Publications and communications of Marc-Antoine Dupret

Lizin, S., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., & Ludwig, H.-G. (April 2024). Three-dimensional time-dependent convection model for asteroseismology: I. Mathematical model. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 684, 10. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202346346

Fellay, L., Dupret, M.-A., & Rosu, S. (March 2024). Underestimation of the tidal force and apsidal motion in close binary systems by the perturbative approach: Comparisons with non-perturbative models. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 683, 210. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202348134

Farrell, E., Buldgen, G., Meynet Georges, Eggenberger Patrick, Dupret, M.-A., & Bowman, D. (2024). A method for non-linear inversion of the stellar structure applied to gravity-mode pulsators. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202449430

Rosu, S., Rauw, G., Dupret, M.-A., Grötsch-Noels, A., & Farnir, M. (2024). Apsidal motion in NGC 6231: Sounding the internal structure of massive stars. In J. Mackey, J. S. Vink, ... N. St-Louis, Massive Stars Near and Far, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 361 (pp. 241-247). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/s1743921322002356

Bétrisey, J., Buldgen, G., Reese, D., Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Khan, S., Goupil, M.-J., Eggenberger, P., & Meynet, G. (August 2023). Asteroseismic modelling strategies in the PLATO era: I. Mean density inversions and direct treatment of the seismic information. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 676, 10. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202346258

Fellay, L., & Dupret, M.-A. (28 July 2023). MoBiDICT: new 3D static models of close, synchronized binaries in hydrostatic equilibrium. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 676, 22. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202346175

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Pinçon, C., Grötsch-Noels, A., Scuflaire, R., Salmon, S., & Buldgen, G. (2022). Asteroseimology of solar-like stars along their evolution [Paper presentation]. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly.

Rosu, S., Rauw, G., Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2022). Apsidal motion in massive eccentric binaries in NGC 6231: The case of HD 152219. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141304

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (12 October 2021). Asteroseismic probing of low mass solar-like stars throughout their evolution with new techniques [Paper presentation]. PLATO Mission Conference. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5596255

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Pinçon, C., Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (10 March 2021). Good vibrations: Low mass stars seismology with WhoSGlAd and EGGMiMoSA [Paper presentation]. Good vibrations seminars, Paris, France.

Farnir, M., Pinçon, C., Dupret, M.-A., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Scuflaire, R. (2021). Asteroseismology of evolved stars with EGGMiMoSA I. Theoretical mixed-mode patterns from the subgiant to the RGB phase. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141317

Miglio, A., Girardi, L., Grundahl, F., Mosser, B., Bastian, N., Bragaglia, A., Brogaard, K., Buldgen, G., Chantereau, W., Chaplin, W., Chiappini, C., Dupret, M.-A., Eggenberger, P., Gieles, M., Izzard, R., Kawata, D., Karoff, C., Lagarde, N., Mackereth, T., ... Vincenzo, F. (2021). HAYDN: High-precision AsteroseismologY of DeNse stellar fields. Experimental Astronomy, 51 (3), 963 - 1001. doi:10.1007/s10686-021-09711-1

Salmon, S., Van Grootel, V., Buldgen, G., Dupret, M.-A., & Eggenberger, P. (2021). Reinvestigating α Cen AB in light of asteroseismic forward and inverse methods. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201937174

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Pinçon, C. (02 December 2020). Low mass stars seismology with WhoSGlAd and EGGMiMoSA [Paper presentation]. Séminaire dans le grouoe Asterochronometry de l'université de Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Rosu, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Dupret, M.-A., Rauw, G., Farnir, M., & Ekström, S. (24 October 2020). Apsidal motion in the massive binary HD 152248: Constraining the internal structure of the stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 642. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038380

Ouazzani, R.-M., Lignières, F., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., Ballot, J., Christophe, S., & Takata, M. (01 August 2020). First evidence of inertial modes in γ Doradus stars: The core rotation revealed. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 640, 49. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201936653

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Pinçon, C., Pezzotti, C., & Eggenberger, P. (2020). Thorough characterisation of the 16 Cygni system. I. Forward seismic modelling with WhoSGlAd. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202038522

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Buldgen, G. (2020). Determination of precise stellar parameters of Kepler LEGACY targets using the WhoSGlAd method. In C. Neiner, W. Weiss, D. Baade, R. E. Griffin, C. Lovekin, ... A. F. J. Moffat, Proceedings of the conference Stars and their Variability Observed from Space.

Baglin, A., Buldgen, G., Dupret, M.-A., Miglio, A., Montalban, J., Salmon, S., Shibahashi, H., & Van Grootel, V. (December 2019). How Much do we Trust Stellar Models? Foreword. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 88 (1-4).

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Buldgen, G. (20 August 2019). WhoSGlAd : A precise characterisation of the Kepler Legacy sample [Paper presentation]. Stars and their variability observed from space, Vienne, Austria.

Buldgen, G., Reese, D. R., & Dupret, M.-A. (June 2019). Linear approximation of seismic inversions: new kernels and structural effects. European Astronomical Society Publications Series, 82, 241-245. doi:10.1051/eas/1982023

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Buldgen, G. (2019). New stellar seismic probing method: WhoSGlAd [Paper presentation]. Séminaires au LESIA, Paris, France.

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Buldgen, G. (2019). Comprehensive stellar seismic analysis : New method exploiting the glitches information in solar-like pulsators. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201834044

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Buldgen, G. (2019). Comprehensive stellar seismic analysis: A preliminary application of Whosglad to 16 Cygni system. In To appear in the proceedings of the PHOST meeting held in Banyuls, France.

Sonoi, T., Ludwig, H.-G., Dupret, M.-A., Montalbán, J., Samadi, R., Belkacem, K., Caffau, E., & Goupil, M.-J. (01 January 2019). Calibration of mixing-length parameter α for MLT and FST models by matching with CO[SUP]5[/SUP]BOLD models. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 621. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201833495

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Buldgen, G. (2018). Comprehensive stellar seismic analysis : A preliminary application of Whosglad to 16 Cygni system. In J. Ballot, S. Vauclair, ... G. Vauclair (Eds.), PHOST : Proceedings. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1881055

Farnir, M., Dupret, M.-A., Buldgen, G., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Salmon, S. (September 2018). Comprehensive stellar seismic analysis [Poster presentation]. PHOST (PHysics of Oscillating STars), Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1464550

Giammichele, N., Charpinet, S., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., Green, E. M., Van Grootel, V., Bergeron, P., Zong, W., & Dupret, M.-A. (February 2018). A large oxygen-dominated core from the seismic cartography of a pulsating white dwarf. Nature, 554, 73. doi:10.1038/nature25136

Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Godart, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., Reese, D. R., Colgan, J., Fontes, C. J., Eggenberger, P., Hakel, P., Kilcrease, D. P., & Richard, O. (November 2017). Inversions of the Ledoux discriminant: a closer look at the tachocline. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 472 (1), 70-L74. doi:10.1093/mnrasl/slx139

Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., & Reese, D. R. (November 2017). Determining the metallicity of the solar envelope using seismic inversion techniques. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472 (1), 751-764. doi:10.1093/mnras/stx2057

Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Reese, D. R., Dupret, M.-A., Colgan, J., Fontes, C. J., Eggenberger, P., Hakel, P., Kilcrease, D. P., & Turck-Chièze, S. (01 November 2017). Seismic inversion of the solar entropy. A case for improving the standard solar model. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 607, 58. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201731354

Michel, E., Dupret, M.-A., Reese, D., Ouazzani, R.-M., Debosscher, J., Hernández, A. G., Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Salmon, S., Suarez, J. C., & Forteza, S. B. (01 October 2017). What CoRoT tells us about δ Scuti stars. Existence of a regular pattern and seismic indices to characterize stars. EPJ Web of Conferences, 160, 03001. doi:10.1051/epjconf/201716003001

Miglio, A., Chiappini, C., Mosser, B., Davies, G. R., Freeman, K., Girardi, L., Jofré, P., Kawata, D., Rendle, B. M., Valentini, M., Casagrande, L., Chaplin, W. J., Gilmore, G., Hawkins, K., Holl, B., Appourchaux, T., Belkacem, K., Bossini, D., Brogaard, K., ... Worley, C. C. (01 July 2017). PLATO as it is : A legacy mission for Galactic archaeology. Astronomische Nachrichten, 338, 644-661. doi:10.1002/asna.201713385

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (June 2017). Pulsations in white dwarf stars [Paper presentation]. Current challenges in the physics of white dwarfs, Santa Fe, United States.

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (2017). The theoretical instability strip of V777 Her white dwarfs. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 509, 321.

Buldgen, G., Salmon, S., Reese, D. R., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 December 2016). In-depth study of 16CygB using inversion techniques. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 596. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201628773

Godart, M., Simón-Díaz, S., Herrero, A., Dupret, M.-A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Salmon, S., & Ventura, P. (01 December 2016). The IACOB project. IV. New predictions for high-degree non-radial mode instability domains in massive stars and their connection with macroturbulent broadening. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 597. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201628856

Rauw, G., Rosu, S., Noels-Grötsch, A., Mahy, L., Schmitt, J. H. M. M., Godart, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Gosset, E. (01 October 2016). Apsidal motion in the massive binary HD 152218. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 594 (A33), 1-12. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201628766

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (July 2016). The theoretical instability strip of V777 Her white dwarfs [Paper presentation]. 20th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Warwick, United Kingdom.

Buldgen, G., Reese, D., & Dupret, M.-A. (2016). Constraints on the structure of 16 Cygni A and 16 Cygni B using inversion techniques. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201527032

Houdek, G., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 December 2015). Interaction Between Convection and Pulsation. Living Reviews in Solar Physics, 12. doi:10.1007/lrsp-2015-8

Salmon, S., Montalbán, J., Miglio, A., Noels, A., Dupret, M.-A., Eggenberger, P., & Turck-Chièze, S. (2015). Asteroseismic hare & hound exercises: the case of β Cephei stars. In F. Martins, S. Boissier, V. Buat, L. Cambrésy, ... P. Petit (Eds.), SF2A-2015: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Eds.: F. Martins, S. Boissier, V. Buat, L. Cambrésy, P. Petit, pp.423-428 (pp. 423-428).

Buldgen, G., Dupret, M.-A., Reese, D. R., & Samadi, R. (2015). Stellar acoustic radii and ages from seismic inversion techniques. In The Space Photometry Revolution CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 joint meeting. doi:10.1051/epjconf/201510106015

Grosjean, M., Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Benomar, O., Deheuvels, S., Samadi, R., & Grigahcene, A. (2015). Non-adiabatic study of the Kepler subgiant KIC 6442183. In The Space Photometry Revolution CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 joint meeting. doi:10.1051/epjconf/201510106028

Belkacem, K., Marques, J. P., Goupil, M. J., Mosser, B., Sonoi, T., Ouazzani, R. M., Dupret, M.-A., Mathis, S., & Grosjean, M. (01 July 2015). Angular momentum redistribution by mixed modes in evolved low-mass stars. II. Spin-down of the core of red giants induced by mixed modes. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 579. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201526043

Belkacem, K., Marques, J. P., Goupil, M. J., Sonoi, T., Ouazzani, R. M., Dupret, M.-A., Mathis, S., Mosser, B., & Grosjean, M. (01 July 2015). Angular momentum redistribution by mixed modes in evolved low-mass stars. I. Theoretical formalism. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 579. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201526042

Ouazzani, R.-M., Roxburgh, I. W., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 July 2015). Pulsations of rapidly rotating stars. II. Realistic modelling for intermediate-mass stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 579. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201525734

Péters, M.-J., Van Grootel, V., Dupret, M.-A., Green, E. M., Fontaine, G., Charpinet, S., & Brassard, P. (July 2015). New asteroseismic analysis of the subdwarf B pulsator PG 1219+534 [Poster presentation]. 7th Meeting on Hot Subdwarfs and Related Objects, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Salmon, S., Montalban, J., Miglio, A., Noels, A., Dupret, M.-A., & Eggenberger, P. (01 June 2015). What can we learn from asteroseismology of beta Cephei stars? [Poster presentation]. KASC8 - TASC1, Denmark.

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (June 2015). The Instability Strip of ZZ Ceti White Dwarfs. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 493, 211.

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., Dupret, M.-A. (June 2015). A First Look at the Nonadiabatic Properties of Pulsating Accreting White Dwarfs of the GW Lib Type. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 493, 257.

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (March 2015). A connection between the instability strips of ZZ Ceti and V777 Her white dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 575, 125.

Buldgen, G., Dupret, M.-A., & Reese, D. R. (2015). Using seismic inversions to obtain an indicator of internal mixing processes in main-sequence solar-like stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201526390

Buldgen, G., Dupret, M.-A., & Reese, D. R. (2015). Constraining mixing processes in 16CygA using Kepler data and seismic inversion techniques [Paper presentation]. The KASC8/TASC1 Workshop: Space Asteroseismology: the next generation.

Buldgen, G., Dupret, M.-A., Reese, D., & Samadi, R. (2015). Stellar acoustic radii, mean densities, and ages from seismic inversion techniques. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 574, 16. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201424613

Godart, M., Shibahashi, H., Dupret, M.-A., Georgy, C., Groh, J., & Stee, P. (2015). Leaky-wave-induced disks around Be stars: a pulsational analysis on their formation. In New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 307 (pp. 215-217). doi:10.1017/S1743921314006760

Salmon, S., Montalbán, J., Reese, D. R., Dupret, M.-A., & Eggenberger, P. (2015). Are the stars of a new class of variability detected in NGC 3766 fast rotating SPB stars? In G. Meynet, C. Georgy, J. Groh, ... P. Stee (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union S307 (pp. 188-193). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/S1743921314006693

Grosjean, M., Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Montalban, J., Samadi, R., & Mosser, B. (December 2014). Theoretical power spectra of mixed modes in low-mass red giant stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 572. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201423827

Salmon, S., Montalban, J., Miglio, A., Eggenberger, P., Briquet, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (December 2014). What can we learn from asteroseismology of β Cephei stars through forward approach modelling? [Poster presentation]. PLATO 2.0 Science Conference, Taormina, Italy.

Bloemen, S., Hu, H., Aerts, C., Dupret, M.-A., Østensen, R. H., Degroote, P., Müller-Ringat, E., & Rauch, T. (01 September 2014). The blue-edge problem of the V1093 Herculis instability strip revisited using evolutionary models with atomic diffusion. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 569. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201323309

Salmon, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Reese, D., Dupret, M.-A., & Eggenberger, P. (September 2014). The puzzling new class of variable stars in NGC 3766 : old friend pulsators? Astronomy and Astrophysics, 569, 18. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201323259

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Charpinet, S., Randall, S. K., Brassard, P., Dupret, M.-A., & Green, E. M. (September 2014). Asteroseismology of evolved stars: from hot B subdwarfs to white dwarfs [Paper presentation]. AG 2014 The Variable Sky: from Tiny Variations to Big Explosions, Bamberg, Germany.

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (August 2014). The instability strip of ZZ Ceti white dwarfs [Paper presentation]. 19th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Montréal, Canada.

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (August 2014). A First Look at the Nonadiabatic Properties of Pulsating Accreting White Dwarfs of the GW Lib Type [Poster presentation]. 19th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Montréal, Canada.

Salmon, S., Montalban, J., Reese, D., Dupret, M.-A., & Eggenberger, P. (June 2014). Are the stars of a new class of variability detected in NGC 3766 fast rotating SPB stars? [Paper presentation]. New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry, Switzerland.

Godart, M., Grotsch-Noels, A., Dupret, M.-A., Chaplin, W. J., Handler, G., & Pigulski, A. (2014). Pulsations in hot supergiants. In Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301 (pp. 313-320). doi:10.1017/S1743921313014518

Buldgen, G., Dupret, M.-A., & Reese, D. R. (2014). Asteroseismic inversions in the context of Plato [Paper presentation]. PLATO 2.0 Science Conference.

Buldgen, G., Dupret, M.-A., Reese, D. R., & Samadi, R. (2014). Stellar acoustic radii and ages from seismic inversion techniques [Poster presentation]. The Space Photometry Revolution CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 joint meeting.

Grosjean, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (2014). Theoretical power spectra of solar-like oscillations in evolved low-mass stars [Paper presentation]. Seminar for the Stellar Astrophysic Center, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Grosjean, M., Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Reza, S. (2014). Energetical aspects of solar-like oscillations in red giants. In Precision Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 301.

Grosjean, M., Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Deheuvels, S., & Benomar, O. (2014). Non-adiabatic study of the Kepler subgiant KIC 6442183 [Poster presentation]. CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 joint meeting.

Grosjean, M., Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Samadi, R. (December 2013). Evolution of the theoretical power spectrum of solar-like oscillations along the ascending phase on the red giant branch. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 479, 191.

Grosjean, M., Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Montalban, J., & Samadi, R. (December 2013). Energetical aspects of solar-like oscillations in red giants [Paper presentation]. International Francqui Symposium : What asteroseismology has to offer to astrophysics.

Ouazzani, R.-M., Goupil, M.-J., Dupret, M.-A., Marques, J. P., & Lynas-Gray, A. E. (2013). Non-Perturbative Effect of Rotation on Dipolar Mixed-Modes in Red Giants. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (pp. 335).

Ozel, N., Mosser, B., Dupret, M.-A., Bruntt, H., Barban, C., Deheuvels, S., García, R. A., Michel, E., Samadi, R., Baudin, F., Régulo, C., Auvergne, M., Baglin, A., Catala, C., Morel, P., & Pichon, B. (2013). Differential Seismic Modeling of Stars. In Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series (pp. 149).

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (December 2013). The instability strip of ZZ Ceti white dwarfs and its extension to the extremely low mass pulsators. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 479, 229.

Ozel, N., Mosser, B., Dupret, M.-A., Bruntt, H., Barban, C., Deheuvels, S., García, R. A., Michel, E., Samadi, R., Baudin, F., Mathur, S., Régulo, C., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Morel, P., & Pichon, B. (01 October 2013). Differential asteroseismic study of seismic twins observed by CoRoT. Comparison of HD 175272 with HD 181420. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 558, 79. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201321846

Grosjean, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (23 August 2013). Energetical aspects of solar-like oscillations in red giants [Paper presentation]. IAU symposium 301 : Precision Asteroseismology. Celebration of the scientific opus of Wojtek Dziembowdki.

Ouazzani, R.-M., Goupil, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., & Marques, J. P. (01 June 2013). Non-perturbative effect of rotation on dipolar mixed modes in red giant stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, 80. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201220547

Montalbán, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Dupret, M.-A., Scuflaire, R., & Ventura, P. (01 April 2013). Testing Convective-core Overshooting Using Period Spacings of Dipole Modes in Red Giants. Astrophysical Journal, 766, 118. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/766/2/118

Belkacem, K., Appourchaux, T., Baudin, F., Dupret, M.-A., Goupil, M. J., Marques, J. P., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Samadi, R. (01 March 2013). Mode lifetime and associated scaling relations. EPJ Web of Conferences, 43, 03009. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20134303009

Bouabid, M.-P., Dupret, M.-A., Salmon, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 March 2013). Effects of the Coriolis force on high-order g modes in γ Doradus stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429 (3), 2500. doi:10.1093/mnras/sts517

Grosjean, M., Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Montalbán, J., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Samadi, R. (01 March 2013). Non-radial, non-adiabatic solar-like oscillations in RGB and HB stars. EPJ Web of Conferences, 43, 03010. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20134303010

Ouazzani, R. M., Goupil, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., & Marques, J. P. (01 March 2013). Red giants rotational splittings. EPJ Web of Conferences, 43, 03011. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20134303011

Samadi, R., Belkacem, K., Dupret, M.-A., Goupil, M. J., Ludwig, H.-G., Barban, C., Baudin, F., & Caffau, E. (01 March 2013). Amplitudes of solar-like oscillations in red giants: Departures from the quasi-adiabatic approximation. EPJ Web of Conferences, 43, 03008. doi:10.1051/epjconf/20134303008

Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Sousa, S. G., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Garrido, R., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (2013). Towards Precise Asteroseismology of Solar-Like Stars. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series, 31, 209. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29630-7_39

Oshagh, M., Grigahcène, A., Benomar, O., Dupret, M.-A., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Scuflaire, R., Santos, N. C., Garrido, R., Balona, L. A., & Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. (2013). Successful Asteroseismology for a Better Characterization of the Exoplanet HAT-P-7b. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 31, 227. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29630-7_42

Van Grootel, V., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 January 2013). The Newly Discovered Pulsating Low Mass White Dwarfs: An Extension of the ZZ Ceti Instability Strip. Astrophysical Journal, 762, 57. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/762/1/57

Grosjean, M., Montalban Iglesias, J., Samadi, R., Dupret, M.-A. (Other coll.), & Belkacem, K. (Other coll.). (November 2012). Evolution of the theoretical power spectrum of solar-like oscillations along the ascending phase on the red giant branch [Poster presentation]. Progress in physics of the sun and stars: a new era in helio- and asteroseismology.

Ouazzani, R.-M., Dupret, M.-A., & Reese, D. (01 November 2012). Pulsations of rapidly rotating stars. I. The ACOR numerical code. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 547, 75. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201219548

Aerts, C., & Dupret, M.-A. (2012). On the Seismic Modelling of Rotating B-type Pulsators in the Traditional Approximation. In ASP Conference Proceeding, Vol. 462, 103 (pp. 103).

Godart, M., Dupret, M.-A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Ventura, P. (2012). Theoretical Instability Domains of Massive Stars. In ASP Conference Proceeding, Vol. 462, 27 (pp. 27).

Ouazzani, R.-M., Dupret, M.-A., Roxburgh, I. W., & Goupil, M.-J. (2012). Pulsations of an Evolved Self-consistently Distorted Star. In ASP Conference Proceeding, Vol. 462, 402 (pp. 402).

Grosjean, M., Dupret, M.-A. (Other coll.), Belkacem, K. (Other coll.), Montalban Iglesias, J. (Other coll.), Noels-Grötsch, A. (Other coll.), & Samadi, R. (Other coll.). (July 2012). Non-radial, non-adiabatic solar-like oscillations in RGB and HB stars [Poster presentation]. 40th Liège International Astrophysical Colloquium, Liège, Belgium.

Samadi, R., Belkacem, K., Dupret, M.-A., Ludwig, H.-G., Baudin, F., Caffau, E., Goupil, M.-J., & Barban, C. (01 July 2012). Amplitudes of solar-like oscillations in red giant stars. Evidence for non-adiabatic effects using CoRoT observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 543, 120. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201219253

Salmon, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Morel, T., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (June 2012). Testing the effects of opacity and the chemical mixture on the excitation of pulsations in B stars of the Magellanic Clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422, 3460–3474. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.20857.x

Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Sousa, S. G., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Garrido, R., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (01 May 2012). Towards an effective asteroseismology of solar-like stars: time-dependent convection effects on pulsation frequencies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 422, 43. doi:10.1111/j.1745-3933.2012.01233.x

Belkacem, K., Dupret, M.-A., Baudin, F., Appourchaux, T., Marques, J. P., & Samadi, R. (01 April 2012). Damping rates of solar-like oscillations across the HR diagram. Theoretical calculations confronted to CoRoT and Kepler observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 540, 7. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201218890

Van Grootel, V., Dupret, M.-A., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., Grigahcène, A., & Quirion, P.-O. (March 2012). The instability strip of ZZ Ceti white dwarfs I. Introduction of time-dependent convection. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 539, 87. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201118371

Beck, P. G., Montalban Iglesias, J., Kallinger, T., De Ridder, J., Aerts, C., García, R. A., Hekker, S., Dupret, M.-A., Mosser, B., Eggenberger, P., Stello, D., Elsworth, Y., Frandsen, S., Carrier, F., Hillen, M., Gruberbauer, M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Miglio, A., Valentini, M., ... Ibrahim, K. A. (01 January 2012). Fast core rotation in red-giant stars as revealed by gravity-dominated mixed modes. Nature, 481, 55-57. doi:10.1038/nature10612

Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2012). Energetic Aspects of Non-Radial Solar-Like Oscillations in Red Giants. In Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings (pp. 33). doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18418-5_4

Grosjean, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (2012). Non-radial non-adiabatic solar like oscillations in red giants : Evolutionnary effects on theoretical power spectrum [Paper presentation]. Belgian Asteroseismology Group meeting.

Ouazzani, R.-M., Roxburgh, I. W., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 January 2012). Pulsations of rapidly rotating evolved stars. proceedings of the 20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series, Granada sept 2011, 1301, 2496.

Hu, H., Tout, C. A., Glebbeek, E., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 November 2011). Slowing down atomic diffusion in subdwarf B stars: mass loss or turbulence? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 418, 195-205. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.19482.x

Mosser, B., Barban, C., Montalban Iglesias, J., Beck, P. G., Miglio, A., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., Hekker, S., De Ridder, J., Dupret, M.-A., Elsworth, Y., Noels-Grötsch, A., Baudin, F., Michel, E., Samadi, R., Auvergne, M., Baglin, A., & Catala, C. (01 August 2011). Mixed modes in red-giant stars observed with CoRoT. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 532, 86. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116825

Ozel, N., Dupret, M.-A., & Baglin, A. (01 August 2011). Quantitative estimates of the constraints on solar-like models imposed by observables. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 532, 82. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912710

Bouabid, M.-P., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2011). Theoretical seismic properties of pre-main sequence γ Doradus pulsators. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 531, 145. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116440

Dupret, M.-A., Godart, M., Belkacem, K., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2011). Seismic modelling of OB stars. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 272, 457-467. doi:10.1017/S1743921311011100

Godart, M., Dupret, M.-A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Aerts, C., Simón-Díaz, S., Lefever, K., Puls, J., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Ventura, P. (01 July 2011). Pulsations in massive stars: effect of the atmosphere on the strange mode pulsations. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 272, 503-504. doi:10.1017/S1743921311011185

Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., Samadi, R., Baudin, F., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Mosser, B. (01 June 2011). The underlying physical meaning of the νmax - νc relation. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 530, 142. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201116490

Beck, P. G., Bedding, T. R., Mosser, B., Stello, D., Garcia, R., Kallinger, T., Hekker, S., Elsworth, Y., Frandsen, S., Carrier, F., De Ridder, J., Aerts, C., White, T. R., Huber, D., Dupret, M.-A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., Chaplin, W. J., ... Jenkins, J. M. (01 April 2011). Kepler Detected Gravity-Mode Period Spacings in a Red Giant Star. Science, 332, 205. doi:10.1126/science.1201939

Bedding, T. R., Mosser, B., Huber, D., Montalban Iglesias, J., Beck, P., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Elsworth, Y. P., García, R. A., Miglio, A., Stello, D., White, T. R., De Ridder, J., Hekker, S., Aerts, C., Barban, C., Belkacem, K., Broomhall, A.-M., Brown, T. M., Buzasi, D. L., ... Ventura, P. (01 March 2011). Gravity modes as a way to distinguish between hydrogen- and helium-burning red giant stars. Nature, 471, 608-611. doi:10.1038/nature09935

Salmon, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., Morel, T., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (09 October 2010). Can an underestimation of opacity explain B-type pulsators in the SMC? Astronomische Nachrichten, 331 (9-10).

Ouazzani, R. M., Goupil, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., & Reese, D. (01 July 2010). Effect of stellar rotation on oscillation frequencies. Astrophysics and Space Science, 328, 285-289. doi:10.1007/s10509-010-0307-0

Ozel, N., Dupret, M.-A., & Baglin, A. (01 July 2010). How asteroseismology can constrain the global parameters of solar-like star models. Astrophysics and Space Science, 328, 67-71. doi:10.1007/s10509-010-0311-4

Samadi, R., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., Brun, A. S., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2010). Stochastic excitation of gravity modes in massive main-sequence stars. Astrophysics and Space Science, 328, 253-258. doi:10.1007/s10509-009-0215-3

Deheuvels, S., Michel, E., Goupil, M. J., Marques, J. P., Mosser, B., Dupret, M.-A., Lebreton, Y., Pichon, B., & Morel, P. (01 May 2010). Survival of a convective core in low-mass solar-like pulsator HD 203608. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 514, 31. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200911991

Aerts, C., Lefever, K., Baglin, A., Degroote, P., Oreiro, R., Vuckovic, M., Smolders, K., Acke, B., Verhoelst, T., Desmet, M., Godart, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., Dupret, M.-A., Auvergne, M., Baudin, F., Catala, C., Michel, E., & Samadi, R. (01 April 2010). Periodic mass-loss episodes due to an oscillation mode with variable amplitude in the hot supergiant HD 50064. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 513, 11. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201014124

Bedding, T. R., Huber, D., Stello, D., Elsworth, Y. P., Hekker, S., Kallinger, T., Mathur, S., Mosser, B., Preston, H. L., Ballot, J., Barban, C., Broomhall, A. M., Buzasi, D. L., Chaplin, W. J., Garcí­a, R. A., Gruberbauer, M., Hale, S. J., De Ridder, J., Frandsen, S., ... Weiss, A. (01 April 2010). Solar-like Oscillations in Low-luminosity Red Giants: First Results from Kepler. Astrophysical Journal, 713, 176-L181. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/713/2/L176

Grigahcène, A., Antoci, V., Balona, L., Catanzaro, G., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Guzik, J. A., Handler, G., Houdek, G., Kurtz, D. W., Marconi, M., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Moya, A., Ripepi, V., Suarez, Uytterhoeven, K., Borucki, W. J., Brown, T. M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Gilliland, R. L., ... Ventura, R. (01 April 2010). Hybrid gamma Doradus-delta Scuti Pulsators: New Insights into the Physics of the Oscillations from Kepler Observations. Astrophysical Journal, 713, 192-L197. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/713/2/L192

Hu, H., Glebbeek, E., Thoul, A., Dupret, M.-A., Stancliffe, R. J., Nelemans, G., & Aerts, C. (01 February 2010). Gravitational settling in pulsating subdwarf B stars and their progenitors. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 511, 87. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912290

Belkacem, K., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 January 2010). Solar-like oscillations in massive main-sequence stars. I. Asteroseismic signatures of the driving and damping regions. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 510, 6. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200913221

Bouabid, M.-P., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2010). Theoretical study of γ Doradus pulsations in pre-main sequence stars. Astronomische Nachrichten, 331, 1044. doi:10.1002/asna.201011453

Grigahcène, A., Uytterhoeven, K., Antoci, V., Balona, L., Catanzaro, G., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz, J., Guzik, J. A., Handler, G., Houdek, G., Kurtz, D. W., Marconi, M., Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G., Moya, A., Ripepi, V., Suárez, J.-C., Borucki, W. J., Brown, T. M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Gilliland, R. L., ... Ventura, R. (2010). Kepler observations: Light shed on the hybrid γ Doradus - δ Scuti pulsation phenomenon. Astronomische Nachrichten, 331, 989. doi:10.1002/asna.201011443

Ouazzani, R.-M., Dupret, M.-A., Goupil, M. J., & Reese, D. (01 January 2010). 2D non-perturbative modeling of oscillations in rapidly rotating stars. Astronomical Notes, 331, 45.

Samadi, R., Ludwig, H.-G., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., Benomar, O., Mosser, B., Dupret, M.-A., Baudin, F., Appourchaux, T., & Michel, E. (01 January 2010). The CoRoT target HD 49933 . II. Comparison of theoretical mode amplitudes with observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 509, 16. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200911868

Samadi, R., Ludwig, H.-G., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 January 2010). The CoRoT target HD 49933 . I. Effect of the metal abundance on the mode excitation rates. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 509, 15. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200911867

Aerts, C., Puls, J., Godart, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 December 2009). Collective pulsational velocity broadening due to gravity modes as a physical explanation for macroturbulence in hot massive stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 508, 409-419. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200810471

Hu, H., Nelemans, G., Aerts, C., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 December 2009). Impact of helium diffusion and helium-flash-induced carbon production on gravity-mode pulsations in subdwarf B stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 508, 869-876. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200912699

Appourchaux, T., Samadi, R., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 October 2009). On posterior probability and significance level: application to the power spectrum of HD 49 933 observed by CoRoT. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506, 1-5. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200810990

Dupret, M.-A., Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Montalban Iglesias, J., Moreira, O., Miglio, A., Godart, M., Ventura, P., Ludwig, H.-G., Grigahcène, A., Goupil, M.-J., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Caffau, E. (01 October 2009). Theoretical amplitudes and lifetimes of non-radial solar-like oscillations in red giants. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 506, 57-67. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/200911713

Bouabid, M.-P., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Bradley, P. A. (01 September 2009). Hybrid γ Doradus/δ Scuti Stars: Comparison Between Observations and Theory. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1170, 477-479. doi:10.1063/1.3246547

Salmon, S., Montalban Iglesias, J., Miglio, A., Morel, T., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 September 2009). The Enigma of B-type Pulsators in the SMC. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1170, 385-387. doi:10.1063/1.3246521

Aerts, C., Puls, J., Godart, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 July 2009). On the origin of macroturbulence in hot stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 66.

Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., & Samadi, R. (01 July 2009). Theoretical amplitudes of solar-like oscillations in classical pulsators. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 269.

Dupret, M.-A., Godart, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Lebreton, Y. (01 July 2009). Signature of main sequence internal structure in post-main sequence stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 239.

Godart, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2009). Unveiling the internal structure of massive supergiants: HD 163899. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 308.

Godart, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., Dupret, M.-A., & Lebreton, Y. (01 July 2009). Can mass loss and overshooting prevent the excitation of g-modes in blue supergiants? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 396, 1833-1841. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.14903.x

Lebreton, Y., Montalban Iglesias, J., Godart, M., Morel, P., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 July 2009). Ledoux's convection criterion in evolution and asteroseismology of massive stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 277.

Ouazzani, R.-M., Goupil, M.-J., Dupret, M.-A., & Reese, D. (01 July 2009). Domain of validity of a 1D second order perturbative approach for the effects of rotation on stellar oscillations. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 283.

Ozel, N., Dupret, M.-A., & Baglin, A. (01 July 2009). Relative weights of the observational constraints on the determination of stellar parameters. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 285.

Théado, S., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2009). The driving mechanism of roAp stars : effects of local metallicity enhancement. Communications in Asteroseismology, 158, 324.

Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Goupil, M.-J., Lefèvre, L., Baudin, F., Deheuvels, S., Dupret, M.-A., Appourchaux, T., Scuflaire, R., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Michel, E., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Thoul, A., Talon, S. L. S., Baglin, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (19 June 2009). Solar-Like Oscillations in a Massive Star. Science, 324, 1540-1542. doi:10.1126/science.1171913

Leibacher, J. W., Baudin, F., Belkacem, K., Dupret, M.-A., Goupil, M., Gouttebroze, P., & Samadi, R. (2009). Helioseismic Spectral Diagnostics - An Update. In AAS/Solar Physics Division Meeting.

Gondoin, P., Fridlund, M., Goupil, M. J., Baudin, F., Samadi, R., Barban, C., Belkacem, K., Corbard, T., Dupret, M.-A., Foing, B., den Hartog, R., Lebreton, Y., Lochard, J., Mathias, P., Michel, E., Morel, P., Moya, A., Palacios, A., & Zahn, J. P. (2009). CoRot observations of active giants: preliminary results. In American Institute of Physics Conference Series (pp. 864-867). doi:10.1063/1.3099253

Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Goupil, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., Brun, A. S., & Baudin, F. (01 January 2009). Stochastic excitation of nonradial modes. II. Are solar asymptotic gravity modes detectable? Astronomy and Astrophysics, 494, 191-204. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200810827

Théado, S., Dupret, M.-A., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Ferguson, J. W. (01 January 2009). New light on the driving mechanism in roAp stars. I. Effects of metallicity. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 493, 159-174. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200810494

Bouabid, M.-P., Uytterhoeven, K., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Dupret, M.-A., Niemczura, E., Mathias, P., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Grigahcene, A. (01 December 2008). Preliminary seismic study of the gamma Doradus COROT target HD 49434. Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 290-291.

Dupret, M.-A. (01 December 2008). Problems and prospects in stellar physics. Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 16-21.

Godart, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 December 2008). Is HD 163899 really a supergiant star? Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 311-312.

Michel, E., Baglin, A., Weiss, W. W., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Aerts, C., Appourchaux, T., Barban, C., Baudin, F., Briquet, M., Carrier, F., Degroote, P., De Ridder, J., Garcia, R. A., Garrido, R., Gutiérrez-Soto, J., Kallinger, T., Lefevre, L., Neiner, C., ... Zwintz, K. (01 December 2008). First asteroseismic results from CoRoT. Communications in Asteroseismology, 156, 73-87.

Samadi, R., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M.-J., Ludwig, H.-G., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 December 2008). Modeling stochastic excitation of acoustic modes in stars: present status and perspectives. Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 130-136.

Theado, S., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 December 2008). The driving mechanism of roAp stars : effects of global metallicity. Communications in Asteroseismology, 157, 375-376.

Dupret, M.-A., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Grigahcène, A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 October 2008). Driving and damping mechanisms in hybrid pressure-gravity modes pulsators. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 118, 2020. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012020

Dupret, M.-A., Quirion, P. O., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Grigahcène, A. (01 October 2008). Time-dependent convection study of the driving mechanism in the DBV white dwarfs. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 118, 2051. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012051

Dupret, M.-A., Théado, S., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 October 2008). The driving mechanism of roAp stars. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 118, 2052. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012052

Godart, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 October 2008). Effect of mass loss on the driving of g-modes in B supergiant stars. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 118, 2055. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012055

Hu, H., Dupret, M.-A., Aerts, C., Nelemans, G., Kawaler, S. D., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Scuflaire, R. (01 October 2008). A seismic approach to testing different formation channels of subdwarf B stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 490, 243-252. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200810233

Michel, E., Baglin, A., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Samadi, R., Baudin, F., Appourchaux, T., Barban, C., Weiss, W. W., Berthomieu, G., Boumier, P., Dupret, M.-A., Garcia, R. A., Fridlund, M., Garrido, R., Goupil, M.-J., Kjeldsen, H., Lebreton, Y., Mosser, B., ... Zwintz, K. (01 October 2008). CoRoT Measures Solar-Like Oscillations and Granulation in Stars Hotter Than the Sun. Science, 322, 558. doi:10.1126/science.1163004

Noels-Grötsch, A., Dupret, M.-A., & Godart, M. (01 October 2008). Modeling pulsations in hot stars with winds. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 118, 2019. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/118/1/012019

Samadi, R., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., & Kupka, F. (01 October 2008). Modeling the excitation of acoustic modes in alpha Centauri A. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 489, 291-299. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20078738

Mosser, B., Deheuvels, S., Michel, E., Thévenin, F., Dupret, M.-A., Samadi, R., Barban, C., & Goupil, M. J. (01 September 2008). HD 203608, a quiet asteroseismic target in the old galactic disk. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 488, 635-642. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:200810011

Quirion, P.-O., Dupret, M.-A., Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., & Grigahcène, A. (2008). Hydrogen-Deficient Compact Pulsators: The GW Virginis Stars and the Variable DB White Dwarfs. In Hydrogen-Deficient Stars (pp. 183).

Godart, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Dupret, M.-A. (April 2008). Unveiling the internal structure of massive supergiants with asteroseismology [Paper presentation]. 9th meeting of the FNRS contact group, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Godart, M., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Dupret, M.-A. (April 2008). A la découverte de la structure interne des supergéantes massives à l'aide de l'astérosismologie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire au Département d'Astrophysique, Géophysique et Oceanographie, Liège, Belgium.

Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Goupil, M.-J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 January 2008). Stochastic excitation of non-radial modes. I. High-angular-degree p modes. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 478, 163-174. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20077775

Moya, A., Suárez, J. C., Martín-Ruiz, S., Amado, P. J., Rodríguez-López, C., Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Rodríguez, E., & Garrido, R. (2008). A procedure for modelling asymptotic g-mode pulsators: The case of gamma Doradus stars. Astronomische Nachrichten, 329, 541. doi:10.1002/asna.200710993

Godart, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (13 November 2007). Effect of mass loss on the driving of g-modes in B supergiant stars [Paper presentation]. 12th BAG meeting, Leuven, Belgium.

Alecian, E., Lebreton, Y., Goupil, M.-J., Dupret, M.-A., & Catala, C. (01 October 2007). Impact of the new solar abundances on the calibration of the PMS binary system RS Chamaeleontis. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 473, 181-184. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20077332

Alecian, E., Lebreton, Y., Goupil, M.-J., Dupret, M.-A., & Catala, C. (2007). Calibration of the Pre-Main Sequence Binary System RS Cha: Impact of the Initial Chemical Mixture. In IAU Symposium (pp. 652-657). doi:10.1017/S1743921307006059

Fox Machado, L., Michel, E., Pérez Hernández, F., Peña, J. H., Li, Z. P., Chevreton, M., Belmonte, J. A., Álvarez, M., Parrao, L., Dupret, M.-A., Pau, S., Fernandez, A., Michel, J., Michel, R., & Pani, A. (01 August 2007). Multisite Observations of delta Scuti Stars 7 Aql and 8 Aql (a New delta Scuti Variable): The Twelfth STEPHI Campaign in 2003. Astronomical Journal, 134, 860-866. doi:10.1086/520062

Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 August 2007). Revised instability domains of SPB and beta Cephei stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 151, 48-56. doi:10.1553/cia151s48

Montalban Iglesias, J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 August 2007). Effect of convective outer layers modeling on non-adiabatic seismic observables of delta Scuti stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 470, 991-1002. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20066699

Rodríguez, E., Fauvaud, S., Farrell, J. A., Zhou, A.-Y., Sareyan, J.-P., López-González, M. J., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcéne, A., De Ridder, J., Klingenberg, G., Wolf, M., van Cauteren, P., Lampens, P., Martínez, D., Casanova, V. M., Aceituno, F. J., Helvaci, M., Hintz, E. G., Král, L., ... Coker, D. (01 August 2007). The field high-amplitude SX Phoenicis variable BL Camelopardalis: results from a multisite photometric campaign. I. Pulsation. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 471, 255-264. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20077514

Ozel, N., Dupret, M.-A., & Baglin, A. (2007). Seismic study of the Alpha Centauri binary system using the minimisation algorithm of Levenberg-Marquarth. In SF2A-2007: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics held in Grenoble, France, July 2-6, 2007, Eds.: J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel, p.545 (pp. 545).

Belkacem, K., Samadi, R., Goupil, M.-J., Kupka, F., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 June 2007). Two-scale mass-flux closure models for turbulence: p-mode amplitudes in solar-like stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 153. doi:10.1553/cia150s153

Dupret, M.-A., Théado, S., Böhm, T., Goupil, M.-J., Catala, C., & Grigahcène, A. (01 June 2007). Asteroseismology and mode driving of the Herbig Ae star HD 104237. Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 59. doi:10.1553/cia150s59

Garrido, R., Suárez, J. C., Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., & Moya, A. (01 June 2007). An asteroseismic Main Sequence model for the delta Scuti star 44 Tau. Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 77. doi:10.1553/cia150s77

Miglio, A., Bourge, P.-O., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 June 2007). Instability strips of main sequence B stars: a parametric study of iron enhancement. Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 209. doi:10.1553/cia150s209

Rodríguez, E., Suárez, J. C., Moya, A., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Costa, V., López-González, M. J., Zhou, A.-Y., Amado, P. J., Poretti, E., Wei, J.-Y., & Fan, Y. (01 June 2007). lambda Boo stars among the gamma Dor-type pulsators: the cases of HD 218427 and HD 239276. Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 131. doi:10.1553/cia150s131

Montalban Iglesias, J., & Dupret, M.-A. (2007). Effect of convection modeling on the non-adiabatic seismic observables of delta Scuti stars. In IAU Symposium (pp. 385-387). doi:10.1017/S1743921307000798

Samadi, R., Belkacem, K., Goupil, M.-J., Kupka, F., & Dupret, M.-A. (2007). Solar-like oscillation amplitudes and line-widths as a probe for turbulent convection in stars. In IAU Symposium (pp. 349-357). doi:10.1017/S1743921307000713

Alecian, E., Goupil, M.-J., Lebreton, Y., Dupret, M.-A., & Catala, C. (01 April 2007). Calibration of the pre-main sequence RS Chamaleontis binary system. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 465, 241-248. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20065822

Arentoft, T., De Ridder, J., Grundahl, F., Glowienka, L., Waelkens, C., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Lefever, K., Jensen, H. R., Reyniers, M., Frandsen, S., & Kjeldsen, H. (01 April 2007). Oscillating blue stragglers, gamma Doradus stars and eclipsing binaries in the open cluster NGC 2506. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 465, 965-979. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20066931

De Cat, P., Briquet, M., Aerts, C., Goossens, K., Saesen, S., Cuypers, J., Yakut, K., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., Uytterhoeven, K., van Winckel, H., Raskin, G., Davignon, G., Le Guillou, L., van Malderen, R., Reyniers, M., Acke, B., De Meester, W., Vanautgaerden, J., ... Decin, L. (01 February 2007). Long term photometric monitoring with the Mercator telescope. Frequencies and mode identification of variable O-B stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 463, 243-249. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20066202

Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 February 2007). Instability strips of slowly pulsating B stars and beta Cephei stars: the effect of the updated OP opacities and of the metal mixture. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 375, 21-L25. doi:10.1111/j.1745-3933.2006.00267.x

Briquet, M., Morel, T., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Miglio, A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Dupret, M.-A., & Aerts, C. (2007). An asteroseismic study of the β cephei star θ ophiuchi : constraints on global stellar parameters and core overshooting. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 381 (4), 1482-1488. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12142.x

Dupret, M.-A., Miglio, A., Grigahcène, A., & Montalban Iglesias, J. (2007). Theoretical aspects of g-mode pulsations in γ Doradus stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 150, 98.

Goupil, M. J., & Dupret, M.-A. (2007). Impact of Transport and Dynamical Processes Upon Stellar Oscillation Frequencies. In EAS Publications Series (pp. 93-110). doi:10.1051/eas:2007128

Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., & Garrido, R. (2007). Time Dependent Convection vs. Frozen Convection Approximations. In EAS Publications Series (pp. 137-144). doi:10.1051/eas:2007132

Goupil, M. J., Lochard, J., Samadi, R., Barban, C., Dupret, M.-A., & Baglin, A. (2006). Rotational Splittings with CoRoT, Expected Number of Detections and Measurement Accuracy. In ESA Special Publication (pp. 453).

Goupil, M.-J., Moya, A., Suarez, J. C., Lochard, J., Barban, C., Dias Do Nascimento, J., Dupret, M.-A., Samadi, R., Baglin, A., Zahn, J. P., Hubert, A.-M., Brun, S., Boisnard, L., Morel, P., Garrido, R., Mathis, S., Michel, E., Renan de Medeiros, J., Palacios, A., ... Rieutord, E. M. (2006). Why Bothering to Measure Stellar Rotation with CoRoT? In ESA Special Publication (pp. 51).

Michel, E., Baglin, A., Auvergne, M., Catala, C., Aerts, C., Alecian, G., Amado, P., Appourchaux, T., Ausseloos, M., Ballot, J., Barban, C., Baudin, F., Berthomieu, G., Boumier, P., Bohm, T., Briquet, M., Charpinet, S., Cunha, M. S., De Cat, P., ... Zwintz, K. (2006). The Seismology Programme of CoRoT. In Proceedings of "The CoRoT Mission Pre-Launch Status - Stellar Seismology and Planet Finding (pp. 39).

Dupret, M.-A., Barban, C., Goupil, M.-J., Samadi, R., Grigahcène, A., & Gabriel, M. (2006). Theoretical damping rates and phase-lags for solar-like oscillations. In Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun (pp. 97).

Dupret, M.-A., Goupil, M.-J., Samadi, R., Grigahcène, A., & Gabriel, M. (2006). A non-local MLT treatment fitting 3D simulations. In Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun (pp. 78).

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Théado, S., Bourge, P.-O., & Gabriel, M. (2006). Energetic effects in classical pulsators. In Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun (pp. 29).

Moreira, O., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Dupret, M.-A. (2006). Modelling intermediate mass red giants. In Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun (pp. 31).

Rodríguez, E., Costa, V., Zhou, A.-Y., Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Suárez, J. C., Moya, A., López-González, M. J., Wei, J.-Y., & Fan, Y. (01 September 2006). Asteroseismology of the new multiperiodic gamma Dor variable HD 239276. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 456, 261-268. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20065211

Rodríguez, E., Amado, P. J., Suárez, J. C., Moya, A., Dupret, M.-A., Poretti, E., Grigahcène, A., Costa, V., & López-González, M. J. (01 May 2006). The frequency ratio method and the new multiperiodic gamma Doradus star HD 218427. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 450, 715-723. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20053942

Alecian, E., Catala, C., Goupil, M.-J., Lebreton, Y., & Dupret, M.-A. (2006). RS Cha, a binary system suitable for testing stellar physics modeling during the pre-main sequence phase. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 93.

Böhm, T., Dupret, M.-A., & Aynedjian, H. (2006). Seismology and rotation of the Herbig Ae star HD 104237. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 362.

De Cat, P., Briquet, M., Aerts, C., Goossens, K., Saesen, S., Cuypers, J., Yakut, K., Scuflaire, R., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 January 2006). Analysis of MERCATOR data - Part I: variable B stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 48-51. doi:10.1553/cia147s48

De Cat, P., Goossens, K., Bouckaert, F., Eyer, L., Cuypers, J., De Ridder, J., Flanders}, Aerts, C., Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., & Many, O. (2006). Observational results for northern and southern (candidate) gamma Doradus stars. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 313.

Dupret, M.-A., Böhm, T., Goupil, M.-J., Catala, C., & Grigahcene, A. (01 January 2006). Seismic study of the Herbig Ae star HD 104237. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 72-75. doi:10.1553/cia147s72

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcene, A., Gabriel, M., & Garrido, R. (01 January 2006). Convection-pulsation interaction: theories and applications. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 61-64. doi:10.1553/cia147s61

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Moya, A., Suárez, J.-C., Scuflaire, R., Gabriel, M., & Goupil, M.-J. (2006). Theoretical Aspects of g-mode Pulsations in gamma Doradus Stars. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 366.

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (2006). Application of time-dependent convection models to the photometric mode identification in gamma Doradus stars. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 121.

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (2006). Application of time-dependent convection models to the photometric mode identification in delta Scuti stars. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 119.

Dupret, M.-A., Samadi, R., Grigahcene, A., Goupil, M.-J., & Gabriel, M. (01 January 2006). Non-local time-dependent treatments of convection in A-G type stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 85-88. doi:10.1553/cia147s85

Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Garrido, R., & Gabriel, M. (2006). Influence of overshooting and metallicity on the delta Scuti and gamma Doradus instability strips. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 129.

Grigahcene, A., Dupret, M.-A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 January 2006). Instability strip for pre-main-sequence stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 69-71. doi:10.1553/cia147s69

Lenain, G., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 January 2006). The epsilon-mechanism in PMS and MS delta Scuti stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 147, 93-96. doi:10.1553/cia147s93

Moya, A., Grigahcene, A., Suárez, J. C., Martín-Ruiz, S., Amado, P. J., Dupret, M.-A., Garrido, R., & Rodríguez, E. (2006). First unambiguous asteroseismologic modelling of a gamma Doradus star. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 466.

Alecian, E., Catala, C., Goupil, M.-J., Lebreton, Y., & Dupret, M.-A. (2005). RS Cha, a spectroscopic binary system as a test of stellar physics modeling during the pre-main sequence phase. In SF2A-2005: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise (pp. 299).

Grigahcène, A., Suárez, J. C., Dupret, M.-A., & Garrido, R. (2005). Non-adiabatic seismic study of the triple system DG Leo. In Tidal Evolution and Oscillations in Binary Stars (pp. 242).

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (01 August 2005). Time-dependent convection seismic study of delta Sct stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 361, 476-486. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09187.x

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Gabriel, M. (01 July 2005). Time-dependent convection seismic study of five gamma Doradus stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 360, 1143-1152. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09114.x

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 June 2005). Convection-pulsation coupling. II. Excitation and stabilization mechanisms in delta Sct and gamma Dor stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 435, 927-939. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20041817

Goupil, M.-J., Dupret, M.-A., Samadi, R., Boehm, T., Alecian, E., Suarez, J. C., Lebreton, Y., & Catala, C. (01 June 2005). Asteroseismology of delta Scuti Stars: Problems and Prospects. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 26, 249. doi:10.1007/BF02702333

Grigahcène, A., Dupret, M.-A., Gabriel, M., Garrido, R., & Scuflaire, R. (01 May 2005). Convection-pulsation coupling. I. A mixing-length perturbative theory. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 434, 1055-1062. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20041816

De Cat, P., Briquet, M., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Aerts, C. (01 March 2005). A study of bright southern slowly pulsating B stars. III. Mode identification for singly-periodic targets in spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 432, 1013-1024. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20042103

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2004). Theoretical Instability Strips and Non-Adiabatic Photometric Observables for d Scut and g DOR Stars. In SOHO 14 Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future (pp. 408).

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (2004). Convection-Oscillations Interaction in F-G Type Main Sequence Stars. In SOHO 14 Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future (pp. 207).

Grigahcene, A., Dupret, M.-A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 June 2004). Influence of the convective flux perturbation on stellar oscillations: application to Delta Scuti and Gamma Doradus stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 145, 10-12. doi:10.1553/cia145s9

De Cat, P., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Briquet, M., Dupret, M.-A., Scuflaire, R., De Ridder, J., Niemczura, E., & Aerts, C. (2004). g-mode pulsations in slowly pulsating B stars. In IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group (pp. 195).

De Ridder, J., Aerts, C., & Dupret, M.-A. (2004). Mode identification using photometry and spectroscopy. In IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group (pp. 466).

Dupret, M.-A. (2004). Non-adiabatic asteroseismology of near-main sequence variable stars. In IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group (pp. 458).

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Montalban Iglesias, J., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (2004). Non-adiabatic seismic study of the thin convective envelope of delta Scuti stars. In IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group (pp. 470).

Moya, A., Garrido, R., & Dupret, M.-A. (2004). Nonadiabatic observables in main sequence delta Scuti stars. In IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group (pp. 271).

Aerts, C., Cuypers, J., De Cat, P., Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., Eyer, L., Scuflaire, R., & Waelkens, C. (01 March 2004). Long-term multicolour photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of the two gamma Doradus stars HD 12901 and HD 48501. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 1079-1088. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20034628

Aerts, C., Waelkens, C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Dupret, M.-A., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Uytterhoeven, K., Niemczura, E., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 February 2004). Asteroseismology of the beta Cep star HD 129929. I. Observations, oscillation frequencies and stellar parameters. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 241-249. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20034142

Dupret, M.-A., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Aerts, C., Bourge, P.-O., Waelkens, C., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 February 2004). Asteroseismology of the beta Cep star HD 129929. II. Seismic constraints on core overshooting, internal rotation and stellar parameters. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 415, 251-257. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20034143

Moya, A., Garrido, R., & Dupret, M.-A. (01 February 2004). Non-adiabatic theoretical observables in delta Scuti stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 414, 1081-1090. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20034037

Dupret, M.-A., Grigahcène, A., Garrido, R., Gabriel, M., & Scuflaire, R. (01 January 2004). Theoretical instability strips for delta Scuti and gamma Doradus stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 414, 17-L20. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20031740

Moya, A., Garrido, R., & Dupret, M.-A. (2004). Non-adiabatic pulsations in delta Scuti stars. In Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding (pp. 365-368).

Aerts, C., Waelkens, C., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., Dupret, M.-A., Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Uytterhoeven, K., Niemczura, E., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 November 2003). Geneva photometry of HD 129929 (Aerts+, 2004). SIMBAD, 341, 50241.

Thoul, A., Aerts, C., Dupret, M.-A., Scuflaire, R., Korotin, S. A., Egorova, I. A., Andrievsky, S. M., Lehmann, H., Briquet, M., De Ridder, J., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 July 2003). Seismic modelling of the beta Cep star EN (16) Lacertae. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 406 (1), 287-292. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20030757

Thoul, A., Ausseloos, M., Barban, C., Briquet, M., Bourge, P.-O., Cuypers, J., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz, J., De Cat, P., De Ridder, J., Dupret, M.-A., Montalban Iglesias, J., Noels-Grötsch, A., Scuflaire, R., Uytterhoeven, K., & Aerts, C. (01 July 2003). A Hare and Hound in a BAG: Asteroseismology of Beta Cephei stars. Communications in Asteroseismology, 143, 25-28.

Aerts, C., Thoul, A., Daszynska, J., Scuflaire, R., Waelkens, C., Dupret, M.-A., Niemczura, E., & Noels-Grötsch, A. (01 June 2003). Asteroseismology of HD 129929: Core Overshooting and Nonrigid Rotation. Science, 300, 1926-1928. doi:10.1126/science.1084993

Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., Vatovez, B., Briquet, M., Dupret, M.-A., & Montalban Iglesias, J. (01 April 2003). A new seismic analysis of Alpha Centauri. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 402 (1), 293-297. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20030244

Aerts, C., Lehmann, H., Briquet, M., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., & Thoul, A. (01 February 2003). Spectroscopic mode identification for the beta Cephei star EN (16) Lacertae. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 399, 639-645. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20021750

Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., De Cat, P., Aerts, C., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., & Thoul, A. (01 February 2003). A photometric mode identification method, including an improved non-adiabatic treatment of the atmosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 398, 677-685. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20021679

Aerts, C., Cuypers, J., Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., Scuflaire, R., & Eyer, L. (2003). Photometric Mode Identification in the Two Doradus Stars HD 12901 and HD 48501. In Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram (pp. 461-464).

Aerts, C., Lehmann, H., Scuflaire, R., Dupret, M.-A., Briquet, M., De Ridder, J., & Thoul, A. (2003). Mode Identification and Seismic Modelling of the Cep Star EN(16)Lac. In Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram (pp. 493-496).

Dupret, M.-A., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., Thoul, A., Garrido, R., Moya, A., De Ridder, J., De Cat, P., & Aerts, C. (2003). An Improved Method of Photometric Mode Identification: Applications to Slowly Pulsating B, beta Cephei, delta Scuti and gamma Doradus Stars. Astrophysics and Space Science, 284, 129-132. doi:10.1023/A:1023262813348

Moya, A., Garrido, R., & Dupret, M.-A. (2003). Non-adiabatic Pulsational Observables in Scuti and Doradus Stars: a Comparison of Different Numerical Codes. In Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram (pp. 549-552).

Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Vatovez, B., Noels-Grötsch, A., Magain, P., Briquet, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (2003). p-mode Oscillations of alpha Cen A. Astrophysics and Space Science, 284, 241-244. doi:10.1023/A:1023251921526

Dupret, M.-A. (2002). Non-radial non-adiabatic oscillations of near main sequence variable stars [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Thoul, A., Scuflaire, R., Noels-Grötsch, A., Briquet, M., & Dupret, M.-A. (04 December 2002). The star of H&H2: comparing stellar evolution codes [Poster presentation]. CoRoT Seismology Working Group.

De Ridder, J., Dupret, M.-A., Neuforge, C., & Aerts, C. (01 April 2002). Influence of non-adiabatic temperature variations on line profile variations of slowly rotating beta Cephei stars and SPBs. II. Simulations of line profile time series. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 385, 572-584. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20020137

Dupret, M.-A., De Ridder, J., Neuforge, C., Aerts, C., & Scuflaire, R. (01 April 2002). Influence of non-adiabatic temperature variations on line profile variations of slowly rotating beta Cep stars and SPBs. I. Non-adiabatic eigenfunctions in the atmosphere of a pulsating star. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 385, 563-571. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20020193

De Ridder, J., Aerts, C., Dupret, M.-A., & Neuforge, C. (2002). Do Temperature Variations at the Surface of a Hot Non-Radial Pulsator Change Significantly the Line-Profile Variations? In IAU Colloq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics (pp. 218).

Dupret, M.-A. (01 January 2001). Nonradial nonadiabatic stellar pulsations: A numerical method and its application to a beta Cephei model. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 366, 166-173. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20000219