Publications and communications of Renaud Detry

Hyttinen, E., Kragic, D., & Detry, R. (2015). Learning the Tactile Signatures of Prototypical Object Parts for Robust Part-based Grasping of Novel Objects. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. doi:10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139883

Kopicki, M., Detry, R., Adjigble, M., Stolkin, R., Leonardis, A., & Wyatt, J. (2015). One shot learning and generation of dexterous grasps for novel objects. International Journal of Robotics Research. doi:10.1177/0278364915594244

Krishna Moorthy Parvathi, S. M., Detry, R., Boigelot, B., & Mercatoris, B. (05 March 2014). A vision-based autonomous inter-row weeder [Paper presentation]. ENVITAM PhD Student Day, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Hjelm, M., Detry, R., Ek, C. H., & Kragic, D. (2014). Representations for Cross-task, Cross-object Grasp Transfer. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. doi:10.1109/ICRA.2014.6907697

Kopicki, M., Detry, R., Schmidt, F., Borst, C., Stolkin, R., & Wyatt, J. L. (2014). Learning dextrous grasps that generalise to novel objects by combining hand and contact models. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

Detry, R., Ek, C. H., Madry, M., & Kragic, D. (2013). Learning a Dictionary of Prototypical Grasp-predicting Parts from Grasping Experience. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. doi:10.1109/ICRA.2013.6630635

Detry, R., Hjelm, M., Ek, C. H., & Kragic, D. (2013). Generalizing Task Parameters Through Modularization [Paper presentation]. Autonomous Learning Workshop (Workshop at ICRA 2013).

Detry, R., & Piater, J. (2013). Unsupervised Learning Of Predictive Parts For Cross-object Grasp Transfer. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.

Hjelm, M., Ek, C. H., Detry, R., Kjellström, H., & Kragic, D. (2013). Sparse Summarization of Robotic Grasp Data. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

Rietzler, A., Detry, R., & Piater, J. (2013). Inertially-safe Grasping of Novel Objects [Paper presentation]. Cognitive Robotics Systems: Replicating Human Actions and Activities (Workshop at IROS 2013).

Bekiroglu, Y., Detry, R., & Kragic, D. (2012). Grasp Stability from Vision and Touch [Paper presentation]. Advances in Tactile Sensing and Touch-based Human Robot Interaction (Workshop at IROS 2012).

Detry, R., Ek, C. H., Madry, M., & Kragic, D. (2012). Compressing Grasping Experience into a Dictionary of Prototypical Grasp-predicting Parts [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics.

Detry, R., Ek, C. H., Madry, M., Piater, J., & Kragic, D. (2012). Generalizing Grasps Across Partly Similar Objects. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. doi:10.1109/ICRA.2012.6224992

Madry, M., Ek, C. H., Detry, R., Hang, K., & Kragic, D. (2012). Improving Generalization for 3D Object Categorization with Global Structure Histograms. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.

Bekiroglu, Y., Detry, R., & Kragic, D. (2011). Learning Tactile Characterizations Of Object- And Pose-specific Grasps. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. doi:10.1109/IROS.2011.6094878

Bekiroglu, Y., Detry, R., & Kragic, D. (2011). Joint Observation of Object Pose and Tactile Imprints for Online Grasp Stability Assessment [Paper presentation]. Manipulation Under Uncertainty (Workshop at IEEE ICRA 2011).

Bodenhagen, L., Detry, R., Piater, J., & Krüger, N. (2011). What a successful grasp tells about the success chances of grasps in its vicinity. In ICDL-EpiRob.

Detry, R., Kraft, D., Kroemer, O., Bodenhagen, L., Peters, J., Krüger, N., & Piater, J. (2011). Learning Grasp Affordance Densities. Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 2 (1), 1-17. doi:10.2478/s13230-011-0012-x

Detry, R., & Piater, J. (2011). Grasp Generalization Via Predictive Parts [Paper presentation]. Austrian Robotics Workshop.

Piater, J., JODOGNE, S., Detry, R., Kraft, D., Krüger, N., Kroemer, O., & Peters, J. (2011). Learning Visual Representations for Perception-Action Systems. International Journal of Robotics Research, 30 (3), 294-307. doi:10.1177/0278364910382464

Detry, R. (2010). Learning of Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Modal Features for Robotic Grasping [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Detry, R., Başeski, E., Popović, M., Touati, Y., Krüger, N., Kroemer, O., Peters, J., & Piater, J. (2010). Learning Continuous Grasp Affordances by Sensorimotor Exploration. In J. Peters & O. Sigaud (Eds.), From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots. Springer Berlin.

Detry, R., Kraft, D., Buch, A. G., Krüger, N., & Piater, J. (2010). Refining Grasp Affordance Models by Experience. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. doi:10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509126

Detry, R., & Piater, J. (2010). Continuous Surface-point Distributions for 3D Object Pose Estimation and Recognition. In Asian Conference on Computer Vision.

Erkan, A., Kroemer, O., Detry, R., Altun, Y., Piater, J., & Peters, J. (2010). Learning Probabilistic Discriminative Models of Grasp Affordances under Limited Supervision. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 1586-1591). doi:10.1109/IROS.2010.5650088

Kraft, D., Detry, R., Pugeault, N., Başeski, E., Guerin, F., Piater, J., & Krüger, N. (2010). Development of Object and Grasping Knowledge by Robot Exploration. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 2 (4), 368-383. doi:10.1109/TAMD.2010.2069098

Kroemer, O., Detry, R., Piater, J., & Peters, J. (2010). Grasping with Vision Descriptors and Motor Primitives. In International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics.

Kroemer, O., Detry, R., Piater, J., & Peters, J. (2010). Combining Active Learning and Reactive Control for Robot Grasping. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. doi:10.1016/j.robot.2010.06.001

Kroemer, O., Detry, R., Piater, J., & Peters, J. (2010). Adapting Preshaped Grasping Movements using Vision Descriptors. In From Animals to Animats 11 -- International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15193-4_15

Detry, R., Başeski, E., Krüger, N., Popović, M., Touati, Y., Kroemer, O., Peters, J., & Piater, J. (2009). Learning Object-specific Grasp Affordance Densities. In International Conference on Development and Learning. doi:10.1109/DEVLRN.2009.5175520

Detry, R., Başeski, E., Krüger, N., Popović, M., Touati, Y., & Piater, J. (2009). Autonomous Learning of Object-specific Grasp Affordance Densities [Paper presentation]. Approaches to Sensorimotor Learning on Humanoid Robots (Workshop at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation).

Detry, R., Pugeault, N., & Piater, J. (2009). A Probabilistic Framework for 3D Visual Object Representation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2009.64

Kraft, D., Detry, R., Pugeault, N., Başeski, E., Piater, J., & Krüger, N. (2009). Learning Objects and Grasp Affordances through Autonomous Exploration. In International Conference on Computer Vision Systems.

Kroemer, O., Detry, R., Piater, J., & Peters, J. (2009). Active Learning using Mean Shift Optimization for Robot Grasping. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. doi:10.1109/IROS.2009.5354345

Piater, J., Jodogne, S., Detry, R., Kraft, D., Krüger, N., Kroemer, O., & Peters, J. (2009). Learning Visual Representations for Interactive Systems. In 14th International Symposium on Robotics Research.

Detry, R., Pugeault, N., & Piater, J. (2008). Probabilistic Pose Recovery Using Learned Hierarchical Object Models. In International Cognitive Vision Workshop (Workshop at the 6th International Conference on Vision Systems).

Kraft, D., Başeski, E., Popović, M., Batog, A. M., Kjær-Nielsen, A., Krüger, N., Petrick, R., Geib, C., Pugeault, N., Steedman, M., Asfour, T., Dillmann, R., Kalkan, S., Wörgötter, F., Hommel, B., Detry, R., & Piater, J. (2008). Exploration and Planning in a Three-Level Cognitive Architecture. In International Conference on Cognitive Systems (CogSys).

Piater, J., & Detry, R. (2008). 3D Probabilistic Representations for Vision and Action [Paper presentation]. Robotics Challenges for Machine Learning II.

Piater, J., Scalzo, F., & Detry, R. (2008). Vision as Inference in a Hierarchical Markov Network [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems.

Detry, R., & Piater, J. (2007). Hierarchical Integration of Local 3D Features for Probabilistic Pose Recovery [Poster presentation]. Robot Manipulation: Sensing and Adapting to the Real World (Workshop at Robotics, Science and Systems).