Publications and communications of Michel Hogge

Béchet, E., Dick, E., Geuzaine, C., Hogge, M., Malengier, B., Noels, L., Remacle, J.-F., Slodicka, M., & Van Keer (Eds.). (July 2013). Fifth International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering (ACOMEN 2011). International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 246, 1-334.

Mengoni, M., & Hogge, M. (2012). Transferts de Chaleur et de Matière - Exercices. (ULiège - Université de Liège, MECA0445 - Transferts de Chaleurs et de Matière).

Hogge, M., Van Keer, R., Dick, E., Malengier, B., Slodicka, M., Béchet, E., Geuzaine, C., Noels, L., & Remacle, J.-F. (Eds.). (2011). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanded COmputational Methods in Engineering (ACOMEN2011). (Dépôt légal: D/2011/0480/31). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Hogge, M., Van Keer, R., Dick, E., & Noels, L. (Eds.). (01 August 2010). Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering (ACOMEN 2008). Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234 (7). doi:10.1016/

Hogge, M., & Mengoni, M. (2009). Transferts de Chaleur et de Matière - théorie. (ULiège - Université de Liège, MECA0445 - Transferts de Chaleur et de Matière).

Hogge, M., Van Keer, R., Noels, L., Stainier, L., Ponthot, J.-P., Remacle, J.-F., & Dick, E. (Eds.). (2008). Actes du Congrès ACOMEN 2008, Second international Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Liège, Belgium, May 26-38, 2008.

Nguyen, N. H., PHAM, V. N., Hogge, M., & Ponthot, J.-P. (2008). An assumed natural strain technique for 2D solid-shell elements. In Proceedings of ACOMEN’2008, Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering (pp. 13). M. Hogge, R. Van Keer, L. Noels, L. Stainier, J.-P. Ponthot, Editors: J.-F. Remacle, E. Dick.

Kleinermann, J.-P., Ponthot, J.-P., & Hogge, M. (2003). Parameter identification for inverse problems in metal forming simulation. In Proceedings of FIELD ANALYSIS FOR DETERMINATION OF MATERIAL PARAMETERS. EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL ASPECTS (pp. 81-99). P. Stahle & K.G. Sundin, Eds.

Hogge, M., Ponthot, J.-P., Stainier, L., DE SCHEPPER, H., VAN KEER, R., & NOLDUS, E. (Eds.). (2002). Actes du Congrès ACOMEN 2002, Second international Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, Liège, Belgium, May 28-31, 2002.

Kleinermann, J.-P., Ponthot, J.-P., & Hogge, M. (1998). Optimization techniques for parameter identification of material constitutive laws in large deformation processes. In Journées Samtech.

Hogge, M., Graillet, D., & Ponthot, J.-P. (1998). Efficient Implicit Schemes for High-Speed Dynamics and Crash Simulation. Application to shock-absorber devices. In Proceedings of «ACOMEN’98», Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering: Invited Papers (pp. 51-63). R. Van Keer, B. Verhegghe, M. Hogge & E. Noldus.

Hogge, M., & Ponthot, J.-P. (1996). Efficient Implicit Schemes for Transient Problems in Metal Forming Simulation. In Proc. of NUPHYMAT'96, Numerical and Physical Study of Material Forming Processe.

Luycks, P., Stienon, P., Franssen, J.-M., Dotreppe, J.-C., & Hogge, M. (June 1994). Numerical Procedure for Calculation of Temperature Evolution in Composite Elements with Internal Cavities. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 10 (6), 437-451.

Bittencourt, E., Creus, G., Ponthot, J.-P., & Hogge, M. (1994). Tratamento do problema de contato e atrito tridimensional pelo método dos elementos finitos. In S. Idelsohn & V. Sonzogni, Proc. of Mécanica Computational (pp. 615-624).

Ponthot, J.-P., & Hogge, M. (1994). On relative merits of Implicit/Explicit Algorithms for Transient Problems in Metal Forming Simulation. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods for Metal Forming in Industry (pp. 128-148).

Hogge, M., Ponthot, J.-P., & Quoirin, D. (1993). METAFOR logiciel eulérien-lagrangien pour l'analyse non-linéaire, la mise à forme et les grandes déformations des matériaux. In Actes des Journées SAMCEF'93 (pp. 10).

Hogge, M., Ponthot, J.-P., Quoirin, D., Rozenvald, D., & Stainier, L. (1992). Apports d'une formulation eulérienne-lagrangienne pour la simulation des opérations de mise en forme des matériaux. In Actes du Congrès STRUCOME'92 (pp. 301-312).

Hogge, M., & Ponthot, J.-P. (1991). Metal Forming Analysis via Eulerian-Lagrangian FEM with Adaptive Mesh. Latin American Research Review, 21, 217-224.

Hogge, M., Ponthot, J.-P., & Quoirin, D. (1991). METAFOR : Logiciel Eulérien-lagrangien pour l'analyse de la mise à forme et des grandes déformations de matériaux. In Proceedings of "New Advances in Computational Structural Mechanics (pp. 657-664).

Ponthot, J.-P., & Hogge, M. (1991). The Use of the Eulerian-Lagrangian FEM in Metal Forming Applications Including Contact and Adaptive Mesh. In ASME Symposium on "Advances in Finite Deformation Problems in Material Processing and Structures", Winter Annual Meeting (pp. 44-64). Atlanta, United States: Chandra et al.

Ponthot, J.-P., & Hogge, M. (1990). A novel Treatment of Transition Problems in Metal Forming Simulation via Eulerian-Lagrangian Finite Element Modeling. In Proc. of the Second World Congress on Computational Mechanics (pp. 826-829).

Fraeijs de Veubeke, B., Géradin, M., Huck, A., & Hogge, M. (1972). Structural dynamics : heat conduction. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and lectures, (126), 256.

Fraeijs de Veubeke, B., & Hogge, M. (1972). Heat conduction. (SA-24). Liège, Belgium: LTAS.