Publications and communications of Amaury Bilocq

Levaux, N., Bilocq, A., Schrooyen, P., Terrapon, V., & Hillewaert, K. (04 June 2024). A Cartesian extended discontinuous Galerkin solver for conjugate heat transfer [Paper presentation]. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Bilocq, A., Levaux, N., Terrapon, V., & Hillewaert, K. (10 April 2024). Analysis of entropy stable DG schemes based on kinetic energy budget for scale-resolving simulations [Paper presentation]. DLES14, Erlangen, Germany.

Levaux, N., Bilocq, A. (Other coll.), Gangemi, G. M. (Other coll.), Clotuche, J. (Other coll.), Borbouse, M. (Other coll.), Terrapon, V. (Other coll.), & Hillewaert, K. (Other coll.). (2024). ForDGe in brief [Paper presentation]. Research stay at FDY, Darmstadt, Germany.

Levaux, N., Bilocq, A., Schrooyen, P., Terrapon, V., & Hillewaert, K. (27 April 2023). Interior Penalty Method for a Cartesian Discontinuous Galerkin Solver with Immersed Boundaries [Paper presentation]. Computational Fluids Conference 2023, Cannes, France.

Hillewaert, K., Bilocq, A., Boxho, M., Rasquin, M., & Toulorge, T. (2022). Challenges for the (scale-resolved) simulation of transonic turbines [Paper presentation]. VKI online workshop on Next-Generation High-Speed Low-Pressure Turbines, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium.

Gangemi, G. M., Bilocq, A., Levaux, N., Hillewaert, K., Magin, T., & Alvarez Laguna Alejandro. (October 2022). Development of a Discontinuous Galerkin fluid solver for argon plasma sheath [Paper presentation]. Gaseous Electronics Conference 2022, Sendai, Japan.

Bilocq, A., Levaux, N., Hillewaert, K., & Terrapon, V. (02 September 2022). Hybridization of Discontinuous Galerkin methods for shock capturing in scale resolving simulations [Paper presentation]. ACOMEN, Liège, Belgium.

Dechamps, P., Bilocq, A., Crovato, A., Dimitriadis, G., & Terrapon, V. (02 September 2022). Pseudo-unsteady, quasi-simultaneous, two-dimensional interactive boundary layer methodology for preliminary aircraft design [Paper presentation]. ACOMEN 2022, Liège, Belgium.

Gangemi, G. M., Bilocq, A., Levaux, N., Hillewaert, K., & Magin, T. (02 September 2022). Development of high order Discontinuous Galerkin fluid solver for argon plasma flows [Paper presentation]. Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering 2022, Liege, Belgium.

Levaux, N., Bilocq, A., Schrooyen, P., Terrapon, V., & Hillewaert, K. (August 2022). A Cartesian discontinuous Galerkin solver​ with immersed boundaries​ [Paper presentation]. The 8th international conference on "Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering", Liège, Belgium.

Bilocq, A., Levaux, N., Terrapon, V., & Hillewaert, K. (08 June 2022). Hybridization of Discontinuous Galerkin methods for shock capturing in scale resolving simulations [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS 2022, Oslo, Norway.

Levaux, N., Bilocq, A., Schrooyen, P., Terrapon, V., & Hillewaert, K. (June 2022). A cartesian discontinuous Galerkin solver with immersed boundaries [Paper presentation]. 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Oslo, Norway.

Bilocq, A., & Levaux, N. (2022). The discontinuous Galerkin method.

Bilocq, A. (2020). Implementation of a viscous-inviscid interaction scheme in a finite element full potential solver [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.