Pavella, M., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2023). Power Systems Operation and Control: Contributions of the Liège Group, 1970–2000. In J. S. Tietjen, M. D. Ilic, L. Bertlin Tjernberg, ... N. N. Schulz, Women in Power (pp. 247–263). Springer. |
Huynh-Thu, V. A., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2013). Gene regulatory network inference from systems genetics data using tree-based methods. In A. de la Fuente (Ed.), Gene Network Inference - Verification of Methods for Systems Genetics Data (pp. 63-85). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-45161-4_5 |
Maes, F., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2013). Meta-learning of Exploration/Exploitation Strategies: The Multi-Armed Bandit Case. In J. Filipe & A. Fred (Eds.), Agents and Artificial Intelligence: 4th International Conference, ICAART 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, February 6-8, 2012. Revised Selected Papers (pp. 110-115). Springer. |
Defourny, B., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). Multistage stochastic programming: A scenario tree based approach to planning under uncertainty. In L. E. Sucar, E. F. Morales, ... J. Hoey (Eds.), Decision Theory Models for Applications in Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Solutions. Hershey, United States - Pennsylvania: Information Science Publishing. doi:10.4018/978-1-60960-165-2.ch006 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2011). Towards min max generalization in reinforcement learning. In J. Filipe, A. Fred, ... B. Sharp (Eds.), Agents and Artificial Intelligence: International Conference, ICAART 2010, Valencia, Spain, January 2010, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 61-77). Springer. |
Wehenkel, L., Ruiz-Vega, D., Ernst, D., & Pavella, M. (2005). Preventive and emergency control of power systems. In Real Time Stability in Power Systems - Techniques for Early Detection of the Risk of Blackout (pp. 199-232). Springer Berlin. |
Wehenkel, L. (2000). Automatic Learning Approaches for Electric Power Systems. In C. T. Leondes, Knowledge-Based Systems Techniques and Applications, Volume 3 (pp. 977-1036). Academic Press. |
Popli, N., Davoodi, E., Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (28 December 2024). On the robustness of machine-learnt proxies for security constrained optimal power flow solvers. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 37, 101265. doi:10.1016/j.segan.2023.101265 |
Donon, B., Cubelier, F., Karangelos, E., Wehenkel, L., Crochepierre, L., Pache, C., Saludjian, L., & Panciatici, P. (27 June 2024). Topology-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Tertiary Voltage Control. Electric Power Systems Research, 234, 110658. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2024.110658 |
Popli, N., Davoodi, E., Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (March 2024). Machine learning based binding contingency pre-selection for AC-PSCOPF calculations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 39 (2), 4751-4754. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3338971 |
Davoodi, E., Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2022). A Methodology to Evaluate Reactive Power Reserves Scarcity during the Energy Transition. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1-14. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3216639 |
Zhou, K., Cruise, J. R., Dent, C. J., Dobson, I., Wehenkel, L., Wang, Z., & Wilson, A. L. (March 2021). Bayesian estimates of transmission line outage rates that consider line dependencies. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36 (2), 1095-1106. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3012840 |
Duchesne, L., Karangelos, E., Sutera, A., & Wehenkel, L. (2020). Machine Learning for Ranking Day-ahead Decisions in the Context of Short-term Operation Planning. Electric Power Systems Research. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2020.106548 |
Duchesne, L., Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2020). Recent Developments in Machine Learning for Energy Systems Reliability Management. Proceedings of the IEEE. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2020.2988715 |
Karangelos, E., Perkin, S., & Wehenkel, L. (2020). Probabilistic Resilience Analysis of the Icelandic Power System under Extreme Weather. Applied Sciences. doi:10.3390/app10155089 |
Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2020). Towards leveraging discrete grid flexibility in chance-constrained power system operation planning. Electric Power Systems Research. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2020.106571 |
Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (September 2019). An iterative AC-SCOPF approach managing the contingency and corrective control failure uncertainties with a probabilistic guarantee. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34 (5), 3780-3790. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2902486 |
Dalal, G., Gilboa, E., Mannor, S., & Wehenkel, L. (2019). Chance-Constrained Outage Scheduling using a Machine Learning Proxy. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, On-line early access. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2889237 |
Marcos Alvarez, A., Louveaux, Q., & Wehenkel, L. (January 2017). A Machine Learning-Based Approximation of Strong Branching. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 29 (1), 185-195. doi:10.1287/ijoc.2016.0723 |
Marée, R., Rollus, L., Stévens, B., Hoyoux, R., Louppe, G., Vandaele, R., Begon, J.-M., Kainz, P., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2016). Collaborative analysis of multi-gigapixel imaging data using Cytomine. Bioinformatics, 7. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw013 |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2016). Towards Generic Image Classification using Tree-based Learning: an Extensive Empirical Study. Pattern Recognition Letters, 74 (15), 17-23. doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2016.01.006 |
Van Lishout, F., Gadaleta, F., Moore, J. H., Wehenkel, L., & Van Steen, K. (20 November 2015). gammaMAXT: a fast multiple-testing correction algorithm. BioData Mining, 8 (36). doi:10.1186/s13040-015-0069-x |
Schrynemackers, M., Wehenkel, L., Madan Babu, M., & Geurts, P. (11 May 2015). Classifying pairs with trees for supervised biological network inference. Molecular Biosystems, 11 (8), 2116-2125. doi:10.1039/c5mb00174a |
Aceto, J., Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, R., Marée, R., Dardenne, N., Jeanray, N., Wehenkel, L., Aleström, P., van Loon, J., & Muller, M. (2015). Zebrafish bone and general physiology are differently affected by hormones or changes in gravity. PLoS ONE, 10 (6), 1-42. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126928 |
Jeanray, N., Marée, R., Pruvot, B., Stern, O., Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., & Muller, M. (2015). Phenotype Classification of Zebrafish Embryos by Supervised Learning. PLoS ONE, 10 (1), 0116989, 1-20. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116989 |
Wang, D., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (November 2014). Trajectory-Based Supplementary Damping Control for Power System Electromechanical Oscillations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29 (6), 2835-2845. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2014.2314359 |
Wang, D., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (June 2014). Comparison of centralized, distributed and hierarchical model predictive control schemes for electromechanical oscillations damping in large-scale power systems. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 58, 32-41. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2014.01.007 |
Platbrood, L., Capitanescu, F., Crisciu, H., & Wehenkel, L. (May 2014). A generic approach for solving nonlinear-discrete security-constrained power flow problems in large-scale systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 29 (3), 1194-1203. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2289990 |
Botta, V., Louppe, G., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2014). Exploiting SNP Correlations within Random Forest for Genome-Wide Association Studies. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093379 |
Jung, T., Wehenkel, L., Ernst, D., & Maes, F. (March 2014). Optimized look-ahead tree policies: a bridge between look-ahead tree policies and direct policy search. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 28 (3-5), 255-289. doi:10.1002/acs.2387 |
Becker, J., Maes, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2013). On the Encoding of Proteins for Disordered Regions Prediction. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082252 |
Marée, R., Stevens, B., Rollus, L., Rocks, N., Moles Lopez, X., Salmon, I., Cataldo, D., & Wehenkel, L. (30 September 2013). A rich internet application for remote visualization and collaborative annotation of digital slide images in histology and cytology. Diagnostic Pathology, 8 (S1), 26. doi:10.1186/1746-1596-8-S1-S26 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S. A., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (September 2013). Batch mode reinforcement learning based on the synthesis of artificial trajectories. Annals of Operations Research, 208 (1), 383-416. doi:10.1007/s10479-012-1248-5 |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (May 2013). Computation of worst operation scenarios under uncertainty for static security management. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28 (2), 1697-1705. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2220384 |
Van Lishout, F., Mahachie John, J., Gusareva, E., Urrea, V., Cleynen, I., Theatre, E., CHARLOTEAUX, B., Calle, M. L., Wehenkel, L., & Van Steen, K. (24 April 2013). An efficient algorithm to perform multiple testing in epistasis screening. BMC Bioinformatics, 14, 138. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-138 |
Becker, J., Maes, F., & Wehenkel, L. (15 February 2013). On the Relevance of Sophisticated Structural Annotations for Disulfide Connectivity Pattern Prediction. PLoS ONE, 8 (2), 56621. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056621 |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2013). Experiments with the interior-point method for solving large scale Optimal Power Flow problems. Electric Power Systems Research, 95, 276–283. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2012.10.001 |
Defourny, B., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2013). Scenario Trees and Policy Selection for Multistage Stochastic Programming Using Machine Learning. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 25 (3), 488-501. doi:10.1287/ijoc.1120.0516 |
Fliscounakis, S., Panciatici, P., Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2013). Contingency ranking with respect to overloads in very large power systems taking into account uncertainty, preventive, and corrective actions. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2251015 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S. A., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2013). Stratégies d'échantillonnage pour l'apprentissage par renforcement batch. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 27 (2), 171-194. doi:10.3166/RIA.27.171-194 |
Capitanescu, F., Fliscounakis, S., Panciatici, P., & Wehenkel, L. (November 2012). Cautious operation planning under uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 27 (4), 1859-1869. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2188309 |
Panciatici, P., Bareux, G., & Wehenkel, L. (2012). Operating in the fog: security management under uncertainty. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine. doi:10.1109/MPE.2012.2205318 |
Marano Marcolini, A., Capitanescu, F., Jose Luis, M. R., & Wehenkel, L. (August 2012). Exploiting the use of DC SCOPF approximation to improve iterative AC SCOPF algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 27 (3), 1459-1466. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2186469 |
Huynh-Thu, V. A., Saeys, Y., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (25 April 2012). Statistical interpretation of machine learning-based feature importance scores for biomarker discovery. Bioinformatics, 28 (13), 1766-1774. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts238 |
Schrouff, J., Kussé, C., Wehenkel, L., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2012). Decoding Semi-Constrained Brain Activity from fMRI Using Support Vector Machines and Gaussian Processes. PLoS ONE, 7 (4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035860 |
Capitanescu, F., Martinez Ramos, J. L., Panciatici, P., Kirschen, D., Marano Marcolini, A., Platbrood, L., & Wehenkel, L. (August 2011). State-of-the-art, challenges, and future trends in security constrained optimal power flow. Electric Power Systems Research, 81 (8), 1731-1741. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2011.04.003 |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (August 2011). Redispatching active and reactive powers using a limited number of control actions. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26 (3), 1221-1230. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2102371 |
Levels, J. H., Geurts, P., Karlsson, H., Marée, R., Ljunggren, S., Fornander, L., Wehenkel, L., Lindahl, M., Stroes, E. S., Kuivenhoven, J. A., & Meijers, J. C. (28 June 2011). High-density lipoprotein proteome dynamics in human endotoxemia. Proteome Science, 9 (1), 34. doi:10.1186/1477-5956-9-34 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S. A., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (June 2011). Estimation Monte Carlo sans modèle de politiques de décision. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 25, 321-343. doi:10.3166/ria.25.321-343 |
DE SENY, D., Sharif, M., Fillet, M., COBRAIVILLE, G., Meuwis, M.-A., Marée, R., HAUZEUR, J.-P., Wehenkel, L., Louis, E., Merville, M.-P., Kirwan, J., Ribbens, C., & Malaise, M. (2011). Discovery and biochemical characterisation of four novel biomarkers for osteoarthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 70 (6), 1144-52. doi:10.1136/ard.2010.135541 |
Lamrini, B, L. E. K., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). Data validation and missing data reconstruction using self-organizing map for water treatment. Neural Computing and Applications, 20 (4), 575-588. doi:10.1007/s00521-011-0526-5 |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (November 2010). Sensitivity-based approaches for handling discrete variables in optimal power flow computations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25 (4), 1780-1789. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2044426 |
Huynh-Thu, V. A., Irrthum, A., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (28 September 2010). Inferring Regulatory Networks from Expression Data Using Tree-Based Methods. PLoS ONE, 5 (9), 12776. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012776 |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (February 2010). Optimal power flow computations with a limited number of controls allowed to move. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25 (1), 586-587. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2009.2036461 |
Capitanescu, F., Van Cutsem, T., & Wehenkel, L. (01 May 2009). Coupling optimization and dynamic simulation for preventive-corrective control of voltage instability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 24 (2), 796 - 805. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2008.2012181 |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (30 January 2009). Content-based Image Retrieval by Indexing Random Subwindows with Randomized Trees. IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, 1. doi:10.2197/ipsjtcva.1.46 |
De Seny, D., Ribbens, C., Cobraiville, G., Meuwis, M.-A., Marée, R., Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., Louis, E., Merville, M.-P., Fillet, M., & Malaise, M. (2009). Protéomique par SELDI-TOF-MS des maladies inflammatoires articulaires: identification des protéines S100 comme protéines d'intérêt. Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (Spec No), 29-35. |
Ernst, D., Glavic, M., Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2009). Reinforcement learning versus model predictive control: a comparison on a power system problem. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics, 33 (2), 517-519. doi:10.1109/TSMCB.2008.2007630 |
Quesada Calvo, F.* , Fillet, M.* , De Seny, D., Meuwis, M.-A., Marée, R., Crahay, C., Paulissen, G., Rocks, N., Guéders, M., Wehenkel, L., Merville, M.-P., Louis, R., Foidart, J.-M., Noël, A., & Cataldo, D. (2009). Biomarker discovery in asthma-related inflammation and remodeling. Proteomics, 9 (8), 2163-2170. doi:10.1002/pmic.200800643 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Stubbe, M., Karoui, K., Van Cutsem, T., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Le projet PEGASE. Revue E: Revue d'Electricité et d'Electronique Industrielle, (4), 37-41. |
Wehenkel, L., Ernst, D., Rousseaux, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2008). Research and Education Activities in Electric Power Systems at the University of Liège. Revue E: Revue d'Electricité et d'Electronique Industrielle, (4), 54-59. |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (November 2008). A new iterative approach to the corrective security-constrained optimal power flow problem. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 23 (4), 1342-1351. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2008.2002175 |
Kelner, V., Capitanescu, F., Léonard, O., & Wehenkel, L. (June 2008). A hybrid optimization technique coupling an evolutionary and a local search algorithm. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 215 (2), 448-456. doi:10.1016/ |
Meuwis, M.-A.* , Fillet, M.* , Lutteri, L., Marée, R., Geurts, P., De Seny, D., Malaise, M., Chapelle, J.-P., Wehenkel, L., Belaiche, J., Merville, M.-P.* , & Louis, E.*. (2008). Proteomics for prediction and characterization of response to infliximab in Crohn's disease: a pilot study. Clinical Biochemistry, 41 (12), 960-7. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2008.04.021 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Saeys, Y., Liu, H., Inza, I., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). New challenges for feature selection in data mining and knowledge discovery. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 4, 1-4. |
Hiard, S., Marée, R., Colson, S., Hoskisson, P. A., Titgemeyer, F., van Wezel, G. P., Joris, B., Wehenkel, L., & Rigali, S. (June 2007). PREDetector: A new tool to identify regulatory elements in bacterial genomes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 357 (4), 861-864. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2007.03.180 |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (May 2007). Improving the statement of the corrective security-constrained optimal power flow problem. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22 (2), 887-889. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2007.894850 |
Chandrika, K., Dellot, P., Frippiat, F., Giot, J.-B., Leonard, P., Marée, R., Mayasi, N., Meuris, C., Mukeba Tshialala, D., Rahmouni, S., Uurlings, F., Vaira, D., Wehenkel, L., Demonty, J., & Moutschen, M. (2007). Nouvelles approches dans la prise en charge de l'infection a VIH. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 Spec No, 47-50. |
Ernst, D., Glavic, M., Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2007). Model predictive control and reinforcement learning as two complementary frameworks. International Journal of Tomography and Statistics, 6, 122-127. |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2007). Random subwindows and extremely randomized trees for image classification in cell biology. BMC Cell Biology, 8 (Suppl. 1). doi:10.1186/1471-2121-8-S1-S2 |
Geurts, P., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (April 2006). Extremely randomized trees. Machine Learning, 63 (1), 3-42. doi:10.1007/s10994-006-6226-1 |
Glavic, M., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (June 2005). A reinforcement learning based discrete supplementary control for power system transient stability enhancement. International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications, 13 (2 Sp. Iss. SI), 81-88. |
Ernst, D., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (April 2005). Tree-based batch mode reinforcement learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 6, 503-556. |
De Seny, D.* , Fillet, M.* , Meuwis, M.-A., Geurts, P., Lutteri, L., Ribbens, C., Bours, V., Wehenkel, L., Piette, J., Malaise, M., & Merville, M.-P. (2005). Discovery of new rheumatoid arthritis biomarkers using the surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry ProteinChip approach. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 52 (12), 3801-12. doi:10.1002/art.21607 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Ernst, D., Glavic, M., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Approximate value iteration in the reinforcement learning context. Application to electrical power system control. International Journal of Emerging Electrical Power Systems, 3 (1). doi:10.2202/1553-779X.1066 |
Geurts, P., Fillet, M., De Seny, D., Meuwis, M.-A., Malaise, M., Merville, M.-P., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Proteomic mass spectra classification using decision tree based ensemble methods. Bioinformatics, 21 (14), 3138-45. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti494 |
Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Segment and combine approach for non-parametric time-series classification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3721, 478-485. doi:10.1007/11564126_48 |
Ernst, D., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (February 2004). Power systems stability control: Reinforcement learning framework. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19 (1), 427-435. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2003.821457 |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). Une méthode générique pour la classification automatique d'images à partir des pixels. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, 1, 227-238. |
Wehenkel, L., Lebrevelec, C., Trotignon, M., & Batut, J. (1999). Probabilistic design of power-system special stability controls. Control Engineering Practice, 7 (2), 183-194. doi:10.1016/S0967-0661(98)00171-3 |
Wehenkel, L. (September 1997). Machine-learning approaches to power-system security assessment. IEEE Expert, 12 (5), 60-72. doi:10.1109/64.621229 |
Marceau, R. J., Endrenyi, J., Allan, R., Alvarado, F. L., Bloemhof, G. A., Carlsen, T., Couto, G., Dialynas, E. N., Hatziargyriou, N., Holmberg, D., Invernizzi, A., Lumbreras, J., Manning, T., Messing, L., Naggar, R., Rudenko, Y. N., Salvaderi, L., Stewart, J. R., Welssow, W., & Wehenkel, L. (1997). Power system security assessment: a position paper. Electra, 175, 49-77. |
Wehenkel, L. (February 1996). Contingency severity assessment for voltage security using non-parametric regression techniques. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 11 (1), 101-111. doi:10.1109/59.485991 |
Wehenkel, L., & Pavella, M. (1993). Decision tree approach to power systems security assessment. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 15 (1), 13-36. doi:10.1016/0142-0615(93)90014-E |
Xue, Y., Wehenkel, L., Belhomme, R., Rousseaux, P., Pavella, M., Euxibie, E., Heilbronn, B., & Lesigne, J.-F. (1992). Extended equal area criterion revisited. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, PWRS-7 (3), 1012-1022. doi:10.1109/59.207314 |
Wehenkel, L., & Pavella, M. (1991). Decision Trees and Transient Stability of Electric Power Systems. Automatica, 27 (1), 115-134. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(91)90010-Y |
Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (19 April 2016). Comments on: A random forest guided tour. TEST, 25 (2), 247-253. doi:10.1007/s11749-016-0487-1 |
Davoodi, E., Capitanescu, F., Popli, N., & Wehenkel, L. (2022). Re-thinking Var Planning to Mitigate Reactive Power Reserves Scarcity During the Energy Transition. In Proceedings of MEDPOWER2022 (pp. 1-6). United Kingdom: The Institution of Engineering and Technology. |
Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2022). Cyber-physical risk modeling with imperfect cyber-attackers. Electric Power Systems Research. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108437 |
Sutera, A., Louppe, G., Huynh-Thu, V. A., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2021). From global to local MDI variable importances for random forests and when they are Shapley values. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. |
Duchesne, L., Louveaux, Q., & Wehenkel, L. (2021). Supervised learning of convex piecewise linear approximations of optimization problems. In Proceedings of the 29th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning. doi:10.14428/esann/2021.ES2021-74 |
Zhou, K., Cruise, J., Dent, C., Dobson, I., Wehenkel, L., Wang, Z., & Wilson, A. (2020). Applying Bayesian estimates of individual transmission line outage rates. In L. Wehenkel, Proc of the 2020 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS). IEEE. doi:10.1109/PMAPS47429.2020.9183429 |
Cauwet, M.-L., Karangelos, E., Wehenkel, L., & Georis, B. (2019). Static vs dynamic FRR sizing for power systems with increasing amounts of renewables. In IEEE Powertech, Milano, June 2019 (pp. 1-8). doi:10.1109/PTC.2019.8810534 |
Dalal, G., Gilboa, E., Mannor, S., & Wehenkel, L. (2018). Unit commitment using nearest neighbor as a short-term proxy. In 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442516 |
Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2018). Post-contingency corrective control failure: A risk to neglect or a risk to control? In Proc of 2018 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/PMAPS.2018.8440348 |
Duchesne, L., Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2018). Using Machine Learning to Enable Probabilistic Reliability Assessment in Operation Planning. In Power Systems Computation Conference 2018 Proceedings. PSCC. doi:10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442566 |
Sutera, A., Châtel, C., Louppe, G., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2018). Random Subspace with Trees for Feature Selection Under Memory Constraints. In A. Storkey & F. Perez-Cruz (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (pp. 929-937). Playa Blanca, Spain: PMLR. |
Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2017). Probabilistic Reliability Management Approach and Criteria for Power System Short-term Operational Planning. In Probabilistic Reliability Management Approach and Criteria for Power System Short-term Operational Planning. |
Duchesne, L., Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2017). Machine Learning of Real-time Power Systems Reliability Management Response. In PowerTech Manchester 2017 Proceedings. doi:10.1109/PTC.2017.7980927 |
Marin, M., Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2017). A computational model of mid-term outage scheduling for long-term system studies. In PowerTech Manchester 2017 Proceedings. doi:10.1109/PTC.2017.7980964 |
Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2016). Probabilistic reliability management approach and criteria for power system real-time operation. In Power Systems Computation Conference. doi:10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540871 |
Sutera, A., Louppe, G., Huynh-Thu, V. A., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2016). Context-dependent feature analysis with random forests. In Uncertainty In Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Two Conference (2016). |
Perkin, S., Bjornsson, G., Baldursdottir, I., Palsson, M., Kristjansson, R., Stefansson, H., Jensson, P., Karangelos, E., & Wehenkel, L. (2016). Framework for Threat Based Failure Rates in Transmission System Operation. In Framework for Threat Based Failure Rates in Transmission System Operation. doi:10.1109/SMRLO.2016.34 |
Van Lishout, F., Gadaleta, F., Moore, J. H., Wehenkel, L., & Van Steen, K. (2014). gammaMAXT: a fast multiple-testing correction algorithm. In ERCIM 2014 Abstract Book (pp. 47). |
Joly, A., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2014). Random forests with random projections of the output space for high dimensional multi-label classification. In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44848-9_39 |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2014). An AC OPF-based Heuristic Algorithm for Optimal Transmission Switching. In Proceedings of the 18th Power Systems Computation Conference (pp. 1-6). doi:10.1109/PSCC.2014.7038445 |
Panciatici, P., Campi, M. C., Garatti, S., Low, S. H., Molzahn, D. K., Sun, A. X., & Wehenkel, L. (2014). Advanced optimization methods for power systems. In Proceedings of the 18th Power Systems Computation Conference (pp. 1-18). doi:10.1109/PSCC.2014.7038504 |
Marée, R., Rollus, L., Stevens, B., Louppe, G., Caubo, O., Rocks, N., Bekaert, S., Cataldo, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2014). A hybrid human-computer approach for large-scale image-based measurements using web services and machine learning. In Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. IEEE. doi:10.1109/isbi.2014.6868017 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S. A., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2014). Apprentissage par renforcement batch fondé sur la reconstruction de trajectoires artificielles. In Proceedings of the 9èmes Journées Francophones de Planification, Décision et Apprentissage (JFPDA 2014). |
Louppe, G., Wehenkel, L., Sutera, A., & Geurts, P. (2013). Understanding variable importances in forests of randomized trees. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26. |
Karangelos, E., Panciatici, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2013). Whither probabilistic security management for real-time operation of power systems ? In Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization, Security and Control of the Emerging Power Grid (IREP), 2013 IREP Symposium. IEEE. doi:10.1109/IREP.2013.6629408 |
Maes, F., Fonteneau, R., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2012). Policy search in a space of simple closed-form formulas: towards interpretability of reinforcement learning. In Discovery Science 15th International Conference, DS 2012, Lyon, France, October 29-31, 2012. Proceedings (pp. 37-51). Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33492-4_6 |
Maes, F., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2012). Embedding Monte Carlo search of features in tree-based ensemble methods. In P. Flach, T. De Bie, ... N. Cristianini (Eds.), Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases (pp. 191-206). Springer. |
Schnitzler, F., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2012). Mixtures of Bagged Markov Tree Ensembles. In A. Cano Utrera, M. Gómez-Olmedo, ... T. Nielsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (pp. 283-290). |
Schrouff, J., Kussé, C., Wehenkel, L., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2012). Decoding spontaneous brain activity from fMRI using Gaussian Processes: tracking brain reactivation. In 2012 Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2012): proceedings. Los Alamitos, United States - California: IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services. doi:10.1109/PRNI.2012.19 |
Joly, A., Schnitzler, F., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2012). L1-based compression of random forest models. In Proceeding of the 21st Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning. |
Schnitzler, F., Ammar, S., Leray, P., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2012). Approximation efficace de mélanges bootstrap d’arbres de Markov pour l’estimation de densité. In L. Bougrain (Ed.), Actes de la 14e Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAp 2012) (pp. 207-222). |
Marcos Alvarez, A., Maes, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2012). Supervised learning to tune simulated annealing for in silico protein structure prediction. In M. Verleysen (Ed.), ESANN 2012 proceedings, 20th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (pp. 49-54). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Ciaco. |
Joly, A., Schnitzler, F., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2012). L1-based compression of random forest models. In 20th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. |
Maes, F., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2012). Learning to play K-armed bandit problems. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2012). |
Schnitzler, F., ammar, S., leray, P., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). Efficiently approximating Markov tree bagging for high-dimensional density estimation. In D. Gunopulos, T. Hofmann, D. Malerba, ... M. Vazirgiannis (Eds.), Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part III (pp. 113-128). Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23808-6_8 |
Wang, D., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). Distributed MPC of wide-area electromechanical oscillations of large-scale power systems. In Proceedings of ISAP 2011. doi:10.1109/ISAP.2011.6082163 |
Capitanescu, F., Fliscounakis, S., Panciatici, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). Day-ahead Security Assessment under Uncertainty Relying on the Combination of Preventive and Corrective Controls to Face Worst-Case Scenarios. In PSCC proceedings Stockholm (Sweden) 2011. |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S. A., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2011). Apprentissage actif par modification de la politique de décision courante. In Sixièmes Journées Francophones de Planification, Décision et Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA 2011). |
Hoffmann, R., Promel, F., Capitanescu, F., Krost, G., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). Situation Adapted Display of Information for Operating Very Large Interconnected Grids. In Power Tech Conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2011.6019338 |
Wang, D., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). A new MPC scheme for damping wide-area electromechanical oscillations in power systems. In the 2011 IEEE PES PowerTech. doi:10.1109/PTC.2011.6019190 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2011). Active exploration by searching for experiments that falsify the computed control policy. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL-11). doi:10.1109/ADPRL.2011.5967364 |
Maes, F., Becker, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). Prédiction structurée multitâche itérative de propriétés structurelles de protéines. In 7e Plateforme AFIA: Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle (pp. 279). Editions Publibook. |
Maes, F., Becker, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2011). Iterative multi-task sequence labeling for predicting structural properties of proteins. In ESANN 2011. |
Maes, F., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2011). Optimized look-ahead tree policies. In Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011). |
Maes, F., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2011). Automatic discovery of ranking formulas for playing with multi-armed bandits. In Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011). |
Rachelson, E., Schnitzler, F., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2011). Optimal sample selection for batch-mode reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2011). |
Stern, O., Marée, R., Aceto, J., Jeanray, N., Muller, M., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2011). Automatic localization of interest points in zebrafish images with tree-based methods. In Proceedings of the 6th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics. Springer. |
Ammar, S., Leray, P., Schnitzler, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2010). Sub-quadratic Markov tree mixture learning based on randomizations of the Chow-Liu algorithm. In P. Myllymäki, A. Roos, ... T. Jaakkola (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM-2010) (pp. 17-24). |
Fonteneau, F., Ernst, D., Druet, C., Panciatici, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2010). Consequence driven decomposition of large-scale power system security analysis. In Proceedings of the 2010 IREP Symposium - Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control - VIII. doi:10.1109/IREP.2010.5563285 |
Panciatici, P., Hassaine, T., Fliscounakis, S., Platbrood, L., Ortega-Vazquez, M.-A., Martinez-Ramos, J. L., & Wehenkel, L. (2010). Security management under uncertainty: From day-ahead planning to intraday operation. In Proceedings of Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control (iREP) - VIII (iREP), 2010 iREP Symposium. doi:10.1109/IREP.2010.5563278 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2010). Model-free Monte Carlo–like policy evaluation. In Proceedings of Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAp) 2010. |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2010). Model-free Monte Carlo-like policy evaluation. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2010) (pp. 217-224). |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2010). Generating informative trajectories by using bounds on the return of control policies. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Active Learning and Experimental Design 2010 (in conjunction with AISTATS 2010). |
Schnitzler, F., Leray, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2010). Towards sub-quadratic learning of probability density models in the form of mixtures of trees [Paper presentation]. 18th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bruges, Belgium. |
Marée, R., Denis, P., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2010). Incremental Indexing and Distributed Image Search using Shared Randomized Vocabularies. In ACM Proceedings MIR 2010. doi:10.1145/1743384.1743405 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S. A., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2010). Model-free Monte Carlo-like policy evaluation. In 29th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2010). A cautious approach to generalization in reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 10). |
Capitanescu, F., Rosehart, W., & Wehenkel, L. (2009). Optimal power flow computations with constraints limiting the number of control actions. In IEEE Power Tech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2009.5282151 |
Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2009). A new heuristic approach to deal with discrete variables in optimal power flow computations. In IEEE Power Tech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2009.5282146 |
Fabozzi, D., Glavic, M., Wehenkel, L., & Van Cutsem, T. (2009). Security Assessment by Multiple Transmission System Operators Exchanging Sensitivity and Tie-Line Power Flow Information. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE PES Power Tech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2009.5282182 |
Dumont, M., Marée, R., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2009). Fast Multi-Class Image Annotation with Random Subwindows and Multiple Output Randomized Trees. In Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) (pp. 196-203). |
Ammar, S., Leray, P., Defourny, B., & Wehenkel, L. (2009). Probability Density Estimation by Perturbing and Combining Tree Structured Markov Networks. In Proc. of ECSQARU '09: 10th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (pp. 158-167). Springer. |
Belmudes, F., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2009). Pseudo-geographical representations of power system buses by multidimensional scaling. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems (ISAP 2009). doi:10.1109/ISAP.2009.5352920 |
Belmudes, F., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2009). A rare-event approach to build security analysis tools when N-k (k > 1) analyses are needed (as they are in large-scale power systems). In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech. doi:10.1109/PTC.2009.5282223 |
Defourny, B., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2009). Planning under uncertainty, ensembles of disturbance trees and kernelized discrete action spaces. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL-09) (pp. 145-152). doi:10.1109/ADPRL.2009.4927538 |
Defourny, B., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2009). Bounds for Multistage Stochastic Programs using Supervised Learning Strategies. In O. Watanabe & T. Zeugmann (Eds.), Stochastic Algorithms: Foundations and Applications (pp. 61-73). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04944-6_6 |
Ernst, D., Wehenkel, L., & Pavella, M. (2009). What is the likely future of real-time transient stability ? In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference & Exposition (PSCE 2009). doi:10.1109/PSCE.2009.4840101 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2009). Inferring bounds on the performance of a control policy from a sample of trajectories. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning (ADPRL-09) (pp. 117-123). doi:10.1109/ADPRL.2009.4927534 |
Fonteneau, R., Murphy, S. A., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2009). Inferring bounds on the performance of a control policy from a sample of one-step system transitions. In 28th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. |
Auvray, V., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Learning parameters in discrete naive Bayes models by computing fibers of the parametrization map. In NIPS ´08 Workshop: Algebraic and combinatorial methods in machine learning. |
Botta, V., Hansoul, S., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Raw genotypes vs haplotype blocks for genome wide association studies by random forests. In Proc. of MLSB 2008, second workshop on Machine Learning in Systems Biology. |
Auvray, V., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Learning inclusion-optimal chordal graphs. In Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-08) (pp. 18–25). Morgan Kaufmann. |
Fonteneau, R., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2008). Variable selection for dynamic treatment regimes: a reinforcement learning approach. In The annual machine learning conference of Belgium and the Netherlands (BeNeLearn 2008). |
Ali, M., Glavic, M., Buisson, J., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2008). Analyzing transient instability phenomena beyond the classical stability boundary. In Proceedings of the 40th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2008). doi:10.1109/NAPS.2008.5307390 |
Ammar, S., Leray, P., Defourny, B., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). High-dimensional probability density estimation with randomized ensembles of tree structured bayesian networks. In Proc. of the 4th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM08) (pp. 9-16). |
Ammar, S., Leray, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Estimation de densité par ensemble aléatoire de poly-arbres [Paper presentation]. Journées Françaises des Réseaux Bayesiens. |
Belmudes, F., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Cross-entropy based rare-event simulation for the identification of dangerous events in power systems. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS-08). |
Defourny, B., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Lazy planning under uncertainty by optimizing decisions on an ensemble of incomplete disturbance trees. In B. Defourny, D. Ernst, ... L. Wehenkel, Recent Advances in Reinforcement Learning (pp. 1-14). doi:10.1007/978-3-540-89722-4_1 |
Fonteneau, R., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2008). Variable selection for dynamic treatment regimes. In 27th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control. |
Huynh-Thu, V. A., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2008). Exploiting tree-based variable importances to selectively identify relevant variables. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 4, 60-73. |
Irrthum, A., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Predicting gene essentiality from expression patterns in Escherichia coli [Paper presentation]. Machine Learning in Systems Biology. |
Mack, P., Capitanescu, F., Glavic, M., Legrand, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2007). Application of the Galileo system for a better synchronization of electrical power systems [Paper presentation]. IEEE Power Tech conference, Lausanne, Switzerland. doi:10.1109/PCT.2007.4538560 |
Ernst, D., Glavic, M., Stan, G.-B., Mannor, S., & Wehenkel, L. (2007). The cross-entropy method for power system combinatorial optimization problems. In Proceedings of the 2007 Power Tech (pp. 1290-1295). doi:10.1109/PCT.2007.4538502 |
Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., & d'Alché-Buc, F. (2007). Gradient boosting for kernelized output spaces. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 289-296). doi:10.1145/1273496.1273533 |
Glavic, M., Ernst, D., Ruiz-Vega, D., Wehenkel, L., & Pavella, M. (2007). E-SIME- A method for transient stability closed-loop emergency control: achievements and prospects. In Proceedings of 2007 IREP Symposium - Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control - VII. doi:10.1109/IREP.2007.4410519 |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2007). Content-based Image Retrieval by Indexing Random Subwindows with Randomized Trees. In Proc. 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), LNCS (pp. 611-620). Springer-Verlag. |
Wehenkel, L., Glavic, M., & Ernst, D. (2007). A collaborative framework for multi-area dynamic security assessment of large scale systems. In Proceedings of the 2007 Power Tech (pp. 261-266). doi:10.1109/PCT.2007.4538327 |
Auvray, V., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). A Semi-Algebraic Description of Discrete Naive Bayes Models with Two Hidden Classes. In Proc. Ninth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics. |
Capitanescu, F., Glavic, M., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Applications of security-constrained optimal power flows. In In Proceedings of Modern Electric Power Systems Symposium, MEPS06. |
Ernst, D., Glavic, M., Capitanescu, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Model predictive control and reinforcement learning as two complementary frameworks. In Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimisation. |
Ernst, D., Marée, R., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Reinforcement learning with raw image pixels as input state. In Advances in machine vision, image processing & pattern analysis (Lecture notes in computer science, Vol. 4153). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin. |
Ernst, D., Stan, G.-B., Gonçalves, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Clinical data based optimal STI strategies for HIV: a reinforcement learning approach. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and The Netherlands (Benelearn 2006). |
Ernst, D., Stan, G.-B., Gonçalves, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Clinical data based optimal STI strategies for HIV: a reinforcement learning approach. In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2006) (pp. 667 - 672). doi:10.1109/CDC.2006.377527 |
Geurts, P., Marée, R., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Segment and combine: a generic approach for supervised learning of invariant classifiers from topologically structured data. In Proceedings of the Machine Learning Conference of Belgium and The Netherlands (Benelearn) (pp. 15-23). |
Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., & d'Alché-Buc, F. (2006). OK3: Méthode d’arbres à sortie noyau pour la prédiction de sorties structurées et l’apprentissage de noyau. In Proc. of CAP (Conférence francophone d'apprentissage) (pp. 16). |
Geurts, P., Wehenkel, L., & d Alché-Buc, F. (2006). Kernelizing the output of tree-based methods. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 345-352). Acm. |
Glavic, M., Wehenkel, L., & Ernst, D. (2006). Damping control by fusion of reinforcement learning and control Lyapunov functions. In Proceedings of the 38th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2006) (pp. 361-367). doi:10.1109/NAPS.2006.359598 |
Wehenkel, L., Ernst, D., & Geurts, P. (2006). Ensembles of extremely randomized trees and some generic applications. In Proceedings of Robust Methods for Power System State Estimation and Load Forecasting. |
Wehenkel, L., Glavic, M., & Ernst, D. (2006). On multi-area security assessment of large interconnected power systems. In Proceedings of the Second Carnegie Mellon Conference in Electric Power Systems: Monitoring, Sensing, Software and its Valuation for the Changing electric Power Industry. |
Wehenkel, L., Glavic, M., & Ernst, D. (2006). Multi-area security assessment: results using efficient bounding method. In Proceedings of the 38th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2006) (pp. 511-515). doi:10.1109/NAPS.2006.359620 |
Wehenkel, L., Glavic, M., Geurts, P., & Ernst, D. (2006). Automatic learning of sequential decision strategies for dynamic security assessment and control. In Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting 2006. doi:10.1109/PES.2006.1708874 |
Wehenkel, L., Glavic, M., Geurts, P., & Ernst, D. (2006). About automatic learning for advanced sensing, monitoring and control of electric power systems. In Proceedings of the Second Carnegie Mellon Conference in Electric Power Systems: Monitoring, Sensing, Software and its Valuation for the Changing electric Power Industry. |
Capitanescu, F., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Experience with the multiple centrality corrections interior point algorithm for optimal power flow. In CEE 05 conference. |
Capitanescu, F., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Applications of an interior point method based optimal power flow. In CEE 05 conference. |
Capitanescu, F., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). An interior point method based optimal power flow [Paper presentation]. 3-rd ACOMEN conference, Gand, Belgium. |
Cirio, D., Lucarella, D., Vimercati, G., Massucco, S., Morini, A., Silvestro, F., Ernst, D., Pavella, M., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Application of an advanced transient stability assessment and control method to a realistic power system. In Proceedings of the 15th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC 2005). |
Druet, C., Vassena, S., Rousseaux, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Application of a data minig based technique for the evaluation of transmission expansion plans. In Proceedings of the 15th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC). |
Geurts, P., Blanco Cuesta, A., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Segment and combine approach for Biological Sequence Classification. In Proc. IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB 2005) (pp. 194-201). doi:10.1109/cibcb.2005.1594917 |
Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Closed-form dual perturb and combine for tree-based models. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2005). doi:10.1145/1102351.1102381 |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Random Subwindows for Robust Image Classification. In C. Schmid, S. Soatto, ... C. Tomasi (Eds.), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005) (pp. 34-40). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Decision Trees and Random Subwindows for Object Recognition. In ICML workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Processing Multimedia Content (MLMM2005). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2005). Biomedical image classification with random subwindows and decision trees. In Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications (pp. 220-229). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin. doi:10.1007/11569541_23 |
Wehenkel, L., Glavic, M., & Ernst, D. (2005). New developments in the application of automatic learning to power system control. In Proceedings of the 15th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC 2005). |
Huang, J., Vanier, G., Valette, A., Harrison, S., Lévesque, F., & Wehenkel, L. (2004). Operation rules determined by risk analysis for special protection systems at Hydro-Québec. In CIGRE (pp. 9pp. B5-205). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2004). A generic approach for image classification based on decision tree ensembles and local sub-windows. In K.-S. Hong & Z. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 860-865). Asian Federation of Computer Vision Societies (AFCV). |
Olaru, C., & Wehenkel, L. (2004). Bias-variance tradeoff of soft decision trees [Paper presentation]. IPMU-04, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. |
Wehenkel, L. (2004). Whither dynamic congestion management ? [Paper presentation]. Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - VI, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy. |
Wehenkel, L., & Pavella, M. (2004). Preventive vs. emergency control of power systems [Paper presentation]. IEEE PSCE Conference. |
Bihain, A., Cirio, D., Fiorina, M., Lopez, R., Lucarella, D., Massucco, S., Ruiz Vega, D., Vournas, C., Van Cutsem, T., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). OMASES: A DYNAMIC SECURITY ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR THE NEW MARKET ENVIRONMENT. In Proc. IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference (pp. 473). doi:10.1109/PTC.2003.1304418 |
Del Angel, A., Glavic, M., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). Using artificial neural networks to estimate rotor angles and speeds from phasor measurements [Paper presentation]. Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems. |
Ernst, D., Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). Iteratively extending time horizon reinforcement learning. In Machine Learning: ECML 2003, 14th European Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 96-107). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39857-8_11 |
Glavic, M., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). A reinforcement learning based discrete supplementary control for power system transient stability enhancement. In Proceedings of the 12th Intelligent Systems Application to Power Systems Conference (ISAP 2003). |
Marée, R., Geurts, P., Visimberga, G., Piater, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). An empirical comparison of machine learning algorithms for generic image classification. In F. Coenen, A. Preece, ... A. L. Macintosh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd SGAI international conference on innovative techniques and applications of artificial intelligence, Research and development in intelligent systems XX (pp. 169-182). Springer. |
N'Guessan, A., Pavella, M., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). An implementation of on-line transient stability screening and control using distributed processing. In Proc. of Intelligent Systems Application to Power Systems (pp. 6). |
Auvray, V., & Wehenkel, L. (2002). On the construction of the inclusion boundary neighbourhood for markov equivalence classes of bayesian network structures. In Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 10). |
Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2002). FACTS devices controlled by means of reinforcement learning algorithms. In Proceedings of the 14th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2002). |
Druet, C., Ernst, D., & Wehenkel, L. (2000). Application of reinforcement learning to electrical power system closed-loop emergency control. In Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 4th European Conference, PKDD 2000. Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-45372-5_9 |
Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2000). Temporal machine learning for switching control. In Proceedings of PKDD 2000, 4th European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (pp. 401-408). Lyon, France: Springer-Verlag. |
Geurts, P., & Wehenkel, L. (2000). Investigation and reduction of discretization Variance in decision tree induction. In Proceedings of ECML 2000, European Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 162-170). Springer-Verlag. |
Bettiol, A., Ruiz-Vega, D., Ernst, D., Wehenkel, L., & Pavella, M. (1999). Transient stability-constrained optimal power flow. In Proceedings of the IEEE Power Tech'99. |
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Huynh-Thu, V. A., Wehenkel, L., & Geurts, P. (2008). Exploiting tree-based variable importances to selectively identify relevant variables [Paper presentation]. Third Workshop on New Challenges for Feature Selection in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (FSDM 2008). |