Publications and communications of Nathalie Job

Articles accepted in reviewed journal

Pàez Martinez, C., Exantus, C., Dallel, D., Alié, C., Calberg, C., Liquet, D., Eskenazi, D., Deschamps, F., Job, N., & Heinrichs, B. (2019). Water-Based Paintable LiCoO2 Microelectrodes: A HighRate Li-Ion Battery Free of Conductive and Binder Additives. Advanced Materials Technologies, 1900499. doi:10.1002/admt.201900499

Léonard, A., & Job, N. (2019). Safe and green Li-ion batteries based on LiFePO4 and Li4Ti5O12 sprayed as aqueous slurries with xanthan gum as a common binder. Materials Today Energy, 12, 168-178. doi:10.1016/j.mtener.2019.01.008

Alié, C., Calberg, C., Pàez Martinez, C., Liquet, D., Eskenazi, D., Heinrichs, B., & Job, N. (2018). Electrochemical performances of Li4Mn5O12 films prepared by spray-coated sol-gel reaction. Journal of Power Sources, 403, 173-183. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.09.081

Job, N. (2016). Les gels de carbone: de la maîtrise de la texture à l'amélioration de procédés. Chimie Nouvelle, 121, 1-16.

Job, N., Lambert, S., Zubiaur, A., Cao, C., & Pirard, J.-P. (2015). Design of Pt/carbon xerogel catalysts for PEM fuel cells. Catalysts, 5, 40-57. doi:10.3390/catal5010040

Gommes, C., Job, N., Pirard, J.-P., Blacher, S., & Goderis, B. (2008). Critical opalescence points to thermodynamic instability:relevance to small-angle X-ray scattering of resorcinol–formaldehyde gel formation at low pH. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 41 (4), 663-668. doi:10.1107/S0021889808014994

Gommes, C., Job, N., Blacher, S., & Pirard, J.-P. (2007). Compressing some sol-gel materials reduces their stiffness: a textural analysis. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 160, 193-200. doi:10.1016/s0167-2991(07)80026-7

Job, N., Sabatier, F., Pirard, J.-P., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (October 2006). Towards the production of carbon xerogel monoliths by optimizing convective drying conditions. Carbon, 44 (12), 2534-2542. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2006.04.031

Job, N., Panariello, F., Marien, J., Crine, M., Pirard, J.-P., & Léonard, A. (01 January 2006). Synthesis optimization of organic xerogels produced from convective air-drying of resorcinol-formaldehyde gels. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 352 (1), 24-34. doi:10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2005.11.024

Léonard, A., Job, N., Blacher, S., Pirard, J.-P., Crine, M., & Jomaa, W. (July 2005). Suitability of convective air drying for the production of porous resorcinol-formaldehyde and carbon xerogels. Carbon, 43 (8), 1808-1811. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2005.02.016

Articles accepted in conference proceedings

Deschamps, F., Mahy, J., Léonard, A., Dewandre, A., Scheid, B., & Job, N. (2023). Topographic and electrical characterization of Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell catalytic layers prepared using carbon black and carbon xerogel supports. In C. Ewels, Carbon 2022 Extended.Abstract.Book (pp. 116-118). Figshare. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.22360630.v1

Léonard, A., Pirard, J.-P., & Job, N. (2012). Synthesis and characterization of porous carbon xerogels and ordered mesoporous carbons for anode materials in Li-based batteries. In E. Fagadar-Cosma (Ed.), Insights into novel solid materials, their recyclability and integration into Li polymer batteries for EVs. Future research directions in this field.:Book of abstracts. Timisoara, Romania: Tempus.

Léonard, A., Piedboeuf, M.-L., Khomenko, V., Senyk, I., Pirard, J.-P., & Job, N. (2012). Resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon xerogels as lithium-ion battery anode materials: influence of porosity on capacity and cycling behaviour. In E. Fagadar-Cosma (Ed.), Insights into novel solid materials, their recyclability and integration into Li polymer batteries for EVs. Future research directions in this field.:Book of abstracts. Timisoara, Romania: Tempus.

Melon, R., Renzoni, R., Léonard, A., Job, N., & Léonard, A. (2012). Life cycle assessment of carbon xerogels. In E. Fagadar-Cosma (Ed.), Book of abstracts - Advanced Workshop - Insights into novel solid materials, their recyclability and integration into Li polymer batteries for EVs (pp. 51-52). Timisoara, Romania: editura Tempus.

Léonard, A., Piedboeuf, M.-L., Khomenko, V., Senyk, I., Pirard, J.-P., & Job, N. (2012). Resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon xerogels as lithium-ion battery anode materials: influence of porosity on capacity and cycling behaviour. In Proceedings of the International Carbon Conference 2012.

Oral presentations in conferences with scientific selection committee

Deckers, Z., Karaman, B., Tonnoir, H., & Job, N. (2024). Composites carbone-carbone pour électrodes de batteries Na-ion [Paper presentation]. Colloque de la Société Francophone d'Étude des Carbones (SFEC) 2024, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France.

Karaman, B., Carré, B., Tonnoir, H., Deckers, Z., & Job, N. (2024). CVD-coated carbon xerogels with various nodule size for high performance Na-ion battery negative electrode [Paper presentation]. E-MRS 2024 Fall meeting.

Mahy, J., Lambert, S., Wolfs, C., Drogui, D., & Job, N. (10 March 2023). Synthesis of porous carbon and Ag-carbon cylinders for the removal of Refractory Organic Compounds in water with adsorption coupled with in situ regeneration by H2O2 electrogeneration and photocatalysis [Paper presentation]. Congrès inter-centre de l'INRS, Québec, Canada.

Karaman, B., Carré, B., Tonnoir, H., & Job, N. (2023). CVD-coated carbon xerogels as Na-ion battery electrode materials [Paper presentation]. CESEP 2023.

Mahy, J., Job, N., Wolfs, C., Deschamps, F., Drogui, P., & Lambert, S. (08 June 2022). Adsorption process with carbon xerogel cylinders for Refractory Organic Compounds removal in water, coupled with innovative in situ regeneration by H2O2 electrogeneration [Paper presentation]. 16th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2022), Séville, Spain.

Piedboeuf, M.-L., Léonard, A., & Job, N. (26 October 2017). CARBON XEROGELS AS MODEL MATERIALS TO STUDY THE BEHAVIOR OF HARD CARBONS AS ANODES FOR LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES [Paper presentation]. CESEP 2017 - 7th international conference on carbon for energy storage and environnement protection, Lyon, France.

Zubiaur, A., Chatenet, M., Maillard, F., Olu, P.-Y., & Job, N. (July 2014). Synthesis of Pt/Carbon Xerogel Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC): Effect of the Reduction Procedure [Paper presentation]. XII international conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014), Moscou, Russia.

Léonard, A., Job, N., & Pirard, J.-P. (2012). Nanostructured carbon materials for energy storage applications: control of porosity of resorcinol-formaldehyde xerogels [Paper presentation]. Annual World Conference on Carbon 2012, Cracovie, Poland.


Godaux, D., Lorge, P., Ghysels, B., Job, N., Franck, F., Caldarella, G., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (18 November 2020). Polypeptide monomérique présentant une activité hydrogénase, en particulier polypeptide monomérique recombinant présentant une activité hydrogénase.

Lorge, P., Remacle, C., Gerin, S., Job, N., Franck, F., Caldarella, G., Ghysels, B., Godaux, D., & Cardol, P. (30 November 2017). Dispositif pour la production d'hydrogène gazeux.

Lorge, P., Remacle, C., Gerin, S., Job, N., Franck, F., Caldarella, G., Ghysels, B., Godaux, D., & Cardol, P. (31 August 2017). DISPOSITIF PHOTO-CATALYTIQUE POUR LA PRODUCTION D'HYDROGENE GAZEUX.

Léonard, A., Piedboeuf, M.-L., & Job, N. (2017). Process to prepare an electrode for an electrochemical device.