Publications and communications of Pascale Fraiture

Hoffsummer, P., Fraiture, P., & Haneca, K. (2019). Des bois pour construire : bois des villes et bois des champs, de la Flandre à l'Ardenne. In S. Bépoix & H. Richard, La forêt au Moyen Âge (pp. 161-170). Paris, France: Les Belles Lettres.

Hoffsummer, P., Fraiture, P., & Haneca, K. (2018). Bois des villes et bois des champs. Archaeologia Mediaevalis, 41, 15-17.

Fraiture, P., Charruadas, P., Gautier, P., Piavaux, M., & Sosnowska, P. (Eds.). (2016). Between carpentry and joinery: Wood finishing work in European medieval and modern architecture. Peeters.

Sosnowska, P., Fraiture, P., & Crémer, S. (2016). Contribution to the history of Brussels floorings (16th-19th centuries): Initial results of an archaeological and dendrochronological investigation. In P. Fraiture, P. Charruadas, P. Gautier, M. Piavaux, ... P. Sosnowska, Between carpentry and joinery: Wood finishing work in European medieval and modern architecture (pp. 78-111). Herent, Belgium: Peeters.