Publications and communications of Steve Majerus

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Kowialiewski, B., Majerus, S., & Oberauer, K. (2024). Does semantic similarity affect immediate memory for order? Usually not, but sometimes it does. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition. doi:10.1037/xlm0001279

Leroy, N., Majerus, S., & D'Argembeau, A. (2024). The role of working memory capacity in the temporal compression of episodic memories: An individual differences approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition. doi:10.1037/xlm0001350

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2024). Free Time, Sharper Mind: A Computational Dive into Working Memory Improvement. Cognitive Psychology. doi:10.1016/j.cogpsych.2024.101701

Wokuri, S., Gonthier, C., Marec-Breton, N., & Majerus, S. (November 2023). Heterogeneity of short-term memory deficits in children with dyslexia. Dyslexia: the Journal of the British Dyslexia Association, 29 (4), 385 - 407. doi:10.1002/dys.1749

Querella, P., & Majerus, S. (2023). Sequential syntactic knowledge supports item but not order recall in verbal working memory. Memory and Cognition. doi:10.3758/s13421-023-01476-6

Boulakis, P., Mortaheb, S., Van Calster, L., Majerus, S., & Demertzi, A. (29 August 2023). Whole-brain deactivations precede uninduced mind-blanking reports. Journal of Neuroscience, 43 (40), 6807-6815. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0696-23.2023

Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (11 April 2023). Resisting Visual, Phonological, and Semantic Interference -Same or Different Processes? A Focused Mini-Review. Psychologica Belgica, 63 (1), 44-63. doi:10.5334/pb.1184

Attout, L., Gregoire, C., Querella, P., & Majerus, S. (05 November 2022). Neural evidence for a separation of semantic and phonological control processes. Neuropsychologia, 176, 108377. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108377

Mortaheb, S., Van Calster, L., Raimondo, F., Klados, M. A., Boulakis, P., Georgoula, K., Majerus, S., Van De Ville, D., & Demertzi, A. (04 October 2022). Mind blanking is a distinct mental state linked to a recurrent brain profile of globally positive connectivity during ongoing mentation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (41), 2200511119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2200511119

Aubinet, C., Schnakers, C., & Majerus, S. (June 2022). Language Assessment in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. Seminars in Neurology, 42 (3), 273-282. doi:10.1055/s-0042-1755561

Attout, L., Leroy, N., & Majerus, S. (2022). The neural representation of ordinal information: domain-specific or domain-general? Cerebral Cortex, 32, 1170-1183. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhab279

Aubinet, C., Chatelle, C., Gosseries, O., Carrière, M., Laureys, S., & Majerus, S. (2022). Residual implicit and explicit language abilities in patients with disorders of consciousness: A systematic review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 132, 391-409. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.12.001

Cristoforetti, G., & Majerus, S. (2022). Neural patterns in parietal cortex and hippocampus distinguish serial order positions in working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34, 1230-1245. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01860

JEDIDI, Z., Manard, M., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Collette, F., MAQUET, P., & Majerus, S. (2021). Incidental Verbal Semantic Processing Recruits the Fronto-temporal Semantic Control Network. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 5449-5459. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhab169

Attout, L., Ordonez Magro, L., Szmalec, A., & Majerus, S. (27 February 2020). The developmental neural substrates of Hebb repetition learning and their link with reading ability. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 3956-3969. doi:10.1002/hbm.25099

Attout, L., Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (01 February 2020). How robust is the link between working memory for serial order and lexical skills in children? Cognitive Development, 53 (100854), 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2020.100854

Aubinet, C., Cassol, H., Gosseries, O., Bahri, M. A., Larroque, S. K., Majerus, S., Martial, C., Martens, G., Carrière, M., Chatelle, C., Laureys, S., & Thibaut, A. (2020). Brain Metabolism but Not Gray Matter Volume Underlies the Presence of Language Function in the Minimally Conscious State (MCS): MCS+ Versus MCS− Neuroimaging Differences. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 34 (2), 172-184. doi:10.1177/1545968319899914

Aubinet, C., Panda, R., Larroque, S. K., Cassol, H., Bahri, M. A., Carrière, M., Wannez, S., Majerus, S., Laureys, S., & Thibaut, A. (2019). Reappearance of Command-Following Is Associated With the Recovery of Language and Internal-Awareness Networks: A Longitudinal Multiple-Case Report. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 13 (8), 10.3389/fnsys.2019.00008. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2019.00008

Cassol, H., Martial, C., Annen, J., Martens, G., Charland-Verville, V., Majerus, S., & Laureys, S. (2019). A systematic analysis of distressing near-death experience accounts. Memory, 27, 1122-1129. doi:10.1080/09658211.2019.1626438

Chiodo, L., Mottron, L., & Majerus, S. (2019). Preservation of Categorical Perception for Speech in Autism With and Without Speech Onset Delay. Autism Research, 12, 1609-1622. doi:10.1002/aur.2134

Gorin, S., & Majerus, S. (2019). Verbal and Musical Short-Term Memory: Evidence for Shared Serial Order Processes? Psychologica Belgica, 59, 177-205. doi:10.5334/pb.426

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2019). Verbal working memory and linguistic long-term memory: Exploring the lexical cohort effect. Memory and Cognition, 47, 997-1011. doi:10.3758/s13421-019-00898-5

Majerus, S. (2019). Le fonctionnement de la mémoire de travail et des fonctions attentionnelles et exécutives dans le syndrome de Williams. ANAE: Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 160, 324-330.

Aubinet, C., Larroque, S. K., Heine, L., Martial, C., Majerus, S., Laureys, S., & Di Perri, C. (2018). Clinical sub-categorization of minimally conscious state according to resting functional connectivity. Human Brain Mapping, 39, 4519-4532. doi:10.1002/hbm.24303

Gorin, S., Mengal, P., & Majerus, S. (2018). Temporal grouping effects in musical short-term memory. Memory, 26 (6), 831-843. doi:10.1080/09658211.2017.1414848

Gorin, S., Mengal, P., & Majerus, S. (2018). A comparison of serial order short-term memory effects across verbal and musical domains. Memory and Cognition, 46 (3), 464-481. doi:10.3758/s13421-017-0778-0

Heiz, J., Majerus, S., & Barisnikov, K. (2018). How flexible is the use of egocentric versus allocentric frame of reference in the Williams syndrome population? Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 33, 619-630. doi:10.1093/arclin/acx097

Majerus, S. (2018). Working memory treatment in aphasia: a theoretical and quantitative review. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 48, 157-175. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2017.12.001

Majerus, S. (2018). Letter from the new Editor (Editorial Letter). Psychologica Belgica, 58, 31-33. doi:10.5334/pb.447

Majerus, S., & Barisnikov, K. (2018). Verbal short-term memory shows a specific association with receptive but not productive vocabulary measures in Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62, 10-20. doi:10.1111/jir.12443

Majerus, S., Péters, F., Bouffier, M., Cowan, N., & Phillips, C. (2018). The dorsal attention network reflects both encoding load and top-down control during working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 144-159. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_01195

Chiodo, L., Majerus, S., & Mottron, L. (2017). Typical versus delayed speech onset influences verbal reporting of autistic interests. Molecular Autism. doi:10.1186/s13229-017-0155-7

Majerus, S. (2017). Le rôle de la mémoire de travail dans les apprentissages et leurs troubles. ANAE: Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 149, 415-421.

Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (2017). Dyslexie et déficits de la mémoire à court terme / de travail : implications pour la remédiation. ANAE: Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 148, 295-302.

Gorin, S., Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2016). Domain-Generality of Timing-Based Serial Order Processes in Short-Term Memory: New Insights from Musical and Verbal Domains. PLoS ONE, 11 (12), 0168699. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168699

Majerus, S. (2016). Optimisation et rééducation de la mémoire de travail: une synthèse critique. ANAE: Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant.

Majerus, S., & Cowan, N. (2016). The nature of verbal short-term impairment in dyslexia: The importance of serial order. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (1522), 1-8. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01522

Schnakers, C., Bessou, H., Rubi-Fessen, I., Hartmann, A., Fink, G. R., Meister, I. G., Giacino, J. T., Laureys, S., & Majerus, S. (16 April 2015). Impact of Aphasia on Consciousness Assessment: A Cross-Sectional Study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 29, 41-47. doi:10.1177/1545968314528067

D'Argembeau, A., Jeunehomme, O., Majerus, S., Bastin, C., & Salmon, E. (2015). The neural basis of temporal order processing in past and future thought. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 185-197. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00680

Leclercq, A.-L., Maillart, C., Lange, M., & Majerus, S. (2015). The Impact of Attentional Allocation Capacities on Nonword Repetition in Children with Specific Language Impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. doi:10.3109/02699206.2015.1022664

Habbal, D.* , Gosseries, O.* , Noirhomme, Q., Renaux, J., Lesenfants, D., Bekinschtein, T., Majerus, S., Laureys, S., & Schnakers, C. (2014). Volitional electromyographic responses in disorders of consciousness. Brain Injury. doi:10.3109/02699052.2014.920519
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Abrahamse, E., Van Dijck, J.-P., Majerus, S., & Fias, W. (2014). The Mental Whiteboard Hypothesis on Serial Order in Working Memory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00932. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00932

Attout, L., Fias, W., Salmon, E., & Majerus, S. (2014). Common neural substrates for ordinal representation in short-term memory, numerical and alphabetical cognition. PLoS ONE, 9, 92049. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092049

Hansenne, M., Nelis, D., Feyers, D., SALMON, E., & Majerus, S. (2014). Better neuronal efficiency after emotional competences training: an fMRI study. Psychologica Belgica, 54, 328-349. doi:10.5334/pb.av

Leclercq, A.-L., Majerus, S., Jacob, L., & Maillart, C. (2014). The impact of lexical frequency on sentence comprehension in children with specific language impairment. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 472-481. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2013.11.027

Van Calster, L., D'Argembeau, A., Salmon, E., Peters, F., & Majerus, S. (2014). Abstracts Fourth Biennial Conference on Resting State Brain Connectivity. Brain Connectivity.

Leclercq, A.-L., Majerus, S., Prigent, G., & Maillart, C. (February 2013). The Impact of Dual-Tasking on Sentence Comprehension in Children with Specific Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56, 265-280. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2012/10-0290)

Anselme, P., Poncelet, M., Bouwens, S., Knips, S., LEKEU, F., OLIVIER, C., QUITTRE, A., Van Heugten, C., Warginaire, S., WOJTASIK, V., Verhey, F., SALMON, E., & Majerus, S. (2013). PROFINTEG: A TOOL FOR REAL-LIFE ASSESSMENT OF ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING IN PATIENTS WITH COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT. Psychologica Belgica, 53 (1), 3-22. doi:10.5334/pb-53-1-3

Leclercq, A.-L., Maillart, C., & Majerus, S. (2013). Nonword repetition problems in children with specific language impairment: A deficit in accessing long-term linguistic representations? Topics in Language Disorders, 33 (3), 238-254. doi:10.1097/TLD.0b013e31829dd8c9

Majerus, S. (2013). Language repetition and short-term memory : an integrative framework. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7 (357). doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00357

Majerus, S., & Boukebza, C. (2013). Short-term memory for serial order supports vocabulary development: New evidence from a novel word learning paradigm. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116 (4), 811-828. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2013.07.014

Majerus, S., Salmon, E., & Attout, L. (2013). The Importance of Encoding-Related Neural Dynamics in the Prediction of Inter-Individual Differences in Verbal Working Memory Performance. PLoS ONE, 8 (7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069278

Martinez Perez, T., Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (2013). Impaired short-term memory for order in adults with dyslexia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 2211-2223. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2013.04.005

van Dijck, J.-P., Abrahamse, E. L., Majerus, S., & Fias, W. (2013). Spatial Attention Interacts With Serial-Order Retrieval From Verbal Working Memory. Psychological Science, 24 (9), 1854-1859. doi:10.1177/0956797613479610

Verhaegen, C., Collette, F., & Majerus, S. (2013). The impact of aging and hearing status on verbal short-term memory. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. doi:10.1080/13825585.2013.832725

Attout, L., Van Der Kaa, M.-A., George, & Majerus, S. (22 February 2012). Dissociating short-term memory and language impairment :the importance of item and serial order information. Aphasiology, 26 (3-4), 355-382. doi:10.1080/02687038.2011.604303

Bastin, C., Feyers, D., Majerus, S., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Salmon, E., & Collette, F. (2012). The Neural Substrates of Memory Suppression: A fMRI Exploration of Directed Forgetting. PLoS ONE, 7 (1), 29905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029905

Bruno, M.-A., Majerus, S., Boly, M., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Schnakers, C., Gosseries, O., Boveroux, P., KIRSCH, M., Demertzi, A., Bernard, C., Hustinx, R., Moonen, G., & Laureys, S. (2012). Functional neuroanatomy underlying the clinical subcategorization of minimally conscious state patients. Journal of Neurology, 259 (6), 1087-98. doi:10.1007/s00415-011-6303-7

Chatelle, C., Majerus, S., Whyte, J., Laureys, S., & Schnakers, C. (2012). A sensitive scale to assess nociceptive pain in patients with disorders of consciousness. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 83 (12), 1233-7. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2012-302987

Leclercq, A.-L., Maillart, C., Pauquay, S., & Majerus, S. (2012). The impact of visual complexity on visual short-term memory in children with specific language impairment. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S1355617712000021

Majerus, S., Attout, L., D'Argembeau, A., Degueldre, C., Fias, W., Maquet, P., Martinez Perez, T., Stawarczyk, D., Salmon, E., Van der Linden, M., Phillips, C., & Balteau, E. (2012). Attention Supports Verbal Short-Term Memory via Competition between Dorsal and Ventral Attention Networks. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 1086-1097. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhr174

Majerus, S., Martinez Perez, T., & Oberauer, K. (2012). Two distinct origins of long-term learning effects in verbal short-term memory. Journal of Memory and Language, 66, 38-51. doi:10.1016/j.jml.2011.07.006

Martinez Perez, T., Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (2012). The contribution of short-term memory for serial order to early reading acquisition: Evidence from a longitudinal study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 111, 708-723. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2011.11.007

Stawarczyk, D., Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., & D'Argembeau, A. (2012). Using the daydreaming frequency scale to investigate the relationships between mind-wandering, psychological well-being, and present-moment awareness. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 363. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00363

Majerus, S., & D'Argembeau, A. (2011). Verbal short-term memory reflects the organization of long-term memory. Further evidence from short-term memory for emotional words. Journal of Memory and Language, (64), 181-197. doi:10.1016/j.jml.2010.10.003

Majerus, S., Poncelet, M., Bérault, A., Audrey, S., Zesiger, P., Serniclaes, W., & Barisnikov, K. (2011). Evidence for atypical categorical speech perception in Williams syndrome. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 24, 249-267. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2010.09.003

Stawarczyk, D., Majerus, S., Maj, M., Van der Linden, M., & D'Argembeau, A. (2011). Mind-wandering: Phenomenology and function as assessed with a novel experience sampling method. Acta Psychologica, 136 (3), 370-381. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2011.01.002

Stawarczyk, D., Majerus, S., Maquet, P., & D'Argembeau, A. (2011). Neural Correlates of Ongoing Conscious Experience: Both Task-Unrelatedness and Stimulus-Independence Are Related to Default Network Activity. PLoS ONE, 6 (2), 16997. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016997

Tree, J., Longmore, C., & Majerus, S. (2011). SKOOL versus ZOOL: Effects of orthographic and phonological long term memory on nonword immediate serial recall. Memory, 19, 487-500. doi:10.1080/09658211.2011.590501

Bruno, M.-A., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Schnakers, C., Boly, M., Gosseries, O., Demertzi, A., Majerus, S., Moonen, G., Hustinx, R., & Laureys, S. (2010). Visual fixation in the vegetative state: an observational case series PET study. BMC Neurology, 10, 35. doi:10.1186/1471-2377-10-35

D'Argembeau, A., Stawarczyk, D., Majerus, S., Collette, F., Van der Linden, M., Feyers, D., Maquet, P., & Salmon, E. (2010). The neural basis of personal goal processing when envisioning future events. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 1701-1713. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21314

D'Argembeau, A., Stawarczyk, D., Majerus, S., Collette, F., Van der Linden, M., & Salmon, E. (2010). Modulation of medial prefrontal and inferior parietal cortices when thinking about past, present, and future selves. Social Neuroscience, 5, 187-200. doi:10.1080/17470910903233562

Leclercq, A.-L., & Majerus, S. (2010). Serial-order short-term memory predicts vocabulary development: Evidence from a longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 46 (2), 417-427. doi:10.1037/a0018540

Majerus, S., D'Argembeau, A., Martinez Perez, T., Belayachi, S., Van der Linden, M., Collette, F., Salmon, E., Seurinck, R., Fias, W., & Maquet, P. (2010). The commonality of neural networks for verbal and visual short-term memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22 (11), 2570-2593. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21378

Schnakers, C., Chatelle, C., Majerus, S., Gosseries, O., De Val, M., & Laureys, S. (2010). Assessment and detection of pain in noncommunicative severely brain-injured patients. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 10 (11), 1725-31. doi:10.1586/ern.10.148

Majerus, S., Bruno, M.-A., Schnakers, C., Giacino, J., & Laureys, S. (2009). The problem of aphasia in the assessment of consciousness in brain damaged patients. Progress in Brain Research, 177, 49-61. doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(09)17705-1

Majerus, S., Heiligenstein, L., Gautherot, N., Poncelet, M., & Van der Linden, M. (2009). The impact of auditory selective attention on verbal short-term memory and vocabulary development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 103, 66-86. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2008.07.004

Majerus, S., Leclercq, A.-L., Grossman, A., Van der Linden, M., Billard, C., Touzin, M., & Poncelet, M. (2009). Serial order short-term memory capacities and specific language impairment: No evidence for a causal association. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 45, 708-720. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2008.10.006

Majerus, S., & Lorent, J. (2009). Is phonological short-term memory related to phonological analysis stages in auditory sentence processing? European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21, 1200-1225. doi:10.1080/09541440902733216

Schnakers, C., Perrin, F., Schabus, M., Hustinx, R., Majerus, S., Moonen, G., Boly, M., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bruno, M.-A., & Laureys, S. (2009). Detecting consciousness in a total Locked-in syndrome: an active event related paradigm. Neurocase: Case Studies in Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry and Behavioural Neurology, 25, 1-7. doi:10.1080/13554790902724904

Majerus, S., Poncelet, M., Van der Linden, M., & Weekes, B. S. (2008). Lexical Learning in Bilingual Adults: The Relative Importance of Short-Term Memory for Serial Order and Phonological Knowledge. Cognition. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2007.10.003

Chatelle, C., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Mergam, A.-N., De Val, M., Majerus, S., Boly, M., Bruno, M.-A., Boveroux, P., Demertzi, A., Gosseries, O., Ledoux, D., Peigneux, P., Salmon, E., Moonen, G., Faymonville, M.-E., Laureys, S., & Schnakers, C. (2008). Mesurer la douleur chez le patient non communicant. Revue Médicale de Liège, 63 (5-6), 429-37.

D'Argembeau, A., Feyers, D., Majerus, S., Collette, F., Van der Linden, M., Maquet, P., & Salmon, E. (2008). Self-reflection across time: cortical midline structures differentiate between present and past selves. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 3 (3), 244-252. doi:10.1093/scan/nsn020

Majerus, S. (2008). La mémoire verbale à court terme : un simple produit des interactions entre systèmes langagiers, attentionnels et de traitement de l’ordre sériel. Psychologie Française, 53, 327-341. doi:10.1016/j.psfr.2008.02.001

Majerus, S., Belayachi, S., De Smedt, B., Leclercq, A.-L., Martinez Perez, T., Schmidt, C., Weekes, B., & Maquet, P. (2008). Neural networks for short-term memory for order differentiate high and low proficiency bilinguals. NeuroImage, 42, 1698-1713. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.06.003

Majerus, S., Bastin, C., Poncelet, M., Van der Linden, M., Salmon, E., Collette, F., & Maquet, P. (March 2007). Short-term memory and the left intraparietal sulcus: Focus of attention? Further evidence from a face short-term memory paradigm. NeuroImage, 35 (1), 353-367. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.12.008

Majerus, S., Norris, D., & Patterson, K. (March 2007). What does a patient with semantic dementia remember in verbal short-term memory? Order and sound but not words. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24 (2), 131-151. doi:10.1080/02643290600989376

Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., Braissand, V., & Eliez, S. (March 2007). Verbal short-term memory in individuals with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion: Specific deficit in serial order retention capacities? American Journal on Mental Retardation, 112 (2), 79-93. doi:10.1352/0895-8017(2007)112[79:VSMIIW]2.0.CO;2

Majerus, S., Metz-Lutz, M.-N., Van Der Kaa, M.-A., Van der Linden, M., & Poncelet, M. (2007). Evidence for a further fractionation of the verbal STM system: Selective impairments for item and serial order retention capacities in STM patients. Brain and Language, 103, 185-186. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2007.07.107

Majerus, S., Poncelet, M., Elsen, B., & Van der Linden, M. (November 2006). Exploring the relationship between new word learning and short-term memory for serial order recall, item recall, and item recognition. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 18 (6), 848-873. doi:10.1080/09541440500446476

Majerus, S., Glaser, B., Van der Linden, M., & Eliez, S. (June 2006). A multiple case study of verbal short-term memory in velo-cardio-facial syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50 (Pt 6), 457-469. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2006.00791.x

Majerus, S., Poncelet, M., Greffe, C., & Van der Linden, M. (February 2006). Relations between vocabulary development and verbal short-term memory: The relative importance of short-term memory for serial order and item information. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 93 (2), 95-119. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2005.07.005

Majerus, S., Poncelet, M., Elsen, B., & Van der Linden, M. (2006). An exploration of the relationships between short-term memory for serial order information, item information and new word learning in adults. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 18 (6), 848-873.

Majerus, S., Poncelet, M., Van der Linden, M., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., & Maquet, P. (2006). The left intraparietal sulcus and verbal short-term memory: Focus of attention or serial order ? NeuroImage, 32 (2), 880-891. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.03.048

Majerus, S., Van Der Kaa, M. A., Renard, C., Van der Linden, M., & Poncelet, M. (October 2005). Treating verbal short-term memory deficits by increasing the duration of temporary phonological representations : a case study. Brain and Language, 95 (1), 174-175. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2005.07.094

Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., Collette, F., Laureys, S., Poncelet, M., Degueldre, C., Delfiore, G., Luxen, A., & Salmon, E. (March 2005). Modulation of brain activity during phonological familiarization. Brain and Language, 92 (3), 320-331. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2004.07.003

Majerus, S., Amand, P., Boniver, V., Demanez, J.-P., Demanez, L. C. P., & Van der Linden, M. (2005). A quantitative and qualitative assessment of verbal short-term memory and phonological processing in 8-year-olds with a history of repetitive otitis media. Journal of Communication Disorders, 38 (6), 473-498. doi:10.1016/j.jcomdis.2005.04.002

Majerus, S., Gill-Thwaites, H., Andrews, K., & Laureys, S. (2005). Behavioral Evaluation of Consciousness in Severe Brain Damage. Progress in Brain Research, 150 (Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology), 397-413. doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(05)50028-1

Schnakers, C., Majerus, S., & Laureys, S. (2005). Bispectral analysis of electroencephalogram signals during recovery from coma : preliminary findings. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 15 (3-4), 381-388. doi:10.1080/09602010443000524

Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., Poncelet, M., & Metz-Lutz, M.-N. (July 2004). Can phonological and semantic short-term memory be dissociated ? Further evidence from Landau-Kleffner syndrome. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 21 (5), 491-512. doi:10.1080/02643290342000104

Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., Mulder, L., Meulemans, T., & Peters, F. (2004). Verbal short-term memory reflects the sublexical organization of the phonological language network: Evidence from an incidental phonotactic learning paradigm. Journal of Memory and Language, 51, 297-306. doi:10.1016/j.jml.2004.05.002

Schnakers, C., Majerus, S., & Laureys, S. (2004). Diagnostic et évaluation des états de conscience altérée. Réanimation, 13 (5), 368-375. doi:10.1016/j.reaurg.2004.03.019

Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., Collette, F., & Salmon, E. (December 2003). Does sustained ERP activity in posterior lexico-semantic processing areas during short-term memory tasks only reflect activated long-term memory? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26 (6), 746-747. doi:10.1017/s0140525x03410169

Majerus, S., Barisnikov, K., Vuillemin, I., Poncelet, M., & Van der Linden, M. (October 2003). An investigation of verbal short-term memory and phonological processing in four children with Williams syndrome. Neurocase: Case Studies in Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry and Behavioural Neurology, 9 (5), 390-401. doi:10.1076/neur.9.5.390.16558

Majerus, S., Laureys, S., Collette, F., Del Fiore, G., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Van der Linden, M., Maquet, P., & Metz-Lutz, M.-N. (July 2003). Phonological short-term memory networks following recovery from Landau and Kleffner syndrome. Human Brain Mapping, 19 (3), 133-144. doi:10.1002/hbm.10113

Majerus, S., & Van der Linden, M. (June 2003). Long-term memory effects on verbal short-term memory : a replication study. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21 (Part 2), 303-310. doi:10.1348/026151003765264101

Majerus, S., Vrancken, G., & Van der Linden, M. (2003). Perception and short-term memory for verbal information in children with specific language impairment : further evidence for impaired short-term memory capacities. Brain and Language, 87 (1), 160-161. doi:10.1016/S0093-934X(03)00249-9

Poncelet, M., Schyns, T., & Majerus, S. (2003). Further evidence for persisting difficulties in orthographic learning in highly educated adults with a history of developmental dyslexia. Brain and Language, 87 (1), 145-146. doi:10.1016/S0093-934X(03)00241-4

Majerus, S., Collette, F., Van der Linden, M., Peigneux, P., Laureys, S., Delfiore, G., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., & Salmon, E. (June 2002). A PET investigation of lexicality and phonotactic frequency in oral language processing. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 19 (4), 343-360. doi:10.1080/02643290143000213

Collette, F., Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., Dabe, P., Degueldre, C., Delfiore, G., Luxen, A., & Salmon, E. (July 2001). Contribution of Lexico-Semantic Processes to Verbal Short-Term Memory Tasks: A Pet Activation Study. Memory, 9 (4-6), 249-259. doi:10.1080/09658210143000056

Majerus, S., Van der Linden, M., & Shiel, A. (2000). Wessex Head Injury Matrix and Glasgow/Glasgow-Liege coma scale: A validation and comparison study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 10 (2), 167-184. doi:10.1080/096020100389237

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Aubinet, C., Heine, L., Martial, C., Majerus, S., LAUREYS, S., & Di Perri, C. (01 February 2017). Characterization of minimally conscious state minus and plus according to resting functional connectivity [Paper presentation]. GIGA Day 2017, Liège, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Leroy, N., Majerus, S., & D'Argembeau, A. (August 2023). The temporal compression of daily-live events in working memory. Brain and Cognition, 170, 25.

Gorin, S., & Majerus, S. (2015). Common serial order processes in musical and verbal short-term memory: evidence from a novel serial order probe recognition paradigm. In J. Ginsborg, A. Lamont, M. Philips, ... S. Bramley (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (pp. 392). Manchester, United Kingdom: Royal Northern College of Music.

Schnakers, C., Hustinx, R., Vandewalle, G., Majerus, S., Moonen, G., Boly, M., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bruno, M.-A., & Laureys, S. (2008). Measuring the effect of amantadine in chronic anoxic minimally conscious state. Brain Injury.

Schmidt, C., Dang Vu, T., Orban, P., Vandewalle, G., Destrebecqz, A., D'Argembeau, A., Garraux, G., Laureys, S., LEKEU, F., Majerus, S., Salmon, E., Perrin, F., Dijk, D.-J., Maquet, P., Collette, F., & Peigneux, P. (2005). Time-of-day modulations of rCBF response in functional brain imaging studies: a meta-analysis. NeuroImage, 26 (Suppl. 1).

Oral communications or posters

Regnier, A., Dennemont, E., Gosseries, O., Mélotte, E., Gillet, S., Thibaut, A., Cassar, P., Hakiki, B., Estraneo, A., Magliacano, A., Formisano, R., Schnakers, C., Majerus, S., Noé, E., Navarro Pérez, L., Llorens, R., Maurer-Karattup, P., Fufaeva, K., Bottaeva, Z., & Aubinet, C. (28 September 2024). Rehabilitation of language and swallowing abilities in patients with DoC: An online international survey [Poster presentation]. 12th European Congress of Speech Therapy (ESLA), Bruges, Belgium.

Aubinet, C., Regnier, A., Fritz, P., Pauls, M., Cardone, P., Lejeune, N., Gosseries, O., & Majerus, S. (01 July 2024). Preliminary data on the validation of the Brief Evaluation of Receptive Aphasia (BERA) tool in post-comatose patients [Paper presentation]. 10th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Helsinki, Finland.

Regnier, A., Gosseries, O., Mélotte, E., Gillet, S., Cassar, P., Hakiki, B., Estraneo, A., Magliacano, A., Formisano, R., Schnakers, C., Majerus, S., Noé, E., Llorens, R., Navarro Pérez, L., Maurer-Karattup, P., Fufaeva, K., Bottaeva, Z., & Aubinet, C. (01 July 2024). Rehabilitation of language and swallowing abilities in patients with severe brain injury: An online international survey [Poster presentation]. 10th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Helsinki, Finland.

Aubinet, C., Regnier, A., Fritz, P., Pauls, M., Cardone, P., Gosseries, O., & Majerus, S. (31 May 2024). Validation of the Brief Evaluation of Receptive Aphasia (BERA) tool in post-comatose patients: Preliminary data [Paper presentation]. BAPS annual meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2024). Free time, sharper mind: A computational dive into working memory improvement [Paper presentation]. Colloque du Collectif Cognitif, Paris, France.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2024). Free time, sharper mind: A computational dive into working memory improvement [Poster presentation]. The 4th International Conference on Working Memory, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Phillips, C., Beliy, N., Grignard, M., Mortaheb, S., & Majerus, S. (22 November 2023). “BIDSme, please” + Electromagnetic head modelling for EEG & tDCS [Paper presentation]. EoS Memodyn Symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (08 September 2023). Resistance-to-interference: domain-general or domain-specific? An aging study [Poster presentation]. 23rd Congress of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Porto, Portugal.

Aubinet, C., Chatelle, C., Gosseries, O., Carrière, M., Laureys, S., & Majerus, S. (01 April 2023). Residual implicit versus explicit language abilities in patients with disorders of consciousness [Paper presentation]. IBIA 2023 Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

Aubinet, C., Mazué, L., Mulero, M., Arrigo, J., Schwab, D., Majerus, S., & Gosseries, O. (29 March 2023). The Eye-Tracked Brief Evaluation of Receptive Aphasia: a new tool to assess residual language comprehension abilitities in post-comatose patients [Poster presentation]. IBIA 2023 Congress, Dublin, Ireland.

Phillips, C., Geuzaine, C., Hansenne, M., Majerus, S., & Grignard, M. (24 January 2023). Why tDCS models cannot be trusted yet? A simulation study [Paper presentation]. EoS Memodyn Symposium, La Hulpe, Belgium.

Grignard, M., Geuzaine, C., Hansenne, M., Majerus, S., & Phillips, C. (2023). Why transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) models cannot be trustedyet? A simulation study [Paper presentation]. 29th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Montreal, Canada.

Remouchamps, R., Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (03 June 2022). Similarity effects in visuospatial working memory [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Querella, P., Attout, L., Fias, W., & Majerus, S. (22 May 2022). The role of semantic codes in verbal working memory maintenance: an fMRI investigation [Poster presentation]. International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience, Espoo, Finland.

Kowialiewski, B., Remouchamps, R., Oberauer, K., & Majerus, S. (2022). Similarity Effects in Visuospatial Working Memory [Poster presentation]. 2022 ESCOP conference.

Querella, P., Attout, L., Fias, W., & Majerus, S. (03 December 2021). Est-ce que la mémoire à long terme sémantique intervient lors du maintien en mémoire de travail verbale ? Une investigation par IRM fonctionnelle [Paper presentation]. Journée d'Hiver de la SNLF, Paris, France.

Querella, P., Attout, L., Fias, W., & Majerus, S. (26 November 2021). Activation des connaissances sémantiques en mémoire de travail verbale : une investigation par IRM fonctionnelle [Poster presentation]. 6ème rencontre Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique & Neurolinguistique, Liège, Belgium.

Hody, L., Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (28 May 2021). Investigation of the neural networks underlying inhibition across verbal and visual domains [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences 2021, Belgium.

Mortaheb, S., Klados, M., Van Calster, L., Boulakis, P. A., Georgoula, K., Majerus, S., & Demertzi, A. (28 May 2021). Mind Blanking is Associated with a Rigid Spatio-Temporal Profile in Typical Wakefulness [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association of Psychological Science.

Querella, P., & Majerus, S. (28 May 2021). The impact of syntactic knowledge on working memory for serial order [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the ​Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Belgium.

Remouchamps, R., Attout, L., & Majerus, S. (28 May 2021). The role of spatial and temporal dimensions in short-term memory for serial order: An fMRI study [Poster presentation]. Poster session presented at Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences.

Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (01 December 2020). Inhibition visuelle et inhibition verbale : corrélats spécifiques ou communs? Une investigation par IRMf [Poster presentation]. 5ème rencontre Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique & Neurolinguistique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Gregoire, C., Noiret, N., & Majerus, S. (01 December 2020). Inhibition multimodale et stratégies visuelles : investigation en eye-tracking [Poster presentation]. 5ème rencontre Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique & Neurolinguistique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Querella, P., Attout, L., & Majerus, S. (01 December 2020). Réseaux neuronaux sous-tendant la consolidation de nouvelles informations langagières en mémoire à long terme: projet d'étude [Poster presentation]. 5ème rencontre Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique & Neurolinguistique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Querella, P., Attout, L., & Majerus, S. (01 December 2020). Activation des connaissances sémantiques en mémoire de travail verbale: une investigation par IRMf (résultats préliminaires) [Paper presentation]. 5ème rencontre Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique & Neurolinguistique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bouffier, M., Kowialiewski, B., Attout, L., Gregoire, C., Phillips, C., & Majerus, S. (03 September 2020). Precision of neural codes involved in storing phonological information in working memory [Poster presentation]. 10th European Working Memory Symposium (EWoMS).

Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (29 May 2020). Investigation multimodale des capacités d’inhibition dans le vieillissement [Paper presentation]. 44ème Journée de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française.

WIOT, N., PIERROT, M., KAUX, J.-F., Poncelet, M., & Majerus, S. (29 May 2020). Etude des liens entre les troubles du langage et les troubles cognitifs dans la maladie de Parkinson [Poster presentation]. 44 ème Journée de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française.

Kerhardy, N., Gregoire, C., Fay, S., & Majerus, S. (28 May 2020). Effet du vieillissement sur l’inhibition visuelle : Exploration à travers une tâche de MCT incluant des similitudes visuelles [Poster presentation]. 3éme Journée Scientifique des Jeunes Chercheurs en Psychologie, Tours, France.

Bouffier, M., Kowialiewski, B., Attout, L., Gregoire, C., Phillips, C., & Majerus, S. (27 May 2020). Precision of neural representations supporting auditory-verbal working memory [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Conférence virtuelle, Belgium.

Querella, P., Attout, L., WIOT, N., GEORGE, M., & Majerus, S. (27 May 2020). Rehabilitation of phonological and semantic control in aphasia: an fMRI case study [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the ​Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Belgium.

Van Akelyen, D., Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (27 May 2020). Investigation of visual and verbal inhibition in aging within a similarity-judgement task [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the ​Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Université de Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Aubinet, C., Chatelle, C., Gillet, S., Lejeune, N., Cassol, H., HENNEN, N., Thunus, M., Laureys, S., & Majerus, S. (May 2020). The Brief Evaluation of Receptive Aphasia test for the detection of language impairment in severely brain-injured patients [Poster presentation]. 6th Congress of the European Association of Neurology, Paris, France.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2020). An interactive activation model of verbal working memory: Simulating psycholinguistic effects [Poster presentation]. 10th European Working Memory Symposium.

Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (10 December 2019). Evaluation de la précision de la mémoire de travail phonologique dans une population bilingue [Paper presentation]. Réunion de groupe de contact de Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (10 December 2019). Exploration multimodale du contrôle inhibiteur dans le vieillissement normal. Resultats préliminaires [Poster presentation]. Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique, Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.

Leroy, N., Attout, L., & Majerus, S. (04 October 2019). Common neural patterns for serial order coding in working memory, number and letter domains: A multi-voxel pattern analysis approach [Poster presentation]. Cognitive neuroscience of memory: Recollection, familiarity and novelty detection, Liège, Belgium.

Gregoire, C., Fay, S., & Majerus, S. (27 September 2019). Do serial order working memory abilities decline in healthy aging? [Poster presentation]. 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Tenerife, Spain.

Attout, L., & Majerus, S. (26 September 2019). LANGUAGE CONTROL PROCESSES: DOMAIN GENERAL OR DOMAIN-SPECIFIC? [Paper presentation]. 21th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP).

Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (26 September 2019). Assessing phonetic and phonological working memory precision [Poster presentation]. 21ST Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Tenerife, Spain.

Kowialiewski, B., Van Akelyen, D., & Majerus, S. (26 September 2019). Long-term memory effects in working memory are not always automatic: evidence from the imageability effect [Poster presentation]. 21st conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology.

Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (12 September 2019). Nature of inhibition abilities in aging: A multimodal working memory approach. Preliminary results [Poster presentation]. VIEILLISSEMENT: TOURS, CONTOURS ET PERSPECTIVES, Tours, France.

Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (14 May 2019). How precise are verbal working memory representations? Evidence from phonological and semantic similarity [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Liège, Belgium.

Cassol, H., Martial, C., Annen, J., Martens, G., Charland-Verville, V., Majerus, S., & Laureys, S. (14 May 2019). Vivid memories from hell: A systematic analysis of distressing near death experience accounts [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Liege, Belgium.

Gregoire, C., Fay, S., & Majerus, S. (14 May 2019). Is there a reduction in serial order working memory abilities in healthy aging? [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

Kowialiewski, B., Van Akelyen, D., & Majerus, S. (14 May 2019). Where does the imageability effect in working memory come from? [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Kowialiewski, B., Van Calster, L., Attout, L., Phillips, C., & Majerus, S. (14 May 2019). Neural patterns in linguistic cortices discriminate the content of verbal working memory [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (16 December 2018). Phonological similarity as an index of short-term memory precision in monolingual and trilingual speakers [Paper presentation]. Conference on multilingualism (COM), Gand, Belgium.

Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (29 November 2018). Précision phonétique et phonologique en mémoire à court terme verbale [Paper presentation]. Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN), Mons, Belgium.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (29 November 2018). Modélisation du système linguistique au sein d’une architecture de mémoire de travail [Paper presentation]. Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique, Mons, Belgium.

Gregoire, C., Bouffier, M., Fay, S., & Majerus, S. (September 2018). La similarité phonologique comme indicateur de la précision en mémoire à court terme verbale chez des adultes jeunes et âgés [Poster presentation]. 59ème Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Psychologie, Reims, France.

Kowialiewski, B., Gorin, S., & Majerus, S. (30 August 2018). Effects of semantic and temporal grouping on serial order processing [Poster presentation]. Ninth European Working Memory Symposium, Pavia, Italy.

Attout, L., & Majerus, S. (August 2018). The specific role of serial order short-term memory in calculation abilities: a developmental functional neuroimaging study [Poster presentation]. 9th European Working Memory Symposium - EWOMS-9, Padova, Italy.

Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (18 May 2018). What did I just hear? Phonological similarity as an index of short-term memory precision for words and nonwords [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Gand, Belgium.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (18 May 2018). Semantic Effects In Verbal Short-term Memory: Where Do They Come From? [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Attout, L., & Majerus, S. (April 2018). The role of the serial order short-term memory neural network in calculation abilities in children [Poster presentation]. 1st Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) conference, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Dumitru, M., Van Calster, L., Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (25 March 2018). Cortico-Cerebellar Pathways for Understanding Language Coordination [Poster presentation]. 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston MA, United States.

Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (12 December 2017). La similarité phonologique comme indice de la précision de la mémoire à court terme verbale [Paper presentation]. Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN), Liège, Belgium.

Dumitru, M., Van Calster, L., Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (07 September 2017). Laterality patterns for Gestalts of language [Poster presentation]. 6th Cambridge Neuroscience Symposium, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Bouffier, M., & Majerus, S. (06 September 2017). Phonological similarity as an index of short-term memory precision [Poster presentation]. 20th meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Potsdam, Germany.

Bouffier, M., Barbu, C., & Majerus, S. (31 May 2017). A study of the links between trilingualism, short term memory and attentional control [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Kowialiewski, B., Gorin, S., & Majerus, S. (31 May 2017). Does Semantic Knowledge Influence Serial Order Processing In Short-term Memory? [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science.

Chiodo, L., Majerus, S., Eusèbe, S., & Mottron, L. (20 May 2017). La nature des intérêts spécifiques distingue les personnes avec et sans retard de langage [Poster presentation]. Jubilé de la Faculté de Psychologie, Logopédie et Sciences de l'Education, Liège, Belgium.

Bouffier, M., Barbu, C., & Majerus, S. (10 April 2017). Exploration des liens entre la mémoire à court terme, l'attention et le multlinguisme [Poster presentation]. Ecole thématique Transmem Cerveau et mémoire: Concepts et approches transdisciplinaires, Ile de Porquerolles, France.

Aubinet, C., Heine, L., Martial, C., Majerus, S., LAUREYS, S., & Di Perri, C. (31 March 2017). Clinical sub-categorization of minimally conscious state according to resting functional connectivity [Paper presentation]. 12th world congress on brain injury, Nouvelle-Orléans, United States.

Kowialiewski, B., Gorin, S., & Majerus, S. (2017). Semantic similarity interacts with serial order processing in short-term memory [Poster presentation]. 20th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Potsdam, Germany.

Kowialiewski, B., Gorin, S., & Majerus, S. (2017). La similarité sémantique influence-t-elle le traitement de l’ordre en mémoire à court terme ? [Poster presentation]. 1ère Ecole Thématique CNRS TransMem, Île de Porquerolles, France.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2017). Comment la rapidité d’accès lexicale influence-t-elle la mémoire à court terme verbale ? [Paper presentation]. Second meeting of the Groupe de Contact FNRS Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique.

Chiodo, L., Eusèbe, S., Majerus, S., & Mottron, L. (25 October 2016). Specific interests in Autism with versus without speech onset delay : the importance of perceptually versus thematically organized interests [Poster presentation]. Réunion du Groupe de Contact Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Chiodo, L., Majerus, S., Eusèbe, S., & Mottron, L. (07 July 2016). Restricted interests in autism with versus without speech onset delay : the importance of perceptually versus thematically organized interests [Poster presentation]. 11TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY AND RESEARCH ON INTELLECTUAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, Lille, France.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (24 May 2016). Automatic contribution of long-term knowledge to verbal short-term memory [Poster presentation]. Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science.

Chiodo, L., Majerus, S., Eusèbe, S., & Mottron, L. (13 May 2016). Restricted interests in autism with versus without speech onset delay : the importance of perceptually versus thematically organized interests [Poster presentation]. Meeting International sur la recherche en autisme, Baltimore, United States.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2016). La contribution automatique des connaissances à long terme en mémoire à court terme verbale [Paper presentation]. 40ème journée de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Liège, Belgium.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2016). L’activation automatique des représentations à long terme en mémoire à court terme verbale [Paper presentation]. First meeting of the Groupe de Contact FNRS Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique.

Kowialiewski, B., & Majerus, S. (2016). Automatic contribution of long-term knowledge to verbal short-term memory [Poster presentation]. 8th Europeran Working Memory Symposium.

Gorin, S., & Majerus, S. (10 August 2013). Interactions with musical long-term memory are a critical component of musical working memory [Poster presentation]. The biennial meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (2013), Toronto, Canada.

Gorin, S., & Majerus, S. (28 May 2013). Interaction between short-term and long-term memory in the musical domain: the impact of musical knowledge and musical expertise [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Kurth, S., Hagelstein, C., Collette, F., Bastin, C., Majerus, S., & Salmon, E. (28 May 2013). Effects of aging on task- and stimulus-related attention during a short-term memory task [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Martinez Perez, T., Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (13 July 2012). Relationship between serial order short-term memory and reading skills : Evidence from a study with dyslexic children [Poster presentation]. 19th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Montréal, Canada.

Martinez Perez, T., Poncelet, M., & Majerus, S. (10 May 2012). The predictors of reading skills: phonological abilities and verbale short-term memory for serial order [Poster presentation]. BAPS-SEPEX meeting, Liege, Belgium.

Verhaegen, C., Collette, F., & Majerus, S. (May 2012). The impact of aging and hearing status on verbal short-term memory [Paper presentation]. First joint meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences and the Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental, Liège, Belgium.

Martinez Perez, T., Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (16 March 2012). Déficits de mémoire verbale à court-terme pour l’ordre sériel chez des enfants dyslexiques [Poster presentation]. Colloque « Les troubles du langage écrit - De l’enfance à l’âge adulte ».

Attout, L., VAN DER KAA, M.-A., GEORGE, M., & Majerus, S. (18 October 2011). The importance of distinguishing item and order memory for understanding short-term memory deficits in brain-damaged patients [Poster presentation]. Academy of Aphasia 49th Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada.

Gabriel, A., Meulemans, T., Parisse, C., Majerus, S., Desmotte, L., Noupré, E., Bidinger, C., & Maillart, C. (July 2011). Incidental non linguistic regularities learning in Children with [Poster presentation]. 12th International Congress for the study of child, Montréal, Canada.

Martinez Perez, T., Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (02 June 2011). Specific contribution of short-term memory for serial order information to early reading acquisition: A longitudinal study [Poster presentation]. British Dyslexia Association 8th International Conference, Harrogate, United Kingdom.

Attout, L., VAN DER KAA, M.-A., GEORGE, M., & Majerus, S. (27 May 2011). The importance of short-term memory for order in dissociating short-term memory and language deficits [Poster presentation]. BAPS 2011 meeting, Gand, Belgium.

Martinez Perez, T., Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (10 September 2010). Impaired verbal short-term memory for serial order information in dyslexic adults [Poster presentation]. 6th International Conference on Language Acquisition, Barcelona, Spain.

Leclercq, A.-L., Majerus, S., Guasti, M. T., Taïar, J., & Maillart, C. (09 September 2010). Spoken sentence comprehension in children with developmental dyslexia [Poster presentation]. The VI International Conference on Language Acquisition, Barcelone, Spain.

Leclercq, A.-L., Maillart, C., & Majerus, S. (26 June 2010). Impact of phonological complexity on verbal short-term memory performance in children with SLI [Poster presentation]. 13th Meeting of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Oslo, Norway.

Leclercq, A.-L., Majerus, S., Jacob, L., & Maillart, C. (June 2010). Impact of morphosyntactic complexity in sentence comprehension in children with SLI [Poster presentation]. Child Language Seminar, Londres, United Kingdom.

Leclercq, A.-L., & Majerus, S. (04 December 2009). Répétition de non-mots et rappel sériel immédiat : Des mesures équivalentes de la mémoire à court terme verbale? [Poster presentation]. Les journées d'hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Lange Française (SNLF), Paris, France.

Martinez Perez, T., Poncelet, M., & Majerus, S. (04 December 2009). Rétention de l’ordre sériel en mémoire verbale à court-terme chez des adultes dyslexiques [Poster presentation]. Réunion d'hivers de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Paris, France.

Martinez Perez, T., Poncelet, M., Boniver, C., Delvenne, M.-A., & Majerus, S. (19 October 2009). Phonological impairment as a decay-based impairment : New evidence from a single case study [Poster presentation]. Academy of Aphasia 47th Annual Meeting, Boston, United States.

Martinez Perez, T., Majerus, S., Delvenne, M.-A., Boniver, C., & Poncelet, M. (03 June 2009). A theoretically motivated approach of receptive language assessment based on an interactive spreading activation account of language processing [Poster presentation]. BAPS 2009 meeting, Brussel, Belgium.

Leclercq, A.-L., Poncelet, M., Van der Linden, M., & Majerus, S. (29 July 2008). Serial Order Short-Term Memory Predicts Later Vocabulary Development: Evidence From A Longitudinal Study Design [Poster presentation]. XI International Congress For The Study Of Child Language, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Closset, A., & Majerus, S. (2007). Rééducation de la mémoire phonologique à court terme : application chez une enfant de 10 ans. In G. Aubin, F. Coyette, P. Pradat-Diehl, ... Vallat-Azouvi C (Eds.), Neuropsychologie de la mémoire de travail (pp. 323-349). Marseille, France: Solal.

Collette, F., Péters, F., Hogge, M., & Majerus, S. (2007). Mémoire de travail et vieillissement normal. In G. Aubin, F. Coyette, P. Pradat-Diehl, ... C. Vallat-Azouvi (Eds.), Neuropsychologie de la mémoire de travail. Marseille, France: Solal.

Van der Kaa, M.-A., & Majerus, S. (2007). Evaluation et rééducation du versant « phonologique » de la mémoire à court terme. In G. Aubin, F. Coyette, P. Pradat-Diehl, ... Vallat-Azouvi C (Eds.), Neuropsychologie de la mémoire de travail (pp. 87-111). Marseille, France: Solal.

Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (2005). Mémoire à court terme verbale et développement lexical chez l'enfant normal et l'enfant avec troubles spécifiques du langage. In C. Hommet, Neuropsychologie de l'enfant et troubles du développement (pp. 205-219). Marseille, France: Solal.

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

Schnakers, C., Giacino, J. T., Løvstad, M., Habbal, D., Boly, M., Di, H., Majerus, S., & Laureys, S. (2015). Preserved Covert Cognition in Noncommunicative Patients With Severe Brain Injury? Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. doi:10.1177/1545968314547767

Majerus, S., & Van der Linden, M. (2013). Memory disorders in children. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 111, 251-255. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52891-9.00027-0

Majerus, S. (2010). Les multiples determinants de la mémoire à court terme verbale : implications théoriques et évaluatives. Développements : Revue Interdisciplinaire du Développement Cognitif Normal et Pathologique, 4, 5-15.

Speeches and writings for a general audience

General audience and popularisation articles

Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (2024). WAIT! HOW WE CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS AS WE AGE. Frontiers for Young Minds. doi:10.3389/frym.2023.1107801

Majerus, S. (05 December 2023). La mémoire de travail : un élément clé pour la compréhension et la remédiation des difficultés d’apprentissage. Revue Suisse de Pédagogie Spécialisée, 13 (04), p. 36-43. doi:10.57161/r2023-04-06


Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (2019). Introduction aux statistiques bayésiennes. Application dans le vieillissement avec JASP.

Gregoire, C., & Majerus, S. (2019). Inhibition et Vieillissement: Point théorique et application dans une tâche de mémoire de travail.