Louagie, D. (2017). A typological study of noun phrase structures in Australian languages [Doctoral thesis, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/294536 |
Louagie, D. (2020). Noun phrases in Australian languages: A typological study. Boston/Berlin, Unknown/unspecified: De Gruyter Mouton. doi:10.1515/9781501512933 |
Louagie, D., & Reinöhl, U. (Eds.). (2022). Special Issue: Typologizing the noun phrase. Linguistics, 60 (3). |
Louagie, D. (2023). Multiple construction types for nominal expressions in Australian languages: towards a typology. Studies in Language, 47 (3), 683-742. doi:10.1075/sl.21008.lou |
Louagie, D.* , & Reinöhl, U.*. (2022). Typologizing nominal expressions: The noun phrase and beyond. Linguistics, 60 (3), 659 - 714. doi:10.1515/ling-2020-0147 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Louagie, D. (2017). The status of determining elements in Australian languages. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 37 (2), 182 - 218. doi:10.1080/07268602.2017.1239524 |
Louagie, D.* , & Verstraete, J.-C.*. (2016). Noun phrase constituency in Australian languages: A typological study. Linguistic Typology, 20 (1), 25 - 80. doi:10.1515/lingty-2016-0002 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Louagie, D.* , & Verstraete, J.-C.*. (2015). Personal pronouns with determining functions in Australian languages. Studies in Language, 39 (1), 158 - 197. doi:10.1075/sl.39.1.06lou * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Louagie, D. (2023). Word classes in Australian languages. In E. Van Lier, The Oxford Handbook of Word Classes (pp. 544–571). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198852889.013.18 |
Louagie, D. (2023). The noun phrase. In C. Bowern, The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages (pp. 196-204). Oxford, Unknown/unspecified: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198824978.003.0018 |
Louagie, D. (2023). Demonstratives. In C. Bowern, The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages (pp. 253-267). Oxford, Unknown/unspecified: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198824978.003.0023 |
Mukhin, T., Van Linden, A., & Louagie, D. (19 November 2024). A typological study of applicative uses of AM markers [Paper presentation]. Workshop: From associated motion to associated posture in cross-linguistic perspective, Hermosillo, Mexico. |
Mukhin, T., Van Linden, A., & Louagie, D. (11 October 2024). A typological study of applicative uses of spatial markers [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (BKL), Mons, Belgium. |
Mukhin, T., Van Linden, A., & Louagie, D. (11 October 2024). A typological study of applicative uses of spatial markers [Paper presentation]. LSB Linguists’ Day 2024, Mons, Belgium. |
Mukhin, T., Van Linden, A., & Louagie, D. (09 September 2024). A typological study of applicative uses of spatial markers [Paper presentation]. Language & Languages at the crossroads of Disciplines, Paris, France. |
Mukhin, T., Van Linden, A., & Louagie, D. (22 August 2024). A typological study of applicative uses of spatial markers [Paper presentation]. 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Helsinki, Finland. |
Mukhin, T., Van Linden, A., & Louagie, D. (12 June 2024). A typological study of applicative uses of spatial markers [Paper presentation]. Emerging Topics in Typology (ETT), Stockholm, Sweden. |
Louagie, D., & Schultze-Berndt, E. (2024). A functional perspective on word order variation in noun phrases: A case study of an Australian language [Paper presentation]. 11th European Australianist Workshop. |
Louagie, D., & Schultze-Berndt, E. (2024). A functional perspective on word order variation in noun phrases: A case study of an Australian language [Paper presentation]. 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. |
Louagie, D. (2023). Structural diversity in the nominal domain: A typological perspective [Paper presentation]. I Jornada de Tipologia e Descrição Linguística, online, Brazil. |
Louagie, D., & Luk, E. (2023). Australian relative clauses revisited [Paper presentation]. European Australianist Workshop, Köln, Germany. |
Louagie, D., Njantcho Kouagang, & Van de Velde, M. (2023). Kwakum nominal expressions: constructional exuberance [Paper presentation]. SLE, Athens, Greece. |
Van Linden, A., & Louagie, D. (02 December 2022). Noun incorporation in Present-day English: A corpus-based approach [Paper presentation]. BAAHE (Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education) conference on Undercurrents: Challenging the mainstream, Liège, Belgium. |
Louagie, D. (October 2022). Een blik op de grammatica van Australische Aboriginaltalen [Paper presentation]. Herfstvergadering KZM, Gent, Belgium. |
Louagie, D., & Luk, E. (2022). Australian relative clauses revisited: A new sample study [Paper presentation]. The 14th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Austin, United States. |
Louagie, D., & Van Linden, A. (2022). Noun incorporation in English from a typological perspective [Paper presentation]. 55th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE55), Bucharest, Romania. |
Louagie, D., & Van Linden, A. (2022). Noun incorporation in English: diachronic case-studies [Paper presentation]. BKL Linguists' day. |
Louagie, D., & Schultze-Berndt, E. (2021). Getting a grip on flexibility: Constituent order in nominal expressions in Jaminjung-Ngaliwurru [Paper presentation]. Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society (ALS 2021). |
Louagie, D. (2020). Multiple nominal construals in Australian languages: Towards a typology [Paper presentation]. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. |
Louagie, D. (2019). Towards an alternative typology of NPs in Australian languages [Paper presentation]. Ninth European Australianist workshop. |
Louagie, D., & Reinöhl, U. (2019). Typologising the noun phrase: Beyond (non-)configurationality: Workshop introduction [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology. |
Louagie, D. (2016). The status of determining elements in Australian languages [Paper presentation]. 8th Australianists in Europe workshop, London, United Kingdom. |
Louagie, D., & Verstraete, J.-C. (2015). Noun phrase structure in Australian languages: A typological study [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT11), Albuquerque, United States. |
Louagie, D., & Verstraete, J.-C. (2014). The nature of NP constituency in Australian languages: A sample-based study [Paper presentation]. Syntax of the World's Languages. |
Louagie, D., & Verstraete, J.-C. (2013). The role of pronouns in NPs in Australian languages [Paper presentation]. 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. |
Van Linden, A., Brems, L., Giomi, R., Hendrikx, I., Louagie, D., Perrez, J., & Pijpops, D. (23 November 2023). SPACEGRAM: Grammar from Space – How spatial elements become applicatives [Paper presentation]. LingTalk, Centre for Linguistics – Lilith, Liège, Belgium. |
Louagie, D. (2018). Noun phrases in Australian languages: Towards an alternative typology [Paper presentation]. Cycle de Conférences (UR Lilith-Liège, Literature, Linguistics & UR Mondes anciens, U Liège). |
Louagie, D. (2015). Noun phrase structures in Australian languages: A typological study [Paper presentation]. Arts Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language. |
Louagie, D., & Verstraete, J.-C. (2013). The role of pronouns in NPs in Australian languages [Paper presentation]. NP3 (Third Vigo-Newcastle-Santiago-Leuven International Workshop on The Structure of the Noun Phrase in English: Synchronic and Diachronic Explorations). |