Publications and communications of Serge Brouyère

Varisano, L., Simon, N., & Brouyère, S. (10 June 2024). Characterisation of groundwater flux and direction using Active-DTS: first modelling results [Poster presentation]. 6th Cargèse Summer School : Flow and Transport In porous and fractured MEdia (FLOWTIME), Cargèse, France.

Magain, C., Renard, G., Orban, P., Degré, A., Meersmans, J., De Clerck, C., Brouyère, S., & Wellens, J. (2024). Économisons l’eau agricole : Monitoring du stock d’eau de sols agricoles pour la mise en place de conseil d’irrigation [Paper presentation]. 11ème visite officielle des champs d'expérimentation et de démonstration du Lycée Technique Agricole à Bettendorf, Bettendorf, Luxembourg.

Hutzemakers, J., Vandelois, G., Orban, P., Pascal, G., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (15 April 2024). Evaluation and modelling of the impact of drought on groundwater reserves in Wallonia in the context of climate change [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienne, Austria.

Magain, C.* , Renard, G.* , Orban, P., Degré, A., Meersmans, J., De Clerck, C., Brouyère, S., & Wellens, J. (2024). Assessment of land suitability and water resources potential for horticultural irrigation in Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union 2024, Vienne, Austria.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Thomas, C., Brouyère, S., & Orban, P. (2023). Étude de caractérisation des eaux pluviales en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, vulnérabilité intrinsèque du système aquifère phréatique par rapport au transfert de la pollution de surface et estimation de ses paramètres hydrodispersifs - Délivrable D0I : Caractérisation des eaux pluviales. Bruxelles Environnement.

Brouyère, S. (11 October 2023). Better integration of Drinking Water Consideration into River Basin Management Planning (in short : activity sub-task group DWD&GWD) [Paper presentation]. 44th CIS Working Group Groundwater, Madrid, Spain.

Brouyère, S., & Jamin, P. (03 August 2023). GROUNDWATER FLUX MEASUREMENT MODULE.

Brouyère, S., & Jamin, P. (02 August 2023). Groundwater flux measurement module.

Hutzemakers, J., Vandelois, G., Orban, P., Goderniaux, P., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (09 June 2023). Modélisation de l’impact d’épisodes de sécheresse sur les ressources en eau souterraine de Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude sur le thème de la sécheresse organisée par le comité belge des hydrogéologues.

Simon, N., Brouyère, S., & Jamin, P. (2023). A new discrete model to better consider tracer distribution along boreholes during the Finite Volume Point Dilution Method. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2023.104203

Brouyère, S. (2023). Les eaux souterraines en Wallonie L'Or bleu de la région à préserver [Paper presentation]. Université du 3ème Âge de Liège - Section Sciences et Nature, Liège, Belgium.

Brouyère, S., Simon, N., & Jamin, P. (15 May 2023). Better considering tracer distribution within boreholes while FVPDM tests [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5004

Simon, N., Jamin, P., Dassargues, A., Nguyen, F., Caterina, D., & Brouyère, S. (15 May 2023). Observations of the effect of earth tides on groundwater fluxes variations at the scale of a borehole [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6410

Kabore, F., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (28 April 2023). Caractérisation de l’impact des seuils d’épandage sur la recharge des eaux souterraines : cas des seuils d’épandage de Wedbila au Burkina Faso (résultats préliminaires) [Poster presentation]. Séminaire "recherche engagée".

Glaude, R., Simon, N., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (26 April 2023). Chemical characterization of urban waters aimed for managed aquifer recharge in the Hesbaye chalk aquifer (Liège, Belgium) [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienne, Austria.

Brouyère, S., Thomas, C., MAGERMANS, P., & Orban, P. (2023). Etude de caractérisation des eaux pluviales en Région de Bruxelles Capitale, vulnérabilité intrinsèque du système aquifère phréatique par rapport au transfert de la pollution de surface et ses paramètres hydrodispersifs - Délivrable D02 : Cartographie de la vulnérabilité intrinsèque du système phréatique bruxellois par rapport aux risques de transfert de la pollution vers les eaux souterraines. Bruxelles Environnement.

Collignon, V., Brouyère, S., & Orban, P. (2023). Étude de caractérisation des eaux pluviales en Région de Bruxelles Capitale, vulnérabilité intrinsèque du système aquifère phréatique par rapport au transfert de la pollution de surface et ses paramètres hydrodispersifs - Délivrable D03 : Synthèse bibliographique des paramètres hydrodispersifs relatifs au Système Phréatique Bruxellois et développement d’une méthodologie permettant l’évaluation des risques de transfert des polluants pertinents vers les nappes phréatiques. Bruxelles Environnement.

Collignon, V., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2023). Délivrable D03 : Développement d’une approche multivariée en vue de soutenir les interprétations des analyses isotopiques et des concentrations en substances, incluant la réalisation de bilans et le développement d’indicateurs. (D03).

Deleu, R., Hutzemakers, J., Flament, J., & Brouyère, S. (2023). La Résurgence du Trou Bleu : fonctionnement hydrogéologique et contaminations anthropiques du système karstique de Sprimont. In CWEPSS (Ed.), Atlas du Karst wallon - Confluence Ourthe-Amblève (pp. 27-34). Jambes, Belgium: SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement - Service Public de Wallonie. Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement [BE].

Kabore, F., Orban, P., Hallot, E., & Brouyère, S. (2023). Mise en évidence de la contribution des seuils d’épandage sur cours d’eau éphémère à la recharge des nappes aquifères au Burkina Faso. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences.

Brouyère, S., Balzani, L., & Orban, P. (14 December 2022). The CASPER project: an integrated approach for pollution risk assessment in peri-urban groundwater catchment areas. Advances in Geosciences, 59, 45-51. doi:10.5194/adgeo-59-45-2022

Balzani, L., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (18 November 2022). Protection of peri-urban groundwater catchments: a multi-tracer approach for the identification of urban pollution sources. Advances in Geosciences, 59, 27 - 35. doi:10.5194/adgeo-59-27-2022

Brouyère, S., Glaude, R., Hutzemakers, J., Orban, P., & Goderniaux, P. (10 November 2022). Impact du changement climatique sur les ressources en eaux souterraines de Wallonie : des prédictions du passé aux observations du présent [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude 2022. Eau potable : de la protection des ressources à la consommation, Liège, Belgium.

Brouyère, S. (2022). Impact des épisodes de sécheresse sur les eaux souterraines : mise en contexte, état des lieux et perspectives [Paper presentation]. Allocution à la Commission de l'environnement, de la nature et du bien-être animal du Parlement de Wallonie, Namur, Belgium.

Balzani, L., Orban, P., Taminiau, B., Daube, G., & Brouyère, S. (14 September 2022). A multi-tracer approach for the identification of different pollution sources in sub-urban groundwater catchments [Poster presentation]. International Interdisciplinary Conference Land Use and Water Quality - LuWQ2022, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Brouyère, S., Balzani, L., & Orban, P. (14 September 2022). The CASPER project – an integrated approach for pollution risk assessment in peri-urban groundwater catchment areas [Paper presentation]. International Interdisciplinary Conference Land Use and Water Quality - LuWQ2022, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Balzani, L., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (26 May 2022). Protection of peri-urban groundwater catchments: a multi-tracer approach for the identification of urban pollution sources [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2022.

Collignon, V., Thomas, C., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2022). ESU-ESO2 (Délivrable D02) : Description des résultats relatifs aux campagnes d’échantillonnage à l’échelle des bassins versants. (D02).

Goderniaux, P., Orban, P., Rorive, A., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2021). Study of historical groundwater level changes in two Belgian chalk aquifers in the context of climate change impacts. In R. P. Farrell, N. Massei, A. E. Foley, P. R. Howlett, ... L. J. West (Eds.), The Chalk Aquifers of Northern Europe (Special Publications). London, United Kingdom: Geological Society. doi:10.1144/SP517-2020-212

Hoffmann, R., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2021). Differentiated influence of the double porosity of the chalk on solute and heat transport. In R. P. Farrell, N. Massei, A. E. Foley, P. R. Howlett, ... L. J. West (Eds.), The Chalk Aquifers of Northern Europe (Special Publications). London, United Kingdom: Geological Society. doi:10.1144/SP517-2020-170

Cabidoche, M., Vanbrabant, Y., Brouyère, S., Stenmans, V., Meyvis, B., Goovaerts, T., Petitclerc, E., & Burlet, C. (22 October 2021). Spring Water Geochemistry: A Geothermal Exploration Tool in the Rhenohercynian Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Belgium. Geosciences, 11, 437. doi:10.3390/geosciences11110437

Boudjana, Y., Brouyère, S., Gasparella, D., & Dassargues, A. (09 September 2021). Self-organizing maps for groundwater quality assessment of a Belgian chalk aquifer in the presence of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane abiotic degradation [Poster presentation]. IAH2021 48th IAH Congress 'Inspiring Groundwater', Brussels, Belgium.

Brouyère, S., Goderniaux, P., Glaude, R., Orban, P., & Compère, J.-M. (09 September 2021). What is impacting transboundary aquifers? Climate or global changes? [Paper presentation]. IAH2021, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bambara, A., Orban, P., Therrien, R., Hallot, E., & Brouyère, S. (07 September 2021). Modelling exchanges between surface water reservoirs and groundwater in basement areas: Case of Kierma (Burkina Faso) [Paper presentation]. 48ème Congrès Annuel de l'Association Internationale des Hydrogéologues (AIH - IAH), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Balzani, L., Orban, P., Collier, L., Wildemeersch, S., Taminiau, B., Deliège, J.-F., Everbecq, E., & Brouyère, S. (September 2021). A new methodological approach for the protection of peri-urban groundwater catchments [Poster presentation]. 48th IAH CONGRESS (BRUXELLES), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Thomas, C., Orban, P., Liétar, A., & Brouyère, S. (September 2021). Natural background levels in the groundwater bodies of Brussels Capital Region [Poster presentation]. 48th IAH Congress, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Hakimi, Y., Orban, P., Deschamps, P., & Brouyère, S. (April 2021). Hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of groundwater in the Continental Intercalaire aquifer system: Insights from Mzab Ridge and surrounding regions, North of the Algerian Sahara. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 34. doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100791

Gning, A. A., Orban, P., Malou, R., Wellens, J., Derouane, J., Gueye, M., & Brouyère, S. (27 January 2021). Impacts of Irrigation Water on the Hydrodynamics and Saline Behavior of the Shallow Alluvial Aquifer in the Senegal River Delta. Water (Switzerland), 13. doi:10.3390/w13030311

Gesels, J., Dollé, F., Leclercq, J., Jurado, A., & Brouyère, S. (2021). Groundwater quality changes in peri-urban areas of the Walloon region of Belgium. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2021.103780

Popescu, I. C., Dor, C., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2021). Hydrogéologie du Néblon. In CWEPPS asbl., Atlas du Karst wallon - Bassin de l'Ourthe Condrusienne (pp. 47-56). Jambes, Belgium: Service Public de Wallonie.

Tossou, Y. Y. J., Yessoufou, S., Orban, P., Vander Auwera, J., Boukari, M., & Brouyère, S. (2021). Bedrock petrology controls on hydrogeochemistry and fluoride concentrations in Precambrian aquifers of central Benin, Western Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 182, 104301. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2021.104301

Thomas, C., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2020). Note de travail relative à l’adaptation de la méthodologie pour l’analyse de la vulnérabilité des nappes profondes et/ou de second niveau (tâche TD3). (Délivrable D04).

Bambara, A., Orban, P., Ouedraogo, I., Hallot, E., Guyon, F., Zangré, A., & Brouyère, S. (October 2020). Quantifying focused groundwater recharge induced by irrigation surface water reservoirs in crystalline basement areas for complementary irrigation. Water, 12 (10), 1-23. doi:10.3390/w12102880

Nikolenko, O., Morana, C., Taminiau, B., Borges, A., Robert, T., Goderniaux, P., Duvivier, M., & Brouyère, S. (May 2020). Vertical interval dynamics of greenhouse gases in groundwater (Hesbaye chalk aquifer, Belgium) [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly. doi:10.5194

Jamin, P., Cochand, M., Dagenais, S., Lemieux, J.-M., Fortier, R., Molson, J., & Brouyère, S. (2020). Direct measurement of groundwater flux in aquifers within the discontinuous permafrost zone: an application of the finite volume point dilution method near Umiujaq (Nunavik, Canada). Hydrogeology Journal. doi:10.1007/s10040-020-02108-y

Thomas, C., & Brouyère, S. (2020). Contribution au guide explicatif des fiches par masse d’eau et aux fiches de caractérisation des masses d’eau souterraines (Tâche TV1). (Délivrable D01).

Delloye, F., & Brouyère, S. (16 October 2019). Terms & definitions on the identification of drinking water protected areas and related zones [Paper presentation]. Joint workshop DWD WFD GWD, Helsinki, Finland.

Boudjana, Y., Brouyère, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Gasparella, D., & Dassargues, A. (2019). Understanding Groundwater Mineralization Changes of a Belgian Chalky Aquifer in the Presence of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Degradation Reactions. MDPI WATER. doi:10.3390/w11102009

Boudjana, Y., Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Gasparella, D., & Dassargues, A. (12 September 2019). Groundwater flow and reactive transport modelling for a quantitative assessment of natural abiotic degradation of 1.1.1-trichloroethane in a Belgian chalky aquifer [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Jamin, P., & Brouyère, S. (11 September 2019). Field scale mass discharge measurements from a controlled solute plume [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality Conference 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Jamin, P., Cosme, F., Orban, P., De Greene, K., & Brouyère, S. (11 September 2019). Innovative contaminant mass flux monitoring in an aquifer subject to tidal effects [Paper presentation]. Groundwater Quality Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Taleb Bahmed, A., Hakimi, Y., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Boudjana, Y., & Bouzid-Lagha, S. (11 September 2019). A multiscale groundwater flow modelling for assessment of the effect of managed aquifer recharge from an infiltration basin in the Mzab Valley - North Africa [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Bambara, A., Zoundi, M., Orban, P., Otten, J., Hallot, E., & Brouyère, S. (10 September 2019). Investigating groundwater recharge under small surface water reservoirs in crystalline bedrock environments : case of Kierma dam (Burkina Faso) [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Gning, A. A., Orban, P., Wellens, J., Malou, R., & Brouyère, S. (10 September 2019). CROP-SCALE INVESTIGATIONS OF SOIL SALINIZATION PROCESS IN RELATION WITH SHALLOW SALTY GROUNDWATER IN THE SENEGAL RIVER DELTA [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Hakimi, Y., Orban, P., Deschamps, P., & Brouyère, S. (10 September 2019). Factors controlling Groundwater Quality in transboundary aquifer system in arid zone, Case of Deep Aquifers In Algerian Sahara [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Nikolenko, O., Borges, A., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2019). Analysing N sources and transformation processes in groundwater under agricultural areas (chalk aquifer, Belgium). CL:AIRE Library.

Tossou, Y. Y. J., Yessoufou, S., Orban, P., Vander Auwera, J., Boukari, M., & Brouyère, S. (September 2019). Petrological factors controlling the geogenic origin of high fluoride concentrations in Precambrian aquifers of central Benin, Western Africa [Paper presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liege, Belgium.

Popescu, I.-C., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2019). The APSÛ method for process-based groundwater vulnerability assessment. Hydrogeology Journal. doi:10.1007/s10040-019-02013-z

Boudjana, Y., Orban, P., Gasparella, D., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (11 April 2019). Understanding of groundwater mineralization changes in a chalky aquifer affected by a mixture of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, Vienne, Austria.

Thomas, C., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (22 March 2019). Characterizing background concentrations in groundwater bodies of the Brussels region: example of the Landenian sands (BR03) [Paper presentation]. Conférence sur "Hydrogéologie, géologie, Géothermie en région bruxelloise : nouveaux outils, données et connaissances, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Abdou Babaye, M. S., Orban, P., Ousmane, B., Favreau, G., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2019). Characterization of recharge mechanisms in a Precambrian basement aquifer in semi-arid south-west Niger. Hydrogeology Journal. doi:10.1007/s10040-018-1799-x

Criollo, R., Velasco, V., Nardi, A., Vries, L. M. D., Riera, C., Scheiber, L., Jurado, A., Brouyère, S., Pujades, E., Rossetto, R., & Vázquez-Suñé, E. (2019). AkvaGIS: An open source tool for water quantity and quality management. Computers & Geosciences, 127, 123 - 132. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2018.10.012

Hakimi, Y., Orban, P., CHETTIH, M., & Brouyère, S. (2019). Pour une exploitation raisonnée des ressources en eaux souterraines du Sahara algérien, région de Ghardaïa : état des lieux et recommandations. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 43 (3), 375-384.

Nikolenko, O., Orban, P., Jurado, A., Morana, C., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Knöller, K., Borges, A., & Brouyère, S. (2019). Dynamics of greenhouse gases in groundwater: hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical controls. Applied Geochemistry, 105, 31 - 44. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.04.009

Sambienou, G. W., Alassane, A., Gourcy, L., Orban, P., Trabelsi, R., Kpegli, K. A. R., Boukari, M., Brouyère, S., Zouari, K., & Daouda, M. (2019). Combining hydrogeochemical and stable isotopes approach to investigate groundwater mineralization within the Volta River Basin in Benin (West Africa) [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Thomas, C., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2019). Développement d’un module SIG de cartographie de la vulnérabilité des eaux souterraines et de risques et application aux principales masses d’eau souterraine de Wallonie. Délivrable D03: Description des applications réalisées et cartes de vulnérabilité produites avec l’outil SIG. (D03).

Jamin, P., & Brouyère, S. (November 2018). Monitoring transient groundwater fluxes using the Finite Volume Point Dilution Method. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 218. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2018.07.005

Gning, A. A., Weatherl, R., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (13 September 2018). Influence of groundwater-surface interactions on groundwater salinity in the Senegal River Delta [Paper presentation]. 45th IAH Congress : GROUNDWATER AND LIFE : Science and Technology into Action, Daejeon, South Korea.

Dollé, F., Thomas, C., Orban, P., Popescu, I. C., Engels, P., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (11 September 2018). ApsûGIS : a GIS-tool for groundwater vulnerability assessment using physical criteria [Poster presentation]. IAH 2018, Daejeon, South Korea.

Neufcourt, G., Jurado, A., Nott, K., Delloye, F., & Brouyère, S. (11 September 2018). Using pharmaceutical compounds as tracers of urban sources of nitrate in groundwater [Paper presentation]. IAH 2018, Daejeon, South Korea.

Tossou, Y. Y. J., Hermans, T., Orban, P., Boukari, M., & Brouyère, S. (11 September 2018). Predictive mapping of fluoride levels in groundwater in Central Benin (Western Africa) using a geostatistical approach [Paper presentation]. 45th IAH Congress : GROUNDWATER AND LIFE : Science and Technology into Action, Daejeon, South Korea.

Jamin, P., Cochand, M., Dagenais, S., Fortier, R., Molson, J., Brouyère, S., & Lemieux, J.-M. (10 September 2018). Direct single well measurement of groundwater flux in permafrost-impacted aquifers in Nunavik, Canada [Poster presentation]. IAH 2018, Daejeon, South Korea.

Jamin, P., Orban, P., Verreydt, G., Cosme, F., & Brouyère, S. (10 September 2018). Recent advances for monitoring groundwater and pollutant fluxes using single-well applied tracer techniques [Paper presentation]. IAH 2018, Daejeon, South Korea.

Jurado, A., Nikolenko, O., Orban, P., Borges, A., & Brouyère, S. (10 September 2018). Dynamics of greenhouse gases in the aquifers of two agricultural catchments of Belgium [Paper presentation]. IAH 2018, Daejeon, South Korea.

Brouyère, S., Nikolenko, O., & Jurado Elices, A. (03 September 2018). Contribution of groundwater to greenhouse gases emissions - Lessons learned from case studies in the Walloon region of Belgium [Paper presentation]. Conférence sur invitation à l'Université de Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.

Vopat, O., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (September 2018). Simulation of groundwater and heat transfer for the geothermal use of flooded abandoned old-mines [Paper presentation]. 45th IAH Congress : GROUNDWATER AND LIFE : Science and Technology into Action, Daejeon, South Korea.

Pujades, E., Jurado, A., Orban, P., Ayora, C., Poulain, A., Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (04 June 2018). Hydrochemical changes induced by underground pumped storage hydropower and their associated impacts. Journal of Hydrology, 563, 927-941. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.06.041

Nikolenko, O., Orban, P., Jurado, A., Borges, A., Brouyère, S., Jamin, P. (Other coll.), Thomas, C. (Other coll.), & Morana, C. (Other coll.). (20 April 2018). Dynamics of nitrous oxide in groundwater under agricultural areas: insights from multi-isotopic studies (15N, 34S, 18O, 13C, 3H) [Paper presentation]. BASIS Symposium 2018, Liège, Belgium.

Jurado, A., Borges, A., Pujades, E., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (07 April 2018). Dynamics of greenhouse gases in the river-groundwater interface: A case study of a gaining stretch of the Triffoy river (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. EGU GA 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Nikolenko, O., Orban, P., Jamin, P., Jurado, A., Borges, A., & Brouyère, S. (07 April 2018). Biogeochemistry of greenhouse gases in groundwater under agricultural area (the Geer catchment, Belgium) [Paper presentation]. EGU GA 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Borges, A., Darchambeau, F., Lambert, T., Bouillon, S., Morana, C., Brouyère, S., Hakoun, V., Jurado Elices, A., Tseng, H.-C., Descy, J.-P., & Roland, F. (2018). Effects of agricultural land use on fluvial carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide concentrations in a large European river, the Meuse (Belgium). Science of the Total Environment, 610–611 (-), 342-355. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.047

Jurado, A., Borges, A., Pujades, E., Briers, P., Nikolenko, O., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2018). Dynamics of greenhouse gases in the river–groundwater interface in a gaining river stretch (Triffoy catchment, Belgium). Hydrogeology Journal. doi:10.1007/s10040-018-1834-y

Jurado Elices, A., Borges, A., Pujades, E., Hakoun, V., Otten, J., Knoeller, K., & Brouyère, S. (2018). Occurrence of greenhouse gases in the aquifers of the Walloon Region (Belgium). Science of the Total Environment. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.144

Rammal, M., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Pirotton, M., & Dewals, B. (2018). Technical note: An operational implementation of recursive digital filter for baseflow separation. Water Resources Research, 54 (10), 8528-8540. doi:10.1029/2018WR023351

Nikolenko, O., Jurado Elices, A., Borges, A., Knöller, K., & Brouyère, S. (2017). Isotopic composition of nitrogen species in groundwater under agricultural areas: A review. Science of the Total Environment. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.086

Pujades, E., Orban, P., Jurado Elices, A., Ayora, C., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (September 2017). Water chemical evolution in Underground Pumped Storage Hydropower plants and induced consequences. Energy Procedia, 125, 504-510. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.174

Ruthy, I., & Brouyère, S. (June 2017). Qu'est-ce que l'eau souterraine ? Eco Karst, 108, 4-6.

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., & Delloye, F. (25 April 2017). The GWB BE-Meuse-RWM040 “Chalk of the Geer basin”: delayed effect for nitrate in deep, old groundwater [Paper presentation]. 32nd CIS Working Group Groundwater Meeting, Triq ir-Rokon, Gozo, Malta.

Bambara, A., Sprumont, C., Briers, P., Compaoré, N., Zoundi, M., Guyon, F., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (29 March 2017). Étude des potentialités des aquifères superficiels aux voisinages des petites retenues d’eau d’irrigation : cas de la retenue d’eau de Mogtédo au Burkina Faso [Poster presentation]. Apolline BAMBARA, Arlon, Belgium.

Gning, A. A., Orban, P., Gesels, J., Ngom, F. D., Dassargues, A., Malou, R., & Brouyère, S. (March 2017). Factors controlling the evolution of groundwater dynamics and chemistry in the Senegal River Delta. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 10, 133-144. doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2017.01.005

Bodeux, S., Pujades, E., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (30 January 2017). Interactions between groundwater and the cavity of an old slate mine used as lower reservoir of an UPSH (Underground Pumped Storage Hydroelectricity): A modelling approach. Engineering Geology, 217, 71-80. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.12.007

Brouyère, S., Briers, P., Descy, J.-P., Schmit, F., Degré, A., Hallet, V., & Orban, P. (2017). Convention Région wallonne et HGE-ULg Caractérisation complémentaire des masses d’eau dont le bon état dépend d’interactions entre les eaux de surface et les eaux souterraines - Délivrable D1.8 Rapport final. (D1.8).

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Hakoun, V., Caterina, D., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., Dassargues, A., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (01 January 2017). Tracer Experiment in a Brownfield Using Geophysics and a Vadose Zone Monitoring System. Vadose Zone Journal, 16 (1), 1-15. doi:10.2136/vzj2016.06.0051

Tossou, Y. Y. J., Hermans, T., Orban, P., Dovonon, L., Boukari, M., & Brouyère, S. (2017). PROPOSITION D'UN SUPPORT D'AIDE À LA DÉCISION POUR L'AMÉLIORATION DE L'ACCÈS À UNE EAU SOUTERRAINE DE MEILLEURE QUALITÉ DANS UN CONTEXTE DE CONTAMINATION GÉOGÉNIQUE AU FLUORURE AU BENIN (AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST). Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales.

Bodeux, S., Pujades, E., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (27 September 2016). An old slate mine as lower reservoir for UPSH (Underground Pumping Storage Hydroelectricity)- groundwater interactions and limitations [Paper presentation]. 43rd IAH CONGRESS; Groundwater and society : 60 years of IAH, Montpellier, France.

Nguyen, F., Hermans, T., Jamin, P., Wildemeersch, S., Klepikova, M., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (27 September 2016). Comparison of temperature from DTS and ERT with direct measurements during heat tracer experiments in heterogeneous aquifers [Paper presentation]. 43rd IAH congress.

Bodeux, S., Pujades, E., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (28 July 2016). How groundwater interactions can influence UPSH (Underground Pumping Storage Hydroelectricity) operations [Paper presentation]. 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liège, Belgium.

Dassargues, A., Goderniaux, P., Orban, P., Wildemeersch, S., & Brouyère, S. (28 July 2016). Groundwater flow and transport modelling at regional scale: lessons learned from different applications in the Walloon Meuse basin [Paper presentation]. 3rd Thematic Workshop on the Hydrological modelling of the Meuse basin, Liège, Belgium.

Brouyère, S. (2016). Applied tracer techniques in contaminant hydrogeology [Paper presentation]. Working visit at Golder Associated in Adelaide (Australia), Adelaide, Australia.

Brouyère, S. (2016). Applied tracer techniques in contaminant hydrogeology [Paper presentation]. Working visit at Golder Associates Australia, Melbourne, Australia.

Wells, N. S., Hakoun, V., Brouyère, S., & Knoeller, K. (July 2016). Multi-species measurements of nitrogen isotopic composition reveal the spatial constraints and biological drivers of ammonium attenuation across a highly contaminated groundwater system. Water Research, 98, 363-375. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2016.04.025

Klepikova, M., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (20 April 2016). Heat tracer test in an alluvial aquifer: field experiment and inverse modelling [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Caterina, D., Vanclooster, M., Dassargues, A., Dahan, O., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Combining cross - hole geophysical and vadose zone monitoring systems for vadose zone characterization at industrial contaminated sites. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.5194/hess-2016-79

Palau, J., Jamin, P., Badin, A., Vanhecke, N., Haerens, B., Brouyère, S., & Hunkeler, D. (2016). Use of dual carbon-chlorine isotope analysis to assess the degradation pathways of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in groundwater. Water Research. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2016.01.057

Klepikova, M., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2016). How heterogeneity of the K-field influences a heat plume in a shallow alluvial aquifer: responses from a heat tracer test. In Abstract book (pp. 77).

Briers, P., Descy, J.-P., Schmit, F., Hallet, V., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Le bassin du Triffoy et les eaux souterraines : Exemple de caractérisation des échanges entre nappe et rivière. In Atlas du Karst Wallon - Bassins versants du Hoyoux et de la Solières. SPW.

Briers, P., Jamin, P., Ruthy, I., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Hydrogéologie du bassin du Hoyoux. In Atlas du Karst Wallon - Bassins versants du Hoyoux et de la Solières. SPW.

Briers, P., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Délivrable D4.1 Développement d'indicateurs des interactions entre eaux souterraines et eau de surface. (ULg-ArGEnCo-Geo³-HGE). ULg - Université de Liège.

Briers, P., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Délivrable D3.5 Quantification des échanges nappe-rivière pour les bassins tests. (ULg-ArGEnCo-Geo³-HGE). ULg - Université de Liège.

Briers, P., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Délivrable D3.4 : Caractérisation hydrochimique et campagne isotopique pour la discrimination des sources de pollution ponctuelles et diffuses du nitrate. (ULg-ArGEnCo-Geo³-HGE). ULg - Université de Liège.

Briers, P., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Délivrable D3.2 : Rapport technique relatif à la réalisation des essais de traçage dans le continuum sol - zone non saturée - eau souterraine - rivière. (ULg-ArGEnCo-Geo³-HGE). ULg - Université de Liège.

Briers, P., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Délivrable D2.4 : Réseau et programme de monitoring mis en place sur les sites tests. ULg - Université de Liège.

Briers, P., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Délivrable D2.3 : Rapport technique relatif au forages des piézomètres et micropiézomètres. (ULg-ArGEnCo-Geo³-HGE). ULg - Université de Liège.

Brouyère, S., Briers, P., Schmit, F., Sohier, C., Degré, A., Descy, J.-P., Hallet, V., & Orban, P. (2016). Rapport final de la convention relative à la caractérisation complémentaire des masses d'eau dont le bon état dépend d'interactions entre les eaux de surface et les eaux souterraines. ULg - Université de Liège.

Schmit, F., Hallet, V., Briers, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Délivrable D3.3 Bilans hydrogéologiques. ULg - Université de Liège.

Willems, T., Orban, P., Briers, P., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Délivrable D4.3 : Amélioration du modèle mathématique développé pour la masse d'eau RWM021 dans le cadre du projet Synclin'EAU. (ULg-ArGEnCo-Geo³-HGE). ULg - Université de Liège.

Dassargues, A., Klepikova, M., Jamin, P., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (18 December 2015). Heat tracer and solute tests in an alluvial aquifer: field experiment and inverse modelling [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting Session H51F paper 1438, San Francisco, United States.

Brouyère, S., Briers, P., Schmit, F., Orban, P., Hallet, V., Delloye, F., & Descy, J.-P. (2015). Case study 2: Groundwater – surface water interaction in limestone areas of the GWB BE_Meuse_RWM021 (Belgium). In K. Hinsby, J. Schutten, M. Craig, M. Petitta, ... H. Prchalova, Technical Report on Groundwater Associated Aquatic Ecosystems (pp. 47-49). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Commission. doi:10.2779/6042

Vandenberghe, C., Bah, B. B., Orban, P., Wittorski, O., Huby, M., Piront, L., Brouyère, S., & Colinet, G. (2015). Méthodologie de diagnostic environnemental autour de captages d’eau potabilisable sensibles qualitativement du point de vue nitrate. Gembloux, Belgium: Université de Liège (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech).

Palau, J., Jamin, P., Badin, A., Shouakar-Stash, O., Brouyère, S., & Hunkeler, D. (17 September 2015). Use of dual carbon-chlorine isotope analysis to identify degradation pathways of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in groundwater [Paper presentation]. AQUA2015, 42nd IAH International Congress, Hydrogeology: back to the future, Rome, Italy.

Dassargues, A., Popescu, C., & Brouyère, S. (15 September 2015). Towards processes-based groundwater vulnerability assessments [Paper presentation]. 42nd IAH International Congress "Hydrogeology: back to the future”, Roma, Italy.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Hakoun, V., Vanclooster, M., Dassargues, A., Dahan, O., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (September 2015). The use of the Vadose Zone Experimental Setup as an innovative in situ characterization method for the vadose zone: a case study at an industrial contaminated site in Belgium [Paper presentation]. 42nd IAH Congress-AQUA2015, Hydrogeology: back to the future, Rome, Italy.

Jamin, P., Goderniaux, P., Bour, O., Le Borgne, T., Englert, A., Longuevergne, L., & Brouyère, S. (September 2015). Contribution of the Finite Volume Point Dilution Method for measurement of groundwater fluxes in a fractured aquifer [Paper presentation]. AQUA2015, 42nd IAH International Congress, Hydrogeology: back to the future, Rome, Italy.

Willems, T., Hakoun, V., Renard, P., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (September 2015). A new hybrid approach for modelling groundwater flow in karst aquifers [Paper presentation]. Aqua 2015 - 42nd IAH Congress, Rome, Italy.

Goderniaux, P., Wildemeersch, S., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (27 June 2015). Assessment of climate change effects on groundwater resource in transient conditions [Paper presentation]. IUGG-IAHS General Assembly, Symposium HS02 'Hydrologic Non-Stationarity and Extrapolating Models to Predict the Future', Prague, Czechia.

Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., Wildemeersch, S., Therrien, R., & Dassargues, A. (18 June 2015). Uncertainty of climate change impact on groundwater reserves - Application to a chalk aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 528, 108-121. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.06.018

Klepikova, M., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (05 June 2015). Use and utility of combined solute and heat tracer tests for characterizing hydrogeothermal properties of an alluvial aquifer [Paper presentation]. CBH-BCH, Belgian National IAH Chapter Study Day on Geothermy.

Dassargues, A., Wildemeersch, S., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2015). Modélisation de la remontée des eaux dans les anciennes mines de charbon : un outil pour détecter les seuils de risques d’inondation en plaine alluviale de la Meuse près de Liège (Belgique). In Des villes et des territoires sobres et sûrs, Synthèse des interventions (pp. 41-42).

Beaujean, J., Lemieux, J.-M., Therrien, R., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (26 May 2015). Sensitivity and vulnerability to groundwater overexploitation by a ‘pressure state impact’ and process based approach [Paper presentation]. Int. Conf. Groundwater vulnerability - From scientific concepts to practical applications, Ustron, Poland.

Popescu, C., Brouyère, S., Orban, P., & Dassargues, A. (26 May 2015). Process-based method for groundwater resource vulnerability mapping with regards to solute contamination at the surface [Paper presentation]. Int. Conf. Groundwater vulnerability - From scientific concepts to practical applications, Ustron, Poland.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Dahan, O., Dassargues, A., Vanclooster, M., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (2015). Vadose zone characterisation at industrial contaminated sites. CL:AIRE bulletin.

Hermans, T., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (2015). Quantitative temperature monitoring of a heat tracing experiment using cross-borehole ERT. Geothermics, 53, 14-26. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2014.03.013

Sauret, E., Wellens, J., Guyon, F., Orban, P., Traore, F., De Thysebeart, D., Derouane, J., Tychon, B., & Brouyère, S. (2015). Cadres méthodologiques et outils de gestion des eaux et terres pour l'agriculture irriguée en zones périurbaines au Burkina Faso. In J. Bogaert & J.-M. Halleux, Territoires périurbaines - Développement, enjeux et perspectives dans les pays du Sud (pp. 119-128). Les presses agronomiques de Gemboux.

Briers, P., Sohier, C., Schmit, F., Hallet, V., Descy, J.-P., Orban, P., Degré, A., & Brouyère, S. (30 September 2014). Characterization of stream - aquifer interaction in carbonate rocks [Poster presentation]. 1st TERENO International Conference 2014, Bonn, Germany.

Klepikova, M., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Hermans, T., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (22 September 2014). A heat and dye tracer test for characterizing and modelling heat transfer in an alluvial aquifer [Poster presentation]. IAHR 7th International Groundwater Symposium, Perugia, Italy.

Beaujean, J., Brouyère, S., Lemieux, J.-M., Therrien, R., & Dassargues, A. (15 September 2014). Developping a physically based groundwater vulnerability concept in a DPSIR framework [Paper presentation]. 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., & Brouyère, S. (03 September 2014). VADOSE ZONE STUDIES AT AN INDUSTRIAL CONTAMINATED SITE: THE VADOSE ZONE MONITORING SYSTEM AND CROSS-HOLE GEOPHYSICS [Paper presentation]. In Situ Remediation 2014, London, United Kingdom.

Dassargues, A., Wildemeersch, S., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2014). Remontées des nappes dans les anciens travaux miniers et activités de démergement - Modélisation hydrogéologique spécifique et exemple de la zone minière de Cheratte. In A. Dassargues & K. Walraevens (Eds.), Watervoerende lagen & grondwater in Belgïe – Aquifères & eaux souterraines en Belgique (pp. 2 - Chapitre 10 - 427-436). Gent, Belgium: Academia Press.

Madioune, D. H., Faye, S., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., Mudry, J., Stumpp, C., & Maloszewski, P. (16 April 2014). Application of isotopic tracers as a tool for understanding hydrodynamic behavior of the highly exploited Diass aquifer system (Senegal). Journal of Hydrology, 511, 443-459. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.01.037

César, E., Wildemeersch, S., Orban, P., Carriere, S., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (28 March 2014). Simulation of spatial and temporal trends in nitrate concentrations at the regional scale in the Upper Dyle basin, Belgium. Hydrogeology Journal, 22, 1087-1100. doi:10.1007/s10040-014-1124-2

Batlle Aguilar, J., Morasch, B., Hunkeler, D., & Brouyère, S. (2014). Benzene dynamics and biodegradation in alluvial aquifers affected by river fluctuations. Ground Water. doi:10.1111/gwat.12070

Briers, P., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2014). Délivrable D2.1 : Mise à jour des données concernant les bassins étudiés. (ULg-ArGEnCo-Geo³-HGE). ULg - Université de Liège.

Dujardin, J., Anibas, C., Bronders, J., Jamin, P., Hamonts, K., Dejonghe, W., Brouyère, S., & Batelaan, O. (2014). Combining flux estimation techniques to improve characterization of groundwater–surface-water interaction in the Zenne River, Belgium. Hydrogeology Journal. doi:10.1007/s10040-014-1159-4

Gesels, J., Gilson, M., Brouyère, S., & Ruthy, I. (2014). Contexte hydrogéologique de la commune de Sprimont. In Y. Gilles-Sépulchre (Ed.), Sprimont, gravé dans la pierre (D/2014/5162/1, pp. 189-197). Sprimont, Belgium: Brancaleoni.

Wildemeersch, S., Goderniaux, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2014). Assessing the effects of spatial discretization on large-scale flow model performance and prediction uncertainty. Journal of Hydrology, 510, 10-25. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.12.020

Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Hermans, T., Klepikova, M., Nguyen, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2014). Coupling heat and chemical tracer experiments for estimating heat transfer parameters in shallow alluvial aquifers. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 169, 90-99. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2014.08.001

Dassargues, A., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Hermans, T., & Brouyère, S. (09 December 2013). Heat transfer characterization using heat and solute tracer tests in a shallow alluvial aquifer [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, United States.

Beaujean, J., Lemieux, J.-M., Dassargues, A., Therrien, R., & Brouyère, S. (14 November 2013). Physically Based Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using Sensitivity Analysis Methods. Ground Water, 52 (6), 864-874. doi:10.1111/gwat.12132

Brouyère, S. (2013). Présentation du projet ESU-ESO au Contrat Rivière Hoyoux [Paper presentation]. Contrat Rivière Hoyoux.

Sauret, E., Nitcheu, M., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (25 September 2013). Conception et utilisation de « seepage-meters » artisanaux pour l'étude des interactions «rivière – eaux souterraines » au Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. Symposium International sur la valorisation des résultats de la recherche et des innovations, Ouagadougou -, Burkina Faso.

Batelaan, O., Dujardin, J., Jamin, P., Bashir, I., Canters, F., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (15 September 2013). Regional urban groundwater body risk assessment of contaminants using remotely sensed multi-resolution land-cover data [Paper presentation]. IAH 2013, Solving the Groundwater Challenges of the 21th Century, Perth, Australia.

Hermans, T., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (2013). A heat injection and pumping experiment in a gravel aquifer monitored with crosshole electrical resistivity tomography. In EarthDoc - Near Surface Geosciences 2013 - 19th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (pp. 2a09).

Wildemeersch, S., Orban, P., Hermans, T., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (22 July 2013). Heat transfer characterization in a shallow aquifer using heat and dye tracer tests [Paper presentation]. IAHS IAPSO IASPEI Joint Assembly Knowledge for the future, Workshop Hw08: Subsurface warming, heat energy and groundwater, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Peña Hernandez, J. A., Jamin, P., Vanclooster, M., & Brouyère, S. (22 April 2013). Integrated field assessment of contaminant fate and transport in the unsaturated and saturated zone [Poster presentation]. 8th IAHS International GROUNDWATER QUALITY CONFERENCE (GQ13), Gainsville, Florida, United States.

Blenkinsop, S., Harpham, C., Burton, A., Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., & Fowler, H. J. (2013). Downscaling transient climate change with a stochastic weather generator for the Geer catchment, Belgium. Climate Research. doi:10.3354/cr01170

Hérivaux, C., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2013). Is it worth protecting groundwater from diffuse pollution with agri-environmental schemes? A hydro-economic modeling approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 128, 62-74. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.04.058

Wojda, P., & Brouyère, S. (2013). An object-oriented hydrogeological data model for groundwater projects. Environmental Modelling and Software. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.01.015

Sauret, E., Beaujean, J., Nguyen, F., Wildemeersch, S., Babaye, A., & Brouyère, S. (November 2012). Contribution de la tomographie et du bruit sismique à la characterisation des dépôts alluviaux dans le bassin du Kou (Burkina Faso) [Paper presentation]. Colloque International Science, Education et Technologie pour le Développement de l’Afrique 30/10/2012 au 03/11/2012, Dakar, Senegal.

Brouyère, S., Popescu, I. C., Beaujean, J., Lemieux, J.-M., Dollé, F., Therrien, R., & Dassargues, A. (12 July 2012). Physically-based groundwater vulnerability assessment : from concepts to objective mathematical formulations and applications [Paper presentation]. Conference Groundwater Vulnerability ? Emerging Issues and New Approaches, Paris, France.

Jamin, P., Dollé, F., Chisala, B., Orban, P., Popescu, I. C., Hériveaux, C., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (January 2012). A regional flux-based risk assessment approach for multiple contaminated sites on groundwater bodies. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 127 (1-4), 65-75. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.07.001

Jamin, P., Dujardin, J., Crévecoeur, S., Hérivaux, C., Dejonghe, W., Dollé, F., Orban, P., Colombano, S., Diels, L., Thomé, J.-P., Batelaan, O., Canters, F., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2012). Flux-based risk assessment of the impact of contamnants on water ressources and ecosystems - FRAC-WECO. (SD/TE/02). Brussel, Belgium: BELSPO.

Jamin, P., Dujardin, J., Crèvecoeur, S., Hérivaux, C., Dejonghe, W., Dollé, F., Orban, P., Colombano, S., Diels, L., Thomé, J.-P., Batelaan, O., Canters, F., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2012). Flux-based Risk Assessement of the impact of Contaminants on Water resources and ECOsystems. (SD/TE/02, Final report). Brussels, Belgium: Belgian Science Policy Office.

Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., Blenkinsop, S., Burton, A., Fowler, H. J., Orban, P., & Dassargues, A. (December 2011). Modeling climate change impacts on groundwater resources using transient stochastic climatic scenarios. Water Resources Research, 47, 12516. doi:10.1029/2010WR010082

Sauret, E., Gardin, N., Kam, A., Derouane, J., Diallo, M., & Brouyère, S. (03 November 2011). Appui à la gestion et à la protection des ressources en eaux souterraines exploitées dans la région de Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) – mise en place d’une base de données spatiales [Paper presentation]. Séminaire doctoral sur les systèmes d'information géographique dans les pays en voie de développement - Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Brouyère, S., Wildemeersch, S., Orban, P., Leroy, M., Couturier, J., & Dassargues, A. (2011). The Hybrid Finite-Element Mixing-Cell method: a candidate for modelling groundwater flow and transport in karst systems. In C. Bertrand, N. Carry, J. Mudry, M. Pronk, ... F. Zwahlen (Eds.), Proc. H2Karst, 9th Conference on Limestone Hydrogeology (pp. 79-82).

Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Wildemeersch, S., & Dassargues, A. (2011). Uncertainty of climate change impact on groundwater resources considering various uncertainty sources. In C. Abesser, G. Nutzmann, M. Hill, G. Bloschl, ... E. Lakshmanan (Eds.), Conceptual and Modelling Studies of Integrated Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological Systems (pp. 139-144). Wallingford, United Kingdom: IAHS Press.

Jamin, P., & Brouyère, S. (26 May 2011). Quantification and monitoring of contaminant mass fluxes in heterogeneous subsurface media [Poster presentation]. In-situ Environemental Monitoring and Policy, The Application of Sensors and Passive Samplers, Gand, Belgium.

Leroy, M., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Couturier, J., Jamin, P., Wildemeersch, S., Goderniaux, P., Derouane, J., & Dassargues, A. (02 May 2011). Regional scale flow and transport modelling for the management of groundwater and surface water bodies in the framework of the EU Water Directive [Paper presentation]. HydroEco'2011, 3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology: Ecosystems, Groundwater and Surface Water – Pressures and Options, Vienna, Austria.

Brouyère, S., Jamin, P., Dollé, F., Chisala, B., Orban, P., Popescu, I. C., Hérivaux, C., & Dassargues, A. (2011). A regional flux-based risk assessment approach of contaminated sites on groundwater bodies. In M. Schirmer, E. Hoehn, ... T. Vogt (Eds.), Groundwater Quality 2010 : Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World (pp. 159-162).

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Leroy, M., Couturier, J., & Dassargues, A. (2011). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en oeuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne - Delivrable 6.3 - Travaux de valorisation complémentaire des modèles d'écoulement et de transport de solutés développés pour les masses d'eau souterraine RWM011, RWM012 et RWM021. Service Public de Wallonie.

Brouyère, S. (December 2010). La méthode FVPDM: Origines, mise en oeuvre et perspectives [Paper presentation]. Exposé sur invitation à l'Université de Rennes Géosciences.

Popescu, I., Brouyère, S., Derouane, J., & Dassargues, A. (24 November 2010). Les apports potentiels de la carte numérique des sols de Wallonie pour la cartographie de la vulnérabilité des eaux souterraines [Paper presentation]. Troisième Journée d’étude du PCNSW (Projet de Cartographie Numérique des Sols de Wallonie), Gembloux, Belgium.

Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Couturier, J., Wildemeersch, S., Goderniaux, P., Dassargues, A., Batlle Aguilar, J., & Herivaux, C. (14 June 2010). Assessment of nitrate trend in ground water using the regional scale HFEMC approach [Paper presentation]. Groundwater quality management in a rapidly changing world, Zurich, Switzerland.

Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Goderniaux, P., & Dassargues, A. (04 June 2010). Assessment of nitrate trend in groundwater using a regional scale approach [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude du CBH, Leuven, Belgium.

Batlle Aguilar, J., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., Morasch, B., & Hunkeler, D. (2010). Influence of natural attenuation and river fluctuations on benzene dispersion in an alluvial aquifer subject to strong interactions with surface water. In M. Schirmer, E. Hoehn, ... T. Vogt (Eds.), Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World (GQ'2010) (pp. 243-250). Wallingford, United Kingdom: IAHS.

Brouyère, S., Tychon, B., Derouane, J., Wellens, J., & Gardin, N. (29 April 2010). GIRE au Burkina Faso : les ressources en eau souterraine dans la région de Bobo Dioulasso et leurs usages [Paper presentation]. Jeudis de l'Aquapôle, Liège, Belgium.

Brouyère, S., Jamin, P., Dollé, F., Orban, P., Hérivaux, C., Popescu, I. C., & Dassargues, A. (22 April 2010). A regional flux-based risk assessment approach of contaminated sites on groundwater bodies [Poster presentation]. Symposium de la Meuse 2010, Liège, Belgium.

Popescu, I.-C., Brouyère, S., Derouane, J., & Dassargues, A. (22 April 2010). Physically-based groundwater vulnerability assessment for groundwater protection and land-use management [Poster presentation]. Symposium de la Meuse 2010, Liège, Belgium.

Wellens, J., Diallo, M., Gardin, N., Midekor, A., Compaore, N. F., Dakoure, D., Karambiri, H., Derouane, J., Brouyère, S., & Tychon, B. (March 2010). Promouvoir des approches innovantes de recherche-développement en matière de GIRE au Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. Integrated water resources management and challenges of the sustainable development, Second international Congress, Agadir, Morocco.

Brouyère, S. (2010). Approches cartographiques et quantitatives pour la gestion des risques de pollution des eaux souterraines [Paper presentation]. Réunion du Centre Géosciences - Session Géorisques, Liège, Belgium.

Wildemeersch, S., Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Couturier, J., Dingelstadt, C., Veschkens, M., & Dassargues, A. (2010). Application of the Hybrid Finite Element Mixing Cell method to an abandoned coalfield in Belgium. Journal of Hydrology, 392 (3-4), 188-200. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.08.007

Wojda, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2010). Geospatial Information in Hydrogeological Studies. In M. G. Anderson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/0470848944.hsa304

Wojda, P., Brouyère, S., Derouane, J., & Dassargues, A. (2010). HydroCube: a new entity-relationship hydrogeological data model. Hydrogeology Journal, 18 (8), 1953-1962. doi:10.1007/s10040-010-0653-6

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., & Hérivaux. (18 December 2009). Modeling the impact of the nitrate contamination on groundwater at the groundwater body scale : The Geer basin case study [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco, United States.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Thomas, L., & Goderniaux, P. (2009). Rapport sur les essais de traçage dans le bassin du Néblon réalisés en août 2010. ULg.

Brouyère, S., Jamin, P., Caterina, D., Dassargues, A., Hérivaux, C., Crévecoeur, S., Thomé, J.-P., & Popescu, I. C. (27 October 2009). A regional flux-based risk assessment approach of contaminated sites on surface water and groundwater bodies [Paper presentation]. Conférence internationale "Contaminated Site Management in Europe", Gand, Belgium.

Barth, J. A. C., Grathwohl, P., Fowler, H. J., Bellin, A., Gerzabek, M. H., Lair, G. J., Barceló, D., Petrovic, M., Navarro, A., Négrel, P., Petelet-Giraud, E., Darmendrail, D., Rijnaarts, H., Langenhoff, A., de Weert, J., Slob, A., van der Zaan, B. M., Gerritse, J., Frank, E., ... Smidt, H. (2009). Mobility, turnover and storage of pollutants in soils, sediments and waters: achievements and results of the EU project AquaTerra. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29 (1), 161-173. doi:10.1051/agro:2007060

Batlle Aguilar, J., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., Morasch, B., Hunkeler, D., Höhener, P., Diels, L., Vanbroekhoven, K., Seuntjens, P., & Halen, H. (2009). Benzene dispersion and natural attenuation in an alluvial aquifer with strong interactions with surface water. Journal of Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.02.014

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : délivrable D.3.52 et D.4.52 Rapport sur les interactions avec les eaux de surface (volet quantitatif et qualitatif). Convention RW et SPGE-Aquapôle. Service public de Wallonie.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : délivrable D.3.12 Rapport sur la caractérisation hydraulique des aquifères et l'estimation des ressources en eaux souterraines – partie RWM021. Convention RW et SPGE-Aquapôle. Service public de Wallonie.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : délivrable D.3.12 Rapport sur la caractérisation hydraulique des aquifères et l'estimation des ressources en eaux souterraines – partie RWM012. Convention RW et SPGE-Aquapôle. Service public de Wallonie.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : délivrable D.3.12 Rapport sur la caractérisation hydraulique des aquifères et l'estimation des ressources en eaux souterraines – partie RWM011. Convention RW et SPGE-Aquapôle. Service public de Wallonie.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : délivrable D.2.22 Rapport de caractérisation de masse d'eau souterraine - partie RWM021. Convention RW et SPGE-Aqupôle. RW - SPGE-Aquapôle.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : délivrable D.2.22 Rapport de caractérisation de masse d'eau souterraine - partie RWM012. Convention RW et SPGE-Aqupôle. RW - SPGE-Aquapôle.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : délivrable D.2.22 Rapport de caractérisation de masse d'eau souterraine - partie RWM011. Convention RW et SPGE-Aqupôle. RW - SPGE-Aquapôle.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin'EAU) : Délivrable 5.12 - Rapport de caractérisation géologique et hydrogéologique des masses d’eau souterraine RWM022 et RWM023. Convention RW et SPGE - Aquapôle. ULg-ArGEnCo-Geo³-HGE.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastin, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2009). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : délivrable D.3.42 Rapport sur l’établissement et l’application d’un indicateur quantitatif. Convention RW et SPGE-Aquapôle. RW - SPGE-Aquapôle.

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Wildemeersch, S., Couturier, J., Gardin, N., & Dassargues, A. (2009). The Hybrid Finite Element Mixing Cell Method: A New Flexible Method for Modelling Mine Ground Water Problems. Mine Water and the Environment, 28 (2), 102-114. doi:10.1007/s10230-009-0069-5

Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., Fowler, H. J., Blenkinsop, S., Therrien, R., Orban, P., & Dassargues, A. (2009). Large scale surface – subsurface hydrological model to assess climate change impacts on groundwater reserves. Journal of Hydrology, 373, 122-138. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.04.017

Visser, A., Dubus, I., Broers, H. P., Brouyère, S., Korez, M., Orban, P., Goderniaux, P., Batlle Aguilar, J., Surdyk, N., Amraoui, N., Job, H., Pinault, J.-L., & Bierkens, M. (2009). Comparison of methods for the detection and extrapolation of trends in groundwater quality. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. doi:10.1039/b905926a

Broers, H.-P., Visser, A., Brouyère, S., Dubus, I., & Korcz, M. (2008). Assessing and aggregating trends in groundwater bodies. Examples of the FP VI Aquaterra-project. In EU Groundwater Policy Development - Good Status Objectives and Integrated management planning (pp. 50-55).

Broers, H. P., Visser, A., Bierkens, M. F. P., Dubus, I. G., Pinault, J. L., Surdyk, N., GuyonnetD., Batlle Aguilar, J., Brouyère, S., Goderniaux, P., Orban, P., Korcz, M., Dlugosz, J., & Odrzywolek M. (2008). Draft overview paper on trend analysis in groundwater summarizing the main results of TREND2 in relation to the new Groundwater Directive. (Deliverable Trend T2.12 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Caterina, D., Batlle Aguilar, J., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2008). Comparison and validation of risk assessment tools (FRAC-WECO Deliverable D4.1). (D4.1). BELSPO.

Gardin, N., Thomas, L., & Brouyère, S. (2008). Appui à la gestion et à la protection des ressources en eaux souterraines dans la région de Bobo-Dioulasso - Notice explicative de la carte de vulnérabilité au 1/100.000eme du bassin du Kou.

Caterina, D., Haberman, M., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2008). Deliverable D2.5: Decision grid for best approach in terms of modelling concepts/contaminants. BELSPO.

Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., Fowler, H. J., & Blenkinsop, S. (2008). Report on the development of the Geer Hydrological model. Final results about climate change impacts evaluation. (Deliverable R3.30 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Goderniaux, P., Gutierrez, A., & Brouyère, S. (2008). Interpretation of a tracer test at Brévilles after 2 years of monitoring. (Deliverable H2.7 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Brouyère, S., Batlle Aguilar, J., Goderniaux, P., & Dassargues, A. (28 January 2008). A New Tracer Technique for Monitoring Groundwater Fluxes: The Finite Volume Point Dilution Method. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 95 (3-4), 121-40. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2007.09.001

Broers, H. P., Visser, A., Heerdink, R., van der Grift, B., Surdyk, N., Dubus, I. G., Amraoui, N., Orban, P., Batlle Aguilar, J., Goderniaux, P., & Brouyère, S. (2008). Report which describes the physically-deterministic determination and extrapolation of time trends at selected test locations in Dutch part of the Meuse Basin, the Brévilles' catchment and the Geer catchment. (Deliverable Trend T2.10 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Robert, T., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2008). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin’EAU) : Délivrable D.4.1 - Rapport relatif aux échantillonnages complémentaires des éléments majeurs. Convention RW et SPGE-Aquapôle. Service public de Wallonie.

Dassargues, A., Drobot, R., Lenart, L., Brouyère, S., Szucs, P., & Miciuna, M. (2008). Hydrogeological study of Somes-Szamos transboundary alluvial aquifer. In Technical/Scientific Issues of Transboudary Water Management: Experience from around the world.

Dubus, I. G., Pinault, J. L., Surdyk, N., Amraoui, N., Guyonnet, D., Broers, H. P., Visser, A., Orban, P., Batlle Aguilar, J., Goderniaux, P., & Brouyère, S. (2008). Report with comparison of statistical and physically-deterministic methods of trend assessment and extrapolation in terms of data-requirements, costs and accuracy. (Deliverable Trend T2.11 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Wildemeersch, S., Couturier, J., & Dassargues, A. (2008). The Hybrid Finite-Element Mixing-Cell method: a new flexible method for large scale groundwater modelling [Paper presentation]. CMWR XVII - Computational Methods in Water Resources, San Francisco, United States.

Popescu, I. C., Gardin, N., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2008). Groundwater vulnerability assessment using physically based modelling: from challenges to pragmatic solutions. In J. C. Refsgaard, K. Kovar, E. Haarder, ... E. Nygaard (Eds.), Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: Credibility in Modelling (pp. 83-88). Wallingford, United Kingdom: IAHS Press.

Wellens, J., Diallo, M., Gardin, N., Midekor, A., Compaore, N., Dakoure, D., Karambiri, H., Derouane, J., Brouyère, S., & Tychon, B. (2008). Promouvoir des approches innovantes de recherche-développement en matière de GIRE au Burkina Faso. Global Water Partnership - Toolbox: Integrated Water Resources Management, CS 322.

Brouyère, S., Hérivaux, C., Haberman, M., Dassargues, A., Dujardin, J., Batelaan, O., Canters, F., Crèvecoeur, S., DEBACKER, V., Thomé, J.-P., & Manshoven, S. (2007). Methodology for the integration of process studies and development of a decision support tool (FRAC-WECO Project Deliverable D1.2). (D1.2).

Broers, H. P., Visser, A., Heerdink, R., van der Grift, B., Surdyk, N., Dubus, I. G., Gutierrez, A., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2007). Report with results of groundwater flow and reactive transport modelling at selected test locations in Dutch part of the Meuse basin, the Brévilles' catchment and the Geer catchment. (Deliverable Trend T2.8 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Goderniaux, P., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2007). Intermediate report on the development of the Geer hydrological model (surface and subsurface water) for climatic change scenario on that sub-catchment. (Deliverable R3.21 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Goderniaux, P., Batlle Aguilar, J., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (17 April 2007). The finite volume point dilution method: a tracer technique for monitoring transient Darcy fluxes [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007, Vienne, Austria.

Batlle Aguilar, J., & Brouyère, S. (2007). Assessing groundwater-surface water interaction and groundwater discharge in a contaminated site in an industrial, sub-urbanized area. In G. B. Davis, C. D. Johntson, ... M. G. Trefry (Eds.), Groundwater Quality 2007 Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrial Environments. Wembley, Australia: CSIRO.

Brouyère, S., Batlle Aguilar, J., Goderniaux, P., & Dassargues, A. (2007). The Finite Volume Point Dilution Method: A tracer technique for transient monitoring of groundwater fluxes [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2007, 6th International Conference on Groundwater Quality, Fremantle, Australia.

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Thomas, L., Dassargues, A., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Lacour, J.-L., Le Madec, D., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2007). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin'EAU) : Délivrables 3.51 et 4.51 - Note méthodologique sur l’évaluation des interactions avec les eaux de surface (volet quantitatif et volet qualitatif). Convention RW et SPGE - Aquapôle. ULg-ArGEnCo- Geo³-HGE.

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Lorenzini, G., & Dassargues, A. (2007). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en oeuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne - Délivrable 6.0 - Note méthodologique relative à la modélisation hydrogéologique des masses d'eau souterraine RWM011, RWM012 et RWM021 (aspects quantitatifs et qualitatifs). Service Public de Wallonie.

Bürger, C. M., Watanabe, N., Orban, P., Park, C.-H., Wang, W., Koliditz, O., Taniguchi, T., & Brouyère, S. (2007). Groundwater - surface water interaction at the catchment scale - case studies in the Meuse basin. In G. B. Davis, C. D. Johntson, ... M. G. Trefry (Eds.), Groundwater Quality 2007 Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrial Environments. Wembley, Australia: CSIRO.

Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2007). Integrated approach for assessing climate change impacts on a regional chalky aquifer in Belgium. In Changes in water resource systems: methodologies to maintain water security and ensure integrated management (pp. 100-106). Wallingford, United Kingdom: IAHS Press.

Orban, P., Batlle Aguilar, J., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2006). Etude exploratoire relative à la datation des eaux souterraines en Région wallonne à l’aide du Tritium. Application aux nappes de Hesbaye, du Pays de Herve, Hoyoux-Néblon et du Tournaisis. (RW 07/1).

Goderniaux, P., Brouyère, S., Gutierrez, A., Baran, N., & Mouvet, C. (2006). Report on the tracer tests (experimental setup, results and interpretation). (Deliverable H2.3 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2006). Groundwater flow and transport delivered for groundwater quality trend forecasting by TREND T2. (Deliverable R3.18 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Orban, P., Ruthy, I., & Brouyère, S. (2006). L’état quantitatif et qualitatif des eaux souterraines en Région wallonne : Dossier scientifique réalisé dans le cadre de l’élaboration du Rapport analytique 2006-2007 sur l’état de l’environnement wallon. (DossierR_eau_3). Service Public de Wallonie.

Broers, H. P., Visser, A., van der Grift, B., Dubus, I. G., Baran, N., Mouvet, C., Guttierez, A., Batlle Aguilar, J., Brouyère, S., & Orban, P. (2006). Input data sets abd short report describing the subsoil input data for groundwater and reactive transport modelling at test locations in Dutch part of the Meuse basin, the Brévilles' catchment and the Geer catchment. (Deliverable Trend T2.5 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Joziasse, J., Vink, J., Kessels, E., Brouyère, S., & van der Wielen, C. (2006). Chapter in Basin report for Meuse case on updated research questions and detailed research plan for month 25-42, including a new work package description. (Deliverable R3.17 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Batlle Aguilar, J., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (2006). Identification of groundwater quality trends in a chalky aquifer threatened by intensive agriculture. In F. Stauffer, Quantitative Geology from Multiple Sources: S10 Use of multiple sources in conditioning/calibrating groundwater flow and transport models (pp. 10-15).

Brouyère, S., Gesels, J., Goderniaux, P., Dassargues, A., Bastien, J., Van Wittenberge, F., Rorive, A., Dossin, F., Nogarède, P., & Hallet, V. (2006). Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne (Projet Synclin'EAU) : Délivrable 3.1.1 - Note méthodologique sur la caractérisation hydraulique des aquifères et l'estimation des ressources en eaux souterraines. Convention RW et SPGE - Aquapôle. ULg-ArGEnCo- Geo³-HGE.

Rentier, C., Delloye, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2006). A framework for an optimised groundwater monitoring network and aggregated indicators. Environmental Geology, 50 (2), 194-201. doi:10.1007/s00254-006-0200-x

Wojda, P., Gogu, C. R., & Brouyère, S. (2006). Conceptual model of hydrogeological information for a GIS-based decision support system of artificial recharge in semi-arid regions. In S. Cox & J. Laxton (Eds.), Quantitative Geology from multiple sources: Delivering geoscience information through open web standards (pp. 05-13).

Broers, H. P., Visser, A., Dubus, I. G., Baran, N., Morvan, X., Normand, M., Guttierez, A., Mouvet, C., Battle Aguilar, J., Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Dautrebande, S., Sohier, C., Korcz, M., Bronder, J., Dlugosz, J., & Odrzywolek, M. (2005). Report with documentation of reconstructed land use around test sites. (Deliverable Trend T2.2 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Broers, H. P., Visser, A., Pinault, J. L., Guyonnet, D., Dubus, I. G., Baran, N., Guttierez, A., Mouvet, C., Batlle Aguilar, J., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2005). Report on extrapolated time trends at test sites. (Deliverable Trend T2.5 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Gardin, N., Wojda, P., & Brouyère, S. (2005). Stress factors and associated physically based criteria and conclusions on the directions to be followed for developing a physically based vulnerability assessment method. (D43). Commision Européenne.

Gardin, N., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2005). Modélisation de la remontée des niveaux piézométriques dans les massifs affectés par des travaux miniers dans l'ancien bassin charbonnier de Liège - Site pilote de Cheratte. (ISSEP051 / AIDE051).

Gardin, N., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2005). Modélisation de la remontée des niveaux piézométriques dans les massifs affectés par des travaux miniers dans l'ancien bassin charbonnier de Liège. (ISSEP/051 AIDE/051). ISSEP.

Batlle Aguilar, J., Wojda, P., & Brouyère, S. (2005). Compilation of data collected and fed into a hydrogeological database in the Walloon Meuse catchment region. (Basin R3.11). Commission Européenne.

Batlle Aguilar, J., Wojda, P., & Brouyère, S. (2005). Compilation of data collected and fed into a hydrogeological database in the Walloon Meuse catchment region. (Deliverable R3.11 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Joziasse, J., Vink, J., & Brouyère, S. (2005). Chapter in BASIN report on structured research results for further interpretation in terms of management tools/approaches for river basin management (INTEGRATOR), and in terms of EU policy impacts (EUPOL), delivered to the steering committee and Overview of analysis results for the Dommel catchment system. (Deliverable R3.7 and R3.10 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Gardin, N., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2005). Application de l'approche "Box Model" au site de Cheratte pour la modélisation des remontées de nappes en massif minier. (ISSEP 05/1). ISSeP.

Brouyère, S., Carabin, G., & Dassargues, A. (2005). Influence of injection conditions on field tracer experiments. Ground Water, 43 (3), 389-400. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6584.2005.0041.x

Brouyère, S., Corbeanu, H., Dachy, M., Gardin, N., Orban, P., & Dassargues, A. (2004). Université de Liège - HGE-ULg - Projet de recherche PIRENE Rapport Final – Décembre 2004.

Brouyère, S., Orban, P., Corbeanu, H., Dachy, M., Gardin, N., & Dassargues, A. (2004). PIRENE (Programme Intégré de Recherche Environnement Eau) - Partim eaux souterraines - Rapport final. Aquapôle.

Batlle Aguilar, J., Popescu, I. C., Orban, P., & Brouyère, S. (2004). Synthesis of data availability for the river Meuse and the aquifer located in the alluvial plain in the Walloon Meuse catchment region. (Deliverable R3.4 FP6 Integrated Project AquaTerra (n° 505428 GOCE)).

Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., & Hallet, V. (August 2004). Migration of contaminants through the unsaturated zone overlying the Hesbaye chalky aquifer in Belgium: a field investigation. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 72 (1-4), 135-164. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2003.10.009

Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (19 July 2004). Migration of contaminants through the unsaturated zone overlying the Hesbaye aquifer in Belgium: field investigation and modelling [Paper presentation]. IAHS International Conference Groundwater Quality 2004 (GQ2004) - Bringing Groundwater Quality Research to the Watershed Scale.

Broers, H.-P., Baran, N., Batlle Aguilar, J., Bierkens, M., Bronder, J., Brouyère, S., Dlugosz, J., Dubus, I., Gutierrez, A., Korcz, M., Mouvet, C., Slowikowski, D., & Visser, A. (2004). Documented spatial data set containing the subdivision of the basins into groundwater systems and subsystems, the selected locations per subsystem and a description of these sites, available data and projected additional measurements and equipment. (TREND2.1). Commission Européenne.

Brouyère, S., Carabin, G., & Dassargues, A. (April 2004). Climate change impacts on groundwater resources: modelled deficits in a chalky aquifer, Geer basin, Belgium. Hydrogeology Journal, 12 (2), 123-134. doi:10.1007/s10040-003-0293-1

Brouyère, S. (2004). Solute contaminant transport in variably saturated dual-porosity/ dual permeability chalk: field tracer experiments and modelling. In P. Aagaard, E. Bedbur, G. Bidoglio, L. Candela, G. Nuetzmann, M. Trevisan, M. Vanclooster, ... P. Viotti (Eds.), Saturated & unsaturated zone: integration of process knowledge into effective models - COST Action 629 Workshop (pp. 89-94). Pavia, Italy: La Goliardica Pavese s.r.l.

Brouyère, S. (2004). A quantitative point of view of the concept of vulnerability. In F. Zwahlen (Ed.), Vulnerability and risk mapping for the protection of carbonate (karst) aquifers, COST620 final report (pp. 10-15). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

Brouyère, S., Bretotean, M., Minciuna, M.-N., Filip, A., Radu, E., Lénart, L., Uray, B., Nistea, F., Szendrei, A., Curtean, S., Iancu, A., Miko, L., Palscu, L., Kiss, A., & Naar, Z. (2004). Field campaigns: pumping tests and tracer tests. Hidrotehnica, 49 (9-10), 36-50.

Drobot, R., Jianu, M., Sirbu, N., Minciuna, M.-N., Filip, A., Bretotean, M., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., Popescu, I. C., Szucs, P., Karsai, M., Toth, A., Faur, K., & Virag, M. (2004). Regional model of the Somes-Szamos aquifer (RO-HU). Hidrotehnica, 49 (9-10), 58-66.

Orban, P., Popescu, I.-C., Ruthy, I., & Brouyère, S. (2004). Database and general modelling concepts for groundwater modelling in the SQUASH Project. Hidrotehnica, 49 (9-10), 51-57.

Rentier, C., Delloye, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2004). Aggregated indicators from an optimized groundwater monitoring network: example in Walloon region of Belgium for implementation of the European Water Directive. In Proc. of Integrated methods for assessing water quality, COST629 Workshop (pp. 43-49).

Brouyère, S. (2003). Modeling tracer injection and well-aquifer interactions: A new mathematical and numerical approach. Water Resources Research, 39 (3). doi:10.1029/2002WR001813

Lenart, L., Madarasz, T., Miko, L., Szabo, A., Szucs, P., Virag-Juhaszne, Bretotean, M., Drobot, R., Filip, A., Jianu, M., Minciuna, M., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., & Popescu, I. C. (2003). Complex Hydrogeological Study of the Alluvial Transboundary Aquifer of Szamos/Somes (Romania-Hungary). In Water resources management in the 21th century. Subtheme 4, Relevance and sustainability of the intensive groundwater developments (pp. 1-9).

Rentier, C., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2002). Integrating geophysical and tracer test data for accurate solute transport modelling in heterogeneous porous media. In Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution (GQ’2001) (pp. 3-10). Wallingford, United Kingdom: IAHS Press.

Brouyère, S. (2001). Etude et modélisation du transport et du piégeage des solutés en milieu souterrain variablement saturé. Evaluation des paramètres hydrodispersifs par la réalisation et l'interprétation d'essais de traçage in situ [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Brouyère, S., Jeannin, P.-Y., Dassargues, A., Goldscheider, N., Popescu, I. C., Sauter, M., Vadillo, I., & Zwahlen, F. (2001). Evaluation and validation of vulnerability concepts using a physically based approach. Mémoire des Sciences et Techniques de l'Environnement, 13, 67-72.

Carabin, G., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., Monjoie, A., Sohier, C., Dautrebande, S., Deliège, J.-F., & Smitz, J. (2001). The new integrated hydrological model MOHISE: construction, implementation and results. In Book of abstracts of the International Workshop on Catchment Scale Hydrologic Modeling and Data Assimilation (pp. 70-72).

Brouyère, S., Popescu, I. C., & Dassargues, A. (November 2000). Can modelling approaches be helpful for karst vulnerability assessment? [Paper presentation]. COST Action 620 Vulnerability and Risk Mapping for the Protection of Carbonate (Karst) Aquifers, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Brouyère, S. (2000). Modelling the injection of a tracer in a well: a new mathematical and numerical approach. In A. Dassargues (Ed.), Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology (pp. 25-31). Wallingford, United Kingdom: IAHS Press.

Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., Therrien, R., & Sudicky, E. (2000). Modelling of dual porosity media: comparisons of different techniques and evaluation of the impact on plume transport simulations. In F. Stauffer, W. Kinzelbach, K. Kovar, ... E. Hoehn (Eds.), Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: Coping with Uncertainty (pp. 22-27). w, United Kingdom: IAHS Press.

Haerens, B., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (1999). Detailed calibration of a deterministic transport model on multi-tracer tests: analysis and comparison with semi-analytical solutions. In F. Stauffer, W. Kinzelbach, K. Kovar, ... E. Hoehn, Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Pre-published Proc. of ModelCARE99 (pp. 319-324).

Rentier, C., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (1999). Calibration and reliability of an alluvial aquifer model using inverse modelling and sensitivity analysis. In F. Stauffer, W. Kinzelbach, K. Kovar, ... E. Hoehn, Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Pre-published Proc. of ModelCARE99 (pp. 343-348).

Carabin, G., Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (1998). 3D flow and transport groundwater modelling including river interactions. In V. N. Burganos, G. P. Karatzas, A. C. Payatakes, C. A. Brebbia, W. G. Gray, ... G. F. Pinder, Computational Methods in Water Resources XII, Vol. 1: Computational Methods in Contamination and Remediation of Water Resources (pp. 569-576). Southampton, United Kingdom: Computational Mechanical Publications.

Brouyère, S., & Rentier, C. (1997). About the influence of the injection mode on tracer test results. In A. Kranjc (Ed.), Tracer Hydrology 97 (pp. 11-17). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema.

Dassargues, A., & Brouyère, S. (1997). Are deterministic models helpful to delineate groundwater protection zones in karstic aquifers ? In G. Günay & I. Johnson, Karst Waters & Environmental Impacts (Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf.) (pp. 109-116). Balkema.

Dassargues, A., Brouyère, S., & Carabin, G. (1997). 2D and 3D groundwater simulations to interpret tracer tests results in heterogeneous geological contexts. In A. Kranjc, Tracer Hydrology 97 (pp. 397-403). Balkema.

Horrent, C., Brouyère, S., Demanet, D., Michiels, T., & Jongmans, D. (1997). Seismic refraction surveys in Bernburg, Germany: an application of the generalized reciprocal and phantoming method. In D. M. McCann, M. Eddleston, P. J. Fenning, ... G. M. Reeves (Eds.), Modern Geophysics in Engineering Geology (pp. 407-411). London, United Kingdom: Geological Society.

Dassargues, A., Brouyère, S., Carabin, G., & Schmitz, F. (1996). Conceptual and computational challenges when coupling a groundwater model with ocean and river models. In Computational Methods in Water Resources XI, Vol. 1: Computational Methods in Subsurface Flow and Transport Problems (pp. 77-84).

Dassargues, A., Brouyère, S., & Derouane, J. (1996). From calibration on tracer test data to computation of protection zones: upscaling difficulties in a deterministic modelling framework. In K. Kovar & P. Van Der Heijde, ModelCARE 96: Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling (pp. 253-264). Wallingford, United Kingdom: IAHS Press.