Publications and communications of Dominique Toye

Hoxha, J.-L., Grogna, M., Thomassen, L. C. J., & Toye, D. (14 October 2024). Caractérisation du flux et du profil de concentration de particules solides dans un réacteur mésofluidique – appliqué à la production d’hydrosulfite de zinc [Poster presentation]. Société Française de Génie des Procédés 2024, Deauville, France.

Ben Hamed, H., Debuigne, A., Kleinjan, H., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (2024). Enhancing Sewage Sludge Stabilization, Pathogen Removal, and Biomass Production through Indigenous Microalgae Promoting Growth: A Sustainable Approach for Sewage Sludge Treatment. Recycling. doi:10.3390/recycling9050097

Vidal de la Peña, N., Marquis, S., Jacques, S., Aubry, E., Léonard, G., & Toye, D. (30 August 2024). A Mathematical Model for Enhancing CO2 Capture in Construction Sector Using Hydrated Lime. Minerals, 14 (9), 889. doi:10.3390/min14090889

Ben Hamed, H., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (26 July 2024). Effects of aerobic digestion assisted by microalgae on Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) and sludge features [Paper presentation]. 7th international congress on Water, Waste, and Energy Management (WWEM, 2024 Lisbon), Lisbonne, Portugal.

Vidal de la Peña, N., Toye, D., & Léonard, G. (2024). Modelling study of CO2 sequestration by mineral waste carbonation process. In Modelling study of CO2 sequestration by mineral waste carbonation process. florence, Italy: ESCAPE Aidic.

Saadli, R., Hamdi, M., Salmon, T., Kachouri, F., & Toye, D. (04 November 2023). Effet de l’hydrodynamique sur l'élimination des polluants en utilisant des flocs de microalgues-bactéries (flocs-MaB) [Paper presentation]. International conference on Smart Industry, Technology and Environment, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (2023). Use of numerical tools to improve solid-liquid reactor involved in pharmaceutical processes [Paper presentation]. Industrial Innovation User Event 2023.

Saadli, R., Salmon, T., Kachouri, F., Moktar, H., & Toye, D. (19 December 2022). OPTIMISATION DE L’HYDRODYNAMIQUE D’UN PHOTOBIOREACTEUR TUBULAIRE DE TYPE AIRLIFT FAVORISANT LA FORMATION DE BIOFLOCS [Paper presentation]. 4ème congrès Francophone de Bioanalyses : Environnement - Aliment & Santé, Mahdia, Tunisia.

Madani, M., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (08 November 2022). Refractive index matching technique for liquid-solid flow in a stirred tank bioreactor [Paper presentation]. SFGP conference -18th edition, Toulouse, France.

Calvo, S., Weck, K., Toye, D., & Delafosse, A. (2022). Projet FEDER - Portefeuille ALGAEFACTORY - Projet Valoalgue_ULiège.

Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Léonard, A., Toye, D., Mercatoris, B., & Charlier, R. (2021). A First Insight on the Interaction between Desiccation Cracking and Water Transfer in a Luvisol of Belgium. Soil Systems, 5 (4), 64. doi:10.3390/soilsystems5040064

Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Tran, D. K., Degré, A., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (2020). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Drying of an Agricultural Soil. E3S Web of Conferences. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202019501034

Weck, K., Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (2020). Photobioreactor scale-up for the culture of encapsulated microalgae [Paper presentation]. AlgaEurope 2020.

Weck, K., Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (October 2019). Caractérisation hydrodynamique d’un photobioréacteur pour la culture de microalgues encapsulées [Paper presentation]. 17ème édition du congrès de la Société Française en Génie des Procédés.

Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (02 September 2019). Assessing soil crack dynamics during dryings from reduced tillage and conventional tillage fields [Poster presentation]. TERRAenVISION 2019, Barcelone, Spain.

Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Léonard, A., Mercatoris, B., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (10 July 2019). DRYING BEHAVIOUR AND WATER TRANSPORT MECHANISMS DURING EVAPORATION OF AN AGRICULTURAL SOIL [Paper presentation]. EuroDrying'2019 - 7th European Drying Conference, Torino, Italy.

Firozi, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (2019). Growth rate of silica particle in a continuous reactor with Computational Fluid Dynamics and Population Balance Modelling [Paper presentation]. 6th Edition of ''Wallonie/Nord de France'' day for the Young Researchers (GEPROC), Mons, Belgium.

Léonard, A., Fraikin, L., Plougonven, E., & Toye, D. (2019). X-RAY COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: AN OUTSTANDING VISUALISATION TOOL FOR DRYING RESEARCH – Feedback on the last 20 years at University of Liège. In A. Barresi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th European Drying Conference (pp. 172-179).

Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (2019). Studying the effect of desiccation cracking on the evaporation process of a Luvisol – From a small-scale experimental and numerical approach. Soil and Tillage Research, 193, 142-152. doi:10.1016/j.still.2019.05.018

Weck, K., Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (2019). Caractérisation hydrodynamique d’un photobioréacteur pour la culture de microalgues encapsulées [Paper presentation]. Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie de Procédés et Energétique.

Weck, K., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (29 October 2018). Photobioreactor characterization for the culture of encapsulated microalgae [Paper presentation]. GEPROC Scientific Day 2018.

Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (October 2018). Effect of desiccation cracking on the fluid transfer process in agricultural soil [Poster presentation]. Alert Geomaterials Workshop, Aussois, France.

Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (September 2018). Studying the effect of desiccation cracking on the hydraulic behavior of a Luvisol-From an experimental and numerical approach [Paper presentation]. 21st International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO), Paris, France.

Weck, K., Calvo, S., Gerin, S., Franck, F., & Toye, D. (September 2018). Experimental study and modelling of hydrodynamics and light distribution in a photobioreactor for the culture of encapsulated microalgae (ValoAlgue project) [Poster presentation]. ESBES, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Firozi, A., Calvo, S., Eliaers, P., Lemaire, J.-J., Collignon, F., & Toye, D. (21 May 2018). CFD investigation on 3D printed reactor for hydrothermal continuous synthesis of beta zeolite [Paper presentation]. ISCRE 25, Florence, Italy.

Léonard, G., Belboom, S., Toye, D., Dumont, M.-N., Léonard, A., & Heyen, G. (2017). Recent Evolutions and Trends in the Use of Computer Aided Chemical Engineering for Educational Purposes at the University of Liège. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63965-3.50492-X

Toye, D. (May 2017). X-ray tomography : a tool for revealing local distribution of liquid in structured packed columns [Paper presentation]. 59th Technical annual of the EFCE Working Party on Fluid Separations, Liège, Belgium.

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Grignard, B. (January 2016). Reactors for CO2 utilization [Paper presentation]. Visit to the University of Edinburgh.

Léonard, G., Crosset, C., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (05 December 2015). Influence of process operating conditions on solvent thermal and oxidative degradation in post-combustion CO2 capture. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 83, 121-130. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.05.003

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Bauwens, J., Francis, F., Toye, D., Punt, P., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (October 2015). Fungal biofilm reactor improves the quality of a fusion protein GLA::GFP produced by Aspergillus oryzae [Poster presentation]. 3rd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology.

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Gofflot, S., Bauwens, J., Twizere, J.-C., Punt, P. J., Francis, F., Bawin, T., Toye, D., & Delvigne, F. (2015). A fungal biofilm reactor based on metal structured packing improves the quality of a Gla::GFP fusion protein produced by Aspergillus oryzae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. doi:10.1007/s00253-015-6608-z

Collignon, M.-L., Martin, C., Toye, D., Marc, A., & Olmos, E. (18 January 2015). CFD Large Eddy Simulation of the hydrodynamics of stirred mini-bioreactors operating with stem cell culture mixing conditions [Poster presentation]. ECI conference: scale-up and manufacturing in cell-based therapies, San Diego, United States.

Collignon, M.-L., Droissart, L., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Vanhamel, S., Rodriguez, R., Claes, T., Moncaubeig, F., Peeters, L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (15 January 2015). HYDRODYNAMICS IN A DISPOSABLE RECTANGULAR PARALLELEPIPED STIRRED BIOREACTOR WITH ELLIPTIC PENDULUM MOTION PADDLE. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 93. doi:10.1016/j.bej.2014.10.011

Beckers, L., Masset, J., Hamilton, C., Delvigne, F., Toye, D., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Hiligsmann, S. (2015). Investigation of the links between mass transfer conditions, dissolved hydrogen concentration and biohydrogen production by the pure strain Clostridium butyricum CWBI1009. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 98, 18-28. doi:10.1016/j.bej.2015.01.008

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Bauwens, J., Toye, D., Punt, P. J., & Delvigne, F. (11 December 2014). Preservation of the quality and stability of a fusion protein synthesized in a fungal biofilm reactor [Poster presentation]. The 2nd meeting of BIBR, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Léonard, G., Crosset, C., Dumont, M.-N., & Toye, D. (October 2014). Designing large-scale CO2 capture units with assessment of solvent degradation [Poster presentation]. 12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT 12), Austin, United States.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Bennamoun, L., Toye, D., & Schreinemachers, R. (2014). Investigation on Convective Drying of Mixtures of Sewage Sludge and Sawdust in a Fixed Bed. Drying Technology.

Collignon, M.-L., Martin, C., Blanchard, F., Toye, D., Marc, A., & Olmos, E. (07 September 2014). RANS and Large Eddy Simulation of the hydrodynamics inside mini-bioreactors designed for stem cell culture [Paper presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop), Lille, France.

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Bauwens, J., Francis, F., Toye, D., Punt, P. J., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (07 September 2014). Design of a fungal biofilm reactor for recombinant protein production from Aspergillus oryzae [Poster presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Lille, France.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (26 August 2014). Convective drying of sawdust/sludge mixtures in a fixed bed: The effect of sludge origin [Paper presentation]. 19th International Drying Symposium, Lyon, France.

Léonard, G., Heyen, G., & Toye, D. (17 June 2014). Assessment of Solvent Degradation within a Global Process Model of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture [Paper presentation]. 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Budapest, Hungary.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Plougonven, E., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (27 May 2014). Convective drying behavior of sawdust/sludge mixtures in a fixed bed [Paper presentation]. Fourth European Conference on Sludge Management.

Li, J., Bennamoun, L., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Schreinemachers, R., & Léonard, A. (May 2014). Analysis of the Shrinkage Effect on Mass Transfer During Convective Drying of Sawdust/Sludge Mixtures. Drying Technology, 32, 1706-1717. doi:10.1080/07373937.2014.924136

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Toye, D., Punt, P. J., & Delvigne, F. (07 February 2014). Implementation of a metal structured packing in fungal biofilm reactor for the production of a recombinant protein by Aspergillus oryzae [Paper presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Science.

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Toye, D., Punt, P. J., & Delvigne, F. (2014). IMPLEMENTATION OF A METAL STRUCTURED PACKING IN A FUNGAL BIOFILM REACTOR FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A RECOMBINANT PROTEIN BY ASPERGILLUS ORYZAE. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences.

Léonard, G., Crosset, C., Dumont, M.-N., & Toye, D. (2014). Designing large-scale CO2 capture units with assessment of solvent degradation. Energy Procedia, 63, 1478. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.157

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2014). Relevance of accelerated conditions for the study of monoethanolamine degradation in post-combustion CO2 capture. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 93 (2), 348. doi:10.1002/cjce.22094

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2014). Experimental study and kinetic model of monoethanolamineoxidative and thermal degradation for post-combustion CO2 capture. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 30, 171. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.09.014

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2014). Assessment of Solvent Degradation within a Global Process Model of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 13-18. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63456-6.50003-X

Léonard, G., Voice, A., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2014). Influence of dissolved metals and oxidative degradation inhibitors on the oxidative and thermal degradation of monoethanolamine in post-combustion CO2 capture. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (47), 18121. doi:10.1021/ie5036572

Zune, Q., Toye, D., & Delvigne, F. (20 December 2013). Production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis in a metal packing biofilm reactor and analysis by X-ray tomography [Paper presentation]. 1st meeting of belgian interdisciplinary biofilm research (BIBR).

Claude, V., Lambert, S., Heinrichs, B., & Toye, D. (15 November 2013). Epuration catalytique de biogaz [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole doctorale thématique en génie des procédés - GEPROC, Liège, Belgium.

de Lamotte, A., Baert, J., Thonart, P., Crine, M., Delvigne, F., & Toye, D. (15 November 2013). Study of hydrodynamics and liquid-gas transfers in a stirred tank bioreactor [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de l'Ecole Doctorale Thématique GEPROC: Matériaux et Procédés Durables, Liège, Belgium.

Duprez, M.-E., Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Lox, F., Crine, M., Toye, D., Bochenek, M., Agathos, S., Rooke, J., & Su, B.-L. (15 November 2013). Dévéloppement intégré de matériaux hybrides photosynthétiques par encapsulation de micro-algues en vue de la production de méthabolites à haute valeur ajoutée (projet FOTOBIOMAT) [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Thématique en Génie des Procédés (EDT GEPROC), LIEGE, Belgium.

Lox, F., Crine, M., Toye, D., Desmet, J., Rooke, J., Su, B.-L., Duprez, M.-E., Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Bochenek, M., & Agathos, S. (15 November 2013). Procédé de fabrication d'un matériau hybride photosynthétique obtenu par encapsulation de micro-algues en vue de sa mise en oeuvre dans un photobioréacteur à biomasse fixée [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Thématique en Génie des Procédés (EDT GEPROC), Liège, Belgium.

Duprez, M.-E., Mirisola, A., Desmet, J., Rooke, J., Lox, F., Toye, D., Su, B.-L., Hantson, A.-L., & Thomas, D. (10 October 2013). Encapsulation de micro-algues dans un matériaux hybride alginate-silice et production de molécules à hautes valeur ajoutée [Poster presentation]. 14ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Lyon, France.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Bennamoun, L., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (04 October 2013). Convective Drying of Mixtures of Sewage Sludge and Sawdust in a Fixed Bed [Paper presentation]. 4th European Drying Conference, Paris, France.

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Thonart, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2013). Développement d'un dispositif de trajectographie optique nécessaire pour la caractérisation expérimentale par une approche Euler-Lagrange des écoulements dans des bioréacteurs à cuve agitée. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés. Paris, France: Ed. SFGP.

Léonard, G., Belletante, S., Cabeza Mogador, B., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (October 2013). Modeling post-combustion CO2 capture with assessment of solvent degradation [Paper presentation]. 14ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP), Lyon, France.

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (September 2013). Optimal conception of a post-combustion CO2 capture unit with assessment of solvent degradation [Poster presentation]. 2nd Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC2), Bergen, Norway.

Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (August 2013). Experimental characterisation and modelling of homogeneous solid suspension in an industrial stirred tank. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/329264

Léonard, G., Cabeza Mogador, B., Belletante, S., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (June 2013). Dynamic Modeling and control of a pilot CO2 postcombustion capture plant [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Lappeenranta, Finland.

Zune, Q., Kinet, R., Toye, D., Thonart, P., Punt, P. J., & Delvigne, F. (29 April 2013). Improvement of gluco-amylase B excretion by Aspergillus oryzae in a biofilm reactor [Poster presentation]. 35th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Portland, United States.

Léonard, G., BELLETANTE, S., Cabeza Mogador, B., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2013). Modélisation du captage post-combustion du CO2 avec évaluation de la dégradation des solvants. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 104.

Zune, Q., Toye, D., Delvigne, F., Brognaux, A. (Other coll.), Ongena, M. (Other coll.), & Thonart, P. (Other coll.). (2013). Biofilm formation on metal structured packing for the production of high added value biomolecules. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés.

Léonard, G., Lepaumier, H., Thielens, M.-L., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (November 2012). CO2 CAPTURE in POWER PLANTS: Process Simulation and Solvent Degradation [Poster presentation]. Journée Energie GEPROC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Zune, Q., Soyeurt, D., Ongena, M., Toye, D., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (08 October 2012). Implementation of structured metal packing for the design of biofilm reactor : analysis by high energy X-ray tomography and application to the production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis [Poster presentation]. GEPROC student day, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Zune, Q., Soyeurt, D., Ongena, M., Toye, D., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (08 October 2012). Implementation of structured metal packing for the design of biofilm reactor : analysis by high energy X-ray tomography and application to the production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis [Poster presentation]. GEPROC student day.

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Thonart, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (10 September 2012). Development of optical trajectography device for the lagangian study of turbulent flow inside a stirred tank used in pharmaceutical industry [Poster presentation]. 14th European Conference on Mixing, Warsaw, Poland.

Zune, Q., Ongena, M., Toye, D., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (08 February 2012). Design of a biofilm reactor comprising a metal structured packing for the production of lipopeptides by B. subtilis [Poster presentation]. ENVITAM-GEPROC Ph student day, Gembloux, Belgium.

Léonard, G., Lepaumier, H., Blandina, F., Thielens, M.-L., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (February 2012). POST-COMBUSTION CO2 CAPTURE: Global Process Simulation and Solvent Degradation [Poster presentation]. PHD Student Day ENVITAM-GEPROC, Gembloux, Belgium.

Mengoni, M., Voide, R., de Bien, C., Freichels, H., Jérôme, C., Léonard, A., Toye, D., van Lenthe, G. H., Müller, R., & Ponthot, J.-P. (February 2012). A non-linear homogeneous model for bone-like materials under compressive load. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 28 (2), 334-348. doi:10.1002/cnm.1473

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (January 2012). Study of 2-Ethanolamine degradation [Paper presentation]. University of Texas 1st conference on Carbon Capture and Storage, Austin, United States - Texas.

Collignon, M.-L., Droissart, L., Delafosse, A., Vanhamel, S., Rodriguez, R., Claes, T., Moncaubeig, F., Peeters, L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2011). Etude de l’écoulement au sein d’un bioréacteur parallélépipédique à usage unique à agitation pendulo-elliptique. In Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - A la croisée des sciences et des cultures, pour relever les défis industriels du XXIème siècle. Paris, France: Ed. SFGP.

Collignon, M.-L., Degand, A., Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (29 November 2011). Mise au point d’un dispositif de trajectographie optique pour l’étude lagrangienne des écoulements dans une cuve agitée utilisée dans l’industrie pharmaceutique [Poster presentation]. 13ème Congrès de la Société Française du Génie des Procédés, Lille, France.

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (18 September 2011). Study of turbulent flow inside a stirred tank used in animal cell culture [Paper presentation]. 7th International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes, ISMIP 7, Pekin, China.

Mengoni, M., Voide, R., Toye, D., Léonard, A., van Lenthe, G. H., & Ponthot, J.-P. (2011). A non-linear homogeneous model for bone-like materials under compressive load. In P. Nithiarasu, R. Löhner, R. van Loon, I. Sazonov, ... X. Xie (Eds.), Conference Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (pp. 355-358).

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (15 November 2010). AXIAL IMPELLER SELECTION FOR ANCHORAGE DEPENDENT ANIMAL CELL CULTURE IN STIRRED BIOREACTORS: METHODOLOGY BASED ON THE IMPELLER COMPARISON AT JUST-SUSPENDED SPEED OF ROTATION. Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (22), 5929-5941. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.08.027

Collignon, M.-L., Dossin, D., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2010). Quality of mixing in a stirred bioreactor used for animal cells culture: heterogeneities in a lab scale bioreactor and evolution of mixing time with scale up. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14, 401-407.

Collignon, M.-L., Dossin, D., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (12 December 2009). Study of heterogeneities in laboratory scale and prediction of mixing time evolution during the scale- up of an animal cells culture in a stirred bioreactor [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude annuelle de l'école doctorale GEPROC sur le thème des Biotechnologies, Gembloux, Belgium.

Collignon, M.-L., Dossin, D., Crine, M., Chaubard, J.-F., Peeters, L., Dessoy, S., & Toye, D. (01 April 2009). Study of the mixing time evolution during the scale-up of an animal cells culture in a stirred tank bioreactor [Poster presentation]. Biomedica, the life science summit, Liège, Belgium.

Toye, D., Galifi, A., Salmon, T., Verdin, E., & Crine, M. (2009). Influence of medium composition on oxygen transfer rate in animal cell culture. In Proceedings of 8th World Congress on Chemical Engineering.

Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Verdin, E., Chaubard, J.-F., Peeters, L., Dessoy, S., & Toye, D. (19 August 2008). A study of the mixing by PIV and PLIF in bioreactor of cells animal culture [Paper presentation]. 6th International Symposium of Mixing in Industrial Processes, ISMIP 6, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Chaubard, J.-F., Peeters, L., Dessoy, S., & Toye, D. (16 April 2008). Experimental analysis by P.I.V. and P.L.I.F of the local hydrodynamic environment of animal cells cultivated in a stirred tank bioreactor [Poster presentation]. Biomedica, the life science summit, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Léonard, A., Wullens, H., Blacher, S., Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Lodewyckx, P. (2008). In situ observation of wall effects in activated carbon filters by X-ray microtomography. Separation and Purification Technology, 64 (1), 127-130. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2008.08.008

Fransolet, E., Coumont, V., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2003). Rétention gazeuse dans une colonne à bulles contenant un liquide visqueux non-newtonien. Tribune de l'Eau, 56 (622), 15-20.

Toye, D., Scheen, P., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Marchot, P. (2003). Distribution de la rétention dynamique de liquide dans une colonne à empilage : comparaison des résultats obtenus par tomographie à rayons X et par tomographie électrique capacitive. Tribune de l'Eau, 56, 21-26.

Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2001). Imagerie par tomographie électrique résistive de la distribution des phases dans une colonne à bulles. In J. Boudrant, M.-N. Pons, ... H. Vivier (Eds.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°78 - Visualisation-Image-Modélisation - Actes du Congrès VIM2001 (Visualisation - Image- Modélisation), 15-17 mai 2001, Nancy, France (pp. 101-107). Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.

Marchot, P., Toye, D., Pelsser, A. M., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Olujic, Z. (2001). Liquid distribution images on structured packing by X-ray computed tomography. AIChE Journal, 47 (6), 1471-1476. doi:10.1002/aic.690470622

Toye, D., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Olujic, Z., & Marchot, P. (2001). Analyse de la distribution de la rétention dynamique de liquide dans une colonne gaz-liquide à garnissage par tomographie à rayons X. In R. Latifi, J. Boudrant, ... D. Tondeur (Eds.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°82 - Information, Modélisation, Simulation et Optimisation - Actes du 8ème Congrès de la Société française de Génie des Procédés, 17-19 octobre 2001, Nancy, France (pp. 433-440). Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.

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