Publications and communications of Elena Mazurova

Mazurova, E., & Standaert, W. (29 May 2024). Implementing artificial intelligence across task types: constraints of automation and affordances of augmentation. Information Technology and People, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). doi:10.1108/itp-11-2022-0915

Mazurova, E., & Standaert, W. (02 October 2023). Digitalisation in Action Sports: Affordances and Constraints [Paper presentation]. Marketing Research Seminar.

Mazurova, E., & Standaert, W. (15 September 2023). Digital Technologies in Action Sport: Blessing or Curse? [Paper presentation]. 31st European Association for Sport Management Conference (EASM), Belfast, Ireland.

Mazurova, E., & Standaert, W. (16 May 2023). Automation or Augmentation of Work:  A multi-stakeholder perspective on implementing Artificial Intelligence in competitive sports [Paper presentation]. Marketing Seminar May, Liege, Belgium.

Mazurova, E., & Standaert, W. (12 December 2022). Paradoxes Associated with the Introduction of AI-powered Judging Support System in Artistic Gymnastics [Paper presentation]. Belge Journée de Recherche en Marketing, Brussels, Belgium.

Mazurova, E., & Standaert, W. (2022). L’intelligence artificielle à la rescousse » or « L'intelligence artificielle pour juger les compétitions sportives ? La Libre Belgique.

Mazurova, E., Standaert, W., Penttinen, E., & Tan, F. (2022). Paradoxical Tensions Related to AI-Powered Evaluation Systems in Competitive Sports. Information Systems Frontiers, 24 (3), 897-922. doi:10.1007/s10796-021-10215-8