Publications and communications of Loris Notturni

Notturni, L. (2017). Le moment de l'illusion dans la déhiscence du sujet et de son monde. Perspectives anthropo-téléologiques depuis Kant et Winnicott [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Notturni, L. (2012). On Psychologizing School. In V. Petrov (Ed.), Applied and Experimental Philosophy in the Knowledge Based Society East and West. Proceedings of XXVI Varna International Philosophical School (pp. 51-62). Sofia, Bulgaria: ISSK-BAS.

Notturni, L. (2011). Онтология и трансцендентална критика. Историческо разглеждане на въпроса (Dimitrov, S., Trans.). Philosophical Alternatives, XX (5/2011), 5-19.