Publications and communications of Brigitte Ernst

Grisard, C., & Ernst, B. (2021). International researchers welcome session [Paper presentation]. International researchers welcome session, Liège, Belgium.

Ernst, B. (2020). Réussir l'accueil d'un chercheur en mobilité internationale. (Université de Liège- ARD- Centre de mobilité Euraxess).

Ernst, B., & Sassi, M. (2020). Managing diversity in research-Synthesis of an Euraxess focus group held in Brussels on March, 3d, 2020 [Paper presentation]. Euraxess TOP 4, Workpackage 3, Social integration initiatives, Managing diversity in research, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Ernst, B. (2020). «  Every PhD Candidate Matters: an Introduction to Stereotypes Analysis ». (Univerrsité de Liège -Administration Recherche et Développement).

Ernst, B. (2019). Let's start a PHD - Introductory workshop - Mobility ... ready, steady, go ! (ULiège ARD - Université de Liège. Administration Recherche et Développement).

Halleux, I., & Ernst, B. (2019). Mentoring researchers.

Ernst, B., & Arnold, G. (10 September 2018). Diversity and Research - Attracting Researchers from all over the World - A Culture and Gender-sensitive Approach [Paper presentation]. Erasmus + Project Re@WBC Final Conference, Belgrade, Serbia.

Ernst, B., Kottulova, J., & Dimitrova, S. (2018). Gender and Diversity Management Guide-Presentation of 56 tools about Gender & Diversity in Research relevant for Euraxess. (European Commission-H2020).

Ernst, B. (2018). Gender issue in research- the case of Sweden: interview of Pr. Inger Lovkrona. (Deliverable 4.4- appendix 1). Brussels, Belgium: Euraxess portal.

Ernst, B., Kottulova, J., Dimitrova, S., & Paganelli, N. (2018). Researcher's environment-The Diversity challenge-Synthesis of 4 focus groups. (Deliverable 4.4).

Ernst, B., & Gavray, C. (2017). Le leadership au féminin à travers quatre portraits de femmes universitaires. In J. Dor, C. Gavray, M.-E. Henneau, ... M. Jaminon, Où sont les femmes? La féminisation à l'Université de Liège (pp. 283-304). Liège, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Liège.

Ernst, B. (2017). Mobile researcher? A challenge! How a Euraxess Mobility centre can help [Paper presentation]. Euraxess bi-annual Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.

Ernst, B. (April 2007). Europe : Une Recherche orientée et au financement tardif. Politique : Revue Belge d'Analyse et de Débat, 49.