andreetta, S., & Borrelli Lisa Marie. (2022). Parallel Systems of Control – Mimicking internal structures when monitoring of clients in Belgian welfare offices [Paper presentation]. ASA Annual Meeting. |
Andreetta, S., Enria Luisa, Jarroux Pauline, & Verheul Susanne. (2022). States of Feeling. Public Servants’ Affective and Emotional Entanglements in the Making of the State. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 40 (2). doi:10.3167/cja.2022.400202 |
Andreetta, S., & Kolloch Annalena. (2022). Politicised Bureaucrats: Conflicting Loyalties, Professionalism and the Law in the Making of Public Services. International Journal of Law in Context, 18 (3). |
Andreetta, S., Pauline Jarroux, Susanne Verheul, & Luisa Enria. (2022). Introduction to States of Feeling Public Servants’ Affective and Emotional Entanglements in the Making of the State. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 40 (2), 1-20. doi:10.3167/cja.2022.400202 |
Giladi, M., & Andreetta, S. (2022). Granting Healthcare to the Unwanted. Professional Ethos and Daily Practices of Social Workers Assessing Medical Assistance Requests from Undocumented Migrants. In Infantino Frederica & Sredanovic Djordje, Migration Control in Practice: Before and Within the Borders of the State. Bruxelles, Belgium: Presses de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles. |
Andreetta, S., & N'Diaye, M. (2021). Prendre le droit au sérieux. Pour un autre regard sur l’Etat, l’action publique (et le développement) en Afrique. Anthropologie et Développement, 303-314. doi:10.4000/anthropodev.1309 |
Andreetta, S. (2021). The Governance of 'Vulnerable' Migrants, or how Material Conditions Determine Fundamental Rights [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference, Luxembourg. |
Andreetta, S., & Borrelli, L. M. (July 2020). Negotiating the right to remain – Paperwork, social assistance and residency titles in Belgium and in Switzerland [Paper presentation]. EASA Biannual Conference. |
Andreetta, S. (13 June 2020). The Symbolic Power of the State: Inheritance Disputes and Litigants’ Judicial Trajectories in Cotonou. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 43 (1), 5-20. doi:10.1111/plar.12341 |
Andreetta, S. (June 2020). Claiming Social Assistance in Court. Irregular Migrants, Public Institutions and the Law in French-Speaking Belgium [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Annual Conference. |
Andreetta, S. (December 2019). Writing for different audiences Social workers, irregular migrants and fragmented statehood in Belgian welfare bureaucracies. Journal of Legal Anthropology, 3 (2), 91-110. doi:10.3167/jla.2019.030206 |
Andreetta, S. (December 2019). Un anthropologue au tribunal. Les émotions, les pièces et la loi devant le juge de l’aide sociale. Revue du Droit des Etrangers, 66 (1), 201-222. |
Andreetta, S., & Borrelli, L. M. (December 2019). Introduction. Governing migration through paperwork. Journal of Legal Anthropology, 3 (2), 1-9. doi:10.3167/jla.2019.030201 |
Andreetta, S. (July 2019). Le “Code des femmes”? Conflits d’héritage, dynamiques de genre et usages du droit à Cotonou. Cahiers du Genre, 66, 126-146. doi:10.3917/066.0201 |
Andreetta, S. (June 2019). Human dignity against the state? Evidence, law and emotions in Belgian welfare courts [Paper presentation]. LSA Annual Meeting Washington, Washington, DC, United States. |
Andreetta, S. (June 2019). Affaires d’héritage à Cotonou : comment la loi a changé les familles. Cahiers d'Études Africaines, 234, 377-404. |
Andreetta, S., & Bernaerts, J. (June 2019). Paperwork, digitalization and discretion in belgian street-level bureaucracies [Paper presentation]. RCSL Annual Meeting, Onati, Spain. |
Andreetta, S. (May 2019). Orienter les débats. Le rôle et la discetion du juge dans les procès civils en Belgique et au Bénin [Paper presentation]. Observer un tribunal. Une rencontre singulière entre un(e) chercheur(e) et la justice, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Andreetta, S. (May 2019). Bringing official norms back in. Inheritance disputes, state courts and the law in Cotonou [Paper presentation]. European Summer School for the Anthropology of Development and Social Dynamics, Liège, Belgium. |
Andreetta, S. (February 2019). "We write for the courts, not for the people". Irregular migrants, social workers and welfare bureaucracies in French-speaking Belgium [Paper presentation]. IMISCOE Spring Conference 2019. |
Borrelli, L., & Andreetta, S. (2019). Governing migration through paperwork. Journal of Legal Anthropology, 3 (2). |
Andreetta, S. (2018). « Saisir l’ État ». Les conflits d’héritage, la justice et la place du droit à Cotonou. Académia-L'Harmattan. |
Andreetta, S. (November 2018). Professions libérales et production du service public. La loi, les notaires et l'exécution des décisions de justice à Cotonou (Bénin). Revue Internationale des Etudes du Développement, 236 (4), 33-54. doi:10.3917/ried.236.0033 |
Andreetta, S. (September 2018). Performing state authority in court: judges and litigants in family law hearings in Cotonou [Paper presentation]. 2018 ASAUK Conference. |
Andreetta, S. (2018). « N’oubliez jamais que vous parlez à un avocat ». État, justice et économie de l’intermédiation judiciaire à Cotonou. Politique Africaine, (149), 135-157. doi:10.3917/polaf.149.0135 |
Andreetta, S., & Kolloch, A. (September 2018). Money, morality and magistrates. Prosecuting and judging in the Republic of Benin. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 50 (2), 145-166. doi:10.1080/07329113.2018.1494407 |
Andreetta, S. (August 2018). Defining human dignity: welfare judges, law and fairness in Belgian courts [Paper presentation]. EASA 2018 Conference. Staying, moving, settling. |
Andreetta, S., & Kolloch, A. (2017). "On se débrouille". How to be a good judge when the state lets you down. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Andreetta, S. (2016). "Saisir l'État". Les conflits d’héritage, la justice et la place du droit à Cotonou [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Andreetta, S. (2016). Pourquoi aller au tribunal si l’on n’exécute pas la décision du juge ? Conflits d’héritage et usages du droit à Cotonou. Politique Africaine, 1, 147-168. |
Andreetta, S., & Kolloch, A. (July 2015). "On se débrouille", or how to be a good judge when the state lets you down? [Paper presentation]. ECAS 2015, Paris, France. |
Andreetta, S. (May 2015). "Se soulever", ou pourquoi les héritiers mobilisent-ils le droit à Cotonou? [Paper presentation]. Journée d'Etude "Vivre et dire le conflit en sciences sociales", Liège, Belgium. |
Andreetta, S. (December 2014). “Negotiating the law: judges, families and court hearings in inheritance cases in Cotonou” [Paper presentation]. Workshop African Courts, Niamey, Niger. |
Andreetta, S. (November 2014). « La médiation, une justice de seconde zone ? Les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits, le droit et l’héritage à Cotonou » [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Annuelles de l'Ethnographie de l'EHESS (RAE). |
Andreetta, S. (October 2014). « Quand l’Etat échoue à ramener l’ordre. Conflits d’héritage et conscience du droit à Cotonou » [Paper presentation]. Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Etudes Africaines (JCEA), Paris, France. |
Andreetta, S. (May 2014). Quand les femmes veulent leur part. L'héritage et la justice à Cotonou [Paper presentation]. Congrès International de l'ACFAS, Montréal, Canada. |
Andreetta, S. (May 2014). Implementing Human Rights in Benin: The Case of Inheritance Disputes. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 6 (2), 238-258. doi:10.1093/jhuman/huu004 |
Andreetta, S. (2014). Restoring order: Inheritance disputes and shifting legal consciousness in Cotonou [Paper presentation]. Law and Social Order Seminar, Oxford, United Kingdom. |
Andreetta, S. (August 2013). 'There is no family left': Inheritance conflicts and family dynamics in South Benin [Paper presentation]. 17th World Congress of IUAES, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
Andreetta, S. (August 2013). Property, inheritance conflicts and family dynamics in Benin [Paper presentation]. 17th World Congress of IUAES, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
Andreetta, S. (2013). "Saisir l'Etat" pour un conflit d'héritage au Bénin: la justice aux yeux des justiciables [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Doctoral Européen de l'APAD, Bordeaux, France. |
Andreetta, S. (2013). "Poor people are never right": legal consciousness and the families' accounts of Beninese justice [Paper presentation]. 5th European Conference of African Studies. African dynamics in a multipolar world, Lisbonne, Portugal. |
Andreetta, S. (2013). L'anthropologue en plein conflit: secrets, silences et éthique en anthropologie du droit [Paper presentation]. Colloque APAD 2013: Les relations d'enquêtes en contexte de développement ou d'urgence. Accès, risques, savoirs, restitutions, Montpellier, France. |
Andreetta, S. (June 2012). 'Tradition first': inheritance conflicts and normative pluralism in Benin [Paper presentation]. AEGIS Summer School 2012: African Dynamics in the Global World, Cortona, Italy. |
Andreetta, S. (2012). Compte-rendu du dossier "Hériter et transmettre", Idées économiques et sociales. Lectures. |