Publications and communications of Marios-Zois Bezas

Farhoud, H., Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., Jaspart, J.-P., & Vayas, I. (September 2024). Buckling Strength of Rolled Angles: Comparison between International Codes. Journal of Structural Engineering, 150 (9). doi:10.1061/jsendh.steng-12984

Antonodimitraki, S., Bezas, M.-Z., Maesschalck, J., Anwaar, O., Vayas, I., & Demonceau, J.-F. (24 June 2024). EFFECTS OF JOINTS ON THE BUCKLING RESISTANCE OF ANGLE MEMBERS MADE OF S460 STEEL -EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS [Paper presentation]. Nordic Steel Construction Conference, Lulea, Sweden. doi:10.5281/zenodo.12384699

Bezas, M.-Z., Vermeylen, M., Morch, H., Ginckels, K., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2024). Carrying capacity of thin-walled cold-formed square hollow columns with large holes. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (pp. 11). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Independent Publishing Network.

Vermeylen, M., Bezas, M.-Z., Morch, H., Ginckels, K., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2024). Bolted connections between thin-walled and thick elements made of cold-formed section. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Independent Publishing Network.

Bezas, M.-Z., Vermeylen, M., Helene Morch, Koenraad Ginckels, & Demonceau, J.-F. (2024). Design guidelines for SHS thin-walled columns with large holes at their extremities. Steel Construction. doi:10.1002/stco.202400024

Maesschalk, J., Antonodimitraki, S., Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., & Anwaar, M. O. (2024). Development of Design Rules for the Use of New High-Strength Steels for Lattice Towers. In Proceeding of CIGRE conference. To be determined.

Bezas, M.-Z., Antonodimitraki, S., Beyer, A., Van Wittenberghe, J., Anwaar, M.-O., Maesschalck, J., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (December 2023). Buckling resistance of star-battened angle members made of high-strength steel. Structures, 58, 105274. doi:10.1016/j.istruc.2023.105274

Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., Ioannis Vayas, & Jaspart, J.-P. (19 October 2023). ΝΕΟΙ ΚΑΝΟΝΕΣ ΣΧΕΔΙΑΣΜΟΥ ΙΣΟΣΚΕΛΩΝ ΓΩΝΙΑΚΩΝ ΔΙΑΤΟΜΩΝ [Paper presentation]. 10th Hellenic National Conference on Steel Structures, Athens, Greece.

Antonodimitraki, S., Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., Vayas, I., Maesschalck, J., Anwaar, M. O., & Jaspart, J.-P. (12 September 2023). Buckling resistance of angle bracing members with one‐leg bolted end connections. ce/papers, 6 (3-4), 1157-1162. doi:10.1002/cepa.2432

Bezas, M.-Z., Antonodimitraki, S., Beyer, A., Anwaar, M. O., Maesschalck, J., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (September 2023). Load carrying capacity of star‐battened angle members made of S460 steel in compression. ce/papers, 6 (3-4), 1133-1138. doi:10.1002/cepa.2503

Vermeylen, M., Bezas, M.-Z., Crispin, M., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (September 2023). Lateral‐torsional buckling of beams made of mono‐symmetrical thin‐walled sections. ce/papers, 6 (3-4), 1649-1654. doi:10.1002/cepa.2358

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., Vayas, I., & Demonceau, J.-F. (September 2022). New Consistent Set of Design Equations for Equal‐leg Angle Sections and Members. ce/papers, 5 (4), 874-881. doi:10.1002/cepa.1830

Beyer, A., Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., & Vayas, I. (2022). Nachweis von Einzel‐ und mehrteiligen Stäben aus gewalzten gleichschenkligen Winkelprofilen. In U. Kuhlmann, Stahlbau Kalender 2022: Türme und Maste, Brandschutz. Berlin, Germany: Ernst & Sohn GmbH. doi:10.1002/9783433611111.ch9

Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., Vayas, I., & Jaspart, J.-P. (February 2022). Design rules for equal-leg angle members subjected to compression and bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 189, 107092. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2021.107092

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., Vayas, I., & Demonceau, J.-F. (February 2022). Design recommendations for the stability of transmission steel lattice towers. Engineering Structures, 252 (C), 113603. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113603

Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., Vayas, I., & Jaspart, J.-P. (2022). Compression tests on large angle columns in high‑strength steel. Steel Construction, (15). doi:10.1002/stco.202100051

Bezas, M.-Z. (2021). Design of lattice towers from hot-rolled equal leg steel angles [Doctoral thesis, Universite de Liege & National Technical University of Athens]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., Vayas, I., & Jaspart, J.-P. (October 2021). Classification and cross-section resistance of equal-leg rolled angle profiles. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 185, 106842. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2021.106842

Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., Vayas, I., & Jaspart, J.-P. (01 September 2021). Compression Tests on Large Angle Columns in High Strength Steel. ce/papers, 4 (2-4), 1523-1529. doi:10.1002/cepa.1451

Tibolt, M., Bezas, M.-Z., Vayas, I., & Jaspart, J.-P. (01 September 2021). The design of a steel lattice transmission tower in Central Europe. ce/papers, 4 (2-4), 243-248. doi:10.1002/cepa.1288

Beyer, A., Bureau, A., Jaspart, J.-P., Demonceau, J.-F., & Bezas, M.-Z. (2021). Torsional, flexural and torsional-flexural buckling of angle section members - an analytical approach. In Modern trends in research on steel, aluminium and composite structures. Taylor and Francis Group.

Bezas, M.-Z., Demonceau, J.-F., Vayas, I., & Jaspart, J.-P. (February 2021). Experimental and numerical investigations on large angle high strength steel columnns. Thin-Walled Structures, 159. doi:10.1016/j.tws.2020.107287

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2020). ANGELHY-D5.3: Dissemination and Webinar. (Deliverable 5.3). RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2020). ANGELHY-D4.4: Design guide and recommendations. (Deliverable 4.4). RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2020). ANGELHY-D5.1: Proposals for Code amendments. (Deliverable 5.1). RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2020). ANGELHY-D4.3: Finalized safety factors and formula constants - Validated design rules for single angle members. (Deliverable 4.3). RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z. (2020). ANGELHY-D2.6: Guidance on analysis models for complete towers. (Deliverable 2.6). RFCS project.

Saufnay, L., Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., Demonceau, J.-F., Verstraete, M., & Bustos Hermosilla, M. (2020). ANGELHY-D3.2: Report on experimental tests on closely spaced built-up members. (Deliverable 3.2). RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., Demonceau, J.-F., & Labeye, N. (2020). ANGELHY-D2.1: Report about the compression tests on large angle columns in high strength steel. (Deliverable 2.1). RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2020). ANGELHY: Final Technical Report. RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2019). ANGELHY-D1.3: Report on analysis and design of 6 case studies. (Deliverable 1.3). RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2019). ANGELHY-D2.2: Proposal for design rules for single angle members. (Deliverable 2.2). RFCS project.

Bezas, M.-Z., Tibolt, M., Jaspart, J.-P., & Demonceau, J.-F. (2019). Critical assessment of the design of an electric transmission tower. In 9th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, Bradford 3-5 July 2019.

Landolfo, R., D'Aniello, M., Costanzo, S., Tartaglia, R., Demonceau, J.-F., Jaspart, J.-P., Stratan, A., Jakab, D., Dubina, D., Elghazouli, A., Bompa, D., Vayas, I., Thanopoulos, P., Bezas, M.-Z., Chatzidaki, A., Tsarpalis, P., Tsarpalis, D., & Vlachakis, K. (2018). Τόμος με ενημερωτικά φυλλάδια για τέσσερις σεισμικά πιστοποιημένους μεταλλικούς κόμβους. ECCS.

Landolfo, R., D'Aniello, M., Tartaglia, R., Costanzo, S., Demonceau, J.-F., Jaspart, J.-P., Stratan, A., Jaka, D., Dubina, D., Elghazouli, A., Bompa, D., Vayas, I., Thanopoulos, P., Bezas, M.-Z., Chatzidaki, A., Tsarpalis, P., Tsarpalis, D., & Vlachakis, K. (2018). Τόμος με προ-κανονιστικές συστάσεις σχεδιασμού για σεισμικά πιστοποιημένους μεταλλικούς κόμβους. ECCS.