Publications and communications of Michel Georges

Yuan, C., Gualdrón Duarte, J. L., Takeda, H., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (13 July 2024). Evaluation of heritability partitioning approaches in livestock populations. BMC Genomics, 25 (1), 690. doi:10.1186/s12864-024-10600-y

Meyermans, R., Janssens, S., Coussé, A., Tinel, S., Gorssen, W., Lepot, F., Hubin, X., Mayeres, P., Veulemans, W., De Wilde, N., Druet, T., Georges, M., Charlier, C., Claerebout, E., & Buys, N. (05 July 2024). Genetic and genomic analysis of Belgian Blue's susceptibility for psoroptic mange. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 56 (1), 52. doi:10.1186/s12711-024-00921-7

Tang, L., Swedlund, B., Dupont, S., Harland, C., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Durkin, K., Artesi, M., Mullaart, E., Sartelet, A., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (09 March 2024). GWAS reveals determinants of mobilization rate and dynamics of an active endogenous retrovirus of cattle. Nature Communications, 15 (1), 2154. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-46434-1

Gualdrón Duarte, J. L., Yuan, C., Gori, A.-S., Moreira, G. C. M., Takeda, H., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (28 November 2023). Sequenced-based GWAS for linear classification traits in Belgian Blue beef cattle reveals new coding variants in genes regulating body size in mammals. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 55 (1), 83. doi:10.1186/s12711-023-00857-4

Baumdick, M. E., Niehrs, A., Degenhardt, F., Schwerk, M., Hinrichs, O., Jordan-Paiz, A., Padoan, B., Wegner, L. H. M., Schloer, S., Zecher, B. F., Malsy, J., Joshi, V. R., Illig, C., Schröder-Schwarz, J., Möller, K. J., Hamburg Intestinal Tissue Study, G., Martin, M. P., Yuki, Y., Ozawa, M., ... Zhao, Z. Z. (Other coll.). (October 2023). HLA-DP on Epithelial Cells Enables Tissue Damage by NKp44(+) Natural Killer Cells in Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology, 165 (4), 946-962.e13. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2023.06.034

Yuan, C., Tang, L., Lopdell, T., Petrov, V. A., Oget-Ebrad, C., Moreira, G. C. M., Gualdrón Duarte, J. L., Sartelet, A., Cheng, Z., Salavati, M., Wathes, D. C., Crowe, M. A., GplusE Consortium, Coppieters, W., Littlejohn, M., Charlier, C., Druet, T., Georges, M.* , & Takeda, H.*. (October 2023). An organism-wide ATAC-seq peak catalog for the bovine and its use to identify regulatory variants. Genome Research, 33 (10), 1848 - 1864. doi:10.1101/gr.277947.123
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative, Rahmouni, S., Georges, M., Moutschen, M., Darcis, G., & Beguin, Y. (September 2023). A second update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature, 621 (7977), 7 - E26. doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06355-3

Lee, Y. L., Bosse, M., Takeda, H., Moreira, G. C. M., Karim, L., Druet, T., Oget-Ebrad, C., Coppieters, W., Veerkamp, R. F., Groenen, M. A. M., Georges, M., Bouwman, A. C., & Charlier, C. (01 May 2023). High-resolution structural variants catalogue in a large-scale whole genome sequenced bovine family cohort data. BMC Genomics, 24 (1), 225. doi:10.1186/s12864-023-09259-8

Akhlaghpour, M., Haritunians, T., More, S. K., Thomas, L. S., Stamps, D. T., Dube, S., Li, D., Yang, S., Landers, C. J., Mengesha, E., Hamade, H., Murali, R., Potdar, A. A., Wolf, A. J., Botwin, G. J., Khrom, M., International IBD Genetics Consortium, Ananthakrishnan, A. N., Faubion, W. A., ... Georges, M. (Other coll.). (2023). Genetic coding variant in complement factor B (CFB) is associated with increased risk for perianal Crohn's disease and leads to impaired CFB cleavage and phagocytosis. Gut, 2023-329689. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2023-329689

Burniat, A., Noël, A., Colige, A., Vanderplasschen, A., de Kerchove d'Exaerde, A., Kupper Cardozo, A., Van Keymeulen, A., Moens, A., Bondue, A., Herpain, A., Marchant, A., Loumaye, A., Beck, B., Van den Heyden, B., Corvilain, B., Lakaye, B., Rogister, B., Malgrange, B., Michiels, C., ... Brunko, E. (2023). Cent scientifiques répliquent à SEA (Suppression des Expériences sur l’Animal vivant) et dénoncent sa désinformation. La Libre Belgique.

Georges, A., Lavergne, A., Mandai, M., Lepiemme, F., Karim, L., Demeulenaere, L., Aguilar Ortmans, D., Schyns, M., Nguyen, L., Rakic, J.-M., Takahashi, M., Georges, M., & Takeda, H. (21 January 2023). Comparing the transcriptome of developing native and iPSC-derived mouse retinae by single cell RNA sequencing. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 1223. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-28429-y

Bonaguro, L., Schulte-Schrepping, J., Carraro, C., Sun, L. L., Reiz, B., Gemünd, I., Saglam, A., Rahmouni, S., Georges, M., Arts, P., Hoischen, A., Joosten, L. A. B., van de Veerdonk, F. L., Netea, M. G., Händler, K., Mukherjee, S., Ulas, T., Schultze, J. L., & Aschenbrenner, A. C. (18 November 2022). Human variation in population-wide gene expression data predicts gene perturbation phenotype. iScience, 25 (11), 105328. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2022.105328

Koshmanova, E., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., MOURAUX, C., Reyt, M., Grignard, M., Talwar, P., Lambot, E., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Mortazavi, N., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Georges, M., Collette, F., Maquet, P., Van Someren, E., & Vandewalle, G. (10 November 2022). Genetic risk for insomnia is associated with objective sleep measures in young and healthy good sleepers. Neurobiology of Disease, 175, 105924. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2022.105924

Mishra, N., Aden, K., Blase, J. I., Baran, N., Bordoni, D., Tran, F., Conrad, C., Avalos, D., Jaeckel, C., Scherer, M., Sørensen, S. B., Overgaard, S. H., Schulte, B., Nikolaus, S., Rey, G., Gasparoni, G., Lyons, P. A., Schultze, J. L., Walter, J., ... Georges, M. (Other coll.). (24 September 2022). Longitudinal multi-omics analysis identifies early blood-based predictors of anti-TNF therapy response in inflammatory bowel disease. Genome Medicine, 14 (1), 110. doi:10.1186/s13073-022-01112-z

International IBD Genetics Consortium, Rahmouni, S., Georges, M., & LOUIS, E. (September 2022). Large-scale sequencing identifies multiple genes and rare variants associated with Crohn's disease susceptibility. Nature Genetics, 54 (9), 1275-1283. doi:10.1101/2021.06.15.21258641

Sazonovs, A., Stevens, C. R., Venkataraman, G. R., Yuan, K., Avila, B., Abreu, M. T., Ahmad, T., Allez, M., Ananthakrishnan, A. N., Atzmon, G., Baras, A., Barrett, J. C., Barzilai, N., Beaugerie, L., Beecham, A., Bernstein, C. N., Bitton, A., Bokemeyer, B., Chan, A., ... Daly, M. J. (2022). Large-scale sequencing identifies multiple genes and rare variants associated with Crohn’s disease susceptibility. Nature Genetics. doi:10.1038/s41588-022-01156-2

Pathak, G. A., Karjalainen, J., Stevens, C., Neale, B. M., Daly, M., Ganna, A., Andrews, S. J., Kanai, M., Cordioli, M., Polimanti, R., Harerimana, N., Pirinen, M., Liao, R. G., Chwialkowska, K., Trankiem, A., Balaconis, M. K., Nguyen, H., Solomonson, M., Veerapen, K., ... Baillie, J. K. (03 August 2022). A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature, 608, 1-E10. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04826-7

Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Gori, A.-S., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Georges, M., Charlier, C., & Druet, T. (08 July 2022). Sequence-based multi-trait genome-wide association study for linear classification traits in Belgian Blue beef cattle [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Lee, Y. L., Bosse, M., Coppieters, W., Veerkamp, R., Karim, L., Oget, C., Druet, T., Groenen, M., Georges, M., Bouwman, A., & Charlier, C. (08 July 2022). Rare CNVs in the bovine genome are not captured well by 50K density genotyping array SNPs [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Oget, C., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (08 July 2022). Fine-Scale Study of Meiotic Recombination in Cattle [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Rombouts, T., Druet, T., Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Ahariz, N., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., De Smet, S., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (08 July 2022). A hypomorphic mutation in the ATP2A1 gene increases muscle mass yet compromises meat quality of Belgian Blue cattle [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Yuan, C., Tang, L., Lopdell, T., Oget, C., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Gualdron Duarte, J. L., Cheng, Z., Salavati, M., Wathes, D. C., Crowe, M. A., GplusE consortium, Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., Druet, T., Georges, M., & Takeda, H. (08 July 2022). Enrichment of causative variants in tissue-specific and shared ATAC-Seq peaks in cattle [Paper presentation]. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Petrov, V., Sharapov, S., Shagam, L., Nostaeva, A., Pezer, M., Li, D., Hanić, M., McGovern, D., LOUIS, E., Rahmouni, S., Lauc, G., Georges, M., & Aulchenko, Y. S. (29 April 2022). Association between human gut microbiome and N-glycan composition of total plasma proteome. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:811922.

Yang, H.* , Wu, J.* , Huang, X., Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Liu, Q., Ke, S., He, M., Fu, H., Fang, S., Xiong, X., Jiang, H., Chen, Z., Wu, Z., Gong, H., Tong, X., Huang, Y., Ma, J., ... Huang, L.*. (2022). ABO genotype alters the gut microbiota by regulating GalNAc levels in pigs. Nature. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04769-z
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Kadri, N. K., Zhang, J., Oget-Ebrad, C., Wang, Y., Couldrey, C., Spelman, R., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2022). High male specific contribution of the X-chromosome to individual global recombination rate in dairy cattle. BMC Genomics, 23 (1), 114. doi:10.1186/s12864-022-08328-8

Oget, C., Kadri, N. K., Moreira, G. C. M., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2022). Benchmarking phasing software with a whole-genome sequenced cattle pedigree. BMC Genomics, 23 (1), 130. doi:10.1186/s12864-022-08354-6

Nakanishi, T., Pigazzini, S., Degenhardt, F., Cordioli, M., Butler-Laporte, G., Maya-Miles, D., Nafría-Jiménez, B., Bouysran, Y., Niemi, M., Palom, A., Ellinghaus, D., Khan, A., Martínez-Bueno, M., Rolker, S., Amitano, S., Tato, L. R., Fava, F., Spinner, C. D., Prati, D., ... consortium, C.-H. (October 2021). Age-dependent impact of the major common genetic risk factor for COVID-19 on severity and mortality. Journal of Clinical Investigation, Online ahead of print.. doi:10.1172/JCI152386

Muto, V.* , Koshmanova, E.* , Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P.* , Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Elansary, M., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Mouraux, C., Schmidt, C., Hammad, G., Coppieters, W., Ahariz, N., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (16 July 2021). Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk and sleep phenotypes: association with more slow-waves and daytime sleepiness. Sleep, 44 (1), 137. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsaa137
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Durkin, K., Artesi, M., VAN DEN BROEKE, A., Bours, V., Hahaut, V., & Georges, M. (21 June 2021). Pooled crispr inverse pcr sequencing (pcip-seq): simultaneous sequencing of viral insertion points and the integrated viral genomes with long reads.

Artesi, M.* , Hahaut, V.* , Cole, B.* , Lambrechts, L., Ashrafi, F., Marçais, A., Hermine, O., Griebel, P., Arsic, N., van der Meer, F., Burny, A., Bron, D., BIANCHI, E., DELVENNE, P., BOURS, V., Charlier, C., Georges, M., Vandekerckhove, L.* , Van den Broeke, A.* , & Durkin, K.*. (2021). PCIP-seq: simultaneous sequencing of integrated viral genomes and their integration sites with long reads. Genome Biology, 22, 97. doi:10.1186/s13059-021-02307-0
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Lee, Y.-L., Takeda, H., Costa Monteiro Moreira, G., Karim, L., Mullaart, E., Coppieters, W., Appeltant, R., Veerkamp, R. F., Groenen, M. A. M., Georges, M., Bosse, M., Druet, T., Bouwman, A. C., & Charlier, C. (2021). A 12 kb multi-allelic copy number variation encompassing a GC gene enhancer is associated with mastitis resistance in dairy cattle. PLoS Genetics, 17 (7), 1009331. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009331

Lieferinckx, C., De Grève, Z., Toubeau, J. F., Perée, H., Quertinmont, E., Tafciu, V., Minsart, C., Rahmouni, S., Georges, M., Vallée, F., & Franchimont, D. (2021). New approach to determine the healthy immune variations by combining clustering methods. Scientific Reports, 11, 8917. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-88272-x

Marçais, A., Lhermite, L., Artesi, M., Laurent, C., Durkin, K., Hahaut, V., Rosewick, N., Suarez, F., Sibon, D., Cheminant, M., Avettand-Fenoël, V., Bruneau, J., Georges, M., Pique, C., Van den Broeke, A.* , Asnafi, V.* , & Hermine, O.*. (2021). Targeted deep sequencing reveals clonal and subclonal mutational signatures in Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma and defines an unfavorable indolent subtype. Leukemia, 35, 764-776. doi:10.1038/s41375-020-0900-3
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Niemi, M., Gazon, H., JUSZCZAK, D., FADEUR, M., CAMBY, S., MEURIS, C., THYS, M., JACQUES, J., HENKET, M., BEGUIN, Y., Rahmouni, S., Lebrun, M., MOUTSCHEN, M., Misset, B., DARCIS, G., GUIOT, J., AZARZAR, S., DELLOT, P., GOFFLOT, S., ... HUYNEN, P. (Other coll.). (2021). Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature, 600, 472-477. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03767-x

Rapino, F.* , ZHOU, Z.* , RONCERO SANCHEZ, A. M.* , Joiret, M., Seca, C., El Hachem, N., Valenti, G., Latini, S., Shostak, K., Geris, L., Li, P., Huang, G., Mazzucchelli, G., Baiwir, D., Desmet, C., Chariot, A., Georges, M., & Close, P. (2021). Wobble tRNA modification and hydrophilic amino acid patterns dictate protein fate. Nature Communications, 12 (1), 2170. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-22254-5
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Koshmanova, E., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Meyer, F., Grignard, M., Hammad, G., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., Posthuma, D., Georges, M., Schmidt, C., Maquet, P., van Someren, E., & Vandewalle, G. (22 September 2020). Higher polygenic risk for insomnia is associated with lower delta power during habitual sleep in young individuals without sleep disorders [Poster presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) 2020.

Vuckovic, D., Bao, E. L., Akbari, P., Lareau, C. A., Mousas, A., Jiang, T., Chen, M.-H., Raffield, L. M., Tardaguila, M., Huffman, J. E., Ritchie, S. C., Megy, K., Ponstingl, H., Penkett, C. J., Albers, P. K., Wigdor, E. M., Sakaue, S., Moscati, A., Manansala, R., ... Soranzo, N. (03 September 2020). The Polygenic and Monogenic Basis of Blood Traits and Diseases. Cell, 182 (5), 1214 - 1231.e11. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.008

Coppieters, W., Karim, L., & Georges, M. (August 2020). SNP-based quantitative deconvolution of biological mixtures: application to the detection of cows with subclinical mastitis by whole-genome sequencing of tank milk. Genome Research, 30 (8), 1201 - 1207. doi:10.1101/gr.256172.119

GEORGES, A., Lavergne, A., Mandai, M., Lepiemme, F., Karim, L., Demeulenaere, L., Aguilar Ortmans, D., Schyns, M., Nguyen, L., RAKIC, J.-M., Takahashi, M., Georges, M., & Takeda, H. (2020). Combined analysis of single cell RNA-Seq and ATAC-Seq data reveals putative regulatory toggles operating in native and iPS-derived retina. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2020.03.02.972497

Klarić, L., Tsepilov, Y. A., Stanton, C. M., Mangino, M., Sikka, T. T., Esko, T., Pakhomov, E., Salo, P., Deelen, J., McGurnaghan, S. J., Keser, T., Vučković, F., Ugrina, I., Krištić, J., Gudelj, I., Štambuk, J., Plomp, R., Pučić-Baković, M., Pavić, T., ... Hayward, C. (2020). Glycosylation of immunoglobulin G is regulated by a large network of genes pleiotropic with inflammatory diseases. Science Advances, 6 (8), 0301. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax0301

Rosewick, N.* , Hahaut, V.* , Durkin, K., Artesi, M., Karpe, S., Wayet, J., Griebel, P., Arsic, N., Marçais, A., Hermine, O., Burny, A., Georges, M., & Van den Broeke, A. (2020). An Improved Sequencing-Based Bioinformatics Pipeline to Track the Distribution and Clonal Architecture of Proviral Integration Sites. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 587306. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.587306
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Zhang, J., Kadri, N. K., Mullaart, E., Spelman, R., Fritz, S., Boichard, D., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2020). Genetic architecture of individual variation in recombination rate on the X chromosome in cattle. Heredity, 125 (5), 304-316. doi:10.1038/s41437-020-0341-9

Artesi, M., Hahaut, V., Ashrafi, F., Marcais, A., Hermine, O., Griebel, P., Arsic, N., van der Meer, F., Burny, A., Bron, D., Charlier, C., Georges, M., Van den Broeke, A., & Durkin, K. (2019). Pooled CRISPR Inverse PCR sequencing (PCIP-seq): simultaneous sequencing of retroviral insertion points and the associated provirus in thousands of cells with long reads 558130. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/558130

Georges, M., Charlier, C., & Hayes, B. (2019). Harnessing genomic information for livestock improvement. Nature Reviews. Genetics. doi:10.1038/s41576-018-0082-2

Sharapov, S. Z., Tsepilov, Y. A., Klaric, L., Mangino, M., Thareja, G., Shadrina, A. S., Simurina, M., Dagostino, C., Dmitrieva, J. B., Vilaj, M., Vuckovic, F., Pavic, T., Stambuk, J., Trbojevic-Akmacic, I., Kristic, J., Simunovic, J., Momcilovic, A., Campbell, Doherty, M., ... Aulchenko, Y. S. (2019). Defining the genetic control of human blood plasma N-glycome using genome-wide association study. Human Molecular Genetics, 28 (12), 2062-2077. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddz054

Weersma, R., Barrett, J., Vermeire, S., Xavier, R., Anderson, C., Wijmenga, C., Daly, M., Alm, E., Raes, J., Huttenhower, C., Stappenbeck, T., Netea, M., Kaser, A., Franke, A., McGovern, D., Colombel, J., van den Brink, G., Uhlig, H., Georges, M., ... Moutsianas, L. (November 2018). Multiomics Analyses to Deliver the Most Effective Treatment to Every Patient With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology, 155 (5), 1-e4. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2018.07.039

Waage, J., Standl, M., Curtin, J. A., Jessen, L. E., Thorsen, J., Schoettler, N., Flores, C., The 23andMe Research Team, AAGC collaborators, Abdellaoui, A., Ahluwalia, T. S., Alves, A., Amaral, A. F. S., Anto, J. M., Arnold, A., Barreto-Luis, A., Baurecht, H., Beijserveldt, T., Bleecker, E. R., ... D-Bonnelykke, K. (August 2018). Genome-wide association and HLA fine-mapping studies identify risk loci and genetic pathways underlying allergic rhinitis. Nature Genetics, 50 (8), 1072-1080. doi:10.1038/s41588-018-0157-1

Muraille, E., de Kerchove d'Exaerde, A., Blanpain, C., Vassart, G., Parmentier, M., Moser, M., Oberdan, L., Vanderhaegen, P., Vanduffel, W., Vogels, R., Tissir, F., Bureau, F., Hanson, J., Drion, P., Georges, M., Seutin, V., Ris, L., & De Backer, O. (2018). L'expérimentation animale ne se fait pas en dehors de tout contrôle (OPINION). La Libre Belgique.

Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Charlier, C., Karim, L., Cambisano, N., Deckers, M., Mullaart, E., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2018). High resolution mapping of cross-over events in cattle using NGS data. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production.

Momozawa, Y., Dmitrieva, J. B., Theatre, E., Deffontaine, V., Rahmouni, S., Charloteaux, B., Crins, F., Elansary, M., Gori, A.-S., LECUT, C., Mariman, R., Mni, M., Oury, C., Altukhov, I., Alexeev, D., Aulchenko, Y., Amininejad, L., van der Meulen-de Jong, A. E., van der Woude, C. J., ... Georges, M. (2018). IBD risk loci are enriched in multigenic regulatory modules encompassing causative genes. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04365-8

Amorim, C., Andris, F., Arckens, L., Arnould, T., Aron, S., Bakker, J., Balligand, M., Balthazart, J., Baron, F., Beck, B., Beguin, Y., Behets, C., Bellefroid, E., Bertrand, L., Bettendorff, L., Bindels, L., Blankert, B., Blanpain, C., Bondue, A., ... Wittamer, V. (2017). L’expérimentation animale reste indispensable (OPINION). La Libre Belgique.

Rosewick, N.* , Durkin, K.* , Artesi, M.* , Marçais, A., Hahaut, V., Griebel, P., Avettand-Fenoel, V., Burny, A., Charlier, C., Hermine, O., Georges, M., & Van den Broeke, A. (23 May 2017). Cis-perturbation of cancer drivers by the HTLV-1/BLV proviruses is an early determinant of leukemogenesis. Nature Communications, 8. doi:10.1038/ncomms15264
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Artesi, M., Marcais, A., Durkin, K., Rosewick, N., Hahaut, V., Suarez, F., Trinquand, A., Lhermitte, L., Asnafi, V., Avettand-Fenoel, V., Burny, A., Georges, M., Hermine, O., & Van den Broeke, A. (2017). Monitoring molecular response in adult T-cell leukemia by high-throughput sequencing analysis of HTLV-1 clonality. Leukemia, 31 (11), 2532-2535. doi:10.1038/leu.2017.260

Fodil, N., Moradin, N., Leung, V., Olivier, J.-F., Radovanovic, I., Jeyakumar, T., Flores Molina, M., McFarquhar, A., Cayrol, R., Bozec, D., Shoukry, N. H., Kubo, M., Dimitrieva, J., Louis, E., Theatre, E., Dahan, S., Momozawa, Y., Georges, M., Yeretssian, G., & Gros, P. (2017). CCDC88B is required for pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. Nature Communications, 8 (1), 932. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01381-y

Ghisdal, L., Baron, C., Lebranchu, Y., Viklicky, O., Konarikova, A., Naesens, A., Kuypers, D., Dinic, M., Alamartine, E., Touchard, G., Antoine, T., Essig, M., Rerolle, J. P., Merville, P., Taupin, J. L., Le Meur, Y., Grall - Jezequel, A., Glowacki, F., Noel, C., ... Abramowicz M. (2017). Genome-wide Association Study of Acute Renal Graft Rejection. American Journal of Transplantation, 17 (1), 201-2019. doi:10.1111/ajt.13912

Huang, H.* , Fang, M.* , Jostins, L.* , Umicevic - Mirkov, M., Boucher, G., Anderson, C. A., Andersen, V., Cleynen, I., Cortes, A., Crins, F., D'Amato, M., Deffontaine, V., Dmitrieva, J. B., DOCAMPO MARTINEZ, E., Elansary, M., Farh, K. K.-H., Franke, A., Gori, A.-S., Goyette, P., ... Barrett, J. C.*. (2017). Fine-mapping inflammatory bowel disease loci to single-variant resolution. Nature, 547 (7662), 173-178. doi:10.1038/nature22969
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Bodea, C., Neale, B., Ripke, S., The International IBD Genetics Consortium, Daly, M., Roeder, K., & Georges, M. (Other coll.). (05 May 2016). A Method to Exploit the Structure of Genetic Ancestry Space to Enhance Case-Control Studies. American Journal of Human Genetics, 98 (5), 857-868. doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.02.025

Li, W.* , Sartelet, A.* , Tamma, N., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (February 2016). Reverse genetic screen for loss-of-function mutations uncovers a frame-shifting deletion in the melanophilin gene accountable for a distinctive coat-color in Belgian Blue Cattle. Animal Genetics, 47 (1), 110-113. doi:10.1111/age.12383
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Kadri, N. K., Harland, C., Faux, P., Cambisano, N., Karim, L., Coppieters, W., Fritz, S., Mullaart, E., Baurain, D., Boichard, D., Spelman, R., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Druet, T. (2016). Coding and noncoding variants in HFM1, MLH3, MSH4, MSH5, RNF212, and RNF212B affect recombination rate in cattle. Genome Research, 26 (10), 1323-1332. doi:10.1101/gr.204214.116

Xu, X., Ectors, F., Davis, E. E., Pirottin, D., Cheng, H., Farnir, F., Hadfield, T., Cockett, N., Charlier, C., Georges, M., & Takeda, H. (16 October 2015). Ectopic Expression of Retrotransposon-Derived PEG11/RTL1 Contributes to the Callipyge Muscular Hypertrophy. PLoS ONE, 10 (10), 0140594. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140594

Liu, J., Van Sommeren, S., Huang, H., Ng, S. C., International IBD Genetics Consortium, Weersma, R., & Georges, M. (Other coll.). (September 2015). Association analyses identify 38 susceptibility loci for inflammatory bowel disease and highlight shared genetic risk across populations. Nature Genetics, 47 (9), 979-986. doi:10.1038/ng.3359

Sartelet, A.* , Li, W.* , Pailhoux, E., Richard, C., Tamma, N., Karim, L., Fasquelle, C., Druet, T., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (2015). Genome-wide next-generation DNA and RNA sequencing reveals a mutation that perturbs splicing of the phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class H gene (PIGH) and causes arthrogryposis in Belgian Blue cattle. BMC Genomics, 16 (316). doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1528-y
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Druet, T., & Georges, M. (22 August 2014). Pedigree-based haplotype reconstruction, identification of cross-overs and detection of map and genotyping errors using PHASEBOOK [Paper presentation]. 10 th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production.

Georges, M. (August 2014). Towards sequence-based genomic selection of cattle. Nature Genetics, 46 (8), 807 - 809. doi:10.1038/ng.3048

Mariman, R., Coppieters, W., Elansary, M., Karim, L., Crins, F., Mni, M., Gori, A.-S., Aoun, N., Docampo Martínez, E., Dmitrieva, J. B., Fang, M., Theatre, E., Eppe, G., & Georges, M. (24 April 2014). Identification of molecular components of the host-microbiota-connectome by using "Omics Approaches" [Poster presentation]. BeMGI.

Druet, T., Ahariz, N., Cambisano, N., Tamma, N., Michaux, C., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (2014). Selection in action: dissecting the molecular underpinnings of the increasing muscle mass of Belgian Blue Cattle. BMC Genomics, 15 (1), 796. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-796

Kumar Kadri, N., Sahana, G., Charlier, C., Iso-Touru, T., Guldbrandtsen, B., Karim, L., Sander Nielsen, U., Panitz, F., Pedersen Aamand, G., Schulman, N., Georges, M., Vilkki, J., Sandø Lund, M., & Druet, T. (January 2014). A 660-Kb Deletion with Antagonistic Effects on Fertility and Milk Production Segregates at High Frequency in Nordic Red Cattle: Additional Evidence for the Common Occurrence of Balancing Selection in Livestock. PLoS Genetics, 10 (1), 1004049. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004049

Trivellin, G.* , Daly, A.* , Faucz, F. R., Yuan, B., Rostomyan, L., Larco, D. O., Schernthaner-Reiter, M. H., Szarek, E., Leal, L. F., CABERG, J.-H., CASTERMANS, E., Villa, C., Dimopoulos, A., Chittiboina, P., Xekouki, P., Shah, N. S., Metzger, D., Lysy, P. A., Ferrante, E., ... Stratakis, C. A.*. (2014). Gigantism and Acromegaly Due to Xq26 Microduplications and GPR101 Mutation. New England Journal of Medicine. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1408028
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

GEORGES, A., Cambisano, N., Ahariz, N., Karim, L., & Georges, M. (December 2013). A genome scan conducted in a multigenerational pedigree with convergent strabismus supports a complex genetic determinism. PLoS ONE, 8 (12), 83574. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083574

Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium*, Georges, M., & International Inflammatory Bowel Disease Genetics Consortium (IIBDGC). (11 August 2013). Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs. Nature Genetics, 45 (9), 984-94. doi:10.1038/ng.2711

Liu, J., Hov, J., Folseraas, T., Ellinghaus, E., Rushbrook, S. M., The International IBD Genetics Consortium, & Georges, M. (Other coll.). (June 2013). Dense genotyping of immune-related disease regions identifies nine new risk loci for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Nature Genetics, 45 (6), 670-5. doi:10.1038/ng.2616

Berry, S., Coppieters, W., Davis, S., Burrett, A., Thomas, N., Palmer, D., Kelly, V., Obolonkin, V., Sanders, K., Spelman, R., Georges, M., Lehnert, K., & Snell, R. (March 2013). A triad of highly divergent polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (PIGR) haplotypes with major effect on IgA concentration in bovine milk. PLoS ONE, 8 (3), 57219. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057219

Beaudoin, M., Goyette, P., Boucher, G., International IBD Genetics Consortium, Lo, K. S., Rivas, M. A., Rioux, J., & Georges, M. (Other coll.). (2013). Deep resequencing of GWAS loci identifies rare variants in CARD9, IL23R and RNF186 that are associated with ulcerative colitis. PLoS Genetics, 9 (9). doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003723

Sartelet, A., Druet, T., Michaux, C., Fasquelle, C., Geron, S., Tamma, N., Zhang, Z., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (15 March 2012). A splice site variant in the bovine RNF11 gene compromises growth and regulation of the inflammatory response. PLoS Genetics, 15 (3), 1002581. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002581

Charlier, C., Agerholm, J. S., Coppieters, W., Karlskov-Mortensen, P., Li, W., de Jong, G., Fasquelle, C., Karim, L., Cirera, S., Cambisano, N., Ahariz, N., Mullaart, E., Georges, M., & Fredholm, M. (2012). A deletion in the bovine FANCI gene compromises fertility by causing fetal death and brachyspina. PLoS ONE, 7 (8), 43085. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0043085

Sandor, C., Li, W., Coppieters, W., Druet, T., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (2012). Genetic variants in REC8, RNF212, and PRDM9 influence male recombination in cattle. PLoS Genetics, 8 (7), 1002854. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002854

Kang, J., Kugathasan, S., Georges, M., Zhao, H., Cho, J. H., & NIDDK IBD Genetics Consortium. (15 June 2011). Improved risk prediction for Crohn's disease with a multi-locus approach. Human Molecular Genetics, 20 (12), 2435 - 2442. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddr116

Lequarré, A.-S., Andersson, L., Andre, C., Fredholm, M., Hitte, C., Leeb, T., Lohi, H., Lindblad-Toh, K., & Georges, M. (2011). LUPA: a European initiative taking advantage of the canine genome architecture for unravelling complex disorders in both human and dogs. Veterinary Journal, 189 (2), 155-9. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2011.06.013

Momozawa, Y., Mni, M., Nakamura, K., Coppieters, W., Almer, S., Amininejad, L., Cleynen, I., Colombel, J.-F., de Rijk, P., Dewit, O., Finkel, Y., Gassull, M. A., Goossens, D., Laukens, D., Lemann, M., LIBIOULLE, C., O'Morain, C., Reenaers, C., Rutgeerts, P., ... Georges, M. (2011). Resequencing of positional candidates identifies low frequency IL23R coding variants protecting against inflammatory bowel disease. Nature Genetics, 43 (1), 43-7. doi:10.1038/ng.733

Franke, A., McGovern, D. P. B., Barrett, J. C., Wang, K., Radford-Smith, G. L., Ahmad, T., Lees, C. W., Balschun, T., Lee, J., Roberts, R., Anderson, C. A., Bis, J. C., Bumpstead, S., Ellinghaus, D., Festen, E. M., Georges, M., Green, T., Haritunians, T., Jostins, L., ... Parkes, M. (2010). Genome-wide meta-analysis increases to 71 the number of confirmed Crohn's disease susceptibility loci. Nature Genetics, 42 (12), 1118-25. doi:10.1038/ng.717

Laukens, D., Georges, M., Libioulle, C., Sandor, C., Mni, M., Vander Cruyssen, B., Peeters, H., Elewaut, D., & Devos, M. (2010). Evidence for significant overlap between common risk variants for Crohn's disease and ankylosing spondylitis. PLoS ONE, 5 (11), 13795. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013795

Hiard, S., Charlier, C., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Baurain, D. (December 2009). Patrocles: a database of polymorphic miRNA-mediated gene regulation in vertebrates [Poster presentation]. BBC09, the fifth Benelux Bioinformatics Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Louis, E., Libioulle, C., Reenaers, C., Belaiche, J., & Georges, M. (October 2009). Génomique des maladies inflammatoires intestinales. Revue Médicale de Liège, 64, 24-28.

Baurain, D., Hiard, S., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (29 September 2009). Patrocles: a database of polymorphic miR-mediated gene regulation in vertebrates [Paper presentation]. La face cachée des microRNA, Liège, Belgium.

Fasquelle, C.* , Sartelet, A.* , Li, W., Dive, M., Tamma, N., Michaux, C., Druet, T., Huijbers, I. J., Isacke, C. M., Coppieters, W., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (2009). Balancing selection of a frame-shift mutation in the MRC2 gene accounts for the outbreak of the Crooked Tail Syndrome in Belgian Blue Cattle. PLoS Genetics, 5 (9), 1000666. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000666
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Imielinski, M., Baldassano, R. N., Griffiths, A., Russell, R. K., Annese, V., Dubinsky, M., Kugathasan, S., Bradfield, J. P., Walters, T. D., Sleiman, P., Kim, C. E., Muise, A., Wang, K., Glessner, J. T., Saeed, S., Zhang, H., Frackelton, E. C., Hou, C., Flory, J. H., ... Georges, M. (Other coll.). (2009). Common variants at five new loci associated with early-onset inflammatory bowel disease. Nature Genetics, 41 (12), 1335-40. doi:10.1038/ng.489

Louis, E., Libioulle, C., Reenaers, C., Belaiche, J., & Georges, M. (2009). Genetics of ulcerative colitis: the come-back of interleukin 10. Gut, 58 (9), 1173-6. doi:10.1136/gut.2008.169235

Stinckens, A., Luyten, T., Van den Maagdenberg, K., Janssens, S., DE SMET, S., Georges, M., & Buys, N. (2009). Interactions between genes involved in growth and muscularity in pigs: IGF-2, myostatin, ryanodine receptor 1, and melanocortin-4 receptor. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 37 (4), 227-35. doi:10.1016/j.domaniend.2009.06.002

Hiard, S., Baurain, D., Coppieters, W., Tordoir, X., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (July 2008). Patrocles: a database of polymorphic miRNA-mediated gene regulation [Poster presentation]. XX International Congress of Genetics, Berlin, Germany.

Hiard, S., Baurain, D., Coppieters, W., Tordoir, X., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (03 March 2008). Patrocles: a database of polymorphic miRNA-mediated gene regulation [Paper presentation]. EADGENE miRNAs workshop and miRNAs in Health and Disease 2 / Satellite Course "A primer in miRNA biology", Liège, Belgium.

Pirottin, D., Takeda, H., Tamma, N., Delcombel, R., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (2008). A mouse model for polar overdominance ? In XX International Congress of Genetics.

Grobet, L., Pirottin, D., & Georges, M. (15 November 2007). Genetic engineering in the mouse: from functional genomics to zootechnical applications [Paper presentation]. BCLAS (Belgian Council for Laboratory Animal Science) symposium 2007, Geel, Belgium.

Hiard, S., Tordoir, X., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (12 November 2007). Compiling polymorphic miRNA-target interactions: the Patrocles database [Poster presentation]. Benelux Bioinformatics Conference 2007, Leuven, Belgium.

Hiard, S., Tordoir, X., Coppieters, W., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (15 February 2007). Compiling polymorphic miRNA-target interactions: the Patrocles database [Poster presentation]. Bioinformatics and Modeling : From genomes to network, Liège, Belgium.

Hamelin, M., Sayd, T., Chambon, C., Bouix, J., Bibe, B., Milenkovic, D., Leveziel, H., Georges, M., Clop, A., Marinova, P., & Laville, E. (January 2007). Differential expression of sarcoplasmic proteins in four heterogeneous ovine skeletal muscles. Proteomics, 7 (2), 271-280. doi:10.1002/pmic.200600309

Libioulle, C., Louis, E., Hansoul, S., Sandor, C., Farnir, F., Franchimont, D., Vermeire, S., Dewit, O., de Vos, M., Dixon, A., Demarche, B., Gut, I., Heath, S., Foglio, M., Liang, L., Laukens, D., Mni, M., Zelenika, D., Van Gossum, A., ... Georges, M. (2007). Novel Crohn disease locus identified by genome-wide association maps to a gene desert on 5p13.1 and modulates expression of PTGER4. PLoS Genetics, 3 (4), 538-543. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0030058

Pirottin, D., Caiment, F., Takeda, H., Tamma, N., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (2007). A mouse model for polar overdominance ? In Workshop RiboReg, Carry le Rouet, France, 2007.

Davis, E., Caiment, F., Tordoir, X., Cavaille, J., Ferguson-Smith, A., Cockett, N., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (10 May 2005). Erratum to : RNAi-mediated allelic trans-interaction at the imprinted Rtl1/Peg11 locus (vol 15, pg 746, 2005). Current Biology, 15 (9), 884. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2005.02.060

Renaville, R., Georges, M., Smal, C., Gengler, N., Parmentier, I., & Portetelle, D. (2005). Contribution de la biologie moléculaire au progrès de l'élevage. In 10ème Carrefour des Productions animales: L’élevage : hier, aujourd’hui, demain quelles attentes pour quels enjeux ?

Georges, M., & Andersson, L. (2003). Positional identification of structural and regulatory quantitative trait nucleotides in domestic animal species. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 68, 179-87. doi:10.1101/sqb.2003.68.179

Kim, J. J., & Georges, M. (01 January 2002). Evaluation of a new fine-mapping method exploiting linkage disequilibrium: a case study analysing a QTL with major effect on milk composition on bovine chromosome 14. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 15 (9), 1250-1256. doi:10.5713/ajas.2002.1250

Berghmans, S., SEGERS, K., Shay, T., Cockett, N., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (2001). Breakpoint mapping positions the callipyge gene within a 450-kilobase chromosome segment containing the DLK1 and GTL2 genes. Mammalian Genome, 12 (2), 183-5. doi:10.1007/s003350010246

Coppieters, W., Kvasz, A., Farnir, F., Arranz, J. J., Grisart, B., Mackinnon, M., & Georges, M. (1998). A Rank-Based Nonparametric Method for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci in Outbred Half-Sib Pedigrees: Application to Milk Production in a Granddaughter Design. Genetics, 149 (3), 1547-55.

Castelli, M., Philippart, J.-C., Vassart, G., & Georges, M. (1993). Utilisation de la technique des minisatellites hypervariables chez Barbus barbus (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae)- Poster. Cahiers d'Ethologie, 13 (2), 213-214.

Vassart, G., Georges, M., Monsieur, R., Brocas, H., Lequarré, A.-S., & Christophe, D. (1987). A sequence in M13 phage detects hypervariable minisatellites in human and animal DNA. Science, 235 (4789), 683-4. doi:10.1126/science.2880398