Publications and communications of Gaëtan Kerschen

Spits, A., Raze, G., & Kerschen, G. (2025). Derivative-free arclength control-based continuation for secondary resonances identification. In IMAC 2025 Proceedings. Denmark: River publishers.

Quaegebeur, S., Raze, G., Cheng, L., & Kerschen, G. (2024). Virtual acoustic black holes as a means to achieve low-frequency vibration reduction. In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings (pp. 614-620). United States: Institute of Noise Control Engineering. doi:10.3397/IN_2024_2572

Raze, G., & Kerschen, G. (July 2024). Reaching non-primary resonances via multiharmonic forcing [Paper presentation]. European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2024), Delft, Netherlands.

Quaegebeur, S., Raze, G., Cheng, L., & Kerschen, G. (01 February 2024). Realization of an autonomous virtual acoustic black hole with piezoelectric patches. Smart Materials and Structures, 33 (2), 025022. doi:10.1088/1361-665X/ad1c4e

Raze, G., Volvert, M., & Kerschen, G. (30 January 2024). Tracking amplitude extrema of nonlinear frequency responses using the harmonic balance method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 125 (2), 7376. doi:10.1002/nme.7376

Dietrich, J., Raze, G., Deraemaeker, A., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (2024). H∞ tuning rules for positive position feedback controllers: the single-degree-of-freedom case and beyond. Journal of Vibration and Control. doi:10.1177/10775463241258801

Raze, G., Abeloos, G., & Kerschen, G. (2024). Recent advances in control-based nonlinear vibration testing. In W. Desmet, B. Pluymers, D. Moens, ... W. Rottiers (Eds.), Proceedings of ISMA2024 and USD2024. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

Quaegebeur, S., Raze, G., Cheng, L., & Kerschen, G. (2023). Realization of a Virtual Acoustic Black Hole with Piezoelectric Patches. In Sensors & Instrumentation and Aircraft/Aerospace Testing Techniques, Volume 8 (pp. 91-97). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-34938-6_11

Quaegebeur, S., Raze, G., Cheng, L., & Kerschen, G. (23 June 2023). A virtual acoustic black hole on a cantilever beam. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 554, 117697. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2023.117697

Sun, X., Kerschen, G., & Cheng, L. (April 2023). Geometrical nonlinearities in a curved cantilever beam: a condensation model and inertia-induced nonlinear features. Nonlinear Dynamics, 111 (7), 6533 - 6556. doi:10.1007/s11071-022-08162-3

Dietrich, J., Raze, G., & Kerschen, G. (2022). Multimodal shunt damping of mechanical structures using multiple digital vibration absorbers. Engineering Research Express. doi:10.1088/2631-8695/ac9fa8

Dietrich, J., Raze, G., Collette, C., Deraemaeker, A., & Kerschen, G. (2022). Resistive-inductive piezoelectric shunts with negative capacitances and positive position feedback - a comparative study. In Proceedings of ISMA2022 including USD2022. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven - ISMA - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering.

Raze, G., Dietrich, J., Lossouarn, B., & Kerschen, G. (November 2022). Shunts vs networks: tuning and comparison of centralized and decentralized piezoelectric vibration absorbers. Smart Materials and Structures, 31 (11), 115006. doi:10.1088/1361-665X/ac92b0

Volvert, M., & Kerschen, G. (12 September 2022). Analytical study of the amplitude and phase resonances of a Duffing oscillator [Paper presentation]. ISMA-USD Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference 2022, Leuven, Belgium.

Dietrich, J., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (2022). Vibration mitigation of bladed structures using piezoelectric digital vibration absorbers. In B. Davis, M. Allen (Ed.), ... S. Davaria (Ed.), Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques, Volume 5 (pp. 91-94). Switzerland: Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-05405-1_11

Raze, G., Dietrich, J., Lossouarn, B., & Kerschen, G. (August 2022). Modal-based synthesis of passive electrical networks for multimodal piezoelectric damping. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 176, 109120. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109120

Volvert, M., & Kerschen, G. (20 July 2022). Phase resonance of an oscillator with polynomial stiffness [Paper presentation]. 10th European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference, Lyon, France.

Abeloos, G., Renson, L., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (17 July 2022). Online Control-Based Continuation of Nonlinear Structures Using Adaptive Filtering [Paper presentation]. European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference, Lyon, France.

Raze, G., Dietrich, J., & Kerschen, G. (2022). Tuning and performance comparison of multiresonant piezoelectric shunts. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X2210880. doi:10.1177/1045389x221088031

Abeloos, G., Volvert, M., & Kerschen, G. (08 February 2022). Experimental Characterization of Superharmonic Resonances Using Phase-Lock Loop and Control-Based Continuation [Paper presentation]. IMAC XL.

Raze, G., Dietrich, J., & Kerschen, G. (12 January 2022). Onset and stabilization of delay-induced instabilities in piezoelectric digital vibration absorbers. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 33 (16), 2033-2048. doi:10.1177/1045389X211072269

Abeloos, G., Müller, F., Erhan, F., Maren, S., Collette, C., Kerschen, G., Brake, M., Tiso, P., Renson, L., & Krack, M. (2022). A Consistency Analysis of Phase-Locked-Loop Testing and Control-Based Continuation for a Geometrically Nonlinear Frictional System. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.108820

Liu, Q., Hou, Z., Zhang, Y., Jing, X., Kerschen, G., & Cao, J. (2022). Nonlinear Restoring Force Identification of Strongly Nonlinear Structures by Displacement Measurement. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 144 (3). doi:10.1115/1.4052334

Raze, G., Houri, S., & Kerschen, G. (2022). Switching from primary to subharmonic resonances in nonlinear systems [Paper presentation]. ENOC 2020+2.

Song, M., Renson, L., Moaveni, B., & Kerschen, G. (2022). Bayesian model updating and class selection of a wing-engine structure with nonlinear connections using nonlinear normal modes. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 165. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.108337

Volvert, M., & Kerschen, G. (2022). Resonant phase lags of a Duffing oscillator. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 146. doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2022.104150

Zhang, L., Kerschen, G., & Cheng, L. (2022). Nonlinear features and energy transfer in an Acoustic Black Hole beam through intentional electromechanical coupling. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 177. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109244

Raze, G., Dietrich, J., & Kerschen, G. (22 December 2021). Passive control of multiple structural resonances with piezoelectric vibration absorbers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 515, 116490. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116490

Zhao, G., Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (08 December 2021). Experimental study on active tuned inerter-dampers: application to active damping using force feedback. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 514, 116443. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116443

Leclère, N., Kerschen, G., & Lamberto, D. E. (October 2021). Multiple bifurcations around 433 Eros with Harmonic Balance Method. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 15 (S364), 171 - 177. doi:10.1017/S1743921322000734

Zhang, L., Sun, X., Dietrich, J., Kerschen, G., & Cheng, L. (2021). Enhanced energy transfer and multimodal vibration mitigation in anelectromechanical acoustic black hole beam. In Proceedings of the 19th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference. APVC2021.

Volvert, M., & Kerschen, G. (2021). Characterizing fundamental, superharmonic and subharmonic resonances using phase resonance nonlinear modes. In M. Volvert & G. Kerschen, Characterizing Fundamental, Superharmonic, and Subharmonic Resonances Using Phase Resonance Nonlinear Modes (pp. 10). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-81162-4_57

Raze, G., & Kerschen, G. (May 2021). H∞ optimization of multiple tuned mass dampers for multimodal vibration control. Computers and Structures, 248, 106485. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2021.106485

Laborde, V., Loicq, J., Habraken, S., & Kerschen, G. (2021). Making compact and innovative dual-band thermal imagers using hybrid optical elements. In Making compact and innovative dualband thermal imagers using hybrid optical elements (revised). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2599377

Abeloos, G., Renson, L., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (2021). Stepped and Swept Control-Based Continuation using Adaptive Filtering. Nonlinear Dynamics. doi:10.1007/s11071-021-06506-z

Detroux, T., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2021). Tailoring the resonances of nonlinear mechanical systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 103 (4), 3611 - 3624. doi:10.1007/s11071-020-06002-w

Lossouarn, B., Kerschen, G., & Deü, J.-F. (2021). An analogue twin for piezoelectric vibration damping of multiple nonlinear resonances. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 511. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2021.116323

Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Zhao, G., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2021). Active damping of bladed rail assemblies. In E. Carletti, M. Crocker, M. Pawelczyk, ... J. Tuma (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Gliwice, Poland: Silesian University Press.

Raze, G., Guichaux, S., Jadoul, A., Broun, V., & Kerschen, G. (2021). A Digital Absorber for Nonlinear Vibration Mitigation. In G. Kerschen, M. Brake, ... L. Renson (Eds.), Nonlinear Structures & Systems, Volume 1 (pp. 105-108). Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47626-7_16

Volvert, M., & Kerschen, G. (2021). Phase Quadrature Backbone Curve for Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Nonconservative Systems. In Topics in Modal Analysis & Testing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47717-2_20

Zhao, G., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (November 2020). Active nonlinear energy sink using force feedback under transient regime. Nonlinear Dynamics, 102 (3), 1319-1336. doi:10.1007/s11071-020-06000-y

Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Zhao, G., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2020). Active vibration damping of bladed structures. In W. Desmet, B. Pluymers, D. Moens, ... S. Vandemaele (Eds.), Proceedings of ISMA 2020 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2020 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (pp. 105-114). Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven.

Raze, G., Dietrich, J., Paknejad, A., Lossouarn, B., Zhao, G., Deraemaeker, A., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (2020). Passive control of a periodic structure using a network of periodically-coupled piezoelectric shunt circuits. In W. Desmet, B. Pluymers, D. Moens, ... S. Vandemaele (Eds.), Proceedings of ISMA 2020 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2020 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (pp. 145-160). Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven.

Abeloos, G., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (07 September 2020). Non-invasive feedback stabilization of smooth and non-smooth nonlinear systems [Paper presentation]. 2020 Leuven Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering.

Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Zhao, G., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (August 2020). Multimodal vibration damping using a simplified current blocking shunt circuit. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 31 (14), 1731-1747. doi:10.1177/1045389X20930103

Zhao, G., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (12 May 2020). Active nonlinear inerter damper for vibration mitigation of Duffing oscillators. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 473, 115236. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115236

Raze, G., & Kerschen, G. (01 March 2020). Multimodal vibration damping of nonlinear structures using multiple nonlinear absorbers. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 119, 103308. doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2019.103308

Abeloos, G., Renson, L., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (10 February 2020). Control-Based Continuation of Nonlinear Structures Using Adaptive Filtering [Paper presentation]. IMAC XXXVIII, Houston, United States.

Zhao, G., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2020). Active Nonlinear Energy Sink Using Integral Force Feedback. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXVIII. Springer.

Raze, G., Jadoul, A., Guichaux, S., Broun, V., & Kerschen, G. (January 2020). A digital nonlinear piezoelectric tuned vibration absorber. Smart Materials and Structures, 29 (1), 015007. doi:10.1088/1361-665X/ab5176

Zhao, G., Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (01 October 2019). Nonlinear positive position feedback control for mitigation of nonlinear vibrations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 132, 457 - 470. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.07.005

Laborde, V., Loicq, J., Habraken, S., & Kerschen, G. (11 September 2019). Using a cubesat to improve irrigation: an innovative thermal imager [Paper presentation]. 11th CubeSat symposium, Luxembourg city, Luxembourg.

Raze, G., & Kerschen, G. (2019). A Multimodal Nonlinear Tuned Vibration Absorber. In I. Kovacic & S. Lenci (Eds.), IUTAM Symposium on Exploiting Nonlinear Dynamics for Engineering Systems (pp. 235-247). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-23692-2_21

Raze, G., Guichaux, S., Jadoul, A., Broun, V., & Kerschen, G. (02 July 2019). Mitigation of nonlinear vibrations with a digital piezoelectric tuned vibration absorber [Poster presentation]. Seventh International Conference on Nonlinear vibrations, Localization and Energy transfer, Marseille, France.

Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Zhao, G., Osée, M., Deraemaeker, A., Robert, F., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2019). Hybridization of Active Control and Pasive Resonant Shunt. In A. Benjeddou, N. Mechbal, ... J.-F. Deü (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (pp. 930-941). Barcelona, Spain: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).

Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Zhao, G., Broun, V., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (2019). Suppression of Delay-induced Instabilities of Digital Piezoelectric Vibration Absorbers. In A. Benjeddou, N. Mechbal, ... J.-F. Deü (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials - SMART 2019 (pp. 991-1001). Barcelona, Spain: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).

Raze, G., Jadoul, A., Broun, V., & Kerschen, G. (2019). A Simplified Current Blocking Piezoelectric Shunt Circuit for Multimodal Vibration Mitigation. In N. Dervilis (Ed.), Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques, Volume 5 (pp. 23-25). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-12243-0_4

Anastasio, D., Marchesiello, S., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2019). Subspace-based identification of a distributed nonlinearity in time and frequency domains. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXV. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-74280-9_30

Dossogne, T., Trillet, P., Schoukens, M., Bernay, B., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2019). Nonlinearities of an aircraft Piccolo tube: Identification and modeling. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXV. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-74793-4_8

Zhao, G., Raze, G., Paknejad, A., Deraemaeker, A., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2019). Active tuned inerter-damper for smart structures and its ℋ ∞ optimisation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 129, 470-478. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.04.044

Raze, G., Lossouarn, B., Paknejad, A., Zhao, G., Deü, J.-F., Collette, C., & Kerschen, G. (2018). A multimodal nonlinear piezoelectric vibration absorber. In W. Desmet, B. Pluymers, D. Moens, ... W. Rottiers (Eds.), Proceedings of ISMA2018 and USD2018 (pp. 63-77). Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven.

Zhao, G., Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (July 2018). ℋ∞ optimization of an enhanced force feedback controller for mitigation of nonlinear vibrations [Paper presentation]. 7th World Conference on Structural Vibration Control and Monitoring.

Detroux, T., Noël, J.-P., Virgin, L., & Kerschen, G. (27 March 2018). Experimental study of isolas in nonlinear systems featuring modal interactions. PLoS ONE, 13 (3), 0194452. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0194452

Werner, X., Habraken, S., Kerschen, G., & Loicq, J. (2018). OUFTI-Next: the second cubesat of the university of Liège. In Advances in the Astronautical Sciences.

Zhao, G., Paknejad, A., Raze, G., Kerschen, G., & Collette, C. (2018). H∞ optimization of positive position feedback control for mitigation of nonlinear vibrations. In W. Desmet, B. Pluymers, D. Moens, ... W. Rottiers (Eds.), Proceedings of ISMA2018 and USD2018 (pp. 143-151). Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven.

Lee, J., Kerschen, G., & Detroux, T. (24 July 2017). HARMONIC BALANCE COMPUTATION OF THE NONLINEAR FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF A THIN PLATE [Paper presentation]. 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, London, United Kingdom.

Verstraelen, E., Kerschen, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (2017). Freeplay-induced limit cycle oscillation mitigation using linear and nonlinear tuned vibration absorbers. In Proceeding of the IFASD 2017 Conference.

Dossogne, T., Schoukens, M., Bernay, B., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2017). Experimental Identification of an Aircraft Piccolo Tube Exhibiting Nonsmooth Nonlinearities. In Proceedings of the 9th European Nonlinear Oscillations Conference (ENOC).

Werner, X., Broun, V., De Dijcker, S., Habraken, S., Kerschen, G., & Verly, J. (2017). Cubesats activities at the University of Liège [Paper presentation]. UBA National Congress - 2017, Redu (Euro Space Center), Belgium.

Verstraelen, E., Kerschen, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (2017). Flutter and limit cycle oscillation suppression using linear and nonlinear tuned vibration absorbers. In Proceedings of the SEM IMAC XXXV. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54735-0_32

Dossogne, T., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2017). Nonlinear System Identification of an F-16 Aircraft Using the Acceleration Surface Method [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks 2017, Brussels, Belgium.

Dossogne, T., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2017). Identification of complex nonlinearities using cubic splines with automatic discretization. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXV.

Renson, L., Noël, J.-P., Barton, D., Neild, S., & Kerschen, G. (2017). Nonlinear phase separation testing of an experimental wing-engine structure. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXV. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54648-3_12

Cho, H., & Kerschen, G. (2016). Satellite Formation Control Using Continuous Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller. AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference. doi:10.2514/6.2016-5662

Detroux, T., Noël, J.-P., Masset, L., & Kerschen, G. (September 2016). Nonlinear vibration analysis of the SmallSat spacecraft: From identification to design [Paper presentation]. 14th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing, Toulouse, France.

Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2016). 10 years of advances in nonlinear system identification in structural dynamics: A review. In Proceedings of ISMA 2016 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering.

Habib, G., Grappasonni, C., & Kerschen, G. (22 August 2016). Passive Linearization of Nonlinear System Resonances [Paper presentation]. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Canada.

Detroux, T., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (July 2016). On the relations between nonlinear resonances and nonlinear normal modes [Paper presentation]. 6th International Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Localization and Energy Transfer, Liège, Belgium.

Habib, G., Grappasonni, C., & Kerschen, G. (July 2016). Passive linearization of nonlinear resonances. Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 044901. doi:10.1063/1.4959814

Verstraelen, E., Gourc, E., Kerschen, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (July 2016). Passive flutter suppression using a nonlinear tuned vibration absorber [Poster presentation]. NNM2016 Liège Conference.

Noël, J.-P., Esfahani, A., Kerschen, G., & Schoukens, J. (April 2016). A nonlinear state-space solution to a hysteretic benchmark in system identification [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, Brussels, Belgium.

Noël, J.-P., Gourc, E., Grappasonni, C., Detroux, T., & Kerschen, G. (2016). Identification of nonlinear frequency responses and bifurcations from experimental data. In Actes de CFA/VISHNO 2016.

Cho, H., Dell'Elce, L., & Kerschen, G. (2016). Chattering-free Sliding Mode Control for Propellantless Rendez-vous using Differential Drag. International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques.

Cho, H., & Kerschen, G. (2016). Simple Adaptive Methodology for Chattering-free Sliding Mode Control. In 14th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), Nanjing 1-4 June 2016 (pp. 280-285). IEEE. doi:10.1109/VSS.2016.7506930

De Filippis, G., Noël, J.-P., Kerschen, G., Soria, L., & Stephan, C. (2016). Experimental nonlinear identification of an aircraft with bolted connections. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXIII. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15221-9_24

Detroux, T., Noël, J.-P., Kerschen, G., & Virgin, L. N. (2016). Experimental study of isolated response curves in a two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear system. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXIV. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29739-2_21

Dossogne, T., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2016). Robust Subspace Identification of a Nonlinear Satellite Using Model Reduction. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXIV.

Gourc, E., Elce, L. D., Kerschen, G., Michon, G., Aridon, G., & Hot, A. (2016). Performance comparison between a nonlinear energy sink and a linear tuned vibration absorber for broadband control. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 1, 83-95. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29739-2_9

Gourc, E., Grappasonni, C., Noël, J.-P., Detroux, T., & Kerschen, G. (2016). Obtaining nonlinear frequency responses from broadband testing. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXIV. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29739-2_20

Habib, G., & Kerschen, G. (2016). A principle of similarity for nonlinear vibration absorbers. Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena, 332, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.physd.2016.06.001

Habib, G., Kerschen, G., & Stepan, G. (2016). Chatter mitigation using the nonlinear tuned vibration absorber. Proceedings of ISMA 2016 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD2016 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 3671-3685.

Noël, J.-P., Esfahani, A., Kerschen, G., & Schoukens, J. (2016). Hysteresis identification using nonlinear state-space models. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXIV. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29739-2_30

Verstraelen, E., Habib, G., Kerschen, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (2016). Experimental Passive Flutter Mitigation Using a Linear Tuned Vibrations Absorber. In Proceedings of the IMAC XXXIV Conference. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29739-2_35

Noël, J.-P., Schoukens, J., & Kerschen, G. (October 2015). Grey-box nonlinear state-space modelling for mechanical vibrations identification. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (28), 817-822. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.12.230

Detroux, T., Renson, L., Masset, L., & Kerschen, G. (26 August 2015). The harmonic balance method for bifurcation analysis of large-scale nonlinear mechanical systems [Paper presentation]. Congrès Français de Mécanique 2015, Lyon, France.

Habib, G., & Kerschen, G. (2015). A principle of similarity for nonlinear vibration absorbers. In 11th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control. doi:10.1115/DETC2015-46759

Detroux, T., Renson, L., Masset, L., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2015). Bifurcation analysis of a spacecraft structure using the harmonic balance method. In Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. doi:10.1115/DETC201546259

Noël, J.-P., Detroux, T., Masset, L., Kerschen, G., & Virgin, L. (2015). Isolated response curves in a base-excited, two-degree-of-freedom, nonlinear system. In Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences. doi:10.1115/DETC2015-46106

Habib, G., & Kerschen, G. (07 July 2015). Enforcing Force-Displacement Proportionality in Nonlinear Systems through the Addition of Nonlinearity [Paper presentation]. IUTAM Symposium on Analytical Methods in Nonlinear Dynamics, Frankfurt, Germany.

Verstraelen, E., Boutet, J., Grappasonni, C., Kerschen, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (2015). Theoretical and experimental investigation of a structurally and aerodynamically nonlinear pitch and flap wing. In Proceedings of the International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, IFASD 2015 (pp. 2015-012).

Soltani, P., & Kerschen, G. (03 June 2015). The nonlinear piezoelectric tuned vibration absorber [Paper presentation]. 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART 2015.

Detroux, T., Noël, J.-P., Masset, L., Kerschen, G., & Virgin, L. N. (2015). Numerical study of intrinsic features of isolas in a 2-dof nonlinear system. In Proceedings of the ICEDyn conference.

Dossogne, T., Noël, J.-P., Grappasonni, C., Kerschen, G., Peeters, B., Debille, J., Vaes, M., & Schoukens, J. (2015). Nonlinear ground vibration identification of an F-16 aircraft - Part 2: Understanding Nonlinear Behaviour in Aerospace Structures Using Sine-sweep Testing. In Proceedings of the International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics.

Detroux, T., Renson, L., Masset, L., & Kerschen, G. (2015). Bifurcation analysis of large-scale dynamical systems using the harmonic balance method. In Proceedings of the 12th Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA).

Noël, J.-P., Schoukens, J., & Kerschen, G. (March 2015). A comparison of grey-box and black-box approaches in nonlinear state-space modelling and identification [Paper presentation]. Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control 2015.

Habib, G., & Kerschen, G. (2015). Passive Flutter Suppression using a Nonlinear Tuned Vibration Absorber. In Proceeding IMAC XXXIII A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando 2-5 February 2015. Bethel, United States - Connecticut: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15221-9_11

Grappasonni, C., Habib, G., Detroux, T., & Kerschen, G. (2015). Experimental demonstration of a 3D-printed nonlinear tuned vibration absorber. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXIII. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15221-9_15

Habib, G., Detroux, T., Viguié, R., & Kerschen, G. (February 2015). Nonlinear generalization of Den Hartog׳s equal-peak method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 52-53, 17-28. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2014.08.009

Noël, J.-P., Renson, L., Grappasonni, C., & Kerschen, G. (2015). Experimental modal analysis of nonlinear structures using broadband data. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXIII. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15221-9_21

Verstraelen, E., Kerschen, G., & Dimitriadis, G. (2015). Internal Resonance and Stall-Flutter in a Pitch-Flap Wing in the Wind-Tunnel. In Proceedings of the SEM IMAC XXXII. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15221-9_45

Detroux, T., Renson, L., Masset, L., & Kerschen, G. (2015). The harmonic balance method for bifurcation analysis of nonlinear mechanical systems. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXIII. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15221-9_5

Habib, G., & Kerschen, G. (2015). Suppression of limit cycle oscillations using the nonlinear tuned vibration absorber. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471 (2176). doi:10.1098/rspa.2014.0976

Jacques, L., Thibert, T., Jamotton, P., Dalibot, C., Masset, L., & Kerschen, G. (15 October 2014). Finite element model reduction for the determination of accurate conductive links and application to MTG IRS BTA [Paper presentation]. 28th Space Thermal Analysis Workshop, Noordwijk, ESTEC, Netherlands.

TONDREAU, G., DERAEMAEKER, A., Soltani, P., & Kerschen, G. (October 2014). Electrical tuned vibration absorber: application of the equal-peak method to linear and non-linear RL piezoelectric shunts [Paper presentation]. 25 nd International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, The Hague, Netherlands.

Grappasonni, C., Habib, G., Detroux, T., Wang, F., Kerschen, G., & Jensen, J. S. (2014). Practical design of a nonlinear tuned vibration absorber. In Proceedings of the ISMA 2014 conference.

Noël, J.-P., Renson, L., Grappasonni, C., & Kerschen, G. (2014). A rigorous phase separation method for testing nonlinear structures. In Proceedings of ISMA 2014 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering.

Soltani, P., Tondreau, G., Deraemaeker, A., & Kerschen, G. (01 September 2014). Linear and nonlinear piezoelectric shunting strategies for vibration mitigation [Paper presentation]. CSNDD 2014 - International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis. doi:10.1051/matecconf/20141601007

Detroux, T., & Kerschen, G. (08 July 2014). Continuation of bifurcations of periodic solutions based on the harmonic balance method [Paper presentation]. 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2014), Vienna, Austria.

Detroux, T., Habib, G., Masset, L., & Kerschen, G. (2014). The nonlinear tuned vibration absorber, part II: Robustness and sensitivity analysis. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Localization and Energy Transfer (NV 2014).

Habib, G., Detroux, T., & Kerschen, G. (2014). The nonlinear tuned vibration absorber, part I: Design and performance analysis. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Localization and Energy Transfer (NV 2014).

Habib, G., & Kerschen, G. (July 2014). Stability and bifurcation analysis of a Van der Pol–Duffing oscillator with a nonlinear tuned vibration absorber [Paper presentation]. 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Noël, J.-P., Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2014). Experimental analysis of 2:1 modal interactions with noncommensurate linear frequencies in an aerospace structure. In Proceedings of the 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC).

Noël, J.-P., Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2014). Dynamics of a Strongly Nonlinear Spacecraft Structure Part I: Experimental Identification. In Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing.

Renson, L., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2014). Dynamics of a Strongly Nonlinear Spacecraft Structure Part II: Modal Analysis. In Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Environmental Testing.

Noël, J.-P., Schoukens, J., & Kerschen, G. (March 2014). Subspace and maximum likelihood identification of nonlinear mechanical systems [Paper presentation]. 33rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Heijen, Netherlands.

Grappasonni, C., Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2014). Subspace and nonlinear-normal-modes-based identification of a beam with softening-hardening behaviour. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXII. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04522-1_6

Noël, J.-P., Schoukens, J., & Kerschen, G. (2014). A stochastic framework for subspace identification of a strongly nonlinear aerospace structure. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXII. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04522-1_16

Detroux, T., Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2014). The harmonic balance method for advanced analysis and design of nonlinear mechanical systems. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXII. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04522-1_3

Habib, G., Detroux, T., & Kerschen, G. (2014). Generalization of Den Hartog's Equal-Peak Method for nonlinear primary systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis. doi:10.1051/matecconf/20141601005

Detroux, T., Masset, L., & Kerschen, G. (2013). Performance and Robustness of the Nonlinear Tuned Vibration Absorber. In Proceedings of the GDR DYNOLIN 3437 (2015).

Noël, J.-P., Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2013). Experimental identification of the complex dynamics of a strongly nonlinear spacecraft structure. In Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE 2013. doi:10.1115/DETC2013-12909

Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2013). Numerical computation of nonlinear normal modes of nonconservative systems. In Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE 2013. doi:10.1115/DETC2013-12895

Shiki, S. B., Noël, J.-P., Kerschen, G., Lopes Junior, V., & da Silva, S. (2013). Identification of mechanical systems with local nonlinearities through discrete-time Volterra series and Kautz functions. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics.

Noël, J.-P., Renson, L., Kerschen, G., Peeters, B., Manzato, S., & Debille, J. (2013). Nonlinear dynamic analysis of an F-16 aircraft using GVT data. In Proceedings of the International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics.

Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2013). A new computational method for nonlinear normal modes of nonconservative systems. In Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium n. 541 - New Advances in the Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Composites for Smart Engineering Design.

Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2013). Frequency-domain subspace identification of nonlinear mechanical systems. In Proceedings of the 5th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference.

Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2013). Nonparametric subspace identification of nonlinear structures - Application to a spacecraft. In Proceedings of the 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. doi:10.2514/6.2013-1883

Noël, J.-P., Kerschen, G., Foltête, E., & Cogan, S. (2013). Frequency-domain subspace identification of nonlinear mechanical systems - Application to a solar array structure. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXXI.

Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2013). Nonlinear Normal Modes of Nonconservative Systems. In Proceedings of the SEM IMAC XXXI Conference.

Denis, A., Pisane, J., Crosset, N., Langohr, T., Werner, X., Wertz, J., Broun, V., Kerschen, G., & Verly, J. (September 2012). The OUFTI-1 nanosatellite system in mid-2012: architectures of ground and space segments [Paper presentation]. URSI 2012 Benelux Forum, Brussels, Belgium.

Noël, J.-P., Marchesiello, S., & Kerschen, G. (2012). Time- and frequency-domain subspace identification of a nonlinear spacecraft. In Proceedings of the ISMA International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2012.

Renson, L., Deliège, G., & Kerschen, G. (2012). Finite element computation of nonlinear normal modes of nonconservative systems. In Proceedings of the ISMA 2012 conference.

Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2012). Low-order local modelling of structural nonlinearities. In Proceedings of the XVIIIth Symposium on Vibrations, shocks and noise (VCB 2012).

Noël, J.-P., & Kerschen, G. (2012). A new subspace-based approach to identify nonlinear mechanical structures in the frequency domain. In Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification.

Renson, L., Blanc, F., Touzé, C., & Kerschen, G. (July 2012). Transport Methods for the Numerical Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference on Localization, Energy Transfer and Nonlinear Normal Modes in Mechanics and Physics - NNM2012.

Noël, J.-P., Renson, L., Kerschen, G., & Newerla, A. (2012). Experimental identification of a nonlinear space structure. In Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Environmental Testing.

Renson, L., Noël, J.-P., Kerschen, G., & Newerla, A. (2012). Nonlinear Modal Analysis of the SmallSat Spacecraft. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Environmental Testing.

Cammarano, A., Carrella, A., Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2012). Identifying and computing nonlinear normal modes. In Proceedings of the SEM IMAC XXX Conference.

Dell'Elce, L., Kerschen, G., Denis, A. (Other coll.), & Romano, M. (Other coll.). (31 January 2012). Orbital rendez-vous and formation flying of nanosatellites using differential drag [Paper presentation]. European CubeSat Symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Denis, A., Crosset, N., Pisane, J., Werner, X., Broun, V., Kerschen, G., & Verly, J. (2012). Towards a “concurrent design facility (CDF)” for nanosatellites: a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the overall energy budget of OUFTI-1 [Paper presentation]. URSI 2012 Benelux Forum, Brussels, Belgium.

Noël, J.-P., Kerschen, G., & Newerla, A. (2012). Application of the restoring force surface method to a real-life spacecraft structure. In Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC) XXX.

Renson, L., & Kerschen, G. (2012). Nonlinear Modal Analysis of the SmallSat Spacecraft: Theory and Experiments [Paper presentation]. La journée Modes Non Linéaires (GDR CNRS Dynolin).

Renson, L., Kerschen, G., & Newerla, A. (2012). Nonlinear modal analysis of the SmallSat spacecraft. In Proceedings of the SEM IMAC XXX Conference.

Viguié, R., & Kerschen, G. (2012). The nonlinear tuned vibration absorber. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis.

Denis, A., Pisane, J., Verly, J., & Kerschen, G. (October 2011). Educational assessment of four years of CubeSat activities at the University of Liège, Belgium [Paper presentation]. International Astronautical Congress 2011, Cape Town, South Africa.

Canor, T., Kerschen, G., & Denoël, V. (2011). Vandalism Prevention of a Footbridge with Cable Vibrations. In J. Biliszczuk, J. Bien, P. Hawryszkow, ... T. Kaminski (Eds.), 4th International Conference Footbridge : Attractive structures at reasonable costs, Wroclaw 6-8 July 2011 (pp. 1245-1251). Wroclaw, Poland: DWE.

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2011). Modal testing of nonlinear vibrating structures based on nonlinear normal modes: Experimental demonstration. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 25, 1227-1247. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2010.11.006

Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2011). Dynamic testing of nonlinear vibrating structures using nonlinear normal modes. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2010.08.028

Peeters, M., Renson, L., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., Stéphan, C., & Lubrina, P. (2011). Computation of nonlinear normal modes of large structures: application to a full-scale aircraft. In Proceedings of the 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2011).

Renson, L., Deliège, G., Noels, L., & Kerschen, G. (2011). Finite Element Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes. In Fifth International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering.

Denis, A., Pisane, J., Wertz, J., & Kerschen, G. (2010). HOLDING A TECHNICAL REVIEW IN AN EDUCATIONAL PROJECT: IMPLEMENTATION AND LESSONS LEARNED FOR THE OUFTI-1 CUBESAT [Paper presentation]. International Astronautical Conference 2010, Prague, Czechia.

Hoffait, S., Kerschen, G., & Bruls, O. (2010). Toward robust parameterized reduced-order models of non-linear structures using POD. In IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, 2010.

Hoffait, S., Bruls, O., Granville, D., Cugnon, F., & Kerschen, G. (2009). Analyse dynamique du phénomène d'auto-blocage dans les charnières de type Carpentier. In Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens, 2009.

Kerschen, G., Peeters, M., Golinval, J.-C., & Vakakis, A. F. (2009). Nonlinear normal modes, Part 1: Useful framework for the structural dynamicist. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23, 170-194. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2008.04.002

Scagliarini, G., Viguié, R., Kerschen, G., & Pellicano, F. (2009). Spur Gear Vibration Mitigation by Means of Energy Pumping. In 27th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2009.

Viguié, R., & Kerschen, G. (2009). Design Procedure of a Nonlinear Vibration Absorber Using Bifurcation Analysis. In 27th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2009.

Sapsis, T., Quinn, D. D., Gendelman, O., Vakakis, A. F., Bergman, L. A., & Kerschen, G. (2008). APPLYING L. MANEVITCH’S COMPLEXIFICATION – AVERAGING METHOD TO ANALYZE CONDITIONS FOR OPTIMAL TARGETED ENERGY TRANSFER IN COUPLED OSCILLATORS WITH ESSENTIAL STIFFNESS NONLINEARITY. In International Conference on Nonlinear Phenomena in Polymer Solids and Low-Dimensional Systems. Moscou, 2008.

Galli, S., Pisane, J., Ledent, P., Denis, A., Vandenrijt, J.-F., Rochus, P., Verly, J., Kerschen, G., & Halbach, L. (2008). OUFTI-1: The CubeSat developed at the University of Liège, Belgium [Paper presentation]. 5th CubeSat Developers' Workshop, San Luis Obispo, United States.

Kerschen, G., Peeters, M., Golinval, J.-C., & Vakakis, A. F. (2008). Nonlinear Normal Modes, Part I: An Attempt To Demystify Them. In 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2008.

Lee, Y. S., McFarland, D. M., Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., & Bergman, L. A. (2008). Theoretical Understanding of Targeted Energy Transfers for Suppressing Aeroelastic Instabilities in a Nonlinear Aeroelastic Test Apparatus. In 45th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Urbana Champaign, 2008.

Lee, Y. S., McFarland, D. M., Vakakis, A. F., Kerschen, G., & Bergman, L. A. (2008). Empirical Mode Decomposition in the Reduced-Order Modeling of Aeroelastic Systems. In 49th AIAA Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Shaumberg, 2008.

Lee, Y. S., Vakakis, A. F., McFarland, D. M., Kerschen, G., & Bergman, L. A. (2008). Identification of the Slow-Flow Dynamics of Transonic Aeroelastic Response from Time-Series Data. In 45th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Urbana Champaign, 2008.

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Sérandour, G., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). Nonlinear Normal Modes, Part II: Practical Computation using Numerical Continuation Techniques. In 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2008.

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Serandour, G., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes using Numerical Continuation Techniques. In International Confernce on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Liège, 2008.

Poncelet, F., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). Operational Modal Analysis using Second-Order Blind Identification. In 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2008.

Poncelet, F., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). In-orbit vibration testing of spacecraft structures. In International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2008.

Sapsis, T., Vakakis, A. F., Gendelman, O. V., Bergman, L. A., Kerschen, G., & Quinn, D. D. (2008). Efficiency of Targeted Energy Transfers in Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators Associated with 1:1 Resonance Captures. In 45th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Urbana Champaign, 2008.

Viguié, R., & Kerschen, G. (2008). Toward an Optimal Design Procedure of a Nonlinear Vibration Absorber Coupled to a Duffing Oscillator. In International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2008.

Viguié, R., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2008). Vibration Mitigation of Nonlinear Vibrating Structures using Nonlinear Energy Sinks. In 26th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2008.

Viguié, R., Peeters, M., Kerschen, G., & Ruzenne, M. (2008). Exploration of nonlinear shunting strategies as effective vibration absorbers. In 45th Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Urbana Champaign, 2008.

Lee, Y. S., Vakakis, A. F., Bergman, L. A., McFarland, D. M., & Kerschen, G. (2007). Enhancing Robustness of Instability Suppression by Means of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Nonlinear Energy Sinks. In 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Honolulu, 2007.

Bolland, M., COLLIGNON, G., VANDENPLAS, X., Vueghs, P., Vandenrijt, J.-F., Kerschen, G., Bruls, O., Noels, L., Golinval, J.-C., Beckers, P., Rochus, P., & GRANVILLE, D. (2007). PARTICIPATION OF ULG STUDENTS TO THE SSETI MICROSATELLITE PROGRAMME USING SAMCEF [Paper presentation]. 10th SAMTECH Users Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Kerschen, G., Lee, Y.-S., Vakakis, A. F., McFarland, D. M., & Bergman, L. A. (2007). TOWARDS MULTI-SCALE NONLINEAR (AND LINEAR) SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS. In 8th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Patras, 2007.

Kerschen, G., Poncelet, F., Golinval, J.-C., Vakakis, A. F., & Bergman, L. A. (2007). Identification of Linear and Nonlinear Systems using Signal Processing Techniques. In 26th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Lommel, 2007.

Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., Lee, Y. S., McFarland, D. M., & Bergman, L. A. (2007). The slow-flow method of identification in nonlinear structural dynamics. In Smart Str. and Mat. & Nondestructive Eval. and Health Mon., San Diego, 2007.

Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., Lee, Y. S., McFarland, D. M., & Bergman, L. A. (2007). Nonlinear MDOF System Characterization and Identification using the Hilbert- Huang Transform: Experimental Demonstration. In 25th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2007.

Kerschen, G., Worden, K., Vakakis, A. F., & Golinval, J.-C. (2007). Nonlinear System Identification in Structural Dynamics: Current Status and Future Directions. In 25th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2007.

Lee, Y. S., McFarland, D. M., Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., & Bergman, L. A. (2007). WING-FLUTTER MITIGATION BY TARGETED ENERGY TRANSFERS INDUCED BY AN ESSENTIALLY NONLINEAR ATTACHMENT. In International Symposium on Recent Advances in Mechanics, Dynamical Systems and Probability Theory, Palermo, 2007.

lee, Y. S., Vakakis, A. F., Bergman, L. A., McFarland, D. M., & Kerschen, G. (2007). PASSIVE SUPPRESSION OF AEROELASTIC INSTABILITIES OF IN-FLOW WINGS BY TARGETED ENERGY TRANSFERS TO LIGHTWEIGHT ESSENTIALLY NONLINEAR ATTACHMENTS. In International Forum on Aerolasticity and Strucural Dynamics, Stockholm, 2007.

Lee, Y. S., Vakakis, A. F., McFarland, D. M., Bergman, L. A., & Kerschen, G. (2007). Identifying Triggering Mechanisms and Suppressing Aeroelastic Instabilities by Passive Targeted Energy Transfers: Nonlinear System Identification, Modal Interactions and Resonance Captures. In 44th Aeroelasticity and Fluid/Structure Interaction Symposium, College Station, 2007.

Peeters, M., Viguié, R., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2007). Practical Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes Using Numerical Continuation Techniques. In International Workshop: Advancements in Design Optimization of Materials, Structures and Mechanical Systems, Xi'An, 2007.

Poncelet, F., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., & Marin, F. (2007). Blind source separation techniques - Another way of doing operational modal analysis. In International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, Copenhague, 2007.

Poncelet, F., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., & Verlest, D. (2007). BLIND SOURCE SEPARATION TECHNIQUES FOR MODAL ANALYSIS: EXPERIMENTAL DEMONSTRATION. In International Conference on Engineering Dynamics, Carvoeiro, 2007.

Vakakis, A. F., Kerschen, G., Bergman, L. A., & McFarland, D. M. (2007). TARGETED ENERGY TRANSFER PHENOMENA FROM PRIMARY STRUCTURES TO GEOMETRICALLY NONLINEAR LIGHTWEIGHT ATTACHMENTS: AN OVERVIEW. In EUROMECH Colloquium 483 Geometrically Non-linear Vibrations of Structures, Porto, 2007.

Vandenrijt, J.-F., Rochus, P., Kerschen, G., Vueghs, P., Bruls, O., & Noels, L. (2007). LEODIUM project and student space activities at the University of Liege [Paper presentation]. 2ND EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR AEROSPACE SCIENCES (EUCASS), Brussels, Belgium.

Verlinden, O., Bruls, O., Conti, C., Desmet, W., Fisette, P., Kerschen, G., & Samin, J.-C. (2007). Computer-aided analysis of rigid and flexible multibody systems. (Graduate School in Mechanics (GraSMech)).

Viguié, R., Kerschen, G., Golinval, J.-C., Bergman, L. A., Vakakis, A. F., & van de Wouw, N. (2007). Using Targeted Energy Transfer to Stabilize Drill-string Systems. In 25th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2007.

Worden, K., Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., & Golinval, J.-C. (2007). Nonlinear System Identification in Structural Dynamics: A Short (and Biased) History. In 25th International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando, 2007.

Lee, Y. S., Vakakis, A. F., McFarland, D. M., Bergman, L. A., & Kerschen, G. (2006). Suppression of limit cycle oscillations with a nonlineart energy sink: theoretical basis. In 47th AIAA Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Newport, 2006. Reston, United States - Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Bolland, M., Collignon, G., Vandenplas, X., Kerschen, G., Vandenrijt, J.-F., Golinval, J.-C., Granville, D., & Rochus, P. (2006). PARTICIPATION OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS TO THE SOLAR PANELS DESIGN OF THE EDUCATIONAL SPACECRAFT ESEO [Paper presentation]. Conf. de l'Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France(AAAF), Paris, France.

Hill, W. J., Strganac, T. W., Lee, Y. S., Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., & Bergman, L. A. (2006). Suppression of limit cycle oscillations with a nonlinear energy sink: experimental results. In 47th AIAA Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Newport, 2006.

Kerschen, G., Kowtko, J. J., McFarland, D. M., Bergman, L. A., & Vakakis, A. F. (2006). THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF MULTIMODAL TARGETED ENERGY TRANSFER IN A SYSTEM OF COUPLED OSCILLATORS. In 2nd International Conf. on NNMs and Localization in Vibrating Systems, Samos, 2006.

Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., Lee, Y. S., McFarland, D. M., & Bergman, L. A. (2006). Toward a fundamental understanding of the HHT in nonlinear structural dynamics. In 24th International Modal Analysis Conference, Saint-Louis, 2006.

Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., Lee, Y. S., McFarland, D. M., & Bergman, L. A. (2006). Nonlinear MDOF system characterization and identi cation using the Hilbert-Huang transform. In International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2006.

Lee, Y. S., Kerschen, G., McFarland, D. M., Bergman, L. A., & Vakakis, A. F. (2006). An Overview of Targeted Energy Transfer Phenomena in Coupled Oscillators: Theoretical and Experimental Results and System Identification. In 11th Nonlinear Vib., Stability and Dynamics of Structures Conf., Blacksburg, 2006.

Lee, Y. S., Vakakis, A. F., Bergman, L. A., McFarland, D. M., & Kerschen, G. (2006). TARGETED ENERGY TRANSFERS AND SUPPRESSION OF AEROELASTIC INSTABILITIES. In 2nd International Conf. on NNMs and Localization in Vibrating Systems, Samos, 2006.

Peeters, M., Georgiades, F., Viguié, R., Sérandour, G., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2006). Development of Numerical Algorithms for Practical Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes. In International Conference on Noise and vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2006.

Poncelet, F., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2006). Experimental modal analysis using blind source separation techniques. In International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2006.

Quinn, D. D., Kerschen, G., Vakakis, A. F., Gendelman, O., & Bergman, L. A. (2006). Energy Transition from a Linear Oscillator to an Attached Mass through an Essential Nonlinearity. In 11th Nonlinear Vib., Stability and Dynamics of Structures Conf., Blacksburg, 2006.

Tsakirtzis, S., Kerschen, G., Panagopoulos, P., & Vakakis, A. F. (06 July 2005). Multi-frequency nonlinear energy transfer from linear oscillators to mdof essentially nonlinear attachments. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 285 (1-2), 483-490. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2004.09.026

Tsakirtzis, S., Panagopoulos, P., Kerschen, G., Gendelman, O., Vakakis, A. F., & Bergman, L. A. (2005). Multi-frequency passive non-linear targeted energy transfers in systems of couples oscillators. In 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Limassol, 2005.

Golinval, J.-C., De Boe, P., Yan, A. M., & Kerschen, G. (2004). Structural damage detection based on PCA of vibration measurements. In 58th Meeting of the Soc. for Mach. Failure Prevention Tech, Virginia Beach, 2004.

Kerschen, G., De Boe, P., Golinval, J.-C., & Worden, K. (2004). Sensor Validation for On-line Vibration Monitoring. In 2nd European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Munich, 2004.

Kerschen, G., Lenaerts, V., Golinval, J.-C., & Feeny, B. F. (2004). Proper Orthogonal modes for the characterisation of nonlinear dynamic systems. In Euromech Colloquim on Nonlinear Modes of Vibrating Systems, Frejus, 2004.

Kerschen, G., McFarland, D. M., Kowtko, J., Vakakis, A. F., & Bergman, L. A. (2004). Passive energy transfer and dissipation for isolation from transcient broadband disturbances. In US-Korea Joint Seminar/Workshop on Smart Structures Technologies, Seoul, 2004.

Vakakis, A. F., McFArland, D. M., Kerschen, G., Kowtko, J., & Bergman, L. A. (2004). Nonlinear energy pumpin: A new paradigm for vibration isolation. In 3rd China-Japan US Symposium on Health Mondial and Control of Structures, Dalian, 2004.

Yan, A. M., Kerschen, G., De Boe, P., & Golinval, J.-C. (2004). Structural damage diagnosis under changing environmental conditions. In 7th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control, Saint Louis, 2004.

Kerschen, G. (2002). On the Model Validation in Nonlinear structural Dynamics [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Kerschen, G., Feeny, B. F., & Golinval, J.-C. (2002). On the exploitation of chaos to build reduced-order models. In International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2002.

Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2002). Feature extraction for non-linear model updating. In International Conference on Structural Dynamics Modelling, Funchal, 2002.

Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2002). Frequency domain approaches for the identification of an experimental beam with a local nonlinearity. In 20th International Modal Analysis Conference, Los Angeles, 2002.

Kerschen, G., Lenaerts, V., & Golinval, J.-C. (2001). Experimental identification of a non-linear beam, conditionned reverse path method. In International Conference on Structural Systems Identification, Kassel, 2001.

Kerschen, G., Lenaerts, V., & Golinval, J.-C. (2001). Identification of wire rope isolators using the restoring force surface method. In International Conference on Structural Systems Identification, Kassel, 2001.

Lenaerts, V., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2001). Experimental identification of a non-linear beam, proper othogonal decomposition. In International Conference on Structural Systems Identification, Kassel, 2001.

Kerschen, G., Lenaerts, V., & Golinval, J.-C. (2000). Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Model Reduction of Nonlinear Systems. In European Cost F3 Conference on system Identification & Structural Health Monitoring, Madrid, 2000.

Lenaerts, V., Kerschen, G., Trandafilova, I., Golinval, J.-C., Van Brussel, H., & Heylen, W. (2000). Detection, localisation and identification of nonlinearities in structural dynamics. In International Conference on noise and vibration Engineering, Leuven, 2000.

Lenearts, V., Kerschen, G., & Golinval, J.-C. (2000). Parameter identification of nolinear mechanical systems using POD. In 18th International Modal Analysis Conference, San Antonio, 2000.

Kerschen, G. (1999). Identification of nonlinear systems using the restoring force Surface method. In SEM Annual Conference, Cincinnati, 1999.