Publications and communications of Laurent Fraikin

Khama, R., Aissani-Benissad, F., Alkama, R., Fraikin, L., & Léonard, A. (2022). Modeling of drying thin layer of tomato slices using solar and convective driers. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 24 (1), 287-298.

Shariff, Z. A., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., & Pfennig, A. (27 February 2020). Development of SLL equilibrium speciation and data fitting tool and its application to P recovery process from sludge [Paper presentation]. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Adsorption und Extraktion, Berchtesgaden, Germany.

Shariff, Z. A., Pfennig, A., Fraikin, L., & Léonard, A. (25 November 2019). Development of SLL speciation, equilibrium and data fitting tool and its application to P recovery process from sludge [Paper presentation]. Computer-Aided Process Engineering (CAPE), Liège, Belgium.

Shariff, Z. A., Pfennig, A., Léonard, A., & Fraikin, L. (16 October 2019). Recovery of Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge and Subsequent Purification Using Reactive Extraction [Paper presentation]. 17ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Nantes, France.

Shariff, Z. A., Bogdan, A., Fraikin, L., Michels, E., Léonard, A., Meers, E., Pfennig, A., & Durand, B. (08 October 2019). PULSE PROCESS: RECOVERY OF PHOSPHORUS FROM SLUDGE AND ITS PRODUCT QUALITY ASSESSMENT [Poster presentation]. The 5th European Conference on Sludge Management, Liége, Belgium.

Shariff, Z. A., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., & Pfennig, A. (08 October 2019). PHOSPHORUS RECOVERY FROM DRIED SLUDGE WITH REACTIVE EXTRACTION TO REMOVE IMPURITIES [Paper presentation]. The 5th European Conference on Sludge Management, Liège, Belgium.

Shariff, Z. A., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., & Pfennig, A. (17 September 2019). Recovery of Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge and Subsequent Purification Using Reactive Extraction [Paper presentation]. The 12th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (ECCE12), Florence, Italy.

Shariff, Z. A., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., & Pfennig, A. (February 2019). Recovery of Phosphorus from Sewage Sludge and Subsequent Purification Using Reactive Extraction [Poster presentation]. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Phytoextrakte und Extraktion, Muttenz, Switzerland.

Léonard, A., Fraikin, L., Plougonven, E., & Toye, D. (2019). X-RAY COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: AN OUTSTANDING VISUALISATION TOOL FOR DRYING RESEARCH – Feedback on the last 20 years at University of Liège. In A. Barresi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th European Drying Conference (pp. 172-179).

Bouzenada, S. N. E., Fraikin, L., & Léonard, A. (2017). Experimental investigation on vapor pressure of desiccant for air conditioning application. Procedia Computer Science, 817-824. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.338

Bennamoun, L., Fraikin, L., Li, J., & Léonard, A. (2016). Forced Convective Drying of Wastewater Sludge with Presentation of Exergy Analysis of the Dryer. Chemical Engineering Communications, 203, 855–860. doi:10.1080/00986445.2015.1114475

Mäkelä, M., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., Benavente, V., & Fullana, A. (2016). Predicting the drying properties of sludge based on hydrothermal treatment under subcritical conditions. Water Research, 91, 11-18. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2015.12.043

Kahlerras, L., Belhamri, A., Fraikin, L., & Léonard, A. (2015). ETUDE DE LA MICROSTRUCTURE DU MORTIER DE CIMENT A TRAVERS LES COURBES DE SORPTION. In L. kahlerras, Proceedings du séminaire International sur le Génie Climatique et l’Energétique, SIGCLE’2015 (pp. 224-229).

Prime, N., Housni, Z., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Levasseur, S. (2015). On Water Transfer and Hydraulic Connection Layer During the Convective Drying of Rigid Porous Material. Transport in Porous Media, 106 (1), 47-72. doi:10.1007/s11242-014-0390-8

Pambou, Y.-B., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (23 October 2014). Enhanced sludge dewatering and drying comparison of two linear polyelectrolytes co-conditioning with Polyaluminium chloride [Poster presentation]. Journee des Jeunes Chercheurs GEPROC-UGEPE, Mons, Belgium.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Bennamoun, L., Toye, D., & Schreinemachers, R. (2014). Investigation on Convective Drying of Mixtures of Sewage Sludge and Sawdust in a Fixed Bed. Drying Technology.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (26 August 2014). Convective drying of sawdust/sludge mixtures in a fixed bed: The effect of sludge origin [Paper presentation]. 19th International Drying Symposium, Lyon, France.

Pambou, Y.-B., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (August 2014). IMPACT OF A HIGH LINEAR WEIGHT POLYMER CO-CONDITIONING WITH POLYALUMINIUM CHLORIDE ON DEWATERING AND CONVECTIVE DRYING OF URBAN RESIDUAL SLUDGE [Poster presentation]. 19th International drying Symposium, Lyon, France.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Plougonven, E., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (27 May 2014). Convective drying behavior of sawdust/sludge mixtures in a fixed bed [Paper presentation]. Fourth European Conference on Sludge Management.

Pambou, Y.-B., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (26 May 2014). Enhanced sludge dewatering and drying comparison of two linear polyelectrolytes co-conditioning with Polyaluminium chloride [Poster presentation]. European Conference on sludge Management, Léon, Turkey.

Li, J., Bennamoun, L., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Schreinemachers, R., & Léonard, A. (May 2014). Analysis of the Shrinkage Effect on Mass Transfer During Convective Drying of Sawdust/Sludge Mixtures. Drying Technology, 32, 1706-1717. doi:10.1080/07373937.2014.924136

Pambou, Y.-B., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (15 November 2013). Impact of sludge storage duration on its dewatering and drying ability [Poster presentation]. Journee Scientifique GEPROC2013-Procédés et Matériaux Durables, Liege, Belgium.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Bennamoun, L., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (04 October 2013). Convective Drying of Mixtures of Sewage Sludge and Sawdust in a Fixed Bed [Paper presentation]. 4th European Drying Conference, Paris, France.

Prime, N., Housni, Z., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Levasseur, S. (August 2013). Heat and mass transfer coefficient analysis during rock convective drying [Paper presentation]. Eurodrying'2013, Paris, France.

Bennamoun, L., Kahlerras, L., Michel, F., Courard, L., Salmon, T., Fraikin, L., Belhamri, A., & Léonard, A. (2013). Determination of Moisture Diffusivity During Drying of Mortar Cement: Experimental and Modeling Study. International Journal of Energy Engineering, 3 (1), 1-6.

Pambou, Y.-B., Salmon, T., Fraikin, L., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (10 November 2012). Impact of sludge storage on dewatering and convective drying [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale en Génie des Procédés, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.

Bennamoun, L., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (06 September 2012). MODELING WASTEWATER SLUDGE DRYING WITH DETERMINATION OF DIFFUSIVITY MOISTURE [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Sludge Management, Leon, Spain.

Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Herbreteau, B., Nicol, F., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (29 November 2011). Influence du stockage des boues de STEP sur les émissions de NH3 et de COV durant leur séchage [Poster presentation]. XIIIème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Lille, France.

Bazzaoui, R., Fraikin, L., Groslambert, S., Salmon, T., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (October 2011). IMPACT OF SLUDGE CONDITIONING ON MECHANICAL DEWATERING AND CONVECTIVE DRYING [Poster presentation]. European Drying Conference - EuroDrying'2011, Palma. Balearic Island, Spain.

Fraikin, L., Herbreteau, B., Chaucherie, X., Nicol, F., Salmon, T., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (2010). Impact of storage duration on the emissions of ammonia and VOC during the convective drying of urban residual sludges. In E. Tsotsas, T. Metzger, ... M. Peglow (Eds.), Proceedings of IDS 2010 - Drying 2010 (pp. 738-741).