Publications and communications of Valentine Vanootighem

Gathoye, L., & Vanootighem, V. (31 May 2024). Are suggestible people more likely to change their belief in the occurrence of autobiographical events? [Poster presentation]. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V. (31 May 2024). The effect of emotional valence on nonbelieved memories [Poster presentation]. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Gathoye, L., Lejeune, C., & Vanootighem, V. (2024). Caractériser les souvenirs désavoués : apports respectifs des dictionnaires et des progressions thématiques. In A. Dister & D. Longrée, JADT 2024. Mots comptés, textes déchiffrés (pp. 379-388). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain (PUL).

Vanootighem, V., Didone, V., & Brédart, S. (10 March 2023). Are Individuals with Higher Interdependent Self-Construal More Likely to Change Their Belief in the Occurrence of Autobiographical Events? [Poster presentation]. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brédart, S., & Vanootighem, V. (2022). Middle-aged people’s perceptions of name recall failures. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 18 (1), 27-32. doi:10.5709/acp-0344-z

Vanootighem, V., & Brédart, S. (05 July 2019). We can stop believing in memories of any age [Poster presentation]. 16th European Congress of Psychology, Moscou, Russia.

Vanootighem, V., Dupont, M., & Brédart, S. (09 March 2019). The Impact of Fatigue on Proper Name Retrieval [Poster presentation]. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS 2019), Paris, France.

Schippers, N., Vanootighem, V., FAYMONVILLE, M.-E., Nyssen, A.-S., & Mairiaux, P. (12 November 2015). Etude concernant les possibilités de réinsertion professionnelle des personnes atteintes de douleurs chroniques [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales de Médecine du Travail, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Dehon, H., Vanootighem, V., & Brédart, S. (2013). Verbal overshadowing of face memory does occur in children too! Frontiers in Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00970

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (28 May 2013). Verbalizing musical memories: influence of perceptual and verbal expertise [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Vanootighem, V., Brédart, S., & Dehon, H. (28 May 2013). Person description abilities in children, adolescents and adults [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Mikolajczak, M., Quoidbach, J., Vanootighem, V., Lambert, F., Lahaye, M., Fillée, C., & de Timary, P. (2010). Cortisol awakening response (CAR)’s flexibility leads to larger and more consistent associations with psychological factors than CAR magnitude. Psychoneuroendocrinology. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.11.003