Publications and communications of Ingrid Dupiereux-Fettweis

Florquin, S., Multon, S., Weatherspoon, A., Mélot, F., Dupiereux-Fettweis, I., Schaffer, P., Quatresooz, P., & Defaweux, V. (21 March 2014). Le meilleur des deux mondes : combiner le présentiel et l’eLearning (microscopie virtuelle) dans des TPs d’histologie générale [Paper presentation]. 96e Congrès de l’Association des Morphologistes.

Elmoualij, B., Dupiereux-Fettweis, I., Seguin, J., Quadrio, I., Zorzi, W., Perret-Liaudet, A., & Heinen, E. (2011). Alzheimer’s diseases: towards biomarkers for an early diagnosis. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.

Crowet, J.-M., Lins, L., Dupiereux-Fettweis, I., Elmoualij, B., Lorin, A., Charloteaux, B., Stroobant, V., Heinen, E., & Brasseur, R. (September 2007). In Silico tilted properties of the 67-78 fragment of alpha-synuclein are responsible for membrane destabilization and neurotoxicity. Proteins, 68 (4), 936-947. doi:10.1002/prot.21483

Dupiereux-Fettweis, I., Zorzi, W., Rachidi, W., Zorzi, D., Pierard, O., Lhereux, B., Heinen, E., & Elmoualij, B. (15 August 2006). Study on the toxic mechanism of prion protein peptide 106-126 in neuronal and non neuronal cells. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 84 (3), 637-646. doi:10.1002/jnr.20965