Publications and communications of Bernard Coumans

Sambon, M., Gorlova, A., Demelenne, A., Alhama-Riba, J., Coumans, B., Lakaye, B., Wins, P., Fillet, M., Anthony, D. C., Strekalova, T., & Bettendorff, L. (2020). Dibenzoylthiamine has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in cultured cells and in mouse models of stress and neurodegeneration. Biomedicines, 8, 361. doi:10.3390/biomedicines8090361

de Nijs, L., Wolkoff, N., Coumans, B., Delgado-Escueta, A., Grisar, T., & Lakaye, B. (2012). Mutations of EFHC1, linked to juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, disrupt radial and tangential migrations during brain development. Human Molecular Genetics, 21 (23), 5106-17. doi:10.1093/hmg/dds356

Verlaet, M., Adamantidis, A., Coumans, B., Chanas, G., Zorzi, W., Heinen, E., Grisar, T., & Lakaye, B. (11 September 2002). Human immune cells express ppMCH mRNA and functional MCHR1 receptor. FEBS Letters, 527 (1-3), 205-210. doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(02)03232-5

Thellin, O., Coumans, B., Zorzi, W., Igout, A., & Heinen, E. (December 2000). Tolerance to the Foeto-Placental 'Graft': Ten Ways to Support a Child for Nine Months. Current Opinion in Immunology, 12 (6), 731-7. doi:10.1016/S0952-7915(00)00170-9

Thellin, O., Zorzi, W., Lakaye, B., De Borman, B., Coumans, B., Hennen, G., Grisar, T., Igout, A., & Heinen, E. (1999). Housekeeping Genes as Internal Standards: Use and Limits. Journal of Biotechnology, 75 (2-3), 291-5. doi:10.1016/S0168-1656(99)00163-7

Thellin, O., Coumans, B., Zorzi, W., Mélot, F., HENNEN, G., Igout, A., & Heinen, E. (21 November 1998). Possible intervention of hPGH in the human fœtal tolerance through Th1/Th2 balance ? [Poster presentation]. 170ième réunion de la Société Belge de Biochimie et de Biologie Moléculaire, Gent, Belgium.

Thellin, O., Coumans, B., Zorzi, W., Barnard, R., Hennen, G., Heinen, E., & Igout, A. (1998). Expression of Growth Hormone Receptors by Lymphocyte Subpopulations in the Human Tonsil. Developmental Immunology, 6 (3-4), 295-304. doi:10.1155/1998/85209