Publications and communications of Vincent Lemort

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Laterre, A., Frate, G. F., Lemort, V., & Contino, F. (February 2025). Carnot batteries for integrated heat and power management in residential applications: A techno-economic analysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 325, 119207. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2024.119207

Laterre, A., Dumont, O., Lemort, V., & Contino, F. (2024). Extended mapping and systematic optimisation of the Carnot battery trilemma for sub-critical cycles with thermal integration. Energy, 132006. doi:10.1016/

Paulus, N., & Lemort, V. (18 September 2024). Experimental investigation and modelling of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) used in residential cogeneration applications. Entropy: Thermodynamics – Energy – Environment – Economy, 5 (2). doi:10.21494/ISTE.OP.2024.1211

Pourkiaei, S. M., Rahif, R., Falzone, C., Elnagar, E., Doutreloup, S., Martin, J., Fettweis, X., Lemort, V., Attia, S., & Romain, A.-C. (15 September 2024). Systematic Framework for Quantitative Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Under Future Climate Scenarios: 2100s Projection of a Belgian Case Study. Journal of Building Engineering, 93, 109611. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109611

Elnagar, E., Arteconi, A., Heiselberg, P., & Lemort, V. (May 2024). Integration of resilient cooling technologies in building stock: Impact on thermal comfort, final energy consumption, and GHG emissions. Building and Environment, 261, 111666. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111666

Poletto, C., Dumont, O., De Pascale, A., Lemort, V., Ottaviano, S., & Thome, O. (15 February 2024). Control strategy and performance of a small-size thermally integrated Carnot battery based on a Rankine cycle and combined with district heating. Energy Conversion and Management, 302, 118111. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2024.118111

Laterre, A., Dumont, O., Lemort, V., & Contino, F. (February 2024). Is waste heat recovery a promising avenue for the Carnot battery? Techno-economic optimisation of an electric booster-assisted Carnot battery integrated into different data centres. Energy Conversion and Management, 301, 118030. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2023.118030


Dávila, C., Vega, J., & Lemort, V. (December 2023). Experimental investigation, modeling and in-situ monitoring of a gas-driven absorption heat pump in Belgium. Cleaner Energy Systems, 6, 100087. doi:10.1016/j.cles.2023.100087

Elnagar, E., Pezzutto, S., Duplessis, B., Fontenaille, T., & Lemort, V. (October 2023). A comprehensive scouting of space cooling technologies in Europe: Key characteristics and development trends. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 186, 113636. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2023.113636

Elnagar, E., Gendebien, S., Georges, E., Berardi, U., Doutreloup, S., & Lemort, V. (September 2023). Framework to assess climate change impact on heating and cooling energy demands in building stock: A case study of Belgium in 2050 and 2100. Energy and Buildings, 298, 113547. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113547

Elnagar, E., Zeoli, A., Rahif, R., Attia, S., & Lemort, V. (17 January 2023). A qualitative assessment of integrated active cooling systems: A review with a focus on system flexibility and climate resilience. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 175, 113179. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2023.113179

Altes-Buch, Q., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2022). A modeling framework for the integration of electrical and thermal energy systems in greenhouses. Building Simulation, 15, 779–797. doi:10.1007/s12273-021-0851-2

Zhang, C., Kazanc, O., Levinson, R., Heiselberg, P., Olesen, B., Chiesa, G., Sodagar, B., Zhengtao, A., Selkowitz, S., Zinz, M., Mahdavi, A., Teufl, H., Kolokotroni, M., Salvati, A., Bozonnet, E., Chtioui, F., Salagnac, P., Rahif, R., Attia, S., ... Zhang, G. (01 November 2021). Resilient cooling strategies- a critical review and qualitative assessment. Energy and Buildings, 250, 111312. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111312

Elnagar, E., Munde, S., & Lemort, V. (22 October 2021). Energy Efficiency Measures Applied to Heritage Retrofit Buildings: A Simulated Student Housing Case Study in Vienna. Heritage, 4 (4), 3919-3937. doi:10.3390/heritage4040215

Galuppo, F., Reiche, T., Lemort, V., Dufour, P., & Nadri, M. (2021). Organic Rankine Cycle based waste heat recovery modeling and control of the low pressure side using direct condensation and dedicated fans. Energy, 216. doi:10.1016/

Dickes, R., Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (July 2020). Experimental assessment of the fluid charge distribution in an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) power system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 179. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115689

Oudkerk, J.-F., & Lemort, V. (June 2020). Detailed Experimental and Model-Based Analysis of a Swash-Plate Piston Expander for ORC Application. Frontiers in Energy Research, 8. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2020.00107

Dumont, O., Frate, G. F., Pillai, A., Lecompte, S., De Paepe, M., & Lemort, V. (2020). Carnot battery technology: a state-of-the-art review. Journal of Energy Storage, 32 (101756). doi:10.1016/j.est.2020.101756

Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (2020). Mapping of performance of pumped thermal energy storage (Carnot battery) using waste heat recovery. Energy. doi:10.1016/

Petrollese, M., Dickes, R., & Lemort, V. (2020). Experimentally-validated models for the off-design simulation of a medium-size solar organic Rankine cycle unit. Energy Conversion and Management, 224 (113307). doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113307

Talluri, L., Dumont, O., Manfrida, G., Lemort, V., & Fiaschi, D. (2020). Geometry Definition and Performance Assessment of Tesla Turbines for ORC. Energy. doi:10.1016/

Gendebien, S., Parthoens, A., & Lemort, V. (01 March 2019). Investigation of a single room ventilation heat recovery exchanger under frosting conditions: Modeling, experimental validation and operating strategies evaluation. Energy and Buildings, 186, 1-16. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.12.039

Cuevas, C., Declaye, S., & Lemort, V. (2019). Experimental characterization of a reversible heat pump for hybrid and electric vehicles. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 11 (4). doi:10.1177/1687814019845806

Desideri, A., Dickes, R., Bonilla, J., Valenzuela, L., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (01 November 2018). Steady-state and dynamic validation of a parabolic trough collector model using the ThermoCycle Modelica library. Solar Energy, 174. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2018.08.026

Orosz, M., Altes-Buch, Q., Mueller, A., & Lemort, V. (2018). Experimental validation of an electrical and thermal energy demand model for rapid assessment of rural health centers in sub-Saharan Africa. Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.03.004

Dickes, R., Dumont, O., Guillaume, L., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (15 February 2018). Charge-sensitive modelling of organic Rankine cycle power systems for off-design performance simulation. Applied Energy, 212, 1262-1281. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.01.004

Gendebien, S., Martens, J., Prieels, L., & Lemort, V. (February 2018). Designing an air-to-air heat exchanger dedicated to single room ventilation with heat recovery. Building Simulation, 11 (1), 103-113. doi:10.1007/s12273-017-0386-8

Dumont, O., Carmo, C., Fontaine, V., Randaxhe, F., Quoilin, S., Lemort, V., Elmegaard, B., & Mads P., N. (2018). Performance of a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle unit coupled with a passive house to get a positive energy building. Journal of Building Performance Simulation. doi:10.1080/19401493.2016.1265010

Dumont, O., Dickes, R., De Rosa, M., Douglas, R., & Lemort, V. (2018). Technical and economic optimization of subcritical, wet expansion and transcritical Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems coupled with a biogas power plant. Energy Conversion and Management, 157, 294-306. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2017.12.022

Dumont, O., Diny, M., & Lemort, V. (2018). Experimental investigation and modelling of a 1.5 kW axial turbine designed for waste heat recovery through a Rankine cycle. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems.

Dumont, O., Parthoens, A., Dickes, R., & Lemort, V. (2018). Experimental investigation and optimal performance assessment of four volumetric expanders (scroll, screw, piston and roots) tested in a small-scale organic Rankine cycle system. Energy. doi:10.1016/

Dickes, R., Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (September 2017). Performance correlations for characterizing the optimal off-design operation of an ORC power system. Energy Procedia, 129, 907-914. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.100

Le, V. L., Declaye, S., Dumas, X., Ferrand, L., & Lemort, V. (2017). Waste Heat Recovery by Means of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) System Coupled with Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphons. International Journal of Thermodynamics. doi:10.5541/ijot.5000201798

Dickes, R., Dumont, O., Daccord, R., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (15 March 2017). Modelling of organic Rankine cycle power systems in off-design conditions: an experimentally-validated comparative study. Energy, 123, 710-727. doi:10.1016/

Georges, E., Cornélusse, B., Ernst, D., Lemort, V., & Mathieu, S. (February 2017). Residential heat pump as flexible load for direct control service with parametrized duration and rebound effect. Applied Energy, 187, 140-153. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.11.012

Dumont, O., Dickes, R., & Lemort, V. (2017). Extrapolability and limitations of a semi-empirical model for the simulation of volumetric expanders. Energy Procedia. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.198

Dumont, O., Dickes, R., & Lemort, V. (2017). Experimental investigation of four volumetric expanders. Energy Procedia. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.206

Quoilin, S., Dumont, O., Dickes, R., & Lemort, V. (2017). Evaluating quality of multivariate experimental data relative to various ORC experimental setups. Energy Procedia. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.107

Sartor, K., Lemort, V., & Dewallef, P. (2017). Improved district heating network operation by the integration of high-temperature heat pumps. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 1-15. doi:10.1080/14786451.2017.1383409

Georges, E., Braun, J., & Lemort, V. (2016). A general methodology for optimal load management with distributed renewable energy generation and storage in residential housing. Journal of Building Performance Simulation. doi:10.1080/19401493.2016.1211738

Guillaume, L., Legros, A., Desideri, A., & Lemort, V. (2016). Performance of a radial-inflow turbine integrated in an ORC system and designed for a WHR on truck application: An experimental comparison between R245fa and R1233zd. Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.03.012

Bin, P., Legros, A., Lemort, V., Xiaozheng, X., & Haifeng, G. (2016). Recent Advances on the Oil-Free Scroll Compressor. Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 9. doi:10.2174/2212797609666151109204948

Dumont, O., Carmo, C., Georges, E., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2016). Economic assessment of electric energy storage for load shifting in positive energy building. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering. doi:10.1007/s40095-016-0224-2

Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2016). Importance of the reconciliation method to handle experimental data in refrigeration and power cycle: application to a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle unit integrated in a positive energy building. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering. doi:10.1007/s40095-016-0206-4

Grelet, V., Reiche, T., Lemort, V., Nadri, M., & Dufour, P. (2016). Transient performance evaluation of waste heat recovery Rankine cycle based system for heavy duty trucks. Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.11.004

Randaxhe, F., Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (November 2015). Global optimization of the production and the distribution system for typical European HVAC systems. Energy Procedia, 78, 2452-2457. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.228

Masy, G., Georges, E., Verhelst, C., Andre, P., & Lemort, V. (24 August 2015). Smart Grid Energy Flexible Buildings through the use of Heat Pumps and Building Thermal Mass as Energy Storage in the Belgian context. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 21 (6), 800-811. doi:10.1080/23744731.2015.1035590

Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (June 2015). Experimental investigation of a reversible heat pump / organic Rankine cycle unit designed to be coupled with a passive house (Net Zero Energy Building). International Journal of Refrigeration, 54, 190-203. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2015.03.008

Gendebien, S., Georges, E., Bertagnolio, S., & Lemort, V. (2014). Methodology to characterize a residential building stock using a bottom-up approach: a case study applied to Belgium. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management. doi:10.5278/ijsepm.2014.4.7

Bell, I., Wronski, J., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2014). Pure and Pseudo-pure Fluid Thermophysical Property Evaluation and the Open-Source Thermophysical Property Library CoolProp. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 2498-2508. doi:10.1021/ie4033999

Quoilin, S., Bell, I., Desideri, A., Dewallef, P., & Lemort, V. (2014). Methods to Increase the Robustness of Finite-Volume Flow Models in Thermodynamic Systems. Energies, 7 (3), 1621-1640. doi:10.3390/en7031621

Quoilin, S., van den Broeck, M., Declaye, S., Dewallef, P., & Lemort, V. (June 2013). Techno-economic survey of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 22, 168–186. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2013.01.028

Georges, E., Declaye, S., Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2013). Design of a small-scale organic Rankine cycle engine used in a solar power plant. International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies. doi:10.1093/ijlct/ctt030

Oudkerk, J.-F., Quoilin, S., Declaye, S., Guillaume, L., Lemort, V., & Winandy, E. (Other coll.). (18 March 2013). Evaluation of the Energy Performance of an Organic Rankine Cycle-Based Micro Combined Heat and Power System Involving a Hermetic Scroll Expander. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 135 (4). doi:10.1115/1.4023116

Lemort, V., Declaye, S., & Quoilin, S. (2011). Experimental characterization of a hermetic scroll expander for use in a micro-scale Rankine cycle. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A, Journal of Power and Energy. doi:10.1177/0957650911413840

Quoilin, S., Orosz, M., & Lemort, V. (2011). Performance and Design optimization of a low-cost solar organic Rankine cycle for remote power generation. Solar Energy. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2011.02.010


Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (17 January 2024). Heat Exchange Circuit, Method for operating such circuit.

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Lemort, V. (28 November 2024). « Réflexions » de Sadi Carnot: itinéraire d’une publication qui marqua un tournant dans les sciences et techniques [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférences « Un livre, une histoire », Liège, Belgium.

Cendoya, A., Ransy, F., Lemort, V., Hernandez Naranjo, J. A., Dewallef, P., Gresse, P.-H., & Windeshausen, J. (14 July 2024). Modelling and Simulation of a Carnot Battery Coupled to Seasonal Underground Stratified Thermal Energy Storage for Heating, Cooling and Electricity Generation [Paper presentation]. HERRICK CONFERENCES 2024 - High Performance Buildings Conferece, West-Lafayette, United States - Indiana.

Lemort, V. (2024). The role of experimental practice in the rise of technical thermodynamics at the University of Liège from 1868 to 1914 [Paper presentation]. Carnot Lille 2024 International Colloquium Celebration of 200 years since Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu, 1824–2024, Lille, France.

Leclercq, N., & Lemort, V. (07 September 2022). Modeling and Simulation of a Two-phase Scroll Compressor [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL COMPRESSOR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, West-Lafayette, United States - Indiana.

Vega Benavente, J. I., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (14 July 2022). Experimental Study and Modelling of a Two-Stage Compression R744 Refrigeration System with Vapour Injection and Inter-Cooling [Paper presentation]. 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 10­14, 2022, West Lafayette, United States - Indiana.

Altés Buch, Q., Robert, T., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2022). Assessment of short-term aquifer thermal energy storage for energy management in greenhouse horticulture: modeling and optimization [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 7th International High Performance Buildings Conference.

Vega Benavente, J. I., Davila Valdebenito, C., & Lemort, V. (25 May 2021). Two­-Stage Compression With Vapor Injection: A Study On A Disregarded Solution In CO2 Booster Applications For Supermarket Refrigeration [Paper presentation]. Purdue 2020 Conferences in Compressor Engineering, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, and High Performance Buildings, Purdue - Online Conference, United States.

Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (2020). First Experimental Results of a Thermally Integrated Carnot Battery Using a Reversible Heat Pump / Organic Rankine Cycle [Paper presentation]. 2nd international workshop on Carnot batteries.

Dumont, O., reyes, A., & Lemort, V. (2020). Modelling of a thermally integrated Carnot battery using a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle [Paper presentation]. ECOS 2020.

Lemort, V. (March 2019). Innovative thermal machines for waste heat recovery in industry [Paper presentation]. 3rd Winter School for PhD students Fluid Machines and Energy Systems, Pisa, Italy.

Bellolio Domke, S. A., Lemort, V., & Rigo, P. (26 November 2015). Organic Rankine cycles systems for waste heat recovery in marine applications [Paper presentation]. SCC 2015, International conference on shipping in changing climates, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Guillaume, L., Legros, A., Quoilin, S., Declaye, S., & Lemort, V. (09 September 2013). Sizing models and performance analysis of volumetric expansion machines for waste heat recovery through organic Rankine cycles on passenger cars [Paper presentation]. International conference on compressors and their systems, London, United Kingdom.

Legros, A., Guillaume, L., Lemort, V., Diny, M., Bell, I., & Quoilin, S. (09 September 2013). Investigation on a scroll expander for waste heat recovery on internal combustion engines [Paper presentation]. International conference on compressors and their systems.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Guo, B., & Lemort, V. (2024). Designing of an Off-Grid Reversible Heat Pump/Organic Rankine Cycle System for Electricity and Cooling Demands of a Nigerian Family Farm. In 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. ECOS2024. doi:10.52202/077185-0037

Cendoya, A., Ransy, F., Lemort, V., Kozlowska, N., Dewallef, P., & Windeshausen, J. (2024). Modelling and simulation of a seasonal underground water storage coupled with photovoltaic panels, heat pump and district heating network for providing local renewable heating to a residential district. In PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2024 - THE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS (pp. 12). Rhodes, Unknown/unspecified: ECOS2024. doi:10.52202/077185-0124

Deshpande, S., Vergote, M., Bart Janssens, Adriaens, A., Lemort, V., & Cendoya, A. (2024). Modeling and analysis of Carnot batteries and thermodynamic cycles in Julia. In PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2024 - THE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS (pp. 10). ECOS2024.

Leclercq, N., Marichal, S., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2024). Dynamic Modeling and Experimental Validation of an Electrical Water Heater with Double Storage Tank Configuration. In PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2024 - THE 37TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EFFICIENCY, COST, OPTIMIZATION, SIMULATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ENERGY SYSTEMS. Rhodes, Greece: ECOS2024. doi:10.52202/077185-0015

Zeoli, A., Gendebien, S., Johra, H., & Lemort, V. (2024). Case Study of a Desiccant Evaporative Cooling System in a Danish Office Building: System Modeling from Long-Term Monitoring Data. In 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2024) (pp. 394-405). Rhodes, Greece: ECOS 2024. doi:10.52202/077185-0034

Laterre, A., Dumont, O., Lemort, V., & Contino, F. (2023). Systematic And Multi-Criteria Optimisation Of Subcritical Thermally Integrated Carnot Batteries (TI-PTES) In An Extended Domain. In Proceedings of 7th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems. Seville, Spain: University of Seville.

Davila Valdebenito, C., & Lemort, V. (2023). In-situ Monitoring of two Air-to-Water Hybrid Heat Pumps for Residential Buildings. In In-situ Monitoring of two Air-to-Water Hybrid Heat Pumps for Residential Buildings. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Heat Powered Cycles.

Paulus, N., Davila Valdebenito, C., & Lemort, V. (2023). Pollutant testing (NOx, SO2 and CO) of commercialized micro-combined heat and power (mCHP) fuel cells. In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2023). Las Palmas, Spain: ECOS2023. doi:10.52202/069564-0104

Paulus, N., & Lemort, V. (2023). Experimental investigation of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) used in residential cogeneration applications. In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2023). Las Palmas, Spain: ECOS2023. doi:10.52202/069564-0056

Thome, O., Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (2023). Potential evaluation of Carnot battery integrating waste heat recovery in industry. In 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2023. International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. doi:10.52202/069564-0201

Zeoli, A., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2023). Performance evaluation of a desiccant cooling system coupled with indirect evaporative cooling technologies under various climates. In 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, vol. 4 (pp. 270-280). Paris, France: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF REFRIGERATION. doi:10.18462/iir.icr.2023.0471

Paulus, N., Davila Valdebenito, C., & Lemort, V. (2022). Field-test economic and ecological performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) used in micro-combined heat and power residential applications (micro-CHP). In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2022). Copenhagen, Denmark: ECOS2022. doi:10.11581/dtu.00000267

Elnagar, E., Zeoli, A., & Lemort, V. (2022). Performance Evaluation of Passive Cooling in a Multi-Zone Apartment Building Based on Natural Ventilation. In In Proceedings of CLIMA 2022: 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress. Brussels, Belgium: REHVA.

Laterre, A., Dumont, O., Lemort, V., & Contino, F. (2022). Design Optimisation and Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Carnot Battery Towards Integration in a Data Centre under Techno-Economic Uncertainties. In Proceedings of 5th SEE SDEWES. Zagreb, Croatia: SDEWES Centre.

Elnagar, E., Davila Valdebenito, C., & Lemort, V. (2022). Impact of integration of electric and gas heat pumps on the final energy consumption of Belgian residential building stock. In In Proceedings of CLIMA 2022: 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress. Brussels, Belgium: REHVA.

Davila Valdebenito, C., Paulus, N., & Lemort, V. (2022). Experimental Investigation of a Gas Driven Absorption Heat Pump and In-Situ Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 9th Heat Powered Cycles International Conference (HPC2021). Bilbao, Spain: HPC2021. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7234548

Davila Valdebenito, C., Paulus, N., & Lemort, V. (2022). Experimental Investigation of a Micro-CHP Unit Driven by Natural Gas for Residential Buildings. In Proceedings of the 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference (Herrick 2022). Purdue, United States - Indiana: Purdue University.

Parthoens, A., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2022). Critical Impact of Fin Thermal Conductivity in the Modeling of Evaporator Under Frost Conditions. In Proceedings of the 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue. Purdue University.

Paulus, N., Davila Valdebenito, C., & Lemort, V. (2022). Correlation between field-test and laboratory results for a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) used as a residential cogeneration system. In Actes du Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Thermique (SFT2022). Paris, France: Société Française de Thermique. doi:10.25855/SFT2022-119

Paulus, N., & Lemort, V. (2022). Grid-impact factors of field-tested residential Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell systems. In Proceedings of the 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress (CLIMA2022). Brussels, Belgium: REHVA. doi:10.34641/clima.2022.176

Paulus, N., & Lemort, V. (2022). Field-test performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) for residential cogeneration applications. In Proceedings of the 7th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue (Herrick 2022). Purdue, United States - Indiana: Purdue University.

Paulus, N., & Lemort, V. (2022). Establishing the energy content of natural gas residential consumption : example with Belgian field-test applications. In Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment (EENVIRO 2022). Bristol, United Kingdom: IOPscience. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1185/1/012013

Zeoli, A., & Lemort, V. (2022). Performance Evaluation of an Indirect Evaporative Cooler. In Proceedings of Herrick Conferences 2022. West Lafayette, United States - Indiana: Purdue University.

Zeoli, A., & Lemort, V. (2022). Passive cooling techniques to improve resilience of nZEBs in Belgium. In Proceedings of CLIMA 2022 : 14th HVAC World Congress. Rotterdam, Netherlands: REHVA. doi:10.34641/clima.2022.372

Elnagar, E., Munde, S., & Lemort, V. (October 2021). Refurbishment concepts for a student housing at the Otto Wagner Areal in Vienna under the aspects of sustainability, energy efficiency and heritage protection. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 863 (1), 012047. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/863/1/012047

Elnagar, E., Doutreloup, S., & Lemort, V. (2021). Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on the Future Heating Demand in Different Types of Buildings in the Belgian Residential Building Stock. In L. Helsen, Proceeding of the International Building Simulation Conference. KU Leuven. doi:10.26868/25222708.2021.30851

Dumont, O., Charalampidis, A., Lemort, V., & Karellas, S. (2021). Experimental investigation of a thermally integrated Carnot battery using a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle. In Proceedings of the 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue.

Parthoens, A., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2021). Implementation of Innovative Measurement Technique for Precise Experimental Characterization of Frost Growth in a Heat Pump Evaporator. In Proceedings of Purdue 2021.

Davila Valdebenito, C., Paulus, N., Lemort, V., & Cuevas, C. (2021). Experimental Investigation, In-Situ Monitoring And Modeling Of A Condensing Gas Absorption Heat Pump For Residential Buildings. In Proceedings of the 18th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue (Herrick 2020). Purdue, United States - Indiana: Purdue University.

Leclercq, N., & Lemort, V. (2020). Modélisation et Simulation d’un Cycle de Rankine Organique pour de la récupération de chaleur perdue sur le liquide de refroidissement d’un moteur de camion. In Actes du congrès de la SFT.

Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2020). Modelling of an exhaust air heat pump used for heating and domestic hot water production. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings.

Parthoens, A., Prieels, L., Embrechts, J.-J., Detandt, Y., Pecceu, S., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2019). Multi-objective design of single room ventilation units with heat and water recovery. In From energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate – 40 years of AIVC (pp. 605-614).

Galuppo, F., Reiche, T., Lemort, V., Dufour, P., & Nadri, M. (2019). Assessment of Rankine Waste Heat Recovery Potential on Heavy Duty Trucks Using Direct Condensation. In Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems.

Dickes, R., Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (2019). Infrared imaging of a multi-zone condenser for heat transfer coefficients assessment. In Proceedings of ECOS 2019.

Altes-Buch, Q., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2019). Greenhouses: A Modelica Library for the Simulation of Greenhouse Climate and Energy Systems. In Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference. doi:10.3384/ecp19157533

Dumont, O., Dickes, R., Ismael, M., & Lemort, V. (2019). Mapping of performance of pumped thermal energy storage (Carnot battery) using waste heat recovery. In ORC 2019 proceedings.

Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (2019). Thermo-technical approach to characterize the performance of a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle power system depending on its operational conditions. In ECOS 2019.

Dumont, O., Talluri, L., Fiaschi, D., Manfrida, G., & Lemort, V. (2019). Comparison of a scroll, a screw, a roots, a piston expander and a Tesla turbine for small-scale organic Rankine cycle. In ORC 2019 proceedings.

Parthoens, A., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2019). Model development of a new single room ventilation enthalpy exchanger under wet conditions. In 10th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, Liege, December 10-12,2018.

Dickes, R., Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2018). Online Measurement Of The Working Fluid Mass Repartition In A Small-Scale Organic Rankine Cycle Power System. In Proceedings of Purdue 2018.

Dechesne, B., Lemort, V., Nadri, M., & Dufour, P. (2018). Impact of suction and injection gas superheat degrees on the performance of a residential heat pump with vapor injection and variable speed scroll compressor. In Proceedings of the 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue.

Parthoens, A., Guillaume, L., Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (2018). Experimental and numerical investigation of a roots expander integrated into an ORC power system. In Proceedings of Purdue 2018.

Dickes, R., Dumont, O., Thiebaut, J., Orosz, M., Mueller, A., & Lemort, V. (2018). Experimental performance of a field of parabolic trough collectors for small-scale power generation. In Proceedings of ECOS 2018.

Imran, M., Haglind, F., Lemort, V., & Meroni, A. (2018). Multi-objective optimization of organic Rankine cycle power systems for waste heat recovery on heavy-duty vehicles. In Proceedings of ECOS 2016 - the 31th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems.

Galuppo, F., Reiche, T., Lemort, V., Dufour, P., Nadri, M., & Huin, X. (2018). Waste heat recovery (WHR) assessment in complete truck simulation environment. In Proceedings of the 2018 SIA POWERTRAIN conference.


Dumont, O., Diny, M., & Lemort, V. (2018). Experimentation and driving cycle performance of three architectures for waste heat recovery through Rankine cycle and organic Rankine cycle of a passenger car engine. In proceedings of ECOS 2018.

Dumont, O., Diny, M., Lemort, V., Ziviani, D., Braun, J., & Groll, E. (2018). Innovative architecture to valorize the waste heat of a passenger car through the use of a Rankine cycle. In Proceedings of purdue conference 2018.

Galuppo, F., Dufour, P., Nadri, M., Reiche, T., & Lemort, V. (2018). Experiment Design for Waste Heat Recovery Modeling in Heavy Duty Trucks. In Proceedings of the The 5th IFAC Conference on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling - 5th E-COSM 2018. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.10.165

Guillaume, L., & Lemort, V. (2018). Comparison of different ORC typologies for heavy-duty trucks by means of a thermoeconomic optimization. In Proceedings of the 31st International conference on efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmental impact of energy systems (ECOS).

Ransy, F., Sartor, K., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2018). Performance analysis of a mini exhaust air heat pump integrated into a low energy detached house: experimental on-site performance. In Proceedings of the 5th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue.

Dickes, R., Guillaume, L., Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2017). Effects of void fraction and heat transfer correlations in a charge-sensitive ORC model – a comparison with experimental data. In Proceedings of ECOS 2017.

Dechesne, B., Gendebien, S., Lemort, V., & Bertagnolio, S. (2017). Comparison of a dynamic model and experimental results of a residential heat pump with vapor injection and variable speed scroll compressor. In PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2017.

Georges, E., Quoilin, S., Mathieu, S., & Lemort, V. (2017). Aggregation of flexible domestic heat pumps for the provision of reserve in power systems. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems.

Oudkerk, J.-F., & Lemort, V. (2017). Development of an Ericsson Heat Engine for biomass Combined Heat and Power. In Proceedings of the 30th International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS).

Dechesne, B., Gendebien, S., Lemort, V., & Bertagnolio, S. (2017). Experimental investigation and dynamic modeling of an air-to-water residential heat pump with vapor injection and variable speed scroll compressor. In 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference Proceedings.

Gendebien, S., Guillaume, L., Bellolio Domke, S. A., Francois, P., Dechesne, B., Dubois, S., & Lemort, V. (2017). Etude expérimentale et numérique d'un échangeur destiné à la récupération de chaleur fatale sur bancs d'essais de moteurs aéronautiques. In Colloque Inter-universitaire Franco-Québécois (CIFQ 2017), 22-24 mai 2017, Saint-Lô, France.

Le, V. L., Dumas, X., Ferrand, L., & Lemort, V. (2017). MODELISATION D’UN ECHANGEUR A THERMOSIPHONS POUR LA RECUPERATION DE CHALEUR. XIIIème Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois sur la Thermique des Systèmes.

Altes-Buch, Q., Orosz, M., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2017). Rule-based control and optimization of a hybrid solar microgrid for rural electrification and heat supply in sub-Saharan Africa. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS).


Guillaume, L., Legros, A., Dickes, R., & Lemort, V. (2017). Thermo-economic optimization during preliminary design phase of organic Rankine cycle systems for waste heat recovery from exhaust and recirculated gases of heavy duty trucks. In IMechE, Vehicle Thermal Management Systems conference.

Orosz, M., Altes-Buch, Q., Mueller, A., & Lemort, V. (2017). Experimental validation of an electrical and thermal energy demand model for health centers in sub-Saharan Africa. In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS).

Hernandez, A., Ruiz, F., Ionescu, C., Quoilin, S., Lemort, V., De Keyser, R., & Desideri, A. (2016). Nonlinear identification and control of Organic Rankine Cycle systems using sparse polynomial models. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA) Part of 2016 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Contro. doi:10.1109/CCA.2016.7587946

Desideri, A., Rhyl Kaern, M., Ommen Schmidt, T., Wronski, J., Quoilin, S., Lemort, V., & Haglind, F. (2016). Experimental results for hydrocarbon refrigerant vaporization in brazed plate heat exchangers at high pressure. In Proceedings of the 16th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue.

Georges, E., & Lemort, V. (2016). Load modulation strategies of residential heat pumps for demand-response programs with different thermal storage options. In Proceedings of the 4th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue.

Dickes, R., Ziviani, D., van den Broek, M., de Paepe, M., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2016). ORCmKit: an open-source library for organic Rankine cycle modelling and analysis. In Proceedings of ECOS 2016.

Ziviani, D., Dickes, R., Quoilin, S., Lemort, V., de Paepe, M., & van den Broek, M. (2016). Organic Rankine cycle modelling and the ORCmKit library: analysis of R1234ze(Z) as drop-in replacement of R245fa for low-grade waste heat recovery. In Proceedings of ECOS 2016.

Andritsos, G., Desideri, A., Gantiez, C., Lemort, V., & Quoilin, S. (2016). Steady-state and dynamic modelling of a 1 MWel commercial waste heat recovery ORC power plant. In Steady-state and dynamic modelling of a 1 MWel commercial waste heat recovery ORC power plant.

Georges, E., Cornélusse, B., Ernst, D., Louveaux, Q., Lemort, V., & Mathieu, S. (2016). Direct control service from residential heat pump aggregation with specified payback. In Proceedings of the 19th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC). doi:10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540835

Le, V. L., Declaye, S., Dumas, X., Ferrand, L., & Lemort, V. (2016). Performance evaluation of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) connected to two-phase closed thermosyphons. In PROCEEDINGS OF ECOS 2016.

Georges, E., Garsoux, P., Masy, G., De Maere D’Aertrycke, G., & Lemort, V. (2016). Analysis of the flexibility of Belgian residential buildings equipped with Heat Pumps and Thermal Energy Storages. In Proceedings of CLIMA2016 Conference.

Ruiz Flores, R., D’Antoni, M., & Lemort, V. (2016). Energy Reduction in Public Building Stock: Assessing the Impact of Control Strategy over Expected Energy Savings and Indoor Comfort Level. In CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress: volume 1. Aalborg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering.

Andre, P., Aparecida Silva, Davin, E., Delclaye, S., Hannay, J., Lebrun, J., & Lemort, V. (2016). About the use of CO2 as tracer gas for identification of air renewal; combination with co-heating test. In P. K. Heiselberg, CLIMA 2016 - Proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress : volume 5. Aalborg, Denmark: Aalborg University, Depart. of civil engineering.

Bettoja, F., Perosino, A., Lemort, V., Guillaume, L., & Reiche, T. (2016). NoWaste: waste heat re-use for greener truck. In Proceedings of 6th Transport Research Arena. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.456

Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2016). Description of a Modelica-based thermal building model integrating multi-zone airflows calculation. In Proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2016.

Desideri, A., Amicabile, S., Alberti, F., Vitali-Nari, S., Quoilin, S., Crema, L., & Lemort, V. (2015). Dynamic modeling and control strategies analysis of a novel small CSP biomass plant for cogeneration applications in building. In ISES Solar World Congress 2015, Conference Proceedings (pp. 12). doi:10.18086/swc.2015.04.14

Dickes, R., Wéber, N., Lemort, V., & Quoilin, S. (2015). Impact of model reduction on the dynamic simulation of a micro-scale concentrated solar power system integrated with a thermal storage. In Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2015. doi:10.18086/swc.2015.04.15



Dickes, R., Dumont, O., Legros, A., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2015). Analysis and comparison of different modeling approaches for the simulation of a micro-scale organic Rankine cycle power plant. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems.

Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2015). Performances of a simple exhaust mechanical ventilation coupled to a mini heat pump: modeling and experimental investigations. In The proceedings of the 36th AIVC conference: Effective ventilation in high performance buildings.

Ziviani, D., Desideri, A., Lemort, V., De Paepe, M., & Van Den Broek, M. (2015). Low-order models of a single-screw expander for organic Rankine cycle applications. In Low-order models of a single-screw expander for organic Rankine cycle applications D. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012061

Hernandez Naranjo, J. A., Desideri, A., Ionescu, C., Quoilin, S., Lemort, V., & De Keyser, R. (2015). Experimental study of Predictive Control strategies for optimal operation of Organic Rankine Cycle systems. In Experimental study of Predictive Control strategies for optimal operation of Organic Rankine Cycle systems (pp. 2259-2264). doi:10.1109/ECC.2015.7330874

Guillaume, L., Legros, A., & Lemort, V. (2015). Experimental comparison of the performance of a Waste Heat Recovery Organic Rankine Cycle system for truck application using R245fa and R1233zd. In Proceedings.

Dickes, R., Desideri, A., Lemort, V., & Quoilin, S. (2015). Model reduction for simulating the dynamic behavior of parabolic troughs and a thermocline energy storage in a micro-solar power unit. In Proceedings of ECOS 2015.

Dickes, R., Lemort, V., & Quoilin, S. (2015). Semi-empirical correlation to model heat losses along solar parabolic trough collectors. In Proceedings of ECOS 2015.

Altes-Buch, Q., Dickes, R., Desideri, A., Lemort, V., & Quoilin, S. (2015). Dynamic modeling of thermal systems using a semi-empirical approach and the ThermoCycle Modelica Library. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization and Simulation of Energy Systems.

Grelet, V., Dufour, P., Nadri, M., Lemort, V., & Reiche, T. (2015). Model based control for waste heat recovery rankine cycle system in heavy duty trucks. In Proceedings of the 3rd ASME International Seminar on ORC Power Systems (ORC).

Grelet, V., Dufour, P., Nadri, M., Lemort, V., & Reiche, T. (2015). Explicit Multi Model Predictive Control of a Waste Heat Rankine Based System for Heavy Duty Trucks. In Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. doi:10.1109/CDC.2015.7402105

Grelet, V., Dufour, P., Nadri, M., Reiche, T., & Lemort, V. (2015). Modeling and control of Rankine based waste heat recovery systems for heavy duty trucks. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.09.028

Grelet, V., Lemort, V., Nadri, M., Dufour, P., & Reiche, T. (2015). Waste heat recovery rankine cycle based system modeling for heavy duty trucks fuel saving assessment. In Proceedings of the 3rd ASME International Seminar on ORC Power Systems (ORC).

Oudkerk, J.-F., Dickes, R., Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (2015). Experimental performance of a piston expander in a smallscale organic Rankine cycle. In IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 90 (2015). doi:10.1088/1757-899X/90/1/012066

Georges, E., Braun, J. E., Groll, E., Horton, W. T., & Lemort, V. (2014). Impact of net metering programs on optimal load management in US residential housing – a case study. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings.

Dickes, R., Desideri, A., Bell, I., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2014). Dynamic modeling and control strategy analysis of a micro-scale CSP plant coupled with a thermocline system for power generation. In F. Elimar & P. Philippe (Eds.), Proceedings of the ISES EuroSun 2014 Conference.

Ruiz Flores, R., & Lemort, V. (2014). Calibration of Building Simulation Models: Assessment of Current Acceptance Criteria. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB’14).

Georges, E., Masy, G., Verhelst, C., Andre, P., & Lemort, V. (2014). Smart Grid Energy Flexible Buildings through the use of Heat Pumps in the Belgian context. In 3rd International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue.

Dechesne, B., Gendebien, S., Martens, J., Gilbert, J., & Lemort, V. (2014). Designing and testing an air-PCM heat exchanger for building ventilation application coupled to energy storage. In 2014 Purdue Conferences Proceedings.

Desideri, A., Van Den Broek, M., Gusev, S., Lemort, V., & Quoilin, S. (2014). Experimental campaign and modeling of a low capacity waste heat recovery system based on a single screw expander. In 22nd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 14-17, 2014.

Dickes, R., Dumont, O., Declaye, S., Quoilin, S., Bell, I., & Lemort, V. (2014). Experimental investigation of an ORC system for a micro-solar power plant. In Proceedings of the 2014 Purdue Conferences.

Quoilin, S., Desideri, A., Wronski, J., Bell, I., & Lemort, V. (2014). ThermoCycle: A Modelica library for the simulation of thermodynamic systems. In Proceedings of the 10th International Modelica Conference 2014.


Guillaume, L., Legros, A., Quoilin, S., Declaye, S., & Lemort, V. (2013). Sizing models and performance analysis of waste heat recovery organic Rankine cycles for heavy duty trucks. In Proceedings of the ASME ORC 2013 second international seminar on ORC power systems (pp. 106).

Gendebien, S., Georges, E., Prieels, L., & Lemort, V. (2013). Experimental performance characterization of a new single room ventilation device with heat recovery. In Proceedings of the 34th AIVC conference.

Lemort, V., Guillaume, L., Legros, A., Declaye, S., & Quoilin, S. (2013). A comparison of piston, screw and scroll expanders for small scale Rankine cycle systems. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies.

Oudkerk, J.-F., & Lemort, V. (2013). Theorical study of a volumetric hot air Joule cycle engine. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies.

Legros, A., Zaïdi, H., Diny, M., Diaby, M., & Lemort, V. (2013). Etude tribologique sur des lubrifiants solides à haute température dans des machines de détente. In La tribologie : fondamentaux et applications complexes.

Randaxhe, F., Bertagnolio, S., & Lemort, V. (2012). Simulation-assisted evaluation of potential energy savings: Application to an administrative building in France. In F. Randaxhe, S. Bertagnolio, ... V. Lemort (Eds.), International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations ICEBO 2012 at Manchester, October 23-26, 2012.

Ruiz Flores, R., Bertagnolio, S., & Lemort, V. (2012). Global Sensitivity Analysis applied to Total Energy Use in Buildings. In Proceedings of the 2nd International High Performance Buildings Conference.

Gantiez, C., Lemort, V., Hoogmartens, J., Bockelmann, F., Kipry, H., Fisch, N., Bertagnolio, S., & Randaxhe, F. (2012). Energy and comfort performance analysis of monitored thermally activated building systems combined with geothermal heat pumps. In International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, July 16-19, 2012.

Quoilin, S., Declaye, S., Legros, A., Guillaume, L., & Lemort, V. (2012). Working fluid selection and operating maps for Organic Rankine Cycle expansion machines. In Proceedings of the 21st International Compressor Conference at Purdue (pp. 10).

Gendebien, S., Bertagnolio, S., & Lemort, V. (2011). Modeling and experimental validation in partially wet conditions of an air-to-air heat recovery exchanger. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference of The International Building Performance Simulation Association.

Espinosa, N., Gil-Roman, I., Didiot, D., Lemort, V., Lombard, B., & Quoilin, S. (2011). Transient Organic Rankine Cycle Modelling for Waste Heat Recovery on a Truck [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Lemort, V., & Bertagnolio, S. (2010). A Generalized Simulation Model of Chillers and Heat Pumps to be Calibrated on Published Manufacturer's Data [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Refrigeration Technology 2010, Zhuhai, China.

Fonseca, N., Cuevas, C., & Lemort, V. (2010). Experimental Analysis of Radiant Ceiling Systems Coupled to its Environment [Paper presentation]. International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, United States.

Fonseca, N., Cuevas, C., & Lemort, V. (2010). Dynamic Modeling and Validation of Radiant Ceiling Systems Coupled to its Environment [Paper presentation]. International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, West Lafayette, United States.

Tchanche, B., Quoilin, S., Declaye, S., Papadakis, G., & Lemort, V. (2010). Economic Optimization of Small Scale Organic Rankine Cycles [Paper presentation]. 23rd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Espinosa, N., Tilman, L., Lemort, V., Quoilin, S., & Lombard, B. (2010). Rankine cycle for waste heat recovery on commercial trucks: approach, constraints and modelling [Paper presentation]. Diesel International Conference and Exhibition, France.

Gendebien, S., Bertagnolio, S., & Lemort, V. (2010). Comparative validation of three water cooling coil models. In Proceedings of the 10th REHVA World Congress - Clima 2010.

Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2009). Technological and Economical Survey of Organic Rankine Cycle Systems [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, Vilamoura, Portugal.

Quoilin, S., Orosz, M., & Lemort, V. (2008). Modeling and experimental investigation of an Organic Rankine Cycle using scroll expander for small scale solar applications [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Building.

Quoilin, S., Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (2008). Study of an Organic Rankine Cycle Associated to a Biomass-Fuelled Boiler for Cogeneration Application.

Lemort, V., Quoilin, S., & Lebrun, J. (2008). Numerical Simulation of a Scroll Expander for Use in a Rankine Cycle [Paper presentation]. The 19th International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue, United States.

Lemort, V., Cuevas, C., Lebrun, J., Teodore, I. V., & Quoilin, S. (2007). Development and experimental validation of an Organic Rankine cycle model. In Heat SET 2007 : Heat Transfer in Components and Systems for Sustainable Energy Technologies.

Oral communications or posters

Laterre, A., Coppitters, D., Lemort, V., & Contino, F. (18 December 2024). Designing Custom Carnot Batteries to Suit Your Exigencies: A Near-Optimal Approach [Poster presentation]. Carnot 2024 : Belgian Symposium of Thermodynamics, Liège, Belgium.

Lemort, V. (16 December 2024). From Sadi Carnot to thermodynamics in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Carnot 2024: Belgian Symposium of Thermodynamics, Liège, Belgium.

Leclercq, N., & Lemort, V. (October 2024). Modeling and Experimental Validation of the Thermophysical Properties of a POE+R1233zd(E) Mixture [Paper presentation]. International Compressor Engineering Conference, West Lafayette, United States - Indiana.

Guo, B., & Lemort, V. (25 September 2024). Comparison of control strategies of an off-grid Carnot battery combined with renewable energy resources: Priority of electrical and Carnot battery [Poster presentation]. 4th International Workshop on Carnot Batteries, Stuttgart, Germany.

Neven, E., Dumont, O., Thome, O., & Lemort, V. (30 June 2024). Off-design model of a 10 kWe thermally integrated Carnot battery demonstration plant using a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle [Poster presentation]. 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems.

Neven, E., Thome, O., Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (12 June 2024). Batterie de Carnot intégrée thermiquement au réseau de chaleur de l’Université de Liège [Poster presentation]. 32e Congrès Français de Thermique, Strasbourg, France.

Lemort, V. (2024). From Sadi Carnot to Carnot batteries [Paper presentation]. Carnot Commemorative Session, Herrick Conferences, West Lafayette, United States.

Zeoli, A., Gendebien, S., Johra, H., & Lemort, V. (16 November 2023). Case study of a Desiccant Evaporative Cooling system in Denmark [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude ATIC/ULiège, Brussels, Belgium.

Davila Valdebenito, C., Vega Benavente, J. I., Zeoli, A., & Lemort, V. (21 August 2023). Investigating indirect evaporative coolers for ORC condenser cooling [Poster presentation]. 26th International Congress of Refrigeration, Paris, France.

Dumont, O., chiara poleto, Thome, O., & Lemort, V. (04 July 2023). Methodology for the sizing of a Carnot battery based on a Rankine cycle and application to a 10 kWe system for district heating application [Paper presentation]. ECOS 2023.

Heylen, M., Lemort, V., Delanaye, M., & Hillewaert, K. (May 2023). Development of a Two-Stage Radial Inflow Turbine for a Mini-ORC [Poster presentation]. SFT Congrès Français de Thermique, Reims, France.

Laterre, A., Dumont, O., Lemort, V., & Contino, F. (September 2022). Towards Integration of Carnot Batteries in Data Centres: Design Optimisation and Global Sensitivity Analysis under TechnoEconomic Uncertainties [Poster presentation]. 3rd International Workshop on Carnot Batteries.

Laterre, A., Dumont, O., Lemort, V., & Contino, F. (24 May 2022). Design Optimisation and Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Carnot Battery Towards Integration in a Data Centre under Techno-Economic Uncertainties [Paper presentation]. 5th SEE SDEWES conference.

Elnagar, E., Davila Valdebenito, C., & Lemort, V. (23 May 2022). Impact of integration of electric and gas heat pumps on the final energy consumption of Belgian residential building stock [Poster presentation]. IMA 2022: the 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Dumont, O., Thomé, O., & Lemort, V. (2022). Techno-economic assessment of a Carnot battery based on a Rankine cycle with waste heat integration [Paper presentation]. SDEWES 2022.

tassenoy, R., Dumont, O., Lemort, V., lecompte steven, & de paepe michel. (2022). Experimental Investigation Of A Thermally Integrated Carnot Battery Using A Re y Using A Reversible Heat Pump/Or ersible Heat Pump/Organic Rankine Cy ganic Rankine Cycle: Influence Of System Char Influence Of System Charge On P ge On Performance Of The Re formance Of The Reversible ersible Scroll Compressor/Expander And Global Performance [Paper presentation]. PURDUE 2022.

Dumont, O., Léonard, A., & Lemort, V. (2021). Life cycle analysis of a Carnot battery based on a Rankine cycle (Pumped thermal energy storage) [Paper presentation]. ECOS 2021.

Guillaume, L., & Lemort, V. (24 May 2018). Pre-design of waste heat recovery ORC systems for heavy-duty trucks by means of dynamic simulation [Paper presentation]. SAE - Waste Heat Recovery Symposium, Haïfa, Israel.

Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (22 May 2017). PERFORMANCES D’UNE MINI POMPE À CHALEUR RÉVERSIBLE FONCTIONNANT SUR L’AIR EXTRAIT : ÉTUDE NUMERIQUE ET EXPERIMENTALE [Poster presentation]. XIIIe Colloque Inter-universitaire Franco-Québecois (CIFQ).

Lemort, V., Ransy, F., Gendebien, S., & Georges, E. (16 May 2017). Comparaison de trois solutions électriques pour le chauffage d'une habitation basse énergie [Paper presentation]. Symposium “Electricité & besoins thermiques”, Vilvorde, Belgium.

Lemort, V., Legros, A., Dumont, O., & Diny, M. (07 February 2017). Design optimization of Rankine cycle systems for waste heat recovery from passenger car engines [Paper presentation]. International Forum Automotive Thermal Management 2017, Ann Arbor, United States.

Dumont, O., Diny, M., & Lemort, V. (2017). Experimental investigation of the valorization of the waste heat of a gasoline engine based on a Rankine cycle power system [Paper presentation]. ECOS - 2017. 30th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems.

Lemort, V., Guillaume, L., Bettoja, F., Reiche, T., & Wagner, T. (2017). Nowate: Waste heat re-use for greener trucks [Paper presentation]. EGVI Workshop, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Lemort, V., Le, V. L., Gendebien, S., & Guillaume, L. (2017). Projets de Récupération de chaleur fatale suivis par l’ULg [Paper presentation]. Waste Heat to Energy, le point sur une filière à haut potentiel, Liège, Belgium.

Guillaume, L., Ameel, B., Criens, C., Siera, I., Hernandez, A., De Paepe, M., & Lemort, V. (14 September 2016). DYNAMIC MODELING OF WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE SYSTEMS IN THE AMESIM PLATFORM [Paper presentation]. EORCC2016, Belfast, Ireland.


Randaxhe, F., Lemort, V., & Lebrun, J. (24 May 2016). Towards nzeb goal for newly built office buildings in Europe using high temperature cooling [Paper presentation]. 12th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2016, Aalborg, Denmark.

Declaye, S., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (14 April 2016). Introduction aux échangeurs de chaleur [Paper presentation]. Les techniques pour économiser l'énergie dans le bâtiment industriel, Suarlée, Belgium.

Georges, E., Cornélusse, B., Ernst, D., Lemort, V., & Mathieu, S. (26 January 2016). Residential heat pumps as flexible loads for direct control service with constrained payback [Paper presentation]. First Seminar on Demand Response, Brussels, Belgium.

Dumont, O., Carmo, C., Dickes, R., Georges, E., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2016). Hot water tanks : how to select the optimal modelling approach? [Paper presentation]. Conference CLIMA 2016.


Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (June 2015). Importance of the reconciliation method to handle experimental data: application to a reversible heat pump / organic Rankine cycle unit integrated in a positive energy building [Paper presentation]. ECOS 2015, Pau, France.


Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (2015). Comparaison des performances de deux types de technologies pour obtenir un bâtiment à énergie positive : le système PAC/ORC réversible et une pompe à chaleur couplée avec des panneaux photovoltaïques [Paper presentation]. Congrès de la société francaise de thermique 2015.

Gendebien, S., Martens, J., Prieels, L., & Lemort, V. (2015). Development of a compact single room ventilation unit with heat recovery dedicated to tertiary buildings [Paper presentation]. 36th AIVC, 5th TightVent and 3rd venticool Conference, Madrid, Spain.

Dumont, O., Carmo, C., Randaxhe, F., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (December 2014). Simulation of a passive house coupled with a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle unit [Paper presentation]. System Simulation in Buildings 2014, liege, Belgium.

Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2014). Experimental investigation of a Scroll unit used as a compressor and as an expander in a reversible HP/ORC unit [Paper presentation]. 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue.

Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2014). DIMENSIONNEMENT ET EXPÉRIMENTATION D’UNE UNITÉ POMPE À CHALEUR / ORC RÉVERSIBLE [Paper presentation]. Septième édition du colloque francophone en énergie, environnement, économie et thermodynamique 2014.

Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2014). Design, modelling, performance optimization and experimentation of a reversible HP/ORC prototype [Paper presentation]. 11th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference.

Dumont, O., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2014). DESIGN, MODELING AND EXPERIMENTATION OF A REVERSIBLE HP-ORC PROTOTYPE [Paper presentation]. ASME TURBO EXPO 2014. doi:10.1115/GT2014-26854

Grelet, V., Reiche, T., Guillaume, L., & Lemort, V. (2014). Optimal waste heat recovery Rankine based for heavy duty applications [Paper presentation]. Fisita World automotive Congress, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Quoilin, S., Dumont, O., & Lemort, V. (08 October 2013). Design, Modeling and Performance Optimisation of a Reversible HP-ORC Prototype [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems.

Desideri, A., Van Den Broek, M., Gusev, S., Lecompte, S., Lemort, V., & Quoilin, S. (07 October 2013). Experimental study and dynamic modeling of a WHR ORC power system with screw expander [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Quoilin, S., Desideri, A., Bell, I., Wronski, J., & Lemort, V. (07 October 2013). Robust and Computationally Efficient Dynamic Simulation of ORC Systems: The ThermoCycle Modelica Library [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems.

Bertagnolio, S., Randaxhe, F., & Lemort, V. (October 2012). Evidence-based calibration of a building energy simulation model: Application to an office building in Belgium [Paper presentation]. International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations ICEBO 2012 at Manchester, October 23-26, 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Lemort, V., & Quoilin, S. (13 September 2012). Advances in ORC expander design [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED WASTE HEAT VALORISATION TECHNOLOGIES, Kortrijk, Belgium.

Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (13 September 2012). Dynamic modeling and control strategies for Organic Rankine Cycle systems [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED WASTE HEAT VALORISATION TECHNOLOGIES.

Declaye, S., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (22 September 2011). Development of a waste heat recovery orc prototype using an oil-free scroll expander [Paper presentation]. First international seminar on ORC Power Systems, Delft, Netherlands.


Declaye, S., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (May 2010). Evaluation du potentiel de récupération d’énergie à l’échappement d’un moteur TDI à l’aide d’un cycle de Rankine organique (ORC) [Poster presentation]. Congrès de la Société Française de Thermique, Le Touquet, France.


As author or co-author

Marchandise, S., & Lemort, V. (Other coll.). (2014). Cahier Technique n°16: Organic Rankine Cycle - Récupération de chaleur fatale pour la production d’électricité dans l’industrie et applications en Energie Renouvelable. Namur, Belgium: Service Public de Wallonie.

As editor or director

Lemort, V., & Ransy, F. (Eds.). (2021). Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings - SSB 2018. Liège, Belgium: Université de Liège - Atelier des Presses.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2011). The Organic Rankine Cycle: Thermodynamics, Applications and Optimization. In Exergy, Energy system analysis, and Optimization. Oxford, United Kingdom: UNESCO-EOLSS Publishers.

Learning materials

Course notes

Lebrun, J., & Lemort, V. (2007). Machines et Systèmes Thermiques. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

Dumont, O., Carmo, C., Quoilin, S., & Lemort, V. (2015). Modelling, experimentation and simulation of a reversible HP/ORC unit to get a Positive Energy Building. ORC15 conference proceedings.