Veymiers, R., Neri, E., Amoroso, N., & Strivay, D. (2024). Les couleurs de Sarapis. Étude d’un buste en marbre du Musée royal de Mariemont. In E. Neri (Ed.), Polychroma. The Meaning of Colours in Roman Sculptures (pp. 204-225). Milano, Italy: SilvanaEditoriale. |
Defeyt, C., Marechal, D., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2023). Rethinking Jacques-Louis David’s Marat assassiné through material evidences. Heritage Science. doi:10.1186/s40494-023-00861-3 |
Derzelle, E., Strivay, D., Defeyt, A., Klein, S.-J., Vandepitte, F., & Defeyt, C. (2023). Paul Delvaux: The Study of Nine Paintings by Non-Invasive Methods. Heritage, 6 (11), 7181-7201. doi:10.3390/heritage6110376 ![]() |
Martinez, P., Alfeld, M., Defeyt, C., Elleithy, H., Glanville, H., Hartwig, M., Hocquet, F.-P., Jaber, M., Martinetto, P., Strivay, D., & Walter, P. (2023). Hidden mysteries in Ancient Egyptian paintings from the Theban Necropolis observed by in-situ XRF mapping. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0287647 |
Neri, E., Mulliez, M., Capus, P., Strivay, D., Dardenay, A., & Grand-Clément, A. (November 2022). The colours of the pilasters, clipei and masks of the Chiragan villa. a work in progress [Paper presentation]. 11th International Round Table on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture, Rome, Italy. |
Neri, E., & Strivay, D. (November 2022). Searching for the meanings of the lost colours in Roman statues through materiality: some examples [Paper presentation]. 11th International Round Table on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture. |
Neri, E., Nasr, N., & Strivay, D. (June 2022). Ancient Restoration in Roman Polychromy: Detecting Aesthetic Changes? Heritage, 5 (2), 829 - 848. doi:10.3390/heritage5020045 |
Guembou Shouop, C. J., Bak, S.-I., Mekontso, E. J. N., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., & Strivay, D. (01 April 2022). Barite concrete-based cement composites for 252Cf spontaneous neutron and 60Co 192Ir shielding based on Monte Carlo computation. Materials Research Express, 9 (4), 045502. doi:10.1088/2053-1591/ac5e8d |
Defeyt, C., Defeyt, A., Derzelle, E., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2022). Studio Practice of Paul Delvaux: the Early Years [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS CHEMISTRY FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE, Ravenna, Italy. |
Langbroek, M., Van Haam-Meerr, A., Bordes, S., Gratuze, B., Hendriks, J., Strivay, D., Van Wersch, L., & Theuws, F. (2022). Bead Carnival. Chemical analyses of Merovingian beads from the cemetery of Lent-Lentseveld. Zeitschrift für Archaologie des Mittelalters, 50, 27-78. |
Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., Cambier, H., & Strivay, D. (27 April 2021). A gemmological study of the reliquary crown of Namur, Belgium. European Journal of Mineralogy, 33 (2), 221-232. doi:10.5194/ejm-33-221-2021 |
Guembou Shouop, C. J., Bak, S.-I., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Nguelem Mekongtso, E. J., & Strivay, D. (01 July 2020). New Cf-252 neutron source shielding design based Monte Carlo simulation using material combination. AIP Advances, 10 (7), 075203. doi:10.1063/1.5144923 |
Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2020). The reliquary bust of Saint Lambert from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium: Gemstone and glass beads analysis by pXRF and Raman spectroscopy. Archaeometry, 62, 297-313. doi:10.1111/arcm.12527 |
Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2020). An archaeometric investigation of glass beads decorating the reliquary of Saint Simètre from Lierneux, Belgium. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 32, 102451-102457. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102451 |
Defeyt, C., Marechal, D., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2020). Survey on Van Gogh’s early painting technique through the non-invasive and multi analytical study of Head of peasant. Heritage Science, 8, 104. doi:10.1186/s40494-020-00445-5 |
Reiche, I., Trosseau, A., Muller, K., Gay, M., Strivay, D., & Cleyet-Merle, J.-J. (2020). Analyses non invasives in situ des œuvres préhistoriques de la grotte de Font-de-Gaume pour une meilleure connaissance du décor pariétal polychrome et de son organisation. Paléo, 30 (2). doi:10.4000/paleo.5707 |
Defeyt, C., Vandepitte, F., Herens, E., & Strivay, D. (2019). Discovery and material study of the missing feet part from Magritte’s L’évidence éternelle of 1954. Heritage Science. doi:10.1186/s40494-019-0338-y |
Defeyt, C., & Strivay, D. (2019). Une copie de L’Origine du monde par René Magritte ? CeROArt: Conservation, Exposition, Restauration d'Objets d'Art, 11. doi:10.4000/ceroart.6673 |
Guembou, J. C. S., Ndontchueng, M. M., Nguelem, J. E. M., Chene, G., Motapon, O., Kayo, S. A., & Strivay, D. (2019). Determination of the natural radioactivity, elemental composition and geological provenance of sands from Douala in the littoral region of Cameroon using X-ray and γ-ray spectrometry. Applied Earth Science, 0 (0), 1-14. doi:10.1080/25726838.2019.1637656 |
Guembou Shouop, C. J., Moyo, M. N., Mekongtso, E. J. N., Motapon, O., Chene, G., Kayo, S., & Strivay, D. (2019). Elemental quantification and radioactive characterization of soil from Douala Bassa Area: littoral region of Cameroon using EDXRF and γ-spectrometry technics. Environmental Research Communications, 1 (6), 065001. doi:10.1088/2515-7620/ab1d72 |
Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (17 October 2018). Gemmological study of the reliquary bust of Saint Lambert from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium [Poster presentation]. BCS10-10th Belgian Crystallographic Symposium. |
D'Haenens, M., Verbeeck, M., & Strivay, D. (2018). Nicolas Schöffer’s collection: from the artist’s studio to the museum. In R. Rivenc & R. Bek (Eds.), Keep it moving ? Conserving kinetic art: Proceedings from the meeting organized by the Getty Conservation Institute, the ICOM-CC Modern Materials and Contemporary Art Working Group, and Museo del Novecento (pp. 113-119). The Getty Conservation Institute. |
Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2018). Gemmological study of the reliquary bust of Saint Lambert from the Liège cathedral, Belgium [Poster presentation]. IMA 2018, Melbourne, Australia. |
Defeyt, C., Herens, E., Leen, F., Vandepitte, F., & Strivay, D. (2018). Discovery and multi-analytical study of the last missing quarter from René Magritte’s La pose enchantée. Heritage Science, 6 (33). doi:10.1186/s40494-018-0198-x |
Defeyt, C., Van Vyve, E., Leen, F., Vandepitte, F., Gilbert, B., Herens, E., & Strivay, D. (2018). Revealing Gauguin’s practice: multi-analytical approach of the Portrait de Suzanne Bambridge. Heritage Science, 6 (20). doi:10.1186/s40494-018-0188-z |
Defeyt, C., Walter, P., Rousselière, H., Vandenabeele, P., Vekemans, B., Samain, L., & Strivay, D. (2018). New insights on the Picasso’s Blue Period painting La famille Soler through non-invasive imaging and analytical techniques. Studies in Conservation, 63 (1), 24-35. doi:10.1080/00393630.2017.1361628 |
El Ouahabi, M., Chene, G., Strivay, D., Vander Auwera, J., & Hubert, A. (2018). Inter-techniques comparison of PIXE and XRF for Lake sediments. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 33 (883 - 892). doi:10.1039/C8JA00019K |
Van Wersch, L., Gratuze, B., Mathis, F., Bonnin, M., Strivay, D., Da Mota, H., & Sapin, C. (2018). The Glass Tiles from Saint-Sauveur (Burgundy, France). Journal of Glass Studies, 60, 163-180. |
Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Nguelem Mekongtso, E. J., Motapon, O., & Strivay, D. (June 2017). Geant4 code for gamma spectrometry measurement: a toolkit for Nuclear, Medical, Astronomical and High Energy Physics [Paper presentation]. Conférence des Jeunes doctorants 2017, Douala, Cameroon. |
Guembou Shouop, C. J., Penabei, S., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Chene, G., Nguelem Mekontso, E. J., Takoukam, S. D., Werner, V., & Strivay, D. (04 January 2017). Optimal measurement counting time and statistics in gamma spectrometry analysis: The time balance [Paper presentation]. GAMMA 2016, Germany. doi:10.1063/1.4969040 |
Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., Demaude, M., & Strivay, D. (2017). Les pierres du buste-reliquaire de Saint Lambert. Bloc-Notes: Bulletin Trimestriel du Trésor de Liège, 53, 2-3. |
Demaude, M., Bruni, Y., Hatert, F., & Strivay, D. (2017). Etude gemmologique de la croix-reliquaire à double traverse du Trésor de la Cathédrale de Liège. Trésor de Liège: Bulletin Trimestriel, 50, 9-15. |
Guembou Shouop, C. J., Samafou Penabei, NDONTCHUENG MOYO, M., Chene, G., NGUELEM MEKONTSO, E. J., NGWA EBONGUE, A., MOTAPON, O., & Strivay, D. (January 2017). Precision measurement of radioactivity in Gamma-rays spectrometry using two HPGe detectors (BEGe-6530 and GC0818-7600SL models) comparison techniques: Application to the soil measurement. MethodsX, 4 (42-54), 2017. doi:10.1016/j.mex.2016.12.003 |
Guembou Shouop, C. J., Ndontchueng Moyo, M., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (11 July 2016). Counting time measurement and statistics in gamma spectrometry: the balance [Poster presentation]. GAMMA 2016: 6th International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy, Heidelberg,, Germany. |
El Ouahabi, M., Hubert, A., Benjelloun, Y., Chene, G., Strivay, D., De Sigoyer, J., Pamir, H., Karabacak, V., & Fagel, N. (July 2016). Geochemistry and mineralogy approaches to characterize brick and its lake sediments sources: Antioch Roman City (Southern Turkey) [Poster presentation]. 8th Mid-European Clay Conference (MECC 2016), Košice, Slovakia. |
Bruni, Y., Demaude, M., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2016). Gemmological study of a reliquary cross from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium [Poster presentation]. European Mineralogical Conference. |
Bruni, Y., Demaude, M., Hatert, F., George, P., & Strivay, D. (2016). Gemmological study of a reliquary cross from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium [Paper presentation]. 2nd European Mineralogical Conference, EMC2016, Rimini, Italy. |
Demaude, M., Bruni, Y., George, P., Strivay, D., & Hatert, F. (2016). Mineralogical investigation of a Roman enamelled plate from the Liège Cathedral, Belgium [Poster presentation]. Belgian Crystallographic Symposium - BCS9. |
Demaude, M., Bruni, Y., George, P., Strivay, D., & Hatert, F. (2016). Mineralogical investigation of a Roman enameled plate from the Liège Cathedral [Paper presentation]. 9th Belgian Crystallographic Symposium, BCS-9, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Dimitriou, P., Becker, H.-W., Bogdanović-Radović, I., Chiari, M., Goncharov, A., Jesus, A. P., Kakuee, O., Kiss, A. Z., Lagoyannis, A., Räisänen, J., Strivay, D., & Zucchiatti, A. (2016). Development of a Reference Database for Particle-Induced Gamma-ray Emission spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 371, 33-36. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.09.052 |
Salomon, H., Bodu, P., Geurten, S., Lacarrière, J., Leroyer, M., & Strivay, D. (2016). On the processing of red pigment by late mousterian Neanderthals in Ormesson, Seine-et-Marne, France, 47000 years ago. ORBi-University of Liège. |
El Ouahabi, M., Chene, G., Beckers, A., OPITZ, S., DEVELLE, A.-L., Strivay, D., Vander Auwera, J., & Hubert, A. (25 February 2015). PIXE, XRF, and Avaatech XRF Core Scanner of lake sediments: an inter-laboratory comparison [Poster presentation]. 14th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE 2015), Cape Town, South Africa. |
Gay, M., Muller, K., Plassard, F., Chevet-Merle, J.-J., Arias, P., Strivay, D., Defeyt, C., & Reiche, I. (May 2014). Towards portable X-ray spectroscopic imaging of Palaeolithic cave art. Insights into used pigments and wall taphonomy at three Palaeolithic key cave sites [Poster presentation]. 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Los Angeles, United States. |
Defeyt, C., & Strivay, D. (2014). PB15 as 20th and 21st Artists’ Pigments: Conservation Concerns. E‐Preservation Science, 11, 6-14. |
Machowski, M., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Oger, C., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (September 2013). PIXE Analysis for the pigment identification in the Nizet manucript (18th century) [Poster presentation]. The 11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology - ECAART 11, Namur, Belgium. |
Debande, V., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (11 December 2012). Sections efficaces de production de rayonnement gamma sur Li et F [Poster presentation]. IBAF 2012, Cadarache, France. |
Machowski, M., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Hocquet, F.-P., Dister, H., Oger, C., & Strivay, D. (June 2012). Non-destructive characterization of the Nizet Manuscript (XVIIIth century) : first results [Poster presentation]. Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage - YOCOCU 2012, Anvers, Belgium. |
Strivay, D., Beckers, A., Hubert, A., & Hocquet, F.-P. (June 2012). Comparison of sediment core analysis by mobile scanning XRF system and by PIXE [Paper presentation]. 14th European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Vienna, Austria. |
Salomon, H., Vignaud, C., Coquinot, Y., Beck, L., Stringer, C., Strivay, D., & d'Errico, F. (2012). Selection and heating of colouring materials in Mousterian level of es-Skhul (ca. 100 000 years B.P., Mount Carmel, Israel). Archaeometry, 54 (4), 698–722. |
Carapelle, A., Defise, J.-M., Strivay, D., & Garnir, H.-P. (June 2011). Handheld modern computer brings new features to portable X-ray fluorescence coating thickness measurement device. Computer Physics Communications, 182 (6), 1304-1306. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2011.03.008 |
Salomon, H., Vignaud, C., d'Errico, F., Coquinot, Y., Beck, L., Stringer, C., & Strivay, D. (2011). Sélection et traitement thermique de matériaux colorants rouges sur le site moustérien es-Skhul (ca. 100 000 B.P., Israël) [Poster presentation]. Colloque Archéométrie 2011, Liège, 11-15 avril 2011. |
Samain, L., Silversmit, G., Sanyova, J., Vekemans, B., Salomon, H., Gilbert, B., Grandjean, F., Long, G. J., Hermann, R., Vincze, L., & Strivay, D. (2011). Fading of modern Prussian blue pigments in linseed oil medium. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 26 (5), 930. doi:10.1039/c0ja00234h |
Vandenabeele, P., Garcia-Moreno, R., Mathis, F., Leterme, K., Van Elslande, E., Hocquet, F.-P., Rakkaa, S., Laboury, D., Moens, L., Strivay, D., & Hartwig, M. (2009). Multi-disciplinary investigation of the tomb of Menna (TT69), Theban Necropolis, Egypt. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 73 (3), 546-552. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2008.07.028 |
Moreno, R. G., Strivay, D., & Gilbert, B. (2008). Maya blue-green pigments found in Calakmul, Mexico: a study by Raman and UV-visible spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 39 (8), 1050-1056. doi:10.1002/jrs.1972 |
Weber, G., Martinot, L., Strivay, D., Garnir, H.-P., & George, P. (2005). Application of PIXE and PIGE under variable ion beam incident angle to several fields of archaeometry. X-Ray Spectrometry, 34 (4, JUL-AUG), 297-300. doi:10.1002/xrs.818 |
Jérôme, C., Martinot, L., Jérôme, R., Strivay, D., & Weber, G. (1998). Controlled exchange of metallic cations by a polypyrrole-based resin. Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 95 (6), 1475-1478. doi:10.1051/jcp:1998308 |
Leroy, D., Martinot, L., Licour, C., Jérôme, C., Zhan, H., & Strivay, D. (1998). Electrodeposition of metals and magnetic alloys onto conducting polymeric substrates. Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 95 (6), 1491-1493. doi:10.1051/jcp:1998312 |