Publications and communications of Willy Zorzi

Thellin, O., Elmoualij, B., Zorzi, W., Jensen, J. S., Close, R., Deregowski, V., Le Guern Fellous, M., & Quatresooz, P. (2019). Four-color multiplex real-Time PCR assay prototype targeting azithromycin resistance mutations in Mycoplasma genitalium. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19 (1). doi:10.1186/s12879-019-4424-2

Thellin, O., Zorzi, D., MELIN, P., DELVENNE, P., Heinen, E., Zorzi, W., Elmoualij, B., & QUATRESOOZ, P. (February 2018). Hen egg white lysozyme is less active against Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm than human lysozyme. Microbiology Research International, 6 (1), 1-6. doi:10.30918/MRI.61.18.011

Poncin-Epaillard, F., Vrlinic, T., Mozetic, M., Coudreuse, A., Legeay, Elmoualij, B., & Zorzi, W. (17 August 2012). Surface Treatment of Polymeric Materials Controlling the Adhesion of Biomolecules. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 3, 528-543.

Mille, C., Debarnot, Zorzi, W., Elmoualij, B., Coudreuse, A., Legeay, G., Quadrio, I., Perret-Liaudet, A., & Poncin-Epaillard, F. (March 2012). Increasing the Detection Limit of the Parkinson Disorder through a Specific Surface Chemistry Applied onto Inner Surface of the Titration Well. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2, 298-312.

Elmoualij, B., Dupiereux-Fettweis, I., Seguin, J., Quadrio, I., Zorzi, W., Perret-Liaudet, A., & Heinen, E. (2011). Alzheimer’s diseases: towards biomarkers for an early diagnosis. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.

Gigliobianco, T., Lakaye, B., Wins, P., Elmoualij, B., Zorzi, W., & Bettendorff, L. (May 2010). Adenosine thiamine triphosphate accumulates in Escherichia coli cells in response to specific conditions of metabolic stress. BMC Microbiology, 10, 148. doi:10.1186/1471-2180-10-148

Nolens, G., Pignon, J.-C., Koopmansch, B., Elmoualij, B., Zorzi, W., De Pauw, E., & Winkler, R. (11 November 2009). Ku proteins interact with activator protein-2 transcription factors and contribute to ERBB2 overexpression in breast cancer cell lines. Breast Cancer Research, 11 (6). doi:10.1186/bcr2450

Leunda-Casi, A., Pauwels, K., Herman, P., Verheust, C., Zorzi, W., Thellin, O., Roels, S., & Van Vaerenbergh, B. (2009). Risk assessment of laboratories involving the manipulation of unconventional agents causing TSE. (No Royal Library: D/2009/2505/49). Brussels, Belgium: Institut Scientifique de Santé Publique.

Falisse-Poirier, N., Ruelle, V., Elmoualij, B., Zorzi, D., Pierard, O., Heinen, E., De Pauw, E., & Zorzi, W. (December 2006). Advances in immunoproteomics for serological characterization of microbial antigens. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 67 (3), 593-596. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2006.05.002

Rajkovic, A., Elmoualij, B., Uyttendaele, M., Brolet, P., Zorzi, W., Heinen, E., Foubert, E., & Debevere, J. (October 2006). Immunoquantitative real-time PCR for detection and quantification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B in foods. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 (10), 6593-6599. doi:10.1128/AEM.03068-05

Dupiereux-Fettweis, I., Zorzi, W., Rachidi, W., Zorzi, D., Pierard, O., Lhereux, B., Heinen, E., & Elmoualij, B. (15 August 2006). Study on the toxic mechanism of prion protein peptide 106-126 in neuronal and non neuronal cells. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 84 (3), 637-646. doi:10.1002/jnr.20965

Nollevaux, G., Deville, C., Elmoualij, B., Zorzi, W., Deloyer, P., Schneider, Y.-J., Peulen, O., & Dandrifosse, G. (02 May 2006). Development of a serum-free co-culture of human intestinal epithelium cell-lines (Caco-2/HT29-5M21). BMC Cell Biology, 7, 20. doi:10.1186/1471-2121-7-20

Gofflot, S., Deprez, M., Elmoualij, B., Osman, A., Thonnart, J.-F., Hougrand, O., Heinen, E., & Zorzi, W. (2005). Immunoquantitative PCR for prion protein detection in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Clinical Chemistry, 51 (9), 1605-11. doi:10.1373/clinchem.2005.050120

Verlaet, M., Adamantidis, A., Coumans, B., Chanas, G., Zorzi, W., Heinen, E., Grisar, T., & Lakaye, B. (11 September 2002). Human immune cells express ppMCH mRNA and functional MCHR1 receptor. FEBS Letters, 527 (1-3), 205-210. doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(02)03232-5

Ehirchiou, D., Zorzi, W., Biemans, R., Vanderbeeke, A., Haumont, M., Collin, S., Jolois, O., Bollen, A., Heinen, E., & Antoine, N. (2002). DNA immunisation. New histochemical and morphometric data. European Journal of Histochemistry, 46 (3), 215-22. doi:10.4081/1682

Duez, C., Zorzi, W., Sapunaric, F., Amoroso, A. M., Thamm, I., & Coyette, J. (September 2001). The Penicillin Resistance of Enterococcus Faecalis Jh2-2r Results from an Overproduction of the Low-Affinity Penicillin-Binding Protein Pbp4 and Does Not Involve a Psr-Like Gene. Microbiology, 147 (Pt 9), 2561-9. doi:10.1099/00221287-147-9-2561

Thellin, O., Coumans, B., Zorzi, W., Igout, A., & Heinen, E. (December 2000). Tolerance to the Foeto-Placental 'Graft': Ten Ways to Support a Child for Nine Months. Current Opinion in Immunology, 12 (6), 731-7. doi:10.1016/S0952-7915(00)00170-9

Thellin, O., Zorzi, W., Lakaye, B., De Borman, B., Coumans, B., Hennen, G., Grisar, T., Igout, A., & Heinen, E. (1999). Housekeeping Genes as Internal Standards: Use and Limits. Journal of Biotechnology, 75 (2-3), 291-5. doi:10.1016/S0168-1656(99)00163-7

Thellin, O., Coumans, B., Zorzi, W., Mélot, F., HENNEN, G., Igout, A., & Heinen, E. (21 November 1998). Possible intervention of hPGH in the human fœtal tolerance through Th1/Th2 balance ? [Poster presentation]. 170ième réunion de la Société Belge de Biochimie et de Biologie Moléculaire, Gent, Belgium.

Thellin, O., Coumans, B., Zorzi, W., Barnard, R., Hennen, G., Heinen, E., & Igout, A. (1998). Expression of Growth Hormone Receptors by Lymphocyte Subpopulations in the Human Tonsil. Developmental Immunology, 6 (3-4), 295-304. doi:10.1155/1998/85209

Granier, B., Jamin, M., Adam, M., Galleni, M., Lakaye, B., Zorzi, W., Grandchamps, J., Wilkin, J.-M., Fraipont, C., Joris, B., Duez, C., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Coyette, J., Leyh-Bouille, M., Dusart, J., Christians, L., Frère, J.-M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (1994). Serine-Type D-Ala-D-Ala Peptidases and Penicillin-Binding Proteins. Methods in Enzymology, 244, 249-266. doi:10.1016/0076-6879(94)44021-2

Adam, M., Damblon, C., Jamin, M., Zorzi, W., Dusart, V., Galleni, M., El Kharroubi, A., Piras, G., Spratt, B. G., Keck, W., Coyette, J., Ghuysen, J.-M., NGuyen-Distèche, M., & Frère, J.-M. (1991). Acyltransferase activities of the high-molecular-mass essential penicillin-binding proteins. Biochemical Journal, 279 (Part 2), 601-604. doi:10.1042/bj2790601